The hostess probably didn't expect that Tan Feiyang was really so confident, and her expression faltered slightly. However, she is a professional hostess, and her expression is fleeting. Unless the photographer is stupid enough to give her a close-up at this time, and the post production hasn't been cut off, she won't be seen. www.し

To tell you the truth, the height and weight given by the official are often watery. Although everyone is shouting to tan Feiyang, his height is already tall among Asian male stars. Even in the past, he was not short at 179. Before the photo with Jian Ningzhe was released, everyone praised him for his long legs. Later, he became a short legged sheep, which was just compared with Jian Ningzhe's long legs.

Because there is a lot of water in the official materials, the actors on TV and movies either wear high-rise shoes or appear to be much taller through special shooting methods. Therefore, the topic of height and weight has been a taboo that is difficult to answer since ancient times. The program team will choose this question not only because more people ask it, but also because it is sharp enough. Basically, no actor dares to give a clear answer and ask in public whether the proportion of height and leg length is in line with the standard of male models. This kind of self-confidence Hostess is also very rare, it seems that Tan Feiyang today this pair of shoes really do not have a raised insole.

It is said that Tan Feiyang and his agent have discussed how to answer sharp questions. Maybe It's not going to be a problem, is it? The hostess thought.

In fact, Tan Feiyang was right and recited many lines, but those are not the problems. As a matter of fact, Xiao Ying also wanted to tell Tan Feiyang how to answer the questions about body shape and love. Later, he felt that if these fans' most concerned questions were really answered so officially, like the speech of manager Yang at the year-end meeting, it would be meaningless for Tan Feiyang to participate in this one-to-one interview program with high authenticity. So Xiao Ying boldly made a decision to let Tan Feiyang fly like a microblog. He really said something extraordinary Isn't there Mr. Tan, rich and willful.

So tan Feiyang in this kind of problems related to their own, that is basically free to fly.

In the "time relationship" of the hostess, it's a pity that he didn't measure Tan Feiyang's leg length on the spot. It seems that he was quite disappointed, so he left a sentence: "since there is no time, let's forget about the scene, but since everyone is very concerned about this problem, after the program is broadcast, I will put a small video measuring Tan's height and leg length on Weibo, barefoot without shoes. In fact, my feet are also very good. Someone once said that my feet can be made into foot molds, which will be shown to you at the same time. "

Hostess: --

She wanted to be speechless, but when she saw Tan Feiyang waiting for her praise, she said with a proper smile: "so Zhenjin is not afraid of fire refining. It seems that fans don't have to worry about this problem, hehe."

She has a brilliant smile. If she doesn't bite her upper and lower teeth so tightly when she smiles, she actually has a pretty smile.

"The next question," the host completely refused to let Tan Feiyang boast about his beauty, and continued to ask, "a lot of netizens ask questions. You say you have abdominal muscles, and you often show them on Weibo, but we don't believe that fat sheep can have abdominal muscles. We always doubt that the photos are synthetic. Can we confirm them on the spot?"

"This is no problem at all!" Tan Feiyang nodded, feeling that it was really easy to participate in the program. Fans asked questions so thoughtfully, "but is it bad for the program that I take off my clothes on the spot? After all, we are a very serious program. "

So no one really asked you to take off your clothes. You can admit with a smile and tell everyone that there are real abdominal muscles in your photos in some movies or magazines. Whether they are synthetic or not can be confirmed by the emperor of technology. They really didn't let you off!

The hostess roared in her heart. She was just about to say no. as a result, Tan Feiyang stood up and lifted up his shirt directly. He didn't take off his clothes. He only showed his small belly, which still had six abdominal muscles.

"At that time, when I was shooting" star Lele ", there was a time when I was punished and scratched my belly because I was a spy. I believe that at that time, everyone saw that my belly was white and tender. Every time I poked a hole, it was full of fat and no muscle. But after that time, I've been working hard, and now I'm really training my abs! " Tan Feiyang also explained as he lifted his belly.

After the explanation, he put down his shirt and sat back on the seat, smiling at the hostess, and there was a scream under the stage.

The host felt a little tired. The next question she asked was not so passionate: "excuse me, what's your criteria for choosing a mate?"

As soon as you see the question, the host is in a good mood. Generally, the company will give an official answer to this kind of question. It's impossible for the artists to say it casually. Especially if there is a lover who is also in the entertainment circle, once he says it, he is likely to be guessed by others. It's not good for both of them.

Finally, I don't have to be so tired. The host takes a deep breath and cheers up to wait for Tan Feiyang to say a perfect and standardized goddess image, or a obedient and kind-hearted wife and mother type, or no lover, so everything depends on the feeling, there is no so-called type of love, only the three answers of sincerity, most of them are like this.Who knows, after thinking about it, Tan Feiyang said, "well, maybe it's a bit embarrassing to say that. My criteria for choosing a mate are very limited."

How could he not say this question, so the professional audience began to coax. Generally, the audience of the recording scene are some professional fans. Some fans who are selected from the fan group by the fan administrator to help manage and be more comfortable and sensible will not cause trouble to the idols. They seldom make a scene because of the idols' answers. However, this kind of problem is very sensitive to most of the women at the scene. They strongly ask Tan Feiyang to say how limited this "limitation" is.

