Nick felt a warm and soft touch coming from his feet, like stepping on his internal organs. The floor of the whole mansion became this kind of greasy and wriggling material. The ceiling above his head was a pile of meat like a tumor, wriggling like soft meat in his throat. Nick's lower body became an axe foot like a slug, sliding on it.

He felt in a trance that he had become a mollusk.

"Your situation has begun to get serious!" the presence in front of you seems to be piled up by countless bubbles as deep as the universe and as bright as the sun: "but fortunately... If ordinary people's consciousness is some scattered granulated sugar, you are the kind of hard and icy sugar - you can persist longer under the impact of these chaotic information!"

"Your current consciousness can still remain awake, which means that the consciousness inertia that maintains your reason has not disappeared, so there are only preliminary symptoms of cognitive disorder. If you can persist for three days, the confusion of consciousness will be further deepened, on the premise that you don't face those distorted meme viruses."

"The situation is good..." the voice said, "it's not as optimistic as I thought!"

"How's it going?" Nick said. "I suspect I'm crazy!"

"People who are really crazy don't know they are crazy!" Chen ang said. "Now you can distinguish that you have entered an abnormal state. I had expected - you will completely distort your cognition and be unaware of your abnormalities. It's like dreaming. Whatever absurd situation you encounter is considered normal."

"How are you going to tell the s.h.i.e.l.d. in that case?" Nick said, "put me back who has gone crazy?"

"I'll give you a device for artificial intervention in cognition!" Chen ang took out a pair of glasses and said, "use this pair of glasses to interfere with your vision, filter meme viruses, and artificially interfere with the information you get. It's like installing a device for artificially filtering harmful substances in your consciousness."

Nick put on his glasses and the whole world suddenly recovered.

Although it still looked twisted, dark and grotesque, it at least looked normal - Nick ignored the walls with faces, the chandeliers twisted like skeletons on his head, and the floor on which his feet stepped returned to normal - just with dirty dirt and blood and wet moss.

Nick watched the slug with black mucus climb over his feet. His face jumped and said, "much better! Really!"

He saw Chen Ang's head shining like a light bulb.

"You subconsciously feel that it is dirty and dark here. You feel that there are many bacteria and microorganisms, and the psychic vision distorts this feeling. The mottled blood on the wall, the slugs and moss on the ground are all symbols projected by the things you perceive by inspiration." Chen ang said: "moreover, the door of the soul in consciousness is opened, which also liberates your conscious shackles."

Nick said, "what do you mean?"

"You can perceive some information oppressed by common sense. In addition to the five senses, human beings also have conscious senses. Before the shackles are liberated, the things observed and perceived by consciousness will be forgotten and occasionally appear in the form of dreams. This is the reason why the five senses relax the suppression of conscious perception during sleep and make these things emerge that you didn't feel before."

Chen ang explained the reason with the knowledge of mysticism. Seeing Nick, he still knew a little. He added: "generally speaking, your psychic vision can see some clues that ordinary people can't detect."

"Psychic vision is a kind of consciousness distortion, which is the result of the distortion of the attributes outside the reality composed of the five senses. It contains many factors of illusion and madness and chaos, but it also has something beyond common sense, but it belongs to rationality." Chen ang said: "it is very dangerous, but also very useful!"

"How long can these glasses protect me?" Nick asked calmly.

Chen ang pondered for a moment and replied, "if you don't look directly at something that contains more chaotic information and more powerful memes, it can maintain your basic rationality for a week."

"This thing takes over my information receiving window - that is, my senses, and filters out harmful meme viruses by interfering with my senses," Nick said. "That doesn't mean you know everything I perceive?"

Chen ang nodded and said, "yes... The artificial intelligence in the Republic will screen the information you receive. If you think it's inappropriate, you can return it to me!"

"Then I can't work at all!" Nick said coldly, "a lot of hallucinations and disturbing my cognition. If I can't distinguish what appears in front of me, what am I, the chief of Divine Shield?"

"The current director of aegis is Colson!" Chen ang reminded him.

