Chapter 600

At five o'clock in the afternoon, night has begun to fall, because they dare not turn on too many flashlights, so they are even more difficult to move in the thick forest.

What's more tragic is that it's almost seven kilometers away from the destination, and everyone is exhausted. Just eat dry food on the road, which is obviously not enough to supplement physical strength. We need to find something with calories to eat, such as game. Huang Xiaoshu knew this, so when she gave the order to rest in place, she also gave a hunting order to let everyone see what they could find and eat.

Huang Xiaoshu didn't go by herself. She was nearby. She cut some branches back, built a shelf to bake things, and then went to clean up the dry branches. The whole process was completed within 20 meters nearby. It's a good place to choose. There is an open area surrounded by big trees. It should have been burned, such as being cut by thunder, so many dry branches are left.

When the fire was lit, Huang Ziping felt a lot warmer. He put his hands near the fire and said to Huang Xiaoshu, "Huang Xiaoshu, I talked with them on the 5th. The plane will arrive at 9 pm. Don't we rush to the destination? Otherwise, they will be overtaken by the enemy, and it will be too late to change the boarding place, and it will be very dangerous. "

Huang Xiaoshu said: "it's strange that the team behind didn't find any trace of the enemy."

"Will they be fooled by the false marks we made?"

"Those guys are war machines with rich experience. They are unlikely to cheat them completely. Even if they cheat only for a while, they will find that they are wrong when they walk a few kilometers ahead."

"I see what you mean. If they find something wrong, they must look around. We have had a break in the middle of the way. Fortunately, several times, they will not rest. If they find the right direction, they have obviously caught up with us. Now the result is not like this, and the possibility of finding the wrong is not great. What are their tricks? Maybe he was transferred back to the headquarters? "

"I hope it's the latter."

"Can you ask them?"

"The scorpion is on the plane and can't be contacted. Mina and Santoro have no contact with those lurking people, so they can't ask. They have to wait for the scorpion to get off the plane to contact us. " Huang Xiaoshu took out her tablet and put out the map. "We'll have a rest in this place for an hour at most, and then we'll change places. I'll find out if there are any places that are easy to defend, difficult to attack, and not surrounded within three kilometers of my destination. "

Huang Ziping gave a hum and lit a cigarette for himself. At this time, suddenly a scream came from a distance, very loud. Huang Ziping and Huang Xiaoshu immediately stood up, Huang Xiaoshu asked what happened? The tone of voice was tense and loud. Huang Ziping hung up his communication tool and felt his ears tremble.

A few seconds later, a voice came from the communication tool: "wolf, wolf."

Then, the walkie talkie only rustled!

Obviously, someone was attacked by wolves. I don't know if they have been attacked successfully.

Huang Xiaoshu said, "don't you go hunting in a group of two people? There's someone else? Speak up and report your position. "

No one spoke. It was quiet.

Huang Xiaoshu takes up the gun and asks Shalang and Shawn to protect Huang Ziping. She, Dayan and Gama lean in the direction of the sound.

When Huang Xiaoshu walked for a minute, the intercom finally had a voice. It was the voice of another group, telling Huang Xiaoshu that the two of them were leaning over. Huang Xiaoshu said she knew, gave them coordinates, and five of them were leaning over together.

Huang Ziping is very worried because wolves are gregarious animals. There can not be only one wolf. If they are a group, they will be very frightening.

After thinking about it, Huang Ziping said to Huang Xiaoshu, "Huang Xiaoshu, shoot when necessary."

Huang Xiaoshu said: "no, the enemy will hear."

"I said if it's necessary, if we don't shoot, why should we consider the enemy's problems?"

"Bring the men back."

"The third group, they are closer."

"I'll show them where you are."


Less than two minutes after the end of the conversation, Huang Ziping heard a gunshot. Less than 30 seconds later, the wolf's cry sounded. It was not a scream, but a call to his companion. After shouting for a long time, it was a scream, which was obviously done. But from that moment on, Huang Ziping heard a lot of wolf calls coming from all directions, as if in response. And a rustle can be heard from a distance. It's the sound of animals passing through plants.

Damn, there are wolves.

Huang Ziping rushed to yell at Huang Xiaoshu: "Huang Xiaoshu, there are wolves. How about your side?"

Huang Xiaoshu said: "we killed two wolves. One of the geese is hanging, the other is in a tree. We are picking him up. You should stay close to the fire. The guns are loaded back to back."

Huang Ziping quickly gives Sha Lang his dagger, draws out his pistol and Shawn and Sha Lang back to back, observing the situation around him.

Sha Lang said, "it's getting more and more serious. What's the way to go? Just a few hours after breaking away from the enemy's encirclement, I'm surrounded by wolves. What's the broken place?"

Huang Ziping ha ha twice: "National Park, this broken place is a beast.""You know?"

"I know."

