"Go to a magical place." Said Darcy.

Looking at the face on the screen, Lin can't help thinking about the process of contacting the actor. He has to say that Darcy's actor is very beautiful and... Enthusiastic, but some of the invitation was declined by him.

The next plot is that two people come to the abandoned factory. Darcy uses the instrument to find that there is a problem with the magnetic field here. As a result, he finds a magical phenomenon here. He can lift the truck with one hand. Gravity seems to lose its effect, and objects will fall infinitely.

This paragraph is basically the same as the original, but it doesn't have the assistant role of the original.

"I'll look over there." Jane said, came to the end of the corridor room, step out, suddenly caught off guard, came to a dark underground space, her face shocked looking ahead.

Zoom in, with the vast singing of background music, a grand dark hall appears in front of people.

Dozens of huge square stone pillars support the main hall, which are carved with mysterious relief patterns. There are also some people in the relief, whose skin is as white as bone, and they have sharp ears like elves. Except for white, they are very similar to the legendary Asura.

In the center of the hall is a super huge stone column, but in the middle of the stone column is a gap in the air, from which green light emerges.

The heroine in the vast hall step by step to the giant stone column.

"Hello, is anyone there?" Jane asked carefully.


The sound spread far away in the open hall, and the fans of the cinema watched intently, very devoted.

It wasn't long. The female owner came to the stone pillar. Through the comparison of the female owner's body shape, the circular stone pillar became more and more huge. The female owner carefully looked in from the gap between her fingers. The lens followed, and the green halo gradually became clear.

Inside is a gem.

Green gems.

At the moment when the heroine can see clearly, the gem's light is in full swing, and it turns into a light and goes into the heroine's forehead. Jane screams and touches her forehead, but she doesn't touch anything.


The next moment, her hair raised, a circle of invisible waves sent out, Jane's pupil instantly enlarged, the whole person fell to the ground, unconscious.


"What kind of gem is this?" Li Qingyu asked in Lin tired's ear in a low voice. Lin tired said with a smile: "you'll know later."

Li Qingyu glared at him for a while, but he still couldn't get rid of his anger. He stretched out his hand and twisted him for a while before he turned around and went to the cinema again.

Other places in the cinema also heard bursts of discussion, but soon fell into silence, because the scene on the screen changed again.

In space, the camera is aimed at a deserted planet similar to Saturn. Just as the fans guess what's different about the planet, a cross star warship slowly emerges from the transparent state. The camera enters the interior of the warship. After a sleeping cabin in the command room is opened, a monster with two meters tall, snow-white hair and bone like face slowly opens its eyes.

Instead of doing as in the original movie, this play made reference to the shape of Asura, so this villain looks very attractive.

When the cover of the sleeping cabin was opened, he had a strange smile on his face and a strange language in his hoarse voice: "the target appears, my soldiers, it's time to wake up."

Zoom in. From the inside of the cockpit to the outside, even in the whole huge warship, red lights light up in the sleeping cabins.



From the rainbow bridge to the gatekeeper's small room, the scene is intoxicating. Thor is sitting on the steps with a bottle of wine in his hand. He is wearing a shawl, and his golden hair is falling down. Let alone, he really has the bearing of a prince.

"Heim, this starry sky is beautiful." Said Thor with a smile.

"I didn't think you were interested." The gatekeeper said with a smile.

"It looks like I've missed a lot before." Thor took a sip of the wine with a smile and then asked, "what can you see?"

In this situation, Thor looks up at the galaxy of the universe, which is really a beautiful picture.

"The hundreds of millions of creatures in the nine countries are nothing. No matter how beautiful the scenery is, you will get tired of it." Said the gatekeeper, looking at the stars.

"Come on, you're just over 3000." Thor said with a smile, and the gatekeeper said, "celestial convergence is not common."

Thor leaned back, frowned, looked at the stars, then shook his head and said, "I can't see."

