Qin Shihuang's betrayal of Liubo mountain harmed his great Qin Empire and his descendants.

The gods decided to punish him, severely punish him, let him walk the pillar of fire, under the oil pot, on the knife mountain!

However, when they came to the first emperor on a dark night to punish him, the first emperor sneered and said, "at the beginning, you asked me to lead the people to destroy the six other countries, unify China, and end the situation of mutual killing among compatriots. I have done it and paid for it. Then I have reason to enjoy the fruits of victory. No matter what I do - but what about you, At this time, he jumped out to tell me what to do. What is that

In the face of the first emperor's eloquence and righteous criticism, the gods felt guilty, blushed, necked and lowered their heads, quietly withdrew from the palace and returned to Liubo mountain.

Of course, the gods did not intend to let the first emperor alone enjoy the fruits of victory in the world, so they immediately held an emergency meeting.

The meeting decided that when the first emperor returned to the mountains after his training in the world, he would immediately send a man to lead the people to overthrow the Qin Empire.

Who will be sent?

The betrayal of the first emperor made the gods realize that they had to choose who to send to clean up the mess in the world, so as to avoid another first emperor who would bring shame to everyone.

In the past, any God could decide who to send out of the mountain to suffer in the world.

The betrayal of Liubo mountain by the first emperor made the gods realize that this candidate could no longer be a trifle, so they had a heated discussion.

The reason why discussion is called discussion is that there are at least two groups of people with different ideas who are negotiating on a certain issue. The premise is that everyone thinks that they are the most correct. Otherwise, it is also called discussion. It is consultation.

Who is the most obedient and suitable person to overthrow the Qin Empire?

After three days and nights of heated discussion, the great gods still did not reach an agreement because they had two final candidates: Xiang Yu and Liu Bang.

"Hey, don't you just send someone to rule over ordinary people? Is it necessary to fight for this? There's no harm to peace. "

A great God, who has an important influence in Liubo mountain, came forward to make a comeback at this time: "since neither of you is satisfied with the other, let me give you an opinion. Let's just send Xiang Yu and Liu Bang to the world and let them work together to overthrow Bao Qin. As for who will be the emperor, it depends on them. Whoever can beat the other will be the emperor, Whatever you want, you have to give. It's a truth. "

The proposal of the great God was unanimously agreed by both sides in the fierce debate.

As a result, Xiang Yu and Liu Bang shouldered the heavy responsibility of overthrowing the tyrant Qin Dynasty. As for who can finally win the Central Plains and become the last king, it depends on their own development and luck.

This is the end of a dispute.

However, the great God who put forward this idea did not expect that because of this dispute, there were two factions in Liubo mountain, which was originally very harmonious. The great gods had a very comfortable life. Apart from occasionally fighting and knocking over the pillars supporting the sky, there were not many entertainment programs. They were able to command their favorite people remotely and win the final victory in the world, It becomes super meaningful.

In order to win the final victory, the great gods on the surface waited for the overthrow of the tyrant Qin Dynasty, but in fact secretly began to send people into the world to help Xiang Yu and Liu Bang, such as Han Xin, the great general who assisted Liu Bang, and Ji Bu, the great general who assisted Xiang Yu.

After the first emperor completed his mission in the world and reluctantly returned to Liubo mountain, Liu Bang and Xiang Yu were placed in the immortal class again. The war between Liu Bang and Xiang Yu to overthrow Bao Qin was in full swing.

After years of hard work, Xiang Yu and his wife finally overthrew Bao Qin and started the "fire and union" mode. Finally, Liu Bang, who was very low-key, succeeded in forcing the proud overlord of Western Chu to commit suicide on the edge of the Wujiang River.

From then on, the great gods who founded Liubo mountain in the Han Dynasty also decided the outcome.

According to the original decision, the winner will have the right to arrange everything in the world (including who is the heir to the throne). The loser will just stay where it is cool.

The loser turned to drink the sweet dew and swallow the rosy clouds in the evening. The winner was elated. In order to celebrate the victory, a celebration meeting was held. All the gods drank happily.

After the Western Han Dynasty and the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Han Dynasty entered the Three Kingdoms period.

Of course, the reason why the Han Dynasty ended was that the descendants of Liu Bang were more able to bewitch the people than the first emperor, and they did so much self worship that people all over the world knew only about the strong men, but not Liubo mountain.

In order to punish these ignorant people, the great gods let the strong man fall and enter the period of three kingdoms' hegemony (this time, naturally because Liubo mountain had three forces, each of which put forward its own candidates), which made those ignorant people suffer. From 60 million in the strong man period, only 5 million died.

From the strong Han Dynasty to the end of the Three Kingdoms, more than nine tenths of the people were killed and injured, which can be said to be very heavy.

People's sufferings finally moved the great gods on Liubo mountain, so they decided to let them go.

So Jin Dynasty appeared.

The people in the Jin Dynasty were very happy. The world was unified, and the emperor was not a tyrant. Everyone lived and worked in peace and contentment, and tried to create wealth and enjoy it as much as possible. As a result, the Jin Dynasty became the most extravagant and wasteful Dynasty in Chinese history.

