Chapter 156

Half an hour later, Huang Ziping followed Huang Xiaoshu to the outside of the shipyard by the sea. Climbing a green awn tree, you can observe the overall situation inside the shipyard. This is not to see still can, a look scared of no color. The area of the shipyard is so large that it can't run away for one square kilometer. And every corner is lit, the most concentrated is a six story building in the middle, each floor is brightly lit.

It can be seen from the front and back of the gate that there is one on each side. There should be no one on the side. On one side is the beach, and on the other side is the artificial lake of the park.

After seeing it, Huang Xiaoshu opened her mouth first: "judging from the layout, they are professional criminals, and there are eight guards. Don't think about it. There must be dark patrols and secret sentries. We'll go in rashly, and there's a great possibility that we'll be found. "

Huang Ziping said, "is it OK to enter from the side wall?"

"No, you can see the layout clearly. All the sundries are cleared to the corner. There are empty spaces around the middle building. Especially in the side, there is no shield at all, and the lamp post should be monitored again, so it can't get in. Even if I go in, it's useless. There are so many lights on in the multi-storey building that I can't beat so many people. Unless you give me weapons, and then you know how to shoot, give me sniper cover outside. "

Huang Ziping needs to know how to shoot. Now he misses Bai Jiu more and more. If Bai Jiu is here and he and Huang Xiaoshu cooperate with each other and have the chance to fight, there will be no chance at all now. If Xie Anyan is locked up on the sixth floor, can she still go up one by one? Even if it can, how long does it take? When they rush, the other side will not transfer other forces to encircle? So I can't break through.

Worry, worry! Huang Ziping scratched his head and said, "when can Bai Jiu come back?"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you that I got a call from the big bellied man this afternoon. He said that he was going through the procedure of canceling the wanted order, and it should be done by now."

"I'll call Bai Jiu immediately and ask him to come back as soon as possible."

"I can't make it."

"I know it's too late. I either asked him to come here to help or told him to ask if he had any strength to lend us."

"Then you fight. I'll see what else I can do. I'll get closer and have a look at the terrain. Don't come down."

"I know."

Huang Xiaoshu went down the tree by herself, and the cat was close to the outer wall of the abandoned shipyard. Huang Ziping looked at her, until she lost her back in the dark, he took out his mobile phone and called Bai Jiu.

Because of the time difference, Bai Jiu was in the daytime, so he picked up the phone very quickly, and he was very excited: "boss, is my business settled? Can I go back? "

Huang Ziping said, "but I'm in trouble here."

"What's the trouble?" White nine nervous, "Huang Xiaoshu in your side?"

"She went to explore the terrain." Huang Ziping described the situation here in the most concise way. "I tell you that I want to ask if you have any friends in Taixi province?"

"Local people, no, I haven't been to Taixi province." Bai Jiu sighed, "boss, you two really can't do it. I don't think you should be forced!"

"It's not my style to give up. Xie Anyan has helped me. Is it true that I can't save myself in the face of death?"

"It's not right, but isn't it more meaningless to put yourself in? You can take it easy. I'll buy a plane ticket and fly there right away. You can send some people from Hong Kong and Haicheng. We'll do them when they're all together. At that time, Xie Anyan was mostly on the high seas. At sea, we controlled their boss. We should have a chance to save people back as long as they were not dead. "

Is it reliable? Huang Ziping doesn't feel reliable. If they catch Xie Anyan as a human trafficking business, it may work, but doesn't Huang Xiaoshu say it? Catch Xie Anyan and other purposes, so it doesn't work: "Bai Jiu, your idea is very good, but I don't think it can be used."

"You are just too kind."

"I'm not in a good mood. Will you be like this now? Would you say that to me? Will you follow me? "

"That's right. Let's see what's going on when Huang Xiaoshu comes back. I'll try my best to contact my friends here to see who is close to Taixi province and whether it's possible to provide help."

"Thank you

Bai Jiu hangs up. Huang Ziping puts away his mobile phone and looks at the direction of Huang Xiaoshu's disappearance, waiting.

Ten minutes later, nothing happened.

Then ten minutes later, there was no movement. Huang Ziping could not help worrying.

Is there something wrong with Huang Xiaoshu? He quickly took out his cell phone and called back. As a result, he was hung up.

After five minutes, Huang Xiaoshu came back and climbed up the tree to report the harvest. Unfortunately, there is nothing good about it. The other side is too professional. There are many veterans among them. The whole design of the shipyard is done according to the strict military defense style. Let alone the strength of the two of them, even if they are armed with special police, they will fight to death. If there is no team of more than 50 people, you can't expect to capture the building.

Huang Ziping, of course, was very disappointed and cold: "where is this place? How can you be armed? "

"It's not our own country. Different political systems are actually much better than the places full of wars in Africa. At least they won't kill people indiscriminately.""What's the difference between arresting people to sell and killing people?"

