According to legend, the world was a paradise for animals a long time ago.

Countless rare animals are the masters of the world.

This situation has been maintained on earth for many, many years without any change.

At present, let alone the whole world, even if there is only one county or city, where there are no human beings, only monkeys, tigers and other animals, the local government will protect the local ecological balance and pollute the air.

But a long time ago, this was the case on the whole earth. As the saying goes, if there are too many things, they are no longer precious. When the gods living in some places occasionally come to the world for a wild tour, they look at the animals in sight from time to time and begin to feel that the world is peaceful.

Only some animals with low intelligence quotient exist, which makes wild travel dull.

So, after the gods returned to their places, they began to hold some kind of meeting to decide whether to let more intelligent species in the world lead the world, so as not to let the disordered animals chew the good flowers. It's a pity.

Soon after the conference, there was another species in the world that walked upright on two legs, human.

In the beginning, the IQ of human beings was higher than that of all animals, because they could make simple stone tools for hunting, which animals could never learn.

However, due to human's congenital reasons, compared with animals, the overall strength is much worse. A tiger can frighten a group of people and dare to play with three or five strong guys.

In the face of powerful animals, in order to protect themselves, people are not only forced to learn to use stone tools, use tree branches as weapons to defend themselves, but also choose to live in groups.

Social life gives people a sense of security. As the saying goes, many people are powerful, and tigers are not afraid when they come. It's from that time

After people choose to live in groups, they find that many benefits make them intoxicated: old, frail women, young children and so on, they no longer have to worry about being eaten by tigers and other beasts, because there are countless strong guys to protect them, fight with beasts with weapons, kill beasts and get food.

These strong guys who are responsible for protecting people's safety are the rudiments of security.

However, in the animal world, there is a truth that "birds do not fly without heads". People living in groups, especially those security guards who are responsible for people's safety, of course, have to have a strong person to be the leader to lead us to work together to deal with all kinds of dangers.

Naturally, the security captain appeared - a fierce man standing on his fist and walking on his arm.

The security team leader led the people in the tribe to fight bravely against the dangers from all sides and strive for the survival space for the whole group. His majestic body, cold face and courage to wipe out a thousand troops against the enemy completely fascinated the women in the group. They were crying and crying and crying to sleep. They were eager to have a child as brave as him.

In addition to these fanatical women, in order to make the fierce man better protect himself, the old people everywhere publicized his martial arts and profoundly taught the children that they must listen to him and strive to be like him.

At any time, the old people's words are always reasonable, because it is the truth that has been proved by years of precipitation.

The children of the ethnic group all think that when they see the fierce man, especially when they see that he once led them to take back two rabbits with his bare hands, they worship him even more.

A child, who was assigned a rabbit leg, was so excited that he suddenly fell on his knees in front of a fierce man, touched the ground with his forehead, and repeatedly called out someone's power.

Other people suddenly feel that only in this way can they express their respect for fierce people, so naturally, they kneel down.

As for fierce people, they feel that their sacrifice for the sake of the whole ethnic group should also be loved and supported by the people. When they feel a sense of pride, they take it for granted.

After many times, under the leadership of a child who always gets better than others by patting his horse, people in the tribe kneel down and kowtow when they see a fierce man, which has formed a habit. As the understanding that the ruled worships the ruler, it has been handed down from afar.

Almost all of the outstanding women in the ethnic group had that relationship with the fierce man, and gave birth to strong children like him. When these children grow up, they will worship their father more and imitate his every move.

Because the strongest and most promising candidates of the tribe to become the new security team leader are all the children of fierce people, no one dares to challenge his position even after the so-called years of suizhudao made him no longer powerful and majestic and unable to continue to be the security team leader of the tribe.

His rich combat experience also made him the most precious wealth of the new captain (one of his sons) after he retired as the security captain. He learned a lot from it, becoming stronger, more effective, getting more food, and getting more women's favor. He could cultivate his son to become the next generation of security captain, which played a decisive role.

Slowly, in this ethnic group where everyone is equal, there are fixed Kings - all kings are the descendants of the first fierce man. If others want to replace them, they will have to pay a heavy blow.

Gradually, in the ethnic group where everyone is equal, there are classes.

Slowly, with the increasing number of ethnic groups, the king's security forces are more and more powerful, and hunting is more and more professional, so he no longer has to go hunting in person. Instead, he selects some powerful men to act as the leaders of his security team leader at all levels. He just needs to be in command.

