At this time, selsi on the bed got up, her head hung upside down, her neck folded in half towards the back, her limbs folded back behind her, and her joints seemed to be broken, which vividly explained the body shape of turning elbows inward.

Even so, Selsey's eyes were still turning.

After careful observation, we can find that the witch's state is related to Nick's cognition of her. Her strange appearance in Nick's eyes seems to be not only a change, but a deeper display of herself - the witch's original face and Caroline's face have festered, and we can only see a general picture.

This seems to mean that the witch's disguise has been seen through.

And under that rotten, leaky face, where that face was broken, another face was sewn up.

It was an older face, Mrs. violet's face, full of wrinkles, white hair, uneven teeth in her mouth. The two faces were like leaky masks sewn together. The black thread sewed the festering place, and where the two sewn faces could not cover, it was a pair of girl's eyes.

Nick can even say that he is familiar with these eyes. These are the eyes of the brother and sister, Martin and grace.

As like as two peas in the photo.

This is also a kind of evidence that what Nick sees is what his inner information shows after being processed by alienated consciousness. Normal human beings can only see an ordinary woman, but what Nick sees is the alienation of his subconscious mind from what he sees.

So he can see the faces of Caroline and violet. Caroline's face is very clear, which is what the witch looks like now and what Nick has always seen, while violet's face is very vague.

It was a fuzzy face, and all the features came from the information Nick knew - nearly 60 years old, old and stroke, an old woman - the last thing presented was this fuzzy image, put together with Caroline's clear face - because Nick didn't see violet's picture, he didn't know how she looked!

And that pair of Grace's eyes - obviously from that picture.

So the part of the witch that represents her capture of grace is still in her childhood!

This made her have a pair of child like eyes, which were placed on the old and ugly face, which was very terrible.

Her skin was loose and flabby, like a piece of sewn human skin. Under that human skin, there was black rotten skin.

Sewn up, mask like faces and eyes - representing Nick's consciousness that witches seize those people's bodies and identities.

She is wearing a human fur coat, but she can't cover her black skin - this is Nick's subconscious image of lisselsi: a black witch wearing human skin and with other people's faces... A thing that covers her rotten body with other people's skin.

Everything Nick saw seemed to be broken and reassembled by a crazy artist.

What he saw was probably the world created by Picasso who was crazy.

Caroline's evil spirit grew out of the witch's rotten belly, dragged her intestines, and the whole head drilled out of her abdominal cavity... It didn't come from the subconscious, but a kind of spiritual vision.

Chen ang revealed that Caroline and other evil spirits are not real souls, but the fears and fantasies of Selsey and others. They think that the door is leading to the world of the dead. They misunderstand the meaning of "death", so their fear distorts their consciousness and creates those evil spirits... Or, they create the "door" of evil spirits.

However, people's consciousness is common, and what they fear creates - is also a meme.

This virus can infect others, even old humans without doors, will see the evil spirits seen in the hallucinations of wizards. This meme will infect all people in contact with them and cause the effect of real evil ghost revenge.

And Nick - the Old Nick who lost the protection of common sense, his ability of "spiritual vision" has greatly increased - he can see the memes created by the infected people and the evil spirits created by the fear of witches. The evil spirit attached to selsi showed such a terrible effect.

Nick was not scared out of his mind by what he saw. On the contrary, he restrained himself and kept himself in a state of doing nothing... But he was not the only one who heard the fatal truth. When Chen ang said these words, he never avoided selsi and jastifa.

Their IQ is a little silly than Nick, and they need a little time to think.

Then the two poor people protected by common sense were kicked naked into hell. They also lost the inertial protection of consciousness and looked directly at the reality and chaos of the world - Selsey obviously saw the head growing in her abdominal cavity. Caroline smiled at her with endless resentment.

Then she felt that the human skin she was wearing began to wriggle. It was other evil spirits who had been seized by her body attached to these human skin. She felt that she was coexisting with those evil spirits. She felt that they were close to herself and grew on her skin.

They coexist with each other!

Selsey screamed. In Nick's eyes, she opened her mouth and opened it 180 degrees. It was big enough to plug a head... Her mouth was full of uneven teeth, yellow, deformed and ugly teeth. Selsey began to scratch her skin desperately - in Chen Ang's eyes, she was tearing off her own skin.

