When Gao meow's eyelids did not blink to say three strategies, Gao Fei was very surprised.

Because he felt that even if he was such a smart person, he could not come up with three solutions to Liu Xiaolong's dilemma in such a short time. How could she

In a short time, Mr. Gao suddenly fell asleep.

Gao Miaomiao's predecessor, the second lady of the Northern Dynasty, was trained as a special calculating person from an early age. He even played with a country between the hands of the stock market, and almost succeeded.

It's nothing for such a wise woman to think of three solutions to problems in a period of time.

To tell you the truth, when Gao Miaomiao saw the sad face of Mr. Gao, he couldn't help showing off. While he was surprised, he also had a little joy: with such a wise woman around to give advice, he could spend less brain cells in the future.

However, he soon found that when he was talking about these things, Liu Xiaolong looked at him as if he were looking at woodlouse, so scornful, especially when she confessed that she liked love best when he was most fond of making bad decisions.

She may have convinced Gao Fei in her heart, but in her heart, she didn't think highly of the problem that he solved by force.

No boss likes a secretary who looks down on him.

Even if this secretary is Zhuge village husband among women, as Liu Xiaolong said, she can't stay when she hasn't changed her view of advocating evil.

So after Liu Xiaolong left, Gao Fei let Gao miaowao go, so as not to be attacked by her in the future. At that time, he couldn't find a tune to cry.

Gao Miaomiao just woke up and realized how stupid her performance was. She repented in her heart.

She knew very well that if she left Gaofei, she would not live for half a day.

So whatever the cost, she has to stay.

Because after seeing Han Xuan's tragic death with his own eyes, Gao meow suddenly understood a lot: living is the most important thing!

So, this is the bridge of her pleading guilty.

Gao Fei really thought that Gao meow could come up with such a way.

Mr. Gao is a good man with a good heart. He was determined to get rid of her, but he finally forgave her.

For nothing else, just for the saying of Buddhism: saving one's life is better than building a seven level floating chart.

As for what I thought when I hugged Gao miaowao just now - Amitabha, that's the real reaction of a real man. It has nothing to do with lust.

Soon, dressed high meow, limped out of the suite, and stood there with a low brow.

"Sit down."

Goofy looks down at her right foot.

High meow did not dare to have the slightest hesitation, obediently sat on the sofa.

"Put your right foot in the corner of the case."

Gao Fei asked again.

Just like the manipulated character, gaomeow immediately put his right foot in the place designated by Gaofei.

No matter how much Gao Fei dislikes Gao Miaomiao, there is one thing he can't deny: this woman is really an impeccable beauty. No matter her delicate appearance or excellent figure curve, especially her legs are not inferior to Shen Yinbing and others.

There is also the small foot carved like tofu flower. Even if the ankle is red and swollen, it can still make the man hold it in his hand and have the impulse to bow his head and kiss.

Of course, no matter how beautiful Gao meow's feet are, Gao Fei will not be so cheap as to kiss him with his mouth. At the beginning, Chen Guoguo was so coquettish that he didn't agree to let Gao Fei kiss him, let alone her?

At most - at most, that is, Mr. Gao holding this little foot, like touching a piece of exquisite porcelain, has no action for a long time, which makes people not know what he is thinking.

Women's feet, known as their second face, are one of the most sensitive parts of most women.

Gaomiaomiao, in particular, used to get into a state when the second Marshal played with her little feet. She was shaking all over, her toes were straight, and there was a cat like cry in her nose

But now she didn't dare to have that kind of reaction. She had to bite her lips to resist the commotion from her feet.

But after Mr. Gao had been there for a long time, and he didn't know what he was thinking, he couldn't stand it any more. Finally, he gave out a cat's cry. He began to twist his body slightly. When his toes straightened, he raised his left foot and habitually wanted to put it on Mr. Gao's shoulder.

Just as she just raised her left foot, her eyes blurred, she saw Gao Fei raise her head and look at her.

That pair of eyes are very bright, like the two brightest stars in the sky in the early morning of winter, emitting a cool glow.

Suddenly, song Huiqiao gave a pep talk. All her enthusiasm dissipated in an instant. She quickly put down her raised left foot and said in a trembling voice: "old man, boss, please don't try me again. I, I swear, I will never show you any disrespect. I'm like this - I just can't help it. "

Well, I didn't test you. I really want to do that.

Gao Fei cursed in his heart. Just as he was about to say something calmly, the door behind him banged: someone broke in.

Gao Fei didn't have time to let go of Gao Miaomiao's feet. He suddenly turned back. When he saw who was coming, his nervous tension immediately relaxed: it was Huo Tianqing.

After Huo Tianqing broke into the house, he found that Mr. Gao was holding a beautiful woman's feet. He thought it was a precursor to something. He was embarrassed: "ah, yes, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do it."

