Chapter 601

At this critical moment, Sha Lang roared, jumped up in place, and kicked the wolf with a high kick. The wolf encountered gravity, quickly fell outside, hit the other side of the companion who was going to jump in, and fell to the ground with two crackles. At this time, the circle of people has been completely disordered and can no longer be organized. And the attack of the wolves is more fierce, so some people are bitten, dragged out by the wolves, and shooting becomes inconvenient.

Huang Xiaoshu see this situation, to Mina roar: "Mina, damn why don't you shoot?"

Bang, answer Huang Xiaoshu is a shot, Mina fired at this time, swish a bullet hit wolf king.

The wolf king uttered a pitiful cry, which made all the attacking wolves pause for a while and turn their heads to see their leader. Seeing the leader fall down, they hesitated for a while, as if they were thinking whether to continue to attack. At this time, Huang Xiaoshu's voice called out again: "fight quickly, they will be scared away if they are attacked violently..."

The next moment, the gunfire started again, which was more intensive than any other time. At least Huang Ziping felt this way in his ears. The wolves seemed to be really scared. They died so many companions and had no head, so they all ran back in the end, much faster than when they came. The sound made by that makes the whole forest full of the rustling sound of plants colliding.

When the wolf was out of sight, Huang Xiaoshu called to stop, but after two calls, there was still a gunshot. Later, she found that the gunshot came from behind. It was Lao Meizi and Korean who were shooting.

Huang Xiaoshu asked them what happened. They said the enemy was coming

It's terrible. The wolves have just been beaten away, and the enemy appears again. Can we have a rest time?

But there's no way. We have to face it.

Huang Xiaoshu asked everyone to check the bullet clips and see how many bullets there were. Meanwhile, she asked old Meizi to come back while they were fighting and join us as soon as possible.

Huang Ziping didn't have as much air traffic control. He looked around to see how many people were injured. At last, I was very glad to find that only two of them were injured. One was Elena's bodyguard, and the other was a black member of the special operations team. They were bandaged by the medical staff. There are more wolf corpses on the ground, on the right side, and in the front. The smell of blood is very strong. It seems that there are more than 40 dead.

On the left is the place where the wolves fell least. Huang Xiaoshu decided that it should be safer to go this way, so she made a mark on the ground and left two people to meet the Koreans. After they met, she and Mina walked in front of them to open the way and move forward quickly. Huang Ziping followed them. He said to Huang Xiaoshu, "just now you don't have time to look at the map. Now you hurry to look for the place you said is easy to defend and difficult to attack."

Huang Xiaoshu stops and lets her two younger martial sisters make up. She and Huang Ziping walk together and operate the tablet computer as they walk.

After walking for a few minutes, old Meizi and Korean guys have caught up with the army, and everyone is connected. At that time, there was no gunshot in the back, but only one or two explosions occasionally. It was the people after the break who threw grenades to delay the enemy's pursuit. This move is effective. After all, when the enemy pursues, they have to worry about whether they will be ambushed. However, they flee because they are in front of their own people and can walk very fast. They don't need to search and move forward like the enemy.

See Huang Xiaoshu search for a long time is not sure to go to the place, Huang Ziping anxious up: "Huang Xiaoshu you do not, the enemy will catch up."

"I don't know," said Huang? Damn, I thought they had retreated. "

"Can you think of a way to get them to retreat?"

"What can I do? There is no way. "

"Let Mr. Phil's lurking men attack their headquarters, take control of the people who give orders, give them an order to retreat."

"Boss, please, Mr. Phil, there are only a few people lurking on their side. It's impossible."

"Let them cooperate with Kong Lingyan to open a network channel and send a command to their server, OK?"

"They use the phone, they don't take word orders. On the right, two kilometers ahead, there is a river, 20 meters wide and deep. I don't know, but let's go first and organize the defense line. When they come, they will fight. "

"What about the ammunition?"

"Come on, if the enemy is all in pursuit, we can only wait for the end."

Huang Ziping is speechless!

A large group of people walked on for almost an hour, two kilometers to finish. Sure enough, a river appeared in front of them, about 20 meters wide. They were low on one side and high on the other. It was a hillside. This place is really good. There is a waterfall on one side. The enemy can't get around it. On the other side is a high mountain. They climb up and go around to the top of the mountain, which takes several hours.

Looking at the situation, if there is enough ammunition, it is not difficult to support the helicopter.

The point is, there's not enough ammunition.

Fortunately, there is also good news that the black army's ammunition is not particularly sufficient. After fighting for such a long time, the ammunition consumed by the black army was almost the same as before. They just wasted their ammunition in fighting the wolves!

Before going into the water, Huang Xiaoshu arranged for the Koreans to take a few people to go there first. When they got to the other side, they threw a rope to them and tied it to a tree. Only the people behind them pulled the rope.Because it was five ropes. Although there were nearly 100 people, the speed was relatively fast. It took less than three minutes, and all of them got ashore.

