"Although the 'black sky' in your mouth is terrible, in the final analysis, shouhe society is just an underground organization! It is too weak compared with aliens, apocalypse and even Hydra!"

"Their threat is far from reaching that level!"

The stick old man sneered, "sooner or later they will regret their contempt!"

"Moreover, even the current director of s.h.i.e.l.e.l.d., Cole, does not have so much power to interfere with the operation of one of the largest ports in the United States. For every minute delayed here, the loss of dollars will be calculated in billions..." Luke said helplessly, "so we can only rely on ourselves."

"In fact, you don't have to worry!" Chen ang pushed his glasses calmly.

Danny turned his head excitedly and said, "is there any other way?"

Chen ang wrote and drew on the paper and explained, "I don't need to consider interference in the ceremony. I mean in the ideal situation. You know, the ideal situation usually refers to the standard situation explained in the textbook. The standard situation in the textbook usually also requires textbook level standard operation."

"In the field of occult science, textbook level standard operation is naturally easy for me, but hand and skill? They are far from good!"

Danny suddenly cheered up and said, "that is to say, the hand and meeting can no longer hold a sacrifice ceremony under arbitrary circumstances?"

"Judging from the mistakes in the previous sacrificial ceremonies, the level of these people is probably only better than those emerging cult leaders who bloom and thrive in the United States. There is still a big gap from professionals. Don't mention the teaching level like me..."

Luke quietly wrote down Chen Ang's words, and then asked, "doctor, are there many people who can be called mystery professionals?"

"Do you mean on earth?" Chen angyi pointed out: "Many mystical societies exist in secret. In the East, not to mention Kunlun, Zen and hermit forces, they are deeply hidden. Europe is the birthplace of Western mysticism. There are few ancient sects, including hermits, the Holy See and even dark creatures. In addition, there are India, Egypt, Kamata Taj and Voodoo sects in Africa... There are not many How many! "

Just when Luke and the one eyed dragon behind him were deeply disturbed, Chen ang suddenly smiled and said, "but in North America and even the United States... Don't worry! This is a desert of mysticism, otherwise there won't be so many emerging sects choosing to take root here. In the whole North America, there are few professionals."

"A day Walker chasing vampires counts as half, a vampire counts as one, camataj has a temple in New York, and a knight signed with the devil counts as one. After the Salem Witch trial, it seems that some witches have survived, some Protestant monasteries seem to be rooted in North America, and the masons seem to preserve some of your heritage of exterminating Indian civilization..." Chen ang casually said a few forces, and then pointed out: "these forces may have professionals... But not necessarily. After all, professionals, especially those in occult studies, need a long time to learn and train. After the death of professionals in some forces, there will be a blank for a long time."

Seeing that the time was approaching afternoon, Danny had to interrupt them and say, "I don't care about these. I just want to know how to find out the people who will join the meeting."

Seeing the sun moving westward, Chen ang had to look back and say, "we need to wait until night. There are too many human activities and too much interference."

"Can you find them in the evening?" Danny said seriously.

Chen ang said, "I'm sorry, I can't!"

"Then why do you waste our time? You know, we're pressed for time. It's less than eight hours from one o'clock in the morning, and this time is not enough for us to walk through the port!" Danny said angrily.

Chen ang calmly explained, "but at night, the interference will weaken, and the hand and meeting have to take out something..."

"What is it?" Danny asked.

"Magic blade - the remains of the Tao!"

Danny's face changed: "how could they take out such a thing?"

Chen ang disagreed and said, "of course, otherwise, how many times do you think their layman's level almost succeeded? As I said, the power of ritual depends on the details. Every time the accuracy is doubled, the power of ritual can be increased ten times. This is the chip principle in mystics - the power of secret instrument depends on the accuracy. If the accuracy can't be reached, it can only depend on the strength!"

"Commonly known as" vigorously flying bricks ", it means that as long as the power is strong enough, even bricks can fly."

"As long as the core power is enough, no matter how rough the secret instrument is, it can also play an effect... At that level, what powerful core can be produced? Of course, it depends on the power of the magic blade!"

"So the sacrifice should be killed by the remains of the magic blade! Use the power of the magic blade to trigger the power of the secret instrument..."

Danny suddenly said, "at that time, the powerful power of the magic blade can be easily detected!"