Finally, after years of struggle, people who know more and more how to use their brains and hands to survive have driven the beasts who have threatened them for years into the forest and created a circle for people to live in: the country.

The emergence of the embryonic state formally represents that the gods in some places have completed the original intention of making people live on the earth and become the absolute masters of the earth.

They like this result very much, because the people living in the world are their clones - the gods who have nothing to do every day when they have enough to eat, and they like to see more and more of their clones and become stronger step by step.

In order to make human beings more orderly and live happily for a long time, the gods told the human king how to establish a dynasty, how to make laws and how to rule his people in the form of a dream.

The king, who was instructed by the gods, suddenly realized that he had gradually established his own dynasty according to the gods' wishes, and longed to pass it on forever.

However, later, the kings were no longer satisfied with ruling their own ethnic groups, but hoped to rule other royal ethnic groups together.

Thus, the war between people began, just like the two lions in the animal kingdom who fought desperately for territory.

After all, when they first created human beings, they only regarded human beings as the sustenance to realize their desire to indirectly become the masters of the world. They did not let them kill each other after they were strong.

However, when the gods wanted to intervene in the chaos of human beings, they suddenly found that two groups of people could fight on a large scale for a hare, which was very interesting.

The gods are interested and no longer interfere. They are just like those gamblers who are keen on fighting chickens and gambling. They pay close attention to the fight between two chickens and begin to predict the victory of that group in advance, so they start to bet.

Of course, the gods bet, just a kind of spiritual, material life to an extreme entertainment, or just a small game, just won't because of winning or losing.

The gods, standing high and looking down at the human beings in the world, fight against each other because they get more benefits from other ethnic groups. They think it's fun. At the same time, there are also one or two naughty gods. In order to ensure the victory of their bet side, they open plug-ins and teach them killing skills and more professional killing weapons in the form of dreams.

Gradually, there are more and more wars between human beings for their interests, and the scale is also growing. Some small ethnic groups (or countries) have been swallowed up, while the original large ethnic groups have become more powerful.

At this time, the gods felt that the development of things seemed to be out of their original intention of creating human beings.

In particular, the greedy heart of mankind surprised them.

Originally, after discovering that the king wanted to consolidate his position from generation to generation, the gods reconciled their thoughts and gave way to the Zen system in the world.

But there was a man named Qi who violated the system of abdication and founded the first slavery Dynasty in the East, the great Xia Dynasty: his son was Prince, his daughter was Princess, his father-in-law was Guozhang, his family was Royal, and his security guards were army.

Anyone who dares to resist him has been mercilessly attacked.

The gods were very dissatisfied with the appearance of the great Xia Dynasty. They thought that the king of Xia was too domineering and did not pay any attention to their founders. No, they had to be severely punished.

Therefore, the gods sent a man named Qi from Liubo mountain to the mortal world to create a tribe that could compete with the Xia Dynasty. After a bloody battle, they overthrew the Xia Dynasty and created the second country in the history of Oriental mankind: Shang Dynasty.

Later, a king of Shang Dynasty appeared. He was known as king Zhou of Shang Dynasty in history. He was as cruel as Xia Jie. He made the whole country angry and resentful, and made the gods unhappy. So he began to send people to the earth to kill King Zhou of Shang Dynasty.

That man was King Wu of Zhou Dynasty (the Zhou Dynasty was divided into Western Zhou Dynasty and Eastern Zhou Dynasty, and the two dynasties were combined for a total of 800 years).

Eight hundred years later, because of various reasons, the mountains and rivers were overthrown, and the world appeared in the first feudal dynasty: the great Qin Empire.

Different from the kings in the slave countries, Qin Shihuang understood the importance of political power more clearly (in fact, he wanted to be the real master of the world without the control of the gods), so he began to burn books and dig up scholars, guiding the people to believe only what he said.

Qin Shihuang's bold betrayal made the gods very angry. At the same time, they also realized that there was a mistake in the game, that is, people had no faith.

People have to have faith!

And this belief is to create human Liubo mountain!

Liubo mountain is the ultimate birthplace of Oriental human beings: human beings were founded by the goddess Nuwa of Liubo mountain. They were able to drive away beasts and create their own civilization, which were secretly helped by the gods. Why did Qin Shihuang let people only believe in themselves?

The gods are angry, and the consequences are serious.