Huang Xiaoshu is speechless.

"Now what?"

"We can only wait for them to come out. Aren't they going to send Xie Anyan on board? If there are fewer people, we can try to start in the middle. "

"What if there are too many people? In the middle, they have backup, we don't. Unless you've got a shell, you can get them out of here in one shot. Is that possible? "

"So it's the worst way. The best way is to find a speedboat. I'll teach you how to drive it. You'll be one kilometer away from the dock and watch their boat go by. You can meet Xie Anyan and me at any time. I'll get on the boat and hide in advance and deal with them one by one on board."

This is a good idea, Huang Ziping almost cried out excitedly. However, just as he was about to shout, a bad idea flashed into his mind: "this is a good way, but first you have to know their boat. If you don't know, how can you get on the boat in advance?"

"By chance, I think their ship should be guarded." Huang Xiaoshu took out her mobile phone and looked up the map. After a while, she said, "the wharf is in the north, two kilometers away from here. We need to go around the artificial lake."

Huang Ziping did not speak, thinking, see if there is a more reliable way? After all, Huang Xiaoshu's method is only a possibility. First, he has to find the other party's boat. Second, he has to find the speedboat. Third, he has to learn to drive the speedboat in a very short time. Nima, how can it be the same as winning the lottery? Can it be successful? However, he could not think of a way, Huang Xiaoshu looked at him, waiting for the answer, he can only say: "go, walk and think."

Huang Xiaoshu climbed down the tree first, and Huang Ziping went down. With the help of the cover of the night, the two men bypassed the artificial lake and went to the direction of the wharf.

After walking for half an hour, I came to the dock and looked around. There was good news, but there was also bad news. The good news is that there are not many boats near the dock, only 12. Two lights were on, one of which vaguely saw someone playing cards on the deck. Obviously, these are not ordinary fishermen, otherwise they would not play cards at this time. Instead of fishermen, their identity is ready to come out, that is, people from peddler groups.

The bad news is that there are no speedboats nearby, not even manual boats. Huang Xiaoshu, a big boat, can't drive, let alone teach Huang Ziping.

Therefore, the way we just thought of is not reliable. We should think again.

After a period of silence, Huang Xiaoshu said: "otherwise, I'll get on board quietly. When Xie Anyan is sent on board, I'll try to get rid of all the people except the captain. When the ship comes back, I'll kill the captain or come back to pick you up. We'll leave Taixi province directly along the coastline."

Out? What about twenty or thirty? How to get rid of it? Even if we can succeed, what is the nature of killing so many people? Of course, Huang Xiaoshu is a killer. She's used to killing people. She doesn't mind very much. It's just like chopping melons and cutting vegetables, but it takes a long time. Huang Ziping is not a killer. He is a doctor who saves lives and heals the wounded. Although he hates bad people, he makes such a decision and agrees with Huang Xiaoshu. What's the difference between this and bad people? This is the devil, OK?

No, this evil idea can't agree: "no, it's better not to kill people as much as possible."

"Dizzy? Tied up? It's very dangerous and it takes a lot of time. Should I take care of my own safety? Do you really think that just like you watch TV series, if you are knocked unconscious, you will not wake up for a long time? " Huang Xiaoshu's irascible temper flared up again, "boss, please don't think so much, OK? I didn't think the rescue was successful, but now it's all reluctantly done. You set so many rules for me. Do you think I'm Superman

"Kill dozens of people, do you think we can run successfully?"

"Maybe not, so the best way is to run by ourselves, don't save Xie Anyan."

If we argue again, we will fight. Huang Ziping chooses to be silent.

At this time, Bai Jiu called, and there was good news. He had a friend who was in Taixi province and could provide them with weapons. Is that good news? Huang Ziping didn't feel it. After he told Huang Xiaoshu, Huang Xiaoshu took the mobile phone, turned on the tone opener, and said to Bai Jiu, "Bai Jiu, I'm Huang Xiaoshu. I don't need weapons. Can you let your friend get a speedboat to meet us?"

Bai Jiu said: "what's your plan? You tell me first

Huang Xiaoshu explained the plan she had discussed with Huang Ziping, and then added, "this speedboat needs to take more oil and send us directly back to ganghaicheng."

"Can't you do that? What should be done if the patrolman sees it? It's going to hurt my friends. "

"What's your opinion?"

"Is the boss there?"

Huang Ziping said, "I'm here."

"The ship that sent me out of the high seas last time was not inspected. Their ship is very safe and can come to meet me. It's on the high seas of Ganghai city."

Huang Ziping thinks it's OK. Wang Nuo's boat, Wang Nuo's best to speak, and he won't refuse to save his life: "OK, you should contact your friends quickly. There's not much time. We should race against the clock."