Chen ang sneered: "it's too late when the power of the magic blade leaks out! Only after the sacrifice is completed, the power of the magic blade will leak out under the stimulation of the secret instrument. At that time, the cauliflower will be cold!"

Danny blushed and said, "what should I do?"

Chen ang looked up at the port area and said calmly, "only active detection can be used. When the magic blade enters the port area, take the initiative to stimulate it and judge its location according to its response..."

At this time, Chen ang looked back at the thing behind Danny's back with a trace of compassion... And full of excitement. "At this time, you need your strength! The magic blade has its own induction. As long as the remains of Sirius knife behind you take the initiative to provoke and the blood sacrifice recovers a certain spiritual Tao, you will feel provoked and respond."

"At this time, the Tao has not recognized the Lord, and the hand harmony will never stop the instinct reaction of the Tao!"

Danny looked at Chen Ang's hot eyes, conditionally grabbed the magic weapon behind him and stammered: "but the Sirius sword has not been recast, it is still a wreck. I don't know how to drive it to provoke."

Chen ang pushed his glasses and reflected the cold white light, which frightened Danny. He said slowly: "It doesn't matter! I know! The recasting of the divine weapon requires the strong emotion in the soldier's heart. This is called the way of the divine weapon, and then it can recast the light under the condition of cooperating with the general environment formed by the hearts of the outside world. Now we can't provide the general environment required by the Sirius sword, but we can still respond driven by the strong emotion in the soldier's heart."

"The wreckage of a divine soldier is also a divine soldier! It also has great power..."

Danny stumbled: "so, what kind of emotional drive does Sirius knife need?"

Chen ang showed a cold smile and said excitedly, "this is the core secret of the magic weapon. Except that the emotional drive of the three emperors' sword is well known, other magic weapons are a mystery. According to my analysis, the three emperors' sword is the supreme benevolence of loving the country, loving the people and giving up life for the world. At the same time, the military Lord should drive with the indifferent and ruthless mind of the emperor."

"Therefore, his military formula is Tianren sword emperor - the supreme benevolence, but it is as ruthless as the way of heaven. The military leaders of all dynasties, either driven by the supreme benevolence or the mind skills of emperors, can not reach the state of the unity of the two in the ancient Yellow Emperor's era. Therefore, they can not reproduce the peerless style of this first divine soldier."

"The reason why Desheng defeated Taizu in those years was that although he had the supreme benevolence of great benevolence and righteousness, he couldn't understand the ruthless mind of the emperor, so he didn't use the three emperors' Divine soldiers. The five emperors' Dao probably needed the soldier's supremacy."

"The way of magic weapons is hidden in the deeds of the soldiers of past dynasties. By imitating the mood and deeds of the soldiers of past dynasties, you can probably find out one in nine out of ten. Generally speaking, you will imitate the soldiers who give the name of magic weapons, that is, the most well-known soldiers. Therefore, the soldiers of the three emperors sword are mainly emperors, and the soldiers of the five emperors sword are mainly domineering, strange doors and hiding armor, or the most famous soldiers Our military master needs wisdom to reach heaven. "

"Sirius sword? Naturally, we should understand the way of divine soldiers from Tiemuzhen's deeds."

"Tiemuzhen?" Danny was very shocked: "are you going to... Conquer?"

"Conquest is an essential factor. Sirius Dao probably needs the wolf nature of nomads, that is, the generation who treats wolves like eagles, in order to comply with the way of divine soldiers. The ambition to conquer the world, the greed to plunder everything, and the heroism to intimidate the four sides. Only those who are fierce and rebellious, cunning and crazy, and have great courage can be recognized by Sirius Dao."

Chen ang glanced at Danny and sneered, "these... You're far from it!"

"The way of divine soldiers needs to be cultivated. At present, you need to distort your mind that doesn't meet this kind of arrogance, that is, to cut off your cowardice and heart that doesn't meet the requirements of divine soldiers." Chen ang looked at Danny and shook his head and said, "you're a little crazy now, but you're still too far from the hero!"

"If you want to drive Sirius Dao, you must understand the rising nature of Tiemuzhen. Tiemuzhen is not born or Tiemuzhen. He has gradually grown into the strongest soldier leader of Sirius Dao after a lot of training."

Looking at Danny, Chen ang suddenly showed a cold smile and said, "the first robbery was naturally that Mier begged the Department to take away his wife."

"You need to understand Tiemuzhen's strong emotion at that time and arouse the response of Sirius knife."