Chapter 155

Seeing that the more you drive forward, the more remote it will be, Huang Ziping's worry will become more and more intense. He said to Huang Xiaoshu, "Huang Xiaoshu, you should step up the gas to catch up with them, directly hit their tail, stop them, and don't let them run again."

Huang Xiaoshu disdained tone: "our car, each other's business car, do you think it can be collided?"? And it's a high speed, and it's the night when the most trucks run, crossing the middle of the road, looking for death? "

"What else?"

"Wait, take your time to find opportunities, such as service stations, or when they turn off the ramp." Huang Xiaoshu said fiercely, "I still don't believe that they don't go off the ramp all the time. Let me find a chance. I'll kill them..."

After another three kilometers or so, it's far away from the city. But you can see a light in the distance. It should be a small town. Huang Xiaoshu guessed that the bullet was going to this small town. She really guessed right. The bullet was just in front of the exit. This is an opportunity. Huang Xiaoshu said to Huang Ziping: "check the safety belt. I hit their tail at the corner and let their car cross. Then we get out of the car and rob people."

"And then? How can I get there? "

"Can't they go after that?"

"What if they are met at the exit? You're in the middle. "

"You can't hit in the middle. Act according to the circumstances."

Huang Ziping really has no sense of security. He should have called the police. Now the situation is beyond control.

In the twinkling of an eye, the bullet is about to leave the ramp. Huang Xiaoshu steps on the accelerator and rushes up.

When the bullet turned slowly out of the ramp, there was a sudden bang, and the right side of the old BMW's head collided with the right side of the bullet's tail.

Huang Ziping only felt that the whole car bounced up and hit again, which made him feel dizzy and almost spit out. The most painful thing is the stomach. If the seat belt is not of good quality, the strong impact will make him smash the windshield and fly out.

Of course, the bullet head is not much better. The whole car goes across, the front of the car hits the guardrail, and a large area of concave goes in. This has completely hit Huang Xiaoshu's expectation.

Seeing that the driver of the bullet is trying to start the car to escape, Huang Xiaoshu's speed is undoubtedly faster. She starts the BMW to go back, and then takes a good angle to block the tail of the bullet before driving. The position is just right. Even if the bullet moves, she can't turn the car back and drive away. However, as a result, Huang Xiaoshu and Huang Ziping need to kick out the windshield, but this is a piece of cake for Huang Xiaoshu.

Huang Xiaoshu pulled out the dagger she was carrying and stabbed it at the windshield. Then she kicked her feet, and the windshield immediately penetrated a big hole. She knocked with the steering wheel lock for a while, and she was able to get out. Just spend these time, the people inside the bullet have abandoned the car to escape. It's more convenient for them to get off. They can get off by opening the door. There are three strong men, two carrying Xie Anyan, one at the back of the hall, and they rush to the ramp tens of meters away.

When Huang Ziping got out, Huang Xiaoshu had already chased nearly 20 meters. The distance between the three strong men and Huang Xiaoshu is about 30 meters. When Huang Xiaoshu catches up, the strong man at the back of the hall stops running and takes out a long fruit knife to attack Huang Xiaoshu. This strong man has some weight. It really took Huang Xiaoshu ten seconds. Huang Xiaoshu beat him dizzy. Seeing Huang Ziping close, he said that he would give it to you and continued to chase him.

Huang Ziping, of course, said that there was no problem. Before the strong man got up, he rushed to him and kicked his head.

With a poof and a scream, Huang Ziping kicked the whole man over.

Huang Ziping did not give him any chance to fight back. He jumped high and knelt down while he was unconscious.

With a click, the strong man's sternum was broken, his mouth was full of blood, and he completely lost his fighting power.

Huang Ziping is a bit fierce, but the other party's kidnapping is a murderer. If he is not cruel to them, he is cruel to himself. This account is not difficult to calculate.

I quickly got up and tried to chase her, but I saw Huang Xiaoshu running back.

Just wondering, looking back, it turned out that there were about 20 people chasing after her. They all held Oriental knives and yelled to kill them. This scene is undoubtedly very frightening. The knife is very long and white. One knife must be cut into two parts. It's hardly necessary to think about it. Huang Ziping turned around for the first time and ran to the back. He jumped into the car, got into the car, started it and poured it out.

When Huang Xiaoshu rushed to the car, Huang Ziping fell back with faster speed.

Fortunately, it's late at night, and there are not many cars going down from the high speed in this town, so there are no cars in the back, otherwise they will definitely be hit and fly.

See them on the car to go, the other side did not chase, quickly withdraw back. Huang Xiaoshu also called Huang Ziping to stop the car. She told Huang Ziping to wait. She got out of the car and quietly jumped into the drain and ran along the drain.

Huang Ziping was waiting in the car, not to mention suffering. He just waited for two minutes, but it seemed that it was half an hour before he saw Huang Xiaoshu waving. He quickly put into gear and rushed forward to Huang Xiaoshu's side.

When Huang Xiaoshu got on the bus, Huang Ziping quickly asked, "how's it going? They're gone? "

"Yes, go to the town. Let's follow and find out who this is."