The gatekeeper had no choice but to smile.

"How is she?" "She's looking for you," said Thor, smiling, suddenly, with a touch of tenderness on his face

Thor's face became stiff, and the gatekeeper said, "she's very smart. Although she doesn't know about celestial bodies, she's still very smart."


As the camera zooms in, the gatekeeper's eyes become more serious: "she's gone."

The picture jumps. In the dim space, green energy roars and twines Jane. She slowly falls down and the screen turns black. When it lights up again, Jane lies on the ground and slowly opens her eyes.

Next, she found her own problems, and Thor's coming scene was similar to the original. Jane was taken to Asgard for treatment by Thor.

Odin was particularly opposed at first. However, when Jane's energy burst killed an Asgard soldier who touched her, Odin was shocked, looked serious, went forward to investigate and said heavily: "soul gem!"

"What? Father Thor was also shocked.

Odin looked at Thor with a complicated look and said, "maybe you should give up this girl. When the soul gem lives in the human soul, if you can't control it, it will absorb the soul of the host. There's no way to treat it."

This sentence is to tell Thor, there is no help, wait to die.

"No, father, is there no way to get the jewels out?"

"When she takes it out, she will die instantly, unless she can control the soul gem, but as far as I know, no one in the world can control the soul gem except the dark elves."

"The dark elves?" Asked Thor doubtfully.

"It was a race that existed when the universe was still dark. They were powerful and ambitious. Thousands of years ago, they fought everywhere and almost unified the universe..." along with Odin's story, an ancient history appeared in front of the fans.

In fact, it's the beginning of the original film, the war between Asgard and the dark elves thousands of years ago.

However, different from the original version, the dark elves here want to use soul gems to attract the dead dark elves and turn them into undead species to help them continue their war. When the former king of Asgard, that is, Thor's grandfather, asked the dark elves to surrender, their king, that is, malkis, had a line.

He looked at the king of Asgard with disdain and said slowly, "if we hadn't spent too much on attacking the heavenly palace and been robbed of the real gem, you Asgard would not have the courage to attack us."

"You Dark Elves will be killed by the nine kingdoms." Said the king of Asgard.

Then the king of Asgard is entangled by the cursed soldiers, malkis leads the others to escape, and the soul gem is also placed on the dark planet watt alheim by Asgard's people.

Back to Odin, he continued: "so we defeated the dark elves and wiped them out. Now there is probably no more dark elves in the universe."

"Can soul gems revive the dead?" Jane asked.

"This gem allows the holder to steal, control, manipulate or change the souls of the living and the dead. If developed to the extreme, it can give the holder control over all life in the universe." Said Odin.

"What should I do? Father Thor subconsciously asks Odin for help. Odin stares at him for a moment and then turns around: "let her stay until the last moment."

Odin's figure disappears, and Thor and Jane are speechless. At this time, the audience in the cinema is also excited by the impact of these messages.

"So the real gem was robbed when the dark elves attacked the heavenly palace?"

"Damn it, the heavenly palace is a bit domineering. Asgard only dares to fight when the dark elves are weak. The heavenly palace grabs a gem."

"It's a soul gem. I want one, too."

"You're not afraid to be sucked dry."

"I'm inspired. When I go back to writing a novel, I write that the protagonist has won the soul gem and is the Lord of the undead."

"Now I'm looking forward to Qi Tian Da Sheng 2 more and more."


Yang Nuo is very serious. He has to learn from every scene and the development of the plot. Li Qingyu said, "isn't it the soul gem? It's mysterious. Did Jane die in the end?"

Lin tired is dumbfounded, cut, still forbid the story producer to sell the story.

"One death is enough." Lin tired answers a way, Li Qingyu one Leng: "a?"

However, Lin tired of laughing and not speaking, Li Qingyu can only look at him, big deal to see.

Theaters talk about it from time to time, and the plot is also on show.

