Claire is definitely a favorite of glasses and his only relative.

A freak with three hands should have such a beautiful, kind and simple daughter as Claire. If glasses don't pour all the love into her, then he doesn't deserve to be a person.

Just because she saw that she loved Claire very much, the French policewoman renamed herself to show her deep love for glasses.

Daiya, also successfully from Claire, shared half of the love of glasses.

Otherwise, glasses will not have so much pain in her eyes when they see that Daiya is being held by Da bin.

"Honey, leave me alone, do what you want to do!"

Daiya saw the pain in her eyes, but also with a clear sense of impatience and worry. She was really afraid that he would let Liu Xiaolong go because of himself.

She can clearly feel: as soon as the glasses are released, Liu Xiaolong, the bodyguard holding her, will lift the gun with the fastest speed, without hesitation - the bullet will definitely blow the glasses' head!

Dabin, however, is the top bodyguard in China. His task is to protect the safety of the protected by all means and strike at all the dangers against the protected by all means.

"Don't talk, or I'll shoot you first!"

The big guest clapped his left arm and cried in a low voice.

Daiya immediately opened her mouth and couldn't say a word.

Although she is a very good police officer and knows how to kill carefully, she knows very well that she can't fight back in front of the top bodyguards in China.

"Let her go!"

Seeing his lover being strangled with his own eyes, he would spit out his tongue. His glasses were very distressed. When he roared, he made a little effort with his right hand, and our poor master Liu's neck immediately bled again.

Liu Xiaolong is very afraid, really afraid, just as he can really feel: if possible, when glasses kill him, there will never be a little bit of "pity for jade".

After seeing that his daughter's crying eyes are swollen, he can no longer bear the "deep" killing intention to Liu Xiaolong.

Kill Liu Xiaolong, and then go away with Daiya and Claire as fast as possible.

This is what the glasses think.

In order to get rid of Liu Xiaolong who is on guard against him, glasses and Daiya have been planning for a long time, and finally found the opportunity today.

Back in time.

When throwing the headache to Gao Fei, Liu Xiaolong, with a relaxed body, hummed the joyful song "Aobao meet" and took the top bodyguard guest out of the entrance of the Royal Chamber hall, came to the foreign lady who thought she was wearing a felt hat, and a little guy behind her, with a low brow, followed to carry her bag.

Maybe it's because most of the foreign women are open-minded. They always show the world (mainly men) their charming little bodies. Just like this foreigner's wife, she is wearing a black mink coat on her upper body in winter, but her two round and healthy legs are only wrapped in a thin black silk, Stepping on the bold thin high-heeled shoes, the appearance of waist twisting, let a person fantasize.

After seeing such a girl, her eyes will fall directly on her two legs. Not only Liu Xiaolong but also a man has this reaction.

But he was definitely the most unfortunate one among the men with this normal reaction: he paid attention to the two legs wrapped in black silk and imagined that he was entangled by them, but he didn't see the appearance of a foreign woman, which was very similar to his future mother-in-law.

When Liu Xiaolong subconsciously stares at the legs of a foreign beauty, the beauty just smiles, and then turns her small figure into a more charming twist.

Maybe she twisted a little too much. When the beauty came to Liu Xiaolong, her left high-heeled shoe sprained. Ouch, she screamed and jumped straight into his arms.

"Oh, ma'am, be careful!"

Mr. Liu is a helpful young man. Even if he cuts off his head, he will never get away in time when a beautiful woman falls into his arms. Instead, he will help him quickly.

Just as his hands were about to touch the beauty's body, he heard the bodyguard beside him murmur: "be careful!"

What are you careful about?

Liu Xiaolong a Leng God, did not understand, was a beautiful woman grabbed the arm, to throw out behind.

Misty Liu Ye, mouth ah ah ah cry, stagger hit a person.

When he steadied his steps and was about to scold someone for walking without eyes, he dared to block Master Liu's Guanghui road. A sharp scalpel was already on his neck.

Then he saw a very gentle face.

Suddenly, Master Liu's three spirits and six spirits flew away. What's more, the eyes of his glasses were too frightening!

In order to punish the future son-in-law, the glasses do not hesitate to let the future mother-in-law of the son-in-law show her beauty to attract the attention of the bodyguards around the son-in-law, and even threaten the son-in-law... Think about it, it's really shameless.

However, he succeeded after all.

But it's only half done.

Even before the operation, both of them paid enough attention to Dabin, but when the operation started, when Daiya successfully pushed her future son-in-law to the edge of the glasses, she was also strangled by Dabin, who was very quick.

When she was a patrolman in France, the close combat training that she received was not worth mentioning in front of experts of this level.

In fact, even if the glasses are against Dabin, it's not clear who will win. After all, Dabin represents the highest level bodyguard in China. If the glasses can't stop him, then Liu Xiaolong and his Lao Tzu Lao Liu don't have to go out.