"Let him go to hell!" Nick adjusted the lens color of his eyes and turned it into the transparency of sunglasses. "Now the situation is critical, I have to fight myself!"

"I'll isolate me from the most confidential information... You can't find anything through me!" Nick said, but he knew he had to expose some secrets to the people's Revolutionary League. No, it's just the lesser of the two evils.

It's better to let the Revolutionary League know some secrets of the s.h.i.e.l.d. than to make all mankind crazy!

Nick walked out of the house. This time he completely understood what it was - you know too much!

Nick had never felt that there would be such a terrible danger if he knew too much. The sky was a little white - if the sun rose in the East - it looked more like a wellhead, like a hole in the sky. Light and some other things flowed out of the hole, like pus from the wound of the sky.

Nick caught a glimpse of the moon before it had completely set.

I immediately felt my spiritual vision deepened!

What the hell is that, a meatball full of tentacles and wriggling, with large and small eyes on it. Nick felt that when he looked up at it, some of his eyes were also looking at him. An indescribable feeling, like the greasy feeling of being massaged by the king squid, shrouded Nick's whole body.

"What the hell is this?" Nick scolded in horror.

"Moon!" Chen ang said faintly, "that's what it is..."

"How can the moon look like this?" Nick said. "What's the ghost on it? Is there anything special on the moon?"

"It has always been like this, but with the spiritual vision, you can see more truth. That's all!"

"Fark!" Nick yelled.

Chen ang raised his watch and glanced at the projected information: "your rationality has weakened a little. Don't look or think about those things. Now is not the time to know more, the better. On the contrary, the less you know, the safer you are."

"That thing has been watching us on the moon?" Nick said angrily.

"It has been so since ancient times!" Chen ang spared no words. The more he said, the faster Nick's reason fell.

"I must close that door before I go crazy." Nick took the cigarette in his mouth. He didn't care about the worm like, smelly, wriggling smoke with dirty mucus and fishy taste, and hardened his scalp to suck in the rotten and fishy smell.

"How many people in the s.h.i.e.l.d. can bear the truth?" Chen ang asked, "if you fail, we need to find someone else to take over your work. At least one person must know the truth."

Nick thought for a long time, and his mind was a little confused - "Colson can't... damn it, I can't think of anyone who can last more than two days."

"The brains of agents are too complex. They store more information, and the wall of common sense is not strong enough." Chen ang said: "the simpler people are, the stronger their resistance is, and the more stubborn people are, the less likely they are to go crazy."

"Stubborn!" Nick took a deep breath. "That's only my old man frank! He's the most stubborn person I've ever seen!"

"Punisher?" Chen ang said: "yes... At first, he may distort more than normal people, but he has higher tolerance and longer resistance to the later infection."

"You need to give Frank some authority - then go back to s.h.i.e.l.d. and deal with something."

Chen ang said calmly, "then we can start looking for a solution to the problem!"

"Ravio?" Nick asked.

Chen ang didn't say a word and acquiesced to Nick's guess. A long time later, when the big hole and wellhead in the east gradually moved to the middle of the sky, Chen ang said, "lend us Dr. reed!"

"What are you doing?" Nick frowned.

"He's studying transmission technology... It's too simple. The Republic has been monitoring the space near the earth, which can't hide from us. It looks like he's going to succeed. I want to push the boat with the water and let him try the water for us!"

"Where are you taking him?" Nick asked.

Chen ang didn't directly answer: "you know what? Now our time is close enough to solve the mystery! We can't solve the problem of the death knight... We have to copy the answer."

"Now we can only do bad students who are ready to copy the answers next door."

"Pray that the examiner will not pay attention to us!"

"Send reed over and pretend it was an experimental accident!" Nick interrupted with a deep look in his eyes. He nodded slightly: "to make such an accident... We are professional!"

"Reed is our beacon!"

Chen ang said, "I will pretend to stop Ulysses from opening." you can't come out until necessary. Too early or too late will affect our plan. "

"I will make use of strange to make a brocade bag and gradually remind you of the key of the plan. You can get all the information of the plan from him, and then complete your steps before the meme virus in these information infects you. This task can be completed only by our joint cooperation."