Since everyone is so enthusiastic, Tan Feiyang can only truthfully answer: "first of all, I have to be able to cook. Of course, it's not because I'm lazy, but because I once cooked and almost destroyed the kitchen. For the safety of myself and others, I think I should put down my kitchen knife and become a Buddha. My life is precious, so this is the most basic. Next, I want to love sports, because for my abdominal muscles, I have changed from a lazy person to a sports expert. Besides working, I have to spare a long time to exercise every day. In this way, the time of falling in love will be relatively less, so I hope to be able to exercise and fall in love with my lover. This is also for health and love life. Why should I focus on the two issues of life and health? In order to grow old together, I hope we can still hold hands when we are very old. So, it's not a requirement, it's a hope. "

When Tan Feiyang said this, the scene immediately quieted down, and everyone waited quietly. Tan Feiyang then said: "the second is character. In fact, I don't have much requirements for character, because every character has its advantages and disadvantages, and everyone has his loveliness. Other people blame you for your bad character, not because you are bad, but because he doesn't find your beauty. So I hope my future partner should be a person who will love himself, have self-confidence and be very free. It doesn't matter if he doesn't love me, but he should love himself, because I will love my partner deeply and hope he can be happy. The first condition for a person's happiness is to love himself. "

When he said that, even the hostess who has been gnashing her teeth has been silent, waiting quietly for Tan Feiyang to say his criteria for choosing a mate: "again, there are many artists whose spouses are very hard now. They will abandon their career for the sake of their lover's career, and have little space for themselves to teach their children at home. I'm not saying that this kind of dedication is not good, but I don't want my future lover to be like this. It's the responsibility of both husband and wife to take on a home. Don't let your lover ask for it without asking for anything. I hope that when I make unreasonable demands on my lover and try to occupy his personal space in the future, my lover can calmly and reasonably say no to me and tell me that I did wrong. So the third point is to have a principle. Love is not a reason to ask for it without limit. "

"Finally, all families and even all people want to have happiness. If you don't have happiness with me, I will be sad."

After that, seeing that everyone was in a daze, Tan Feiyang continued: "so the criteria I mentioned are very limited, and there are not many people who can do these things. And I believe that if everyone can do this, then no matter who your future partner is, your family will be very happy. "

After he said that, the scene was quiet for a while, and then even the hostess applauded from the bottom of her heart. She said: "hearing you say that, I think people all over the world will be eager to meet your criteria for choosing a mate, because everyone wants to be happy."

She denied Tan Feiyang's view of limitations, but recognized the profound connotation of his words.

Tan Feiyang's words, in fact, are what he always wanted to say to Jian Ningzhe. He was stupid and thought for a long time before he came up with the words that were like the lines of a TV play. On this occasion, he said them when he didn't answer a sensitive question. He hoped that Jian Ningzhe in front of the TV could hear his words and become happier.

Tan Feiyang wants to tell Jian Ningzhe that you can not love me, but you must be healthy, love yourself and happy. You don't have to worry about gain and loss because I'm Cheng Mingyi, because I'm a lost and recovered relationship. You don't need to accommodate me. You should be yourself, because what I love is the real you.

Today, instead of being in front of jianningzhe, he expressed his blessing to jianningzhe and everyone on such an occasion. Because they are sincere, they can move people's hearts.

Next, the host sincerely asked a few more questions, all of which were questions that Tan Feiyang had recited his lines. The answers were appropriate, and the interview went very smoothly, but it was not as interesting as before.

When the host saw that the atmosphere was not as active as before, he opened the next link and gave the audience a chance to ask questions.

She picked a number on the big screen, and the lucky one was a little girl who was still in college in her twenties. Obviously, she didn't expect that she was lucky enough to be selected. After standing up, she was excited for a while, until she could hold the microphone without shaking her hand so much, then she asked the question: "I want to ask little fat sheep, which CP do you stand on about rabbit, sheep, rabbit and sheep?"

Tan Feiyang

HostThey were silent, not in the audience. Today, most of the audience are girls. They are more concerned about who tan Feiyang can talk to than how much money Tan Feiyang has!

The host smiles at Tan Feiyang and carefully observes his expression. Once he has a tendency that he can't answer, he plans to go up and make it right away.

However, Tan Feiyang is not as promising as the host thought. He replied very freely: "in fact, I think your thinking is too narrow."

His answer made everyone stunned. How could an artist say that in public? Even if the fans' questions are a little difficult to answer, or even hit a certain point in the artist's heart, everyone still speaks very tactfully. How can we directly blame the fans?

As soon as the host wanted to make it over, he heard Tan Feiyang say, "how can you only put your thinking on the sheep and the rabbit? In fact, I have worked with many people since my debut. Like that Mr. Jian Ningzhe, Mr. Jian, Mr. Xi Lidao of Licheng, Mr. LV Xinglv, my agent Xiao Ying, and Li Xi and Tan Feiyu who co played a role with me in the 18-year-old youth Cough, the last one doesn't count. The world is so big, how can it only occupy one CP, open up a little, life will be better. "

The whole audience: --

After five seconds of silence, the audience could no longer restrain the wolf blood in their hearts, holding the hands of people around them and screaming softly. The host almost crushed the microphone. Yuyang, are you ok? Can you take your bear back? Didn't you tell him how to talk to adults before going out? We are a real, sincere and serious program, which has been mixed up by him into a website of novels of the same people!

It's a pity that she is depressed and can't help it. Although Tan Feiyang's remarks are exaggerated, they don't have any questions. On the contrary, they can give fans a great sense of satisfaction. After the review, the TV station thinks that Tan Feiyang's answers really have no questions. A few days later, at a fixed time of the week, the show finally aired.

Tan Feiyang was watching TV with his family when it was broadcast. Now his family has formed a habit of sitting together and watching TV. As long as Tan Feiyu has time, he will certainly accompany his younger brother and nephew to watch TV, even if he is not really watching, but moves his work from the study to the living room, but they are still together after dinner, which is enough.

However, as long as there is Tan Feiyang's program, Tan Feiyu will definitely put down his work and watch it.

When Tan Feiyang mentioned CP in the end, the first one was Jian Ningzhe. Tan Feiyu's face was black, but the last one was himself. Tan Feiyu's face was a little better. , the fastest update of the webnovel!