Through careful planning, glasses successfully caught her future son-in-law alive, but she caught her wife... It's not in the plan that Daiya was caught alive by Dabin.

The couple underestimated the excellent response of the top Chinese bodyguards. As a result, both sides were in a dilemma, holding a hostage and confronting each other.


Just when his wife was strangled out of her tongue, a hoarse voice came from under the steps.

It's daughter Claire.

If you want to kill Liu Xiaolong, you have to keep it from Claire.

Because he knows very well how much his daughter loves Liu Xiaolong, otherwise he would not cry when he knows that the bride is not himself three days later.

Just glasses did not expect, do not know how Claire see something wrong, unexpectedly appeared at this time.

I dare not look at my daughter.

Because he is very clear, in the face of such a super bodyguard as Dabin, even if it is a little distracted, the bullet may blow his head at any time.

So, even if there are so many people around, they can't see through their glasses, and they dare not see their daughter. They just say in a low voice, "Claire, go away, it's none of your business here!"

If at this time, there is another bodyguard like da bin who takes Claire hostage, then glasses will have to be obediently arrested: he really dares not joke about the safety of his wife and daughter.

"Dad, let him go, let him go!"

Clare stumbled up the steps, breaking away from the crowd.

The eye light sweeps Liu Xiaolong's face, which is bleeding from her neck. Claire feels even more painful. However, she feels extremely guilty after seeing her stepmother Daiya, whose tongue is spitting out.

Claire is a kind-hearted girl. She will never leave her parents in a place of extreme danger just because she is abandoned by a heartbreaker.

Between parents and love, she chose the former without hesitation.

"Dad, let him go, let's go

Crying, Claire runs to glasses, reaches for his arm and tries to let him go of Liu Xiaolong.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!"

Daughter's irrational performance, let the glasses heart cool.

He is an excellent assassin. Of course, an excellent bodyguard will never miss any chance to change the situation when facing the assassin.

The sudden arrival of Claire and the movement of shaking his glasses gave Dabin a good chance to kill him.

As he was shocked, Dabin didn't let up the opportunity that Claire had created for him. He lit Daiya's pistol, turned around and pulled the trigger at the eyebrow of his glasses.


After the clear gunfire, the scene was dead.

All people's lives seem to end with the sound of the gun.

Even the tears in Claire's eyes turned into ice in an instant. She was more aware that her appearance might kill her father.

Bata, a second after the gunshot, broke the current silence.

Instinctively, Claire's stagnant eyes looked at the sound, and then saw a black stiletto shoe.

Not far from the shoes, there was a black pistol.

The muzzle of the gun, as if still curling with smoke.

What's going on?

Seizing the fleeting opportunity of the master and pulling the trigger in time, the guest, who was 100% sure to blow his glasses head, felt the sharp pain from his wrist and looked blankly at the door of the hall.

Dabin saw a young man holding the door frame of the hall with his left hand. He was very relieved. He patted his heart and murmured: "grass, what's the big deal? Is it so big? But I'm glad I arrived in time, otherwise I would be miserable. "

Before the young man's voice fell, Liu Xiaolong, who was held by his glasses, hissed: "Gaofei, help me, help me!"

"Uncle Gao!"

Along with Bruce Liu, there's Claire.

Claire quickly rushed to Gao Fei, threw himself in his arms, cried and said: "Uncle Gao, let them stop fighting. I want to go abroad!"

"Good boy, don't cry. No one can bully you with Uncle Gao."

Gao Fei patted Claire on the shoulder. In the eyes of many worshippers (at the critical moment, he can knock down Dabin's pistol with a high-heeled shoe, which makes everyone admire him. Even Huo Tianqing, who is behind him, also laments that Furu is so sad that he can't catch up with him even if he pats his horse), he said faintly to his glasses: "put down your knife for me. I don't want to hear what you say. I'll count to three, one! "

As soon as Gao Fei counted the word "one", his glasses immediately retracted the knife and pushed Liu Xiaolong to the ground.

It's like a dog biting excrement. After Liu Xiaolong fell to the ground, he didn't care about the pain at all. He immediately jumped up and hid behind Gao Fei with the fastest speed.

Glasses are really a person who can afford and put them down. After confirming the failure of Liu Xiaolong's assassination, especially after Gao Fei came to save his life in time, he knew it was meaningless to be stubborn again, so he simply let go and kept his mouth closed.

Goofy is very satisfied with the glasses.

Dabin didn't cooperate like glasses, because he was charged with the mission of bodyguard. Even if Liu Xiaolong was safe, he couldn't let the killer go.

"I'll say it again, let go!"

Seeing that the guest was indifferent, he quickly took out his knife and put it on Daiya's waist and eyes. Gao Fei's eyes flashed cold.