At the same time, what makes the gods of Liubo mountain feel disgusted is that those aristocratic masters in the Jin and Jin dynasties took it as fashion to raise men, and it affected almost every common people.

The great gods can allow the ignorant people to gradually lose their most authentic beliefs, but they will never agree that they engage in these immoral practices, which is against heaven.

Punish severely, must punish these stupid people severely!

So in the last years of the Western Jin Dynasty, Wuhu began to be in chaos. More than 80% of the Han people were slaughtered, and the rest of the fish escaped to the south of the Yangtze River.

It was at that time that northern China, which was once economically and culturally strong, gradually declined, because those rich families fled to the south of the Yangtze River, and the South gradually became strong, and until now, it has not been able to change the format.

This is the great gods are not willing to change, who let those people in the north also learn from the aristocracy of the two Jin Dynasty to engage in homosexual love, against the ethics of heaven?

They deserve it!

After the five chaos, the great gods felt a long breath of sullen - but then found that the Han nationality was too dangerous, even more dangerous than the Three Kingdoms period, and almost died!

This can't be done. Although the Han people make mistakes at some times, they are not as guilty as extermination.

What's more, those Hu people, too special to be food, even began to eat people, or eat beautiful women. If they couldn't, they were pushed into the river and drowned.

After a certain emergency meeting, the great gods sacrificed their killing weapons to punish the Hu people: they sent the killing God ran min down to earth and began to punish the Hu people who had no birds.

As a result, the sad fate of the Hu people began. In just a few years, they were almost killed by ran min.

OK, the reason why the world is so rich and colorful is that there are so many species. We can't make the Hu people extinct just because they don't have enough birds?

It's time to recall ran min.

So ran min was captured and killed by the Murong family in Longcheng.

Then, the Hu Dynasty, which received some compensation, was completely driven out of the Central Plains by Yang Jian, the founder of the great Sui Dynasty!

People always say that the strong Han Dynasty and the prosperous Tang Dynasty, in fact, only the great Sui empire of more than 30 years, is really rich and strong.

According to a God who did not want to reveal his name, he revealed privately: "in the thousands of years of Chinese history, only the people of the great Sui Empire have the strongest sense of pride, even stronger than the Tang Dynasty.

Here is a small example. Let's first talk about the strength of the great Sui empire.

During the reign of Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, that is, in the heyday of Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, the grain stored in the great Sui Empire (such as the Jinyang granary, which could provide food for millions of people for many years) could sustain the mice alive!

As for the rope used to wear five baht money in the Treasury, it can rot by itself - alas, there's more money than can be used up!

On the force of the great Sui empire.

At that time, the soldiers of the great Sui Dynasty were absolutely invincible. No matter which nationality they were, they were invincible.

Finally, let's talk about the pride of the people of the great Sui Dynasty: an old man of the Sui Dynasty, carrying a dung basket, walking on a small bridge and meeting a huge hu man with a value of tens of millions, can walk with his head held high as if no one else, while the huge hu man has to stand aside and wait respectfully for the old man to cross the bridge.

How proud is this?

Should we make you contemporary people who only know how to worship foreign countries blush?

Some family heard that there was a fool who cut his kidney and sold his kidney in order to buy a pear cell phone. Was he a reincarnation in his last life?

No, I have to go back to find out who this person is when I have time. Let him give birth to a piece of shit in the next life. It's too humiliating for me to be a great Chinese

The interviewer then asked, "well, since the great Sui empire was so powerful, how could they survive for only 38 years and then perish? The so-called invincible soldiers of the great Sui Dynasty were killed and wounded in the expedition to Korea. Now they are complacent by some shameless country. What do you say that they are the most powerful country in the east? "

"Well, it's all the faction that caused the trouble!"

A great God sighed and explained with a gloomy look: "Yang Jian, the founder of the great Sui Empire, was a candidate put forward by a certain faction in Liubo mountain. Because he was very capable, he covered up any candidate put forward by another faction for so many years, so that faction was not happy and played small tricks secretly."

When Yang Jian finished his mission and returned to Liubo mountain, Yang Yong, who was supposed to inherit the throne and continue to lead the people of the great Sui Dynasty, was killed by Yang Guang.

Yang Guang, the representative of a certain group of great gods, shouldered the important task of defeating the great Sui Dynasty in the shortest time. In the history of China, there was the historical fact of digging the Grand Canal and three expeditions to Korea.

The Grand Canal wasted people's money, and the three expeditions to Korea led to the death of 300000 elite soldiers of the great Sui Dynasty in foreign countries. This bloody cruel reality completely brought down the great Sui empire in terms of financial and military resources.

The only truly powerful empire in Chinese history, the great Sui Dynasty, collapsed in just 38 years and was later replaced by Li Tang Dynasty.

The interviewer sighed and asked with red eyes: "since the imperial soldiers of the great Sui Dynasty are so powerful, how can they fight against Korea three times and finally lose the whole army there?"

"Hum, isn't it all Yang Guang's intention?"

Dashen sneered and said, "if it hadn't been for his intention, just a Korean clown would have died long ago!"