"It's OK. It's her sprain. I'm trying to reset her

Mr. Gao, who had not been misunderstood, asked calmly: "it's sunny. What's the matter? Are you so worried?"

Huo Tianqing no longer hesitated, immediately said: "you go out to have a look, just at the door of the club, Liu Xiaolong was held hostage by your friend with glasses!"


Gao Fei a Leng, immediately understand Huo Tianqing said is who: glasses.

It seems that after learning that Liu Xiaolong (actually the Liu family) dares to play with his daughter, glasses is filled with anger. They don't care about his promise to quit the world, so they immediately find a chance to settle the accounts.

If this person is someone else, Huo Tianqing will certainly make some efforts.

However, since this man is a spectacle, I'm afraid only Gao Fei can persuade him to put down his knife.

From Huo Tianqing's sudden roar, Gao Fei can guess that the following form is very dangerous.

"Grass, I made this sand more careful!"

Gao Fei was surprised. In a low curse, she suddenly stood up. At the same time, song Huiqiao's right foot also gave a click.


After Huo Tianqing breaks into the house, song Huiqiao's attention is also attracted by the news he brings. Just at this time, Gao Fei resets her dislocated ankle. Suddenly, she screams in pain.

However, she quickly raised her hand to cover her mouth: she was afraid that Gao Fei would be angry.

Gao Fei doesn't care how painful she is. Does she cry? When she covers her mouth, she rushes out of the room.

Because he was anxious, he forgot that he still had a high-heeled shoe in his hand.

After Huo Tianqing politely closed the door and left, song Huiqiao was relieved. She seemed to lean on the sofa like taking off her strength, sweating profusely.

She closed her eyes and didn't want to move at all, but the corners of her mouth slowly turned up and she couldn't hide her complacency.

According to Gao Miaomiao's cleverness, of course, she can see that when she "pleads guilty" and Gao Fei holds her little foot, she is actually moved. As long as she cooperates in time, she can make Gao Fei her second man... With 80% confidence.

But she cleverly pretended not to see Mr. Gao's intention, but ran away with a look of fear.

She ran away on purpose, not because she hated goofy and didn't want to be defiled by him.

On the contrary, her heart was full of hope.

Because she is very clear: after she really becomes a high flying woman, she will never worry about being driven away, let alone who will do harm to her.

She ran away on purpose because she thought of a Chinese saying: wife is better than concubine, concubine is better than stealing, stealing is better than not stealing.

Now, Gao Fei has no feelings for her. The reason why he wants to possess her is just out of his physiological instinct.

This is not what Gao miaowao wants.

Since she has made up her mind to be Mr. Gao's personal secretary all her life, she must make Gao Fei spiritually inseparable from her.

If Mr. Gao can't be separated from her any more, he just needs to consider and make suggestions from the perspective of his interests no matter what he does - just like the three strategies she gave to Liu Xiaolong just now, even if Gao Fei is wary of her and wants to drive her away, he will definitely adopt her method in his heart and finally forgive her.

Playing scheming, Gao Miaomiao's excellent past has proved that she is a top-notch master in the world.

Goofy has a strong force value and a deep background, but there is only one person around him who is good at playing tricks. Even Chen Guoguo is too lazy to consider using more sinister plots to achieve what he needs because of his strong force value.

Gao meow felt that she was the one sent by heaven to help Gao Fei deal with his enemies with intrigues.

Let Gao Fei carry out the plan and make it come true. This makes Gao Miaomiao regain the feeling of scheming when he was the second lady.

She was very intoxicated with this feeling, especially after she thought that she would lose it forever, but it came again.

Therefore, Gao Miaomiao will cherish this feeling, just as she must pay special attention to Gao Fei's attitude towards her.

Thinking about it, Gao miaowao's smile is more beautiful, murmuring: "this is hard to get, right?"

His eyes are on Liu Xiaolong's neck with a scalpel, and his eyes are shining fiercely. Of course, it's not playing hard to get, but playing real.

Sharp scalpel, has cut Liu Xiaolong's neck, there is blood overflow.

There is no doubt that Mr. Liu has already been scared out of his wits and his legs are shaking. If it wasn't for Claire's father's eyes and the natural intimacy between him and Mr. Liu, he would have wet his pants now.

"Let him go, or the woman will die!"

The guard responsible for protecting Liu Xiaolong's safety is called Dabin.

Dabin is now holding a charming European and American woman in her left arm. She points her right temple with a gun in her right hand. Her eyes are almost burning, staring at her glasses.

The European and American woman who was kidnapped by Dabin was once a glorious French patrolman. By chance, she met glasses and fell in love with him. Finally, despite the strong opposition of her family, she immigrated to China and wanted to get married with glasses in three days.

French girls are definitely the most romantic girls in the world.

Their love also moved men.

Just like the future bride of glasses, she not only immigrated to China, but also changed her name. Now her name is Daya Clare.