On the other side, Huang Xiaoshu made some arrangements, let Mina take half of the people up the hillside first, she took more than ten people along the upstream. Other people stay on the hillside and cut down trees. We can see from the situation that they want to block the river bank with trees, making it difficult for the enemy to climb up even if they come. Because of the time constraint, they are speeding up one by one, and everyone seems very busy.

Huang Ziping follows Mina. After climbing the hillside, Mina arranges positions for the people she brings up. It takes two minutes to finish the work. When she comes back to Huang Ziping, she sets up a sniper position on the side and sets up her sniper gun.

Lao Meizi was on the other side of Huang Ziping. This guy also put on a sniper gun. Before the enemy came, he said to Huang Ziping, "boss, do me a favor and dig out the bullet in my arm, so I'll be more comfortable."

Huang Ziping said, "the enemy is coming at any time. Now, do you want to dig?"

"If we don't dig now, I don't know when we can. It's more troublesome if it's too late."

"All right." Huang Ziping himself is a doctor. Of course, what old Meizi can think of is that he can immediately unload his bag, take out the medicine box and find out the disinfectant, scalpel, forceps and other tools. At that time, Meizi had already stripped off her clothes and removed the bandage from her wound. Huang Ziping studied it for a while, touched it for a long time and said, "it seems to be deeper. It may take a minute. Are you sure you can resist it and won't faint?"

Old Meizi picked up a piece of dried twig on the ground and bit it in her mouth. She said vaguely, "no problem."

Since Lao Meizi said that there was no problem, Huang Ziping had to start work. First, he disinfected the tools, then cut the outside of the wound with a knife, and then dug the bullet with pliers. There was no anesthetic and the tools were not good enough to dig hard. Of course, Lao Meizi was in great pain. This guy almost bit the twig. Huang Ziping can't bear to see it, but he doesn't dare to stop. If he stops, old Meizi will feel white pain.

Just met the warhead, suddenly beside Mina said the enemy arrived, ears also sounded Huang Xiaoshu's voice, in English and Mina communication. Because they speak too fast, Huang Ziping only hears half clearly. Huang Xiaoshu asks Mina to snipe according to the plan. As long as the enemy doesn't cross the river and go ashore, don't use other guns indiscriminately, try to save bullets and so on. The other half of Huang Xiaoshu seems to say that she has a way, she needs time and so on.

After Mina receives it, let's all aim well and don't waste bullets.

At that time, people under the hillside had cut down seven or eight small trees and dragged them down to form a tree wall. Because the branches and leaves were very scattered, the tree wall was still very high. After they finished, only six or seven people were left to connect the tree with ropes and tie the head of the tree to prevent the enemy from dragging the tree away. Of course, the most important thing is to make a scattered tree into a large number of trees, so the effect will be better.

Poof, Huang Ziping pulled out the bullet, and almost at the same time Mina said to shoot. All of a sudden, the sound of bullets was heard. Huang Ziping wanted to come out of his head to see what was happening on the other side, but he had no time. After the bullet came out, the wound was bleeding badly. Huang Ziping quickly threw away the bullet, took the hemostatic cotton to press on the wound, pressed it down, and then poured disinfectant on it.

It hurt so much that old Meizi bit off the stem and roared out. However, the pain for a while, Huang Ziping wound wrapped, the guy slowed down, then picked up the gun to the opposite, shot.

Huang Ziping sorted it out and asked laomeizi, "laomeizi, what's the situation on the other side?"

Old Meizi said, "they are all enemies. These bastards are hiding behind the grass and stones."

"Do they have a gun?"


"There are no shells." The big stone in Huang Ziping's heart fell down and called Huang Xiaoshu, "Huang Xiaoshu, what are you doing?"

Huang Xiaoshu said: "I want to try to control the water flow and let more water accumulate on it. When we really can't hold on, let go. When those bastards cross the river, blow them away."

"Is there a lake on it?"

"There is a pool about 200 square meters. The special operation team has sleeping bags. They are tied together and lined with trees. They should be able to block it. There will be no problem."

"It sounds good, but it's not enough. You have to see what else you can do to resist the enemy."

"I'm 200 meters away from the side of the pool. I see a honeycomb with a diameter of 50 cm. I'm trying to see if I can take it off and throw it across the river."

"I'll go. It can kill people. Don't touch it."

"It can kill us as well as the enemy. If there is no safe way, I will not move."

"Is there anything else but a sleeping bag?"

"No, think about it."

"Wasps, wasps, wasps..." Huang Ziping recited these two words, and his brain kept turning. Suddenly he thought of something that wasps were afraid of, herbal medicine, "Huang Xiaoshu, look around for horsetail grass and Compositae plants. Wasps are afraid of these things. If you can find enough, smash them, and spread juice all over your body, they won't bite you."

Huang Xiaoshu doubted: "are you kidding me?"

"No kidding, unless the medical books deceive me, but to be on the safe side, you'd better wrap yourself up.""I'll look first."