"The movie is about to start, please mute your mobile phone to avoid..."

Sitting on the edge of the eighth row, I can't do anything to get a good seat. At this time, the 300 seat giant screen theater is almost full, and the attendance rate of the premiere is terrible.

To be honest, the first thing Lin tired thought of when he came in was what he did in his primary school. He took them to see a movie. He felt like he was in a theater transformed from an old-fashioned theater.

Super large space, how to move, will not... Leak.

Now some advertisements are too magical.

Anyway, now sitting in this theater, Lin tired enjoys it very much.

"Finally, I've been waiting for a long time."

"I'll tell you, all the movies in the League series are good-looking, and none of them are of particularly poor quality."

"Look at the trailer, it's like Tony and they're all on the stage..."

The sound of discussion in the cinema gradually disappears with the dim light. Lin tired puts on his 3D glasses and takes a look at Li Qingyu sitting beside him. He takes her hand with a smile and then looks at the screen.

Super wide angle, comfortable fit.


The running water movie, the iron dragon standard flew out, and then a series of film companies, special effects companies, studio logo, director Xu Ke, producer Lin tired.

Thor 2 dark world!

When all the titles are finished, let alone under the huge screen, even the titles are full of feelings.

The enjoyment of movies is different in everyone's eyes. In Lin's eyes

There is no greater enjoyment.

Even though he had seen the film countless times before, he didn't intend to be distracted this time.

In the first act of the film, in the Asgard temple, rocky is walking on the red carpet of the main hall in chains. Behind him are more than ten guards holding chains.

"Rocky," she exclaimed with a complicated look

Rocky looked at her, with a graceful smile on her face, and even a salute: "are you proud of me, mother?"


"It's the next part of the league."

"Ah, Jimei is so handsome."

"Rocky should be strong at this time..."

"This is a bear boy."

Lin tired heard some whispers.


"Enough!" Odin paused for a moment, and the sound spread all over the place. Rocky raised his eyebrows and slightly turned his face. He seemed to be listening, but he didn't even look at Odin.

"Do you think you're doing the right thing?" Odin, sitting on the throne and looking down at rocky, asked.

"Yes, of course!" Rocky did not hesitate to answer, still with a smile full of etiquette on his face, said: "as a God, what's wrong with me to rule my people on earth?"

"We are not gods. We also have birth and death, and you bring death and killing."

Rocky made a smile, but his eyes were very cold: "don't make trouble, father, we have more than 5000 years of life, and the rule will certainly have killing, just like you."

Odin looked disappointed: "you have been blinded by the throne."

Rocky's face was frozen with a smile, and his eyes looked at Odin's stubborn and sad writing, but his face was even colder: "that's my right!"

Odin interrupted angrily: "you deserve to die when you are young! It's abandoned on the cold rock! If I didn't take you in, you wouldn't have the chance to hate me as much as you do today! "

Rocky looked at him like this, red eyes looked at him, suddenly laughed, and then he slowly knelt down to the ground, but proud of holding his head, softly but forcefully said: "then please kindly give me a death."

There was no sound in the cinema.

To tell you the truth, the match between the two in this play is very wonderful, and the mentality of the two characters is interpreted incisively and vividly.

"I remember rocky saying that he didn't want to be king at all? He just wanted Odin to praise him

"What he did on earth was also to pit the alien who had made Asgard's idea. He just came in with the same expression as the bear boy who was going to be beaten, but he just refused to admit defeat."

"It hurts."

"Damn, poor Odin. If you hadn't killed the real father, he would have been the king of frost."

"He was angry with Odin on purpose."

"Actually, from Odin's point of view, he just wants to lead rocky back to the right path."

"I don't care. I just love rocky."

"Rocky is so proud."


"If it wasn't for Freya, you would have died, but now you're going to spend the rest of your life in the dungeon." Odin said indifferently, mother Scarlett shook her head sadly, the guard pulled the chain, Rocky's face showed a mocking smile, got up, looked at mother, and once again showed a graceful smile: "don't worry about me, mother."

He took one last look at Odin. That look

The audience in the cinema was very sad.

However, a film critic lamented that Lin tired really gave rocky a preference for the role, but a villain portrayed it so brilliantly that people could not hate it at all.

Rocky didn't say anything, turned away, held his head high, and walked in front of everyone.

At the end of the play, the first play at the beginning is undoubtedly a success, because it took only one play to pull the fans into the movie world.

The second scene is the same as in the system. It's a battle between Torr and the nine circles. It's just that Xu Ke has more details of the fight, eh... Martial arts fan.

When the mountain giant appeared and came to rocky in front of him with great momentum, rocky, who looked small by comparison, raised his head and said, "I accept your surrender."

The enemies on the battlefield were laughing, and the people in the cinema were also laughing. However, Thor, who just hit his head with a hammer, conquered the whole audience.

The first Wen opera and the second Wu Opera are all right.

When the picture comes to Asgard again, Thor and Odin are in the temple, looking at the soldiers training in the square below, smiling. Odin asks, "is wanaheim safe?"

"Of course, if it's you, it will subside faster." Thor showed a smile, but compared with the heartless of the first film, his smile is much heavier now.

Odin smile: "since the destruction of rainbow bridge, nine countries have finally returned to peace, our new king has won their respect."

Thor also smiles, not happy.

Odin looked at him and said, "your heart is not calm because of the woman on earth?"

Thor looked at Odin, obviously did not expect that he would suddenly ask, hesitated for a moment, said: "not all, and rocky."

Odin patted Thor on the shoulder and advised: "life on earth is too short. It's better to cherish the people in front of you than to think about them. As for rocky, that's his punishment, and you should soon have no energy to think about it."

"Yes?" Thor didn't understand.

"Every once in a while, the nine realms in the universe will be connected with each other for a period of time, and there will always be no peace at this time." Odin looked at the sky and said.

Thor frowned: "is that day coming soon?"

"Yes." Odin nodded, then said with a smile: "but you have just calmed the nine realms. Maybe they will be very peaceful this time. Let's talk about the earth girl."

"No, father, I don't want to talk to you about her..."

The next second, the camera shows a woman driving in a fast-moving car with a serious face, while Jane Fortis, the heroine sitting in the co pilot, asks impatiently and doubtfully, "Darcy, where are you taking me?"