Chen ang explained: "That is to say, try again and again. Blind cats kill mice. What if they kill the right people? Even if there is only one tenth of the success rate and kill ten people, they can sacrifice successfully once! This is trial and error! This is a great possibility. When I just checked the data, some people were suspected of being sacrificed except Erica. But either the eight door arrangement was wrong or the nine star relative coordinates Mistakes are unsuccessful sacrifices. "

Danny wondered and said, "in other words, shouhe society may have killed a large number of people to try and make mistakes! Can't ordinary people preside over the sacrifice?"

Chen ang threw down his pen and sneered, "do you want to have a try?"

Danny looked down at the complex formula and shook his head in horror. Chen ang added: "astronomy is originally an extremely profound subject. The operation of star trajectory is still an endless field of mathematical problems. I'll ask you a three body problem, which is not something that ordinary people can answer."

"In ancient times, the development of mathematics actually depended on the promotion of astronomical practice. It can be said that astronomy is the mother of mathematics."

"This problem involving the calculation of the relative orbital coordinate system and time sequence of the nine planets in the solar system is originally a great test of mathematical skills. Many people in the world know occult science and mathematics, but there are occult researchers who know Mathematics... That's hehe!"

Chen ang sneered and said, "do you expect people like wizards and magicians to study mathematics and calculate the trajectory of stars?" at this time, his face was completely blank, as if the stick old man who was blind not only in his eyes, but also in his heart pointed and said, "see that Ninja is not, how much better can he be?"

"So the hand club must cooperate with Harold." Danny suddenly realized.

"Although Harold group is ordinary, it is still possible to carry out a project to calculate the trajectory of stars. With Harold's help and his own mystical talents, it is possible to succeed in sacrificing." Chen ang nodded.

"Most of the cult sacrifice cases I have investigated have failed extremely."

"Most of their so-called sacrificial rites use bloody and terrible rituals to impact their spirit, collapse their spiritual defense line, and facilitate the existence of some filth to pollute their spirit. In terms of effect, these sacrificial rites are similar to the psychedelic herbs used by those jumping gods."

"But no matter what the hands and will want to do, they don't need those fake rituals instead of psychotropic drugs." Danny said seriously, "so, ang Chen, we need your expertise to analyze the consequences of those correct rituals?"

"The mystical knowledge that can really relate to the existence of taboos is very difficult and complex, and requires high mystical quality. Those real sacrificial rituals can summon the existence of some terrible taboos. Some of them are demons, some angels, some great spirits, and the most dangerous one is called the old God." Chen ang explained: "Like the famous magic book, Solomon's key. Mages gain power by summoning demons."

"This is orthodox magic!"

"However, because it is extremely dangerous to contact the devil, most mages failed to control the devil, but were taken away by the devil. For example, the ancient mages Faust and Dante were deeply harmed by this, so later mages turned to some positions and existence without self."

The stick old man kept a low profile and didn't say a word, but Danny suddenly asked Chen ang: "master, you once mentioned that the life of the sacrificed is ordinary. Although I don't understand mystics, according to my shallow knowledge, the objects commonly used for sacrifice are selected objects with specific characteristics."

"For example, four Yin, four Yang, or Tianjue evil star belong to people in strange situations? Why doesn't shouhe go to find these people, but choose to sacrifice those people whose life patterns are not strange?"

Chen ang shook his head and said, "she is the most suitable sacrifice selected!"

Chen ang returned to the telescope, rearranged the Qimen dunjia, and explained: "generally speaking, the sacrificial people want to use the power of the special life of the sacrifice, so they need to kill the sacrifice at a specific time and place. The focus is on the sacrifice... The time and place are selected by the life of the sacrifice."

"But this time, the sacrifice was chosen according to the time of sacrifice."

"That is to say, what really matters is the time of death of the victim. Knowing this, you can grasp the main thread."

Danny watched Chen ang pick out five suspected successful offerings, but to his surprise, only three of them died and two of them were missing. Chen ang clicked on the map and said: "The white man should have died in the northeast city at 9:45 p.m. last Wednesday. The black woman will be sacrificed at 1:05 a.m. the day after tomorrow!"

Danny came forward and looked: "this is the dock area. The situation is very complicated. It's difficult for us to find a person hiding here."

"Besides, how did you know they were sacrifices? These two people didn't die at all."

Chen ang smiled and said, "I told you that the first step in astrology is Jiuyao entering the palace, that is, using the nine planets in the solar system to establish the astrolabe. What about the second step?"

Danny suddenly.

Chen ang said, "since I saw the picture of the book of the dead you brought, I have understood that the key to the whole sacrificial ceremony is the specific time. The book of the dead is the most dangerous kind of existence - the old God and the old dominator, which records the existence summoned by the mage."

"Have you ever heard of such a theory. The universe is a dark forest, and every hunter will take the lead in eliminating those opponents who expose their position. There are similar taboo knowledge in the mage theory. There are some terrible existence in the universe, which either pursue destruction or infect everything. In a word, it is to complete some established tasks."

"This is either out of their nature or out of their choice."

"Among these beings, there are such things as burning legion, Zerg, chaos and mieba... Including the old gods."

"Then the mages put forward a theory. When you need to achieve some goals similar to those existing, for example, to destroy a world, you don't need to make a big fuss, you just need to send a signal. For example, call the Burning Legion, summon sharp strange, contact chaos, and send coordinates to mieba, Zerg and swallow stars."

"Then you don't have to do anything. They will naturally help you achieve your goal."