"I know you're still taking us here?"

"This is the safest way. Stop talking and stare."

The sudden machine gun sounds, and Mina's voice comes from the communication tool. They are driving back in front, or driven back by the wolves, surrounded by wolves. Then the voice of the Korean guy also rang up. He was with the third group. They didn't encounter wolves. They were leaning towards Huang Ziping, 800 meters away. And Huang Xiaoshu, they have come back. When Mina arrives, they arrange the staff and set up the defense line.

Huang Ziping said to Huang Xiaoshu, "Huang Xiaoshu, ask old Meizi what's the matter with them. Let them lean over and pull too long. Otherwise, the wolves will attack them and they will be very difficult if they are not many."

Huang Xiaoshu thinks it's reasonable, and immediately gives an order to Lao Meizi to let them lean over. Although she also knows that it's not good to concentrate together, and she gives up surveillance behind, and the enemy doesn't know when they are very close. What's worse is that when they are attacked by wolves, the enemy will still appear behind them and take advantage of the situation to attack them. It's easy for the whole army to be annihilated.

After old Meizi received the message, he quickly gathered back. The Koreans waited for them for a while, and the two groups of people joined together. However, they are not close to Huang Ziping's side. Huang Ziping's side has been completely surrounded by wolves when he is about 200 meters away. The green eyes, in front, left and right, were everywhere. At least hundreds of them made a grinding sound. They were very fierce. They were about to attack.

Looking at this scene, Huang Ziping felt that his heart beat harder than facing thousands of enemies.

Damn, it's a wolf. It's not a concept to be killed or eaten. Let's not say whether there is a whole corpse or not. The time of death has to be very long and we have to die in endless pain.

It's terrible. It's the same for everyone. Even the special operations team members are breathing heavily and shaking a little.

Only Huang Xiaoshu and her two younger martial sisters are calm. They have been thrown into the forest full of beasts. They have been tested and come out alive. They are more experienced!

Seeing the wolves press closer and closer, they are about to surround them. Huang Xiaoshu said to all the people: "move closer to the middle, put a circle, the people in front squat, the people behind stand. To shoot at the same time, fire a fast gun every other time, and the rest of the slow guns. When the fast guns change their clips, the slow guns will be on the top, and the next round will be reversed. Remember, try to start, don't hit the body, that doesn't work. Boss, go to the center and squat down. "

Huang Ziping said, "I have a gun."

"I know you have a gun, but do you have a shot? I'm afraid you'll hit your own people. "

"I can always use a dagger!"

"The shelf of the fire, the one in the middle, sharpens one end to use."

There was no wolf behind. Because it was a fire, it was impossible for the wolf to jump over the fire to attack. So Huang Ziping dared to go back and take a branch that was originally intended to be used for baking. It was two centimeters in diameter and two meters long. He took it back to the human circle and quickly cut it with a dagger. Unfortunately, it's not sharp yet. The wolves have launched an attack. One by one, whining, came from all directions.

Fortunately, the terrain is where they stand, not where the wolves come from. Otherwise, if you jump from a height, the wolves can jump farther and have greater impact.

But now it's terrible. The sound of gunfire rings. The hit wolf falls very close to the impact and falls one or two meters away from the human circle. Moreover, these damned animals are very clever. They attack in a hierarchical way. One is hidden behind the other. Before this one is shot and falls to the ground completely, another one jumps over, with open mouth and exposed tusks. It's not so terrible. Anyway, no one wants them to take a bite, which means a big piece of meat will be torn off.

The crackling sound rang for more than ten seconds, and more than ten or twenty wolves were killed on the ground. There was a bloody smell in the air, which seemed to stimulate the wolves even more. They howled more fiercely and continued to attack instead of leaving. And one of them stood at the back of a very loud call, this one is very big, looks very strong, like the leader of the wolf. When it calls, it is not facing the crowd, but the sky. It seems to be calling for more companions to come.

Huang Xiaoshu see this situation, yelled: "that is wolf king, Mina, with your sniper gun to deal with it."

The angle is not right, how to deal with it? It takes a shot to hit, otherwise there won't be a second chance, followed by more tragic scenes. After looking around at the terrain, Mina walked back and climbed up the tree over the fire.

Because there was an empty position to come out, and the first round of bullets was almost finished, forming a neutral gear of almost two seconds, the wolves jumped closer, and one of them jumped into the center circle and made a direct attack on Huang Ziping.

Huang Ziping was in a hurry, subconsciously grabbing the stick and poking it up.

With a scream, the wolf was stabbed, and the stench of blood came out of the wound and spilled on many people, including Huang Ziping.

The worst thing was that the weight of the wolf was too heavy, the stick snapped off, and the wolf hit Huang Ziping. At that time, the wolf was still alive with his tusks open, as if he wanted to tear off a piece of Huang Ziping's meat before he died.