"Can we call the police now?"

"Call the police? Look at the back. Why didn't they take their companions away, you know? "Huang Ziping was sweating. It was obvious that their companion had died. He couldn't call the police according to the situation. If he killed someone himself, it was even worse to call the police.

After ten minutes driving, the town is in sight.

From the navigation, this town is a seaside town, not very big, but it seems to be relatively developed, so it should be a tourist destination.

For fear of arranging people to watch the wind at the entrance of the town, Huang Ziping and Huang Xiaoshu got out of the car one kilometer away from the town and took a detour to walk into the town.

It's really a tourist destination. The streets are neat and clean. There are many map guides. Besides, there are family hotels and hotels everywhere. It's just too late for people to walk around.

They went around the middle into the town, and then around the town back to the entrance. Almost at the time of arrival, Huang Xiaoshu said to Huang Ziping, "you wait here. I'll go to see if they have any lookouts and find out who they are."

Huang Ziping refused: "no, I'll go with you."

"That's not good. We don't know how many people are arranged by each other. It's not convenient for me to follow you, and it's not guaranteed for your safety."

"How long have you been there?"

"Five minutes at most. I'll see. I'll call." Huang Xiaoshu pointed to the opposite road, "hide under the hotel sign, don't come out easily."

Huang Ziping looked in the direction of Huang Xiaoshu's fingers and saw a big sign box. He left a message that he was careful and went to hide it.

Five minutes later, Huang Xiaoshu called to ask Huang Ziping to go outside. Huang Ziping walked 300 meters. Suddenly, Huang Xiaoshu's voice came from an alley with almost no light. He said here. Huang Ziping went in and saw Huang Xiaoshu well. On the ground, there was a strong man, motionless. He didn't know whether he had fainted or had been killed by Huang Xiaoshu.

Huang Ziping asked with worry, "did you kill people?"

"If you don't kill him, he'll tell you."

"I'll go and kill each other, you know?"

"The result of hiding is the same as that of releasing and killing. Killing is better. Anyway, it has no use value."

The result has been unable to change, Huang Ziping also did not continue with Huang Xiaoshu theory, instead, said: "do you ask who they are?"

"The peddler Group specializes in selling women. However, according to this guy's account, it was made by them to arrest Xie Anyan. It's not to sell, it's for other purposes. As for the purpose, he is not very clear. "

"Where is their headquarters?"

"Xie Anyan is in the seaside shipyard. She will be sent to the high seas at five o'clock in the morning, so we need to rescue her as soon as possible."

Huang Ziping looked at the time. It was one o'clock and there were four hours left. He just didn't know how many people there were in the other party's headquarters? "Are there many people in their group?"

"Nonsense, there are almost 20 people coming to the headquarters, at least one or two hundred!"

"I said not to intercept at the exit."

"Who knows it will be a group, you call Duan Mengying, tell her about it, see what she says, can you contact Xie Anyan's friends and so on, try to get some help for us."

Huang Ziping beat him quickly.

Duan Mengying has fallen asleep. She is scared to death when she receives a phone call from Huang Ziping: "I don't know her friends. Can't you call the police?"

"I don't think so. They are a group. They can develop so much and dare to be so rampant. Obviously, the police can't help them. On the contrary, we have nothing to do with Taixi province. Huang Xiaoshu also killed people, and I also killed people. "

This next section of Mengying also don't know how to do, unable to find a relationship, also don't know where to find, urgent round turn.

Huang Ziping waited for a while, but didn't wait for Duan Mengying to speak. Knowing that she couldn't help it, he said, "let me discuss with Huang Xiaoshu again. You also want to see if you can contact people who can help. Let's keep in touch."

"Be careful, think it over before you do it. Don't act rashly."

"I know, hang up..."

Hang up the phone, Huang Ziping told Huang Xiaoshu the result, Huang Xiaoshu said: "let's go to the scene first, see what space can be transferred."

"Do you think we can find Lu Qingxiang?"

"She's just an old woman. Do you think it's ok?"

"Local people, after all."

"How can I help you? And don't forget we killed people. Now there is only one way for us to try to save Xie Anyan. But if it's too difficult and too costly, we should resolutely give up and go back to Lu Qingxiang immediately to tell her that we have some problems and let her go to ganghaicheng by herself. I don't know if she can go because it's too slow. If you look at the means of the other party, kidnap them in the street, and you can transfer so many people, it's very easy to find out our identity depending on our strength. Maybe we're already investigating now. "

Huang Ziping was heartbroken.

Give up Xie Anyan?

God, that's Duan Mengying's friend.

And this time I invited Lu Qingxiang. She made a lot of efforts. Without her, she would hardly succeed. How can we give up?Huang Ziping said: "Huang Xiaoshu, I think we can't give up no matter how difficult it is. In this case, I'd rather call the police."

"It's useless. The police headquarters answers the police, and then someone tells the group, otherwise they can stand still? Let's go and see the scene first. "

"You can't give up anyway."

"I mean when there's nothing we can do, what else can we do? The first thing I have to do is to make sure you're safe. That's my first duty. "