In the eyes of the three people present, there are three different worlds. Chen ang is a normal perspective. He saw selsi holding his skin and tearing it off bit by bit with a powerful force beyond imagination; In Nick's eyes, Selsey is a monster trying to tear off her human skin - and in Selsey's own eyes, she is a normal person - this may be the only thing common sense still protects her.

Her skin is some human skin monsters that want to grow into her body.

She must take it off

Selsey is crazy - she knows the world completely wrong! She realized that she had created some meme viruses - some monsters that distorted her world, and she could no longer distinguish between the distorted world and the normal world.

Chen ang watched selsi pull out his skin and muscles alive, and turned himself into a skeleton with blood and flesh skin. I don't know what kept her alive, but in the eyes of Nick and selsi, selsi stripped off those human skin monsters and exposed his real appearance - a corpse like a mummy.

Because they all know that the essence of selsi is a body that should have decayed long ago.

At this time, in their eyes with distorted consciousness, Selsey's appearance coincided with her real appearance - a rotten (flesh and blood), dry (thin) skeleton.

Selsey's skeleton, with some meat hanging from it, fell to the ground.

In Chen Ang's eyes, she is dead, but in Nick and Selsey's own eyes, she is still alive, just in a different form.

Nick had realized - he had no way to deal with these things, the rotten corpse of the witch Selsey, the maggot crawling corpse, the dancing girl, the halfling man crawling under the bed - lawyer Luke, a young Nick lawyer shared the body with jastifa, and then jastifa returned half of it to lawyer Luke.

He dragged only half of his body, his intestines leaking out of his abdominal cavity and crawled on the ground.

Nick can never destroy these things. This is not something that can be destroyed with a gun or super power. It is an essential thinking alienation. Soon he will get used to it. The people in his eyes will be alienated into his subconscious understanding of their essence. There is no difference between life and death, corpses and humans in his eyes.

Man is the body of action, and the body is the person who doesn't move.

This state is exchanged at any time. A person's past, present, conscious and material things will be revealed at the same time, turning a person into a patchwork of abstract things.

His world is like Picasso's painting... In the future, more consciousness and concepts will appear in his world in the form of abstract entities. Those nihilistic concepts - time, good and evil, life and death, will exist in his cognition in various symbolic and distorted states.

All human rationality, perception of time, perception of color, shape, temperature and life will exist in a distorted and nameless state.

Everyone exists in Nick's eyes as a monster - but Nick will soon have cognitive disorder, and he will soon not be surprised and afraid. He will completely forget what a normal person looks like.

Now in Nick's eyes, Chen ang is a collection of countless bubbles, from countless lights into things that can't be seen clearly.

He said to Selsey, "I'm sorry, I seem to have hurt you by mistake!"

He turned to Nick and said: "Once you were a system created by the Creator with steel and fire, with rigorous structure and orderly operation, that is, your consciousness. Now many elements of consciousness have become disordered and chaotic things, but you still have to be sober and rational. However, the future of mankind will become distorted and shapeless monsters as you see now !”

"The Apocalypse extracted order and reason from chaos and created your consciousness. After returning to chaos, you can still maintain your consciousness and create yourself again - this may be the test that the Apocalypse wants to give you." Chen angdao.

What is this - Nick thought in some confusion - the programmer created an artificial intelligence from the chaotic algorithm, then scrambled the artificial intelligence code, washed it into a chaotic state, and expected it to code itself... What a Arabian Night?

At this moment, Nick sincerely hoped that his God was the monkey sitting in front of the typewriter and typing repeatedly, and created them in countless possibilities.

Instead of relying on reason and wisdom to create them, and then start running and testing, and carry out all kinds of whimsical "tests", the artificial intelligence to be washed into chaotic algorithms will create itself again and carry out this sensational act.

"Why isn't our God a monkey?"

The monkey will create chaos, and then the chaos will end. The monkey god will not know when to press the button to destroy everything, but Nick can accept it - this is the unknown destiny.

But a scientist God, he will start rationally and orderly, create precisely, and then experiment repeatedly, hoping to see the results he expects - things beyond expectation or expectation, just like a white mouse facing a researcher, the unknown fate is teased by others.

As a member of the white mouse, Nick sincerely hopes that his fate can be controlled by a monkey.

Nick tried hard to control the chaotic idea in his mind, but he still couldn't resist the idea.