Chapter 387

Name:Farmer's Little Girl Author:Yu Yuzhu
Zhou Silang and Friday Lang stood on both sides of the cow, holding their heads high and protecting the cow, and the cow rope was in man Bao's hand.

Zhou Hu led his cow behind him and gently touched his back with one hand. He was also very happy.

A group of people turned into a small street. Far away, Zhou Silang shouted at the front, "second brother!"

Zhou Erlang, who was giving people tofu, shook his hand and almost crushed the tofu. He looked up angrily, but when he saw the cow in man Bao's hand, he was stunned and snapped. He really pinched the tofu in his hand.

Zhou Erlang was still in a trance when he returned to the village, so he pushed the cart on Thursday. He held the cow rope tightly in his hand and protected the cow back with deep and shallow feet.

As for man Bao, she is now sitting on the back of the cow like the king on patrol, happily looking down at a group of children running towards her in the village.

Among them, two heads are the first.

He was playing with his friends under the big banyan tree at the entrance of the village. As soon as he looked up, he saw a cow with a man who looked like a sister-in-law on its back.

Then his eyes deviated. He saw his father walking next to the cow and the fourth uncle pushing the cart next to him. He knew he was right.

The two "Teng" jumped up, rushed directly over and shouted, "Dad, whose cow is this?"

Zhou Erlang smiled dreamily and said happily, "ours."

Although the second head had guessed, he couldn't help crying. He grabbed Zhou Erlang and said, "Dad, I want to ride on the back of the cow, and I want to ride on the cow."

"Go," said Zhou Erlang, turning his son aside. "You're so heavy. What if you get tired of the cow? Your sister-in-law is sitting on the top. "

Many children rushed up and surrounded them at once. The cow stomped restlessly. Zhou Erlang quickly reached out to appease it and let everyone disperse.

But the news here soon spread to the village, and even some adults came to see the excitement.

Seeing Zhou Erlang and Zhou Hu holding cattle in their hands, they were very surprised.

Everyone was even more surprised to learn that it was on credit from the county government. Is it true that some people go to the county government to buy cattle on credit?

The village gate became lively.

When old Zhou tou knew that he was running out with his shoes on, Zhou Erlang and they were almost home.

Old Zhou tou rushed out and saw the cow rope in Zhou Erlang's hand. He took another look at the girl sitting on the cow's back. His heart was worried, his eyes stared directly, and he would fall down as soon as his feet were soft.

Zhou Dalang, who ran out, quickly held his father and quickly asked someone to carry Lao Zhou's head home.

Man Bao is excited to faint when he sees his father. He doesn't sit on the cow's back. When he moves his ass, he will slide down.

Zhou Erlang hurriedly took her down, rushed up and looked at his father with concern.

Old Zhou also fainted. As soon as Zhou Dalang helped him, he woke up, but at this time, he was lazy and didn't want to talk or talk to anyone.

Man Bao pushed away several brothers and sisters, pushed them to Lao Zhou's side, and held his hand with concern. "Dad, I told you I wanted to surprise you. Why are you so unhappy that you fainted at a glance."

The villagers gathered around to watch the excitement could not see the scene inside, but man Bao's words were heard. Someone laughed loudly and said, "man Bao, your father is not happy, but surprised. Is it frightening you? Ha ha... "

Old Zhou tou couldn't lie down. He grabbed Zhou Dalang's and Zhou Sanlang's hands, stood up and scolded outside: "fart, who says I'm scared, I'm obviously happy..."

Old Zhou tou cried when he said this sentence, but he still smiled with a sad face, "I, I'm happy, my old Zhou family can afford a cow..."

But what if my heart hurts, especially if it's still a cow on credit, the interest

Old Zhou felt refreshed at the thought of interest. He didn't know how much money the cow girl had on credit.

So he waved his hand and said, "my cow has just come back. Don't get so close so as not to scare it. What should we do in the spring. Give it to your uncles and brothers. "

Zhou Dalang immediately led several younger brothers to give them away.

With a smile of understanding, the villagers left one after another.

Yesterday, old Zhou tou was still bragging with them at the entrance of the village. Only fools would give credit for such expensive interest.

I've never heard of buying such a big thing on credit. Isn't it necessary to press the coffin in advance?

But as soon as he turned around, there was only one day's effort. His family returned a cow on credit. At a glance, his reaction was unknown.

Everyone can guess that most of this was done by their precious daughter.

Zhou Erlang's brothers don't have the courage.

Therefore, there may be a goddaughter storm in the old Zhou family. Although everyone wants to see the excitement, it's not easy to force onlookers, so they have to go.

As soon as we went out, we went to Zhou Hu's house.

As you can see just now, Zhou Hu also brought a cow back.

In addition to the Bai family, only the village head's family has cattle in Qili Village, so cattle are still very rare, especially when they are on credit with the county government.

Although we don't want credit, we still want to hear how Zhou Hu got the cattle on credit.

As soon as the crowd left and the gate was closed, only the old Zhou family were left in the yard.

Old Zhou looked at his daughter. Some of them couldn't do it, so he turned around and said to Feng, "go and call your mother back in the vegetable garden."

He had to let his old wife have a good meal. His heart hurt too much.

Man Bao hasn't noticed his father's mind yet. He nods happily. "It's to tell his mother."

Man Bao took out the registered residence from the cloth bag and handed it to the old Chou head. "Daddy, please accept it."

Old Zhou took it and asked, "why is this in your hand?"

"Dad, you forgot, that the cow is going to take the registered residence."

Yes, that's what Li Chang said yesterday.

Old Zhou turned his small head and asked, "where did you come from?"

"Mom brought it for me."

Old Zhou tou gave a "ow" sound. As soon as Qian pushed the door in, he looked at him with red eyes. His eyes were filled with tears and said sadly and angrily: "son, his mother, why don't you tell me to let man Bao credit the cow?"

Qian frowned and said, "I don't know man Bao is going to credit cattle."

"You don't know, do you not know how to give her registered residence?"

"Man Bao said yes and I gave it. She's always sensible and won't fool around with it."

Old Zhou tou believed her. He didn't believe that his old wife couldn't guess. She just kept it from him on purpose!

Qian said, "well, what a big deal. It's good to add a big event at home. Let big head go to the market and cut a piece of meat later and celebrate in the evening."

"Don't eat," cried old Zhou. "Your family is in debt. Can you eat?"