"It can be said that this is the least expensive but most terrible spell... It is also the most taboo knowledge of the mage. The book of the dead is a magic book that records this taboo."

Danny understood something. His face turned pale and he sweated coldly. He whispered, "the purpose of hand and sacrifice..."

"It's not sacrifice... It's contact. Send a text message to space." Chen ang said calmly: "the universe is too big! Communication and distance are very problematic. What really protects the earth is the infinite universe. Finding a planet like the earth in the universe is the most difficult problem."

"But for those who stand on the earth, how to find the earth is not a problem. It is a problem to tell others where the earth is. There is no such energy body on the earth, sending an instant signal hundreds of light-years away."

"But next to the earth!"

"The sun is such an object with enough mass and energy. For the electromagnetic wave, the solar energy has a mirror gain effect, which can intercommunicate with the sun. But for the hand and the woodlouse power, it is estimated that even the solar energy mirror gain echo effect can not produce electromagnetic wave equipment."

"The red bank base also needs the strength of a country!"

"But the same principle can also be used in mystics. The human soul, or quantum information, can be used as the information carrier of interstellar communication, and the significance of taboo knowledge recorded in the book of the dead in astrology is actually to launch a specific information recorded by the human soul in a specific direction with the help of the communicator of the sun."

"That is to call the old god!"

"It's not easy to use the sun. The sun is emitting countless gravitational waves and electromagnetic radiation all the time. Who can dial such a big phone?"

Danny heard that the seven orifices had been connected to the six orifices and was about to die! Although Chen ang used the simplest language and the doctors of astronomy of Columbia University nearby listened one by one, Danny and the stick old man fell into the clouds and only felt a burst of fear.

Chen ang continued to explain: "fortunately, this phone is dialed all the time - the sun is affected all the time. Of course, only the planets around it have the real ability to affect it. The nine planets are like an invisible hand, making the signal of solar radiation constantly change."

"In this way, the signal has been connected, and there is a short message!"

"Through the operation positions of the nine planets, it can be calculated that at a certain time point, the signal of the sun is only meaningful to a specific object. In short, it is the position of the nine stars, just like different telephone numbers, dialing to different star regions. To send the signal to the right star region, you must choose the right time."

"If you choose the right time, you also need an initial trigger point to send a soul or a piece of quantum information far away. That trigger point is the life grid corresponding to that time. In this way, the whole ceremony completes a logical chain - select a specific time, kill the person corresponding to the life grid through the magic ceremony, and pass its soul through the nine elements The operation of the star is sent to the solar signal amplitude detector, and then sent to a specific star domain. "

"This is the internal logic of the whole sacrificial ceremony." Chen ang explained:

Danny thought for a long time before he understood his explanation. At this time, among the doctors in Colombia, someone raised his hand tremblingly: "so, sir? Has the... Hand and meeting sent the information to the old God?"

Chen ang picked up his pen and said, "I have to calculate!"

He converted the star timing corresponding to the five sacrifices, then converted the data into the corresponding star domain coordinates according to the extremely complex calculation method in the book of the dead, and then began to observe on the astronomical telescope.

Danny whispered, "did they succeed?"

Chen ang crossed out Erica's name and explained, "Erica didn't!"

Looking at the nervous group of Columbia doctors and cautious Danny, Chen ang closed his mouth, but he was still very nervous. Chen ang had to explain: "Erica's corresponding star domain was wrong! They made a mistake in calculating the correct time and failed to match the coordinates in the art of the dead."

Chen ang showed them the parchment photo of the book of the dead.

Danny said nervously, "what about the rest?"

Chen ang checked again: "there are two coordinates. They got the book of the dead wrong! Say, pirated books are terrible! There are still too many errors in this version. There is another... The coordinates are right. The star domain should be shepherd, shepherd α Star is also called Arcturus, and there are three planets around it. It seems that the old gods or their relatives live here. According to the records, it should be the star of roeger... "

"Yes, shepherd α The third lesson in the orbit of the planet is the noumenon of the old dominator, which is a huge piece of meat with countless tentacles and a pair of disproportionate wings... "

Everyone present looked pale

Chen ang suddenly smiled and added, "but it disappeared!"

Danny asked nervously, "what do you mean?"

Chen ang explained: "according to the observation of gravitational waves, the planet suddenly disappeared three months ago. It caused the constellation shepherd α The gravitational wave of the star changes... Experts suspect that it may be a cosmic disaster. "

Three months ago

Soviet warships slowly moved from the constellation of shepherd α Passing by the star, in the void, a huge piece of meat half the size of the earth wriggled, and countless tentacles rolled into a ball, but this is only a piece of debris. Most of its main body has just been evaporated by the star annihilation gun. Now, a Soviet fleet surrounded it.

The commissar looked directly at the meat ball that kept emitting crazy noise and sneered with disdain.

Then, 80 antimatter guns fired collectively, killing all matter in this space

"... that's it. For whatever reason, before the signal of sacrifice arrived, the planet disappeared together with the unknown existence in it."

"There is still the sacrificial ceremony the day after tomorrow..." Chen ang said to himself.

"Let me calculate!"

"The coordinates are correct!"

"The star map is also right!"

Chen ang stood up and said, "we are in trouble! The sacrificial ceremony prepared the day after tomorrow is correct. If the ceremony is successful, the signal will be sent to the star of yugus. It is still intact. According to the records in the book of the dead, it seems that there are some unfriendly alien races..."