The next plot is not much different from the original one, most of which is the challenge of the camera and some lines, but the trend of the plot remains the same. After placing Jane, Thor asks Odin: "is there really no night elf?"

"Of course, it's impossible."

Then there was an explosion in Asgard, a curse warrior appeared in the dungeon, and the dark elves' warships also came in. The fleet was dense, and the main ship was as big as Asgard's most magnificent hall.

After a battle, Freya died, and the dark elves came back in vain surrounded by the recovered Asgard soldiers. Xu Ke photographed the raid in a magnificent way.

After the mother's funeral, Thor quarrels with Odin. Thor wants to take Jane to hunt down the dark elves, because the dark elves won't show up in the army. At the same time, he wants malkis to take out the soul gem for Jane safely. He thinks that everything will be under his control, while Odin insists on waiting for the dark elves to come back, He thinks that Thor's practice is tantamount to sending the soul gem to others.

Then Thor secretly picked up rocky, originally rocky did not agree to help Thor.

"Hey, my brother, why are you in the mood to see me? I thought the king of Asgard should be busy now. " Rocky was lying on the bed reading with a sneer on his face.

"Rocky, I don't believe you, but I need your help now."

"Wait, you want my help?" Rocky sat up and seemed to hear something unbelievable.

Thor's face remained unchanged: "yes, as long as you help me get out of Asgard, I can let you out, and then I'll bring you back after the revenge."

Rocky sneered: "I have no reason to help you revenge."

"Scarlett's dead." Thor looked at him and said, Rocky's smiling face suddenly froze on his face.

You know, when cursing soldiers to make dungeons, he still points the way

He sat down slowly, looked up and asked, "are you serious?"

"It seems that you still have some feelings." Thor was mocking and gratifying.

Rocky closed his eyes, opened them a few seconds later, and said slowly, "OK, I agree."


"It's over. Rocky's serious."

"Rocky is very emotional."

"I must blame myself. I'm sorry."

"The character is too complicated."

"I don't know why I'm so confident."

The fans discussed how much they praised rocky, and agreed that rocky was more capable than Thor.

In the discussion, in the film, Thor and his team successfully escape from Asgard under the cover of a small team. The three come to the dark planet, and the warship of the dark elves does not appear unexpectedly.

In a big war, rocky used the original trick to make the other party believe him and peel off the soul gem safely. However, at this time, it seemed that Thor, whose wrist had been cut off by rocky, reached out and held Thor's hammer. This is the original trick. Rocky cut Thor's hand off. At that time, there was a lot of abuse in the cinema, but now it seems that it's just his magic trick.

However, it still can't stop malekis from leaving with the soul gem, leaving a small group of troops entangled with Torr. Among them, there are powerful curse fighters. While they are fighting, Jane's mobile phone rings.

So while talking, Thor made a phone call

Turning to the earth, Tony is developing a new armor on the workbench. The camera goes around. The space of this studio is full of more than ten different armor, big and small.

All of a sudden, Tony twisted his neck, took out a device with the same side blood sugar and pricked himself. It showed 52%.

He took a look at it, took a sip of the green liquid on the table, and then asked, "Jarvis, how long do I have?"

"First of all, with your current radiation infection, if you insist on using chlorophyll, you can still live for three months."

"Have you found a doctor who is sure to operate on me?" Tony asked with a heavy face.

"There was a Mr. strange, but he had a car accident just a month ago."

"What a surprise." Tony said sarcastically, and Jarvis said, "Sir, you haven't had a rest for 36 hours. I suggest you go to bed as soon as possible."

"No, Jarvis, I can't sleep. As soon as I close my eyes..." Tony shakes his head and rubs his face with his hands. The whole person looks very tired: "I know for the first time that there are aliens."

"Here comes Ms. pepper, sir."

The camera switches to the little pepper, and at this time, there are some explosions in the cinema.

what do you mean? Iron man is dying?