"La Bastan!" rodolfos Lestrange, the brother of La Bastan Lestrange, found something wrong with him. From his perspective, you can see la Bastan's side face extending out of the fence. The face is pale and terrible, and his eyes have completely lost focus, just like an unspeakable fear dominates his mind.

Rodolfos Lestrange shouted, "La Bastan!"

But he found that his brother had no response to the stimulation of external sounds. Human life seemed to be breaking away from the body and taking away the last human heating of the cold Death Eater with the smell of death, leaving only a cold and stiff, like the remains of a corpse.

His unfocused eyes stared directly at the passage leading to the prison. Because of the different angles of the cell, rodolfos and Bellatrix couldn't see where he was looking. Labastan's lips had turned white, his eyes were blue and black. During breathing, a cold frost gradually covered his upper lip, mouth and nose, and a rich white mist was ejected from his mouth, Congealed ice dregs on the iron fence.

He was twitching and trembling. Rodolfs stared at him nervously for fear that his soul would leave the body the next second.

At this time, Bellatrix could see the shadow of morgos from the rest of her eyes. She noticed that a darkness swallowing the surrounding light gradually appeared around them. Even the brightness in the prison decreased a lot. A shadow much taller than ordinary people slowly appeared in her vision, and the shadow slowly turned around.

Seeing a pair of light in the inexplicable darkness is like burning eyes

"Ah ah!" Bellatrix felt a strong spirit rush into her mind. She felt a cold tentacle in her head, even cold, chaotic, dark and extremely evil things. They whispered in her mind like some small whispers.

The violent mental shock made her mouth and nose bleed, but she didn't care about it anymore.

What really frightened her and urgently wanted to dig out her brain were those indescribable things in her mind, the voice of Mirko in the creation movement, the evil origin from another universe, and the evil flower that bloomed again after usurping the chaotic consciousness of the will of the abyss of Fallon's world and the dark and evil force.

What believers and priests of the gods call 'whispers of the abyss'!

As an evil god with evil aura, fear aura and dark aura, morgos's own "abyss whisper" is enough to brainwash the Asian space Protoss and benevolent race in the upper level.

Bellatrix's facial features shed black blood, and her body trembled violently. The sequelae of being tortured by Dementors made her crazy. Rodolfs ran in panic and raised her head with trembling hands, but it was too late - Bellatrix's fragile spirit tortured day and night in Azkaban was suffering from the dark force After the first shock of evil aura, he has suffered irreversible trauma.

"It seems that vulnerable human beings still can't look directly at my true face..." morgos ang Chen sighed.

As like as two peas, he had to unwind his unintentional waves. He walked out of the darkness that seemed to be human form but was just a mass of unresolved darkness. In order to avoid all the prisoners of Azkaban from being mad by the truth of the devil, he was worth coming to them with human form. Chen's face was not so much alike as that of Chen.

Morgos's own dark force and fear of light and bad are too strong for humans. It is like human consciousness, which is difficult to understand a kind of information, but it is forcibly stuffed into their brains to understand. Compared with this pain, the information occupied by appearance is so tiny that it is often ignored.

Like an actor with excellent acting skills, when interpreting different roles, people are often confused by their temperament and forget that it is the same face.

At this time, the prisoners of Azkaban were able to break free from the suffocating darkness around morgos, Bellatrix's struggling and trembling body slowly calmed down, and Rabastan no longer twitched.

At this time, the organized criminals in Azkaban had the spirit to look at the uninvited guest.

Morgos glanced over their faces one by one, and he whispered their names: "Antonin Dolohov, Bellatrix Lestrange, Rabastan Lestrange, rodolfos Lestrange, Augustus luckwood, amekus Carlo, Alecto Carlo..."

"There are 28 pure blood families in the British magic world... I saw a lot of people here. Some even a family is here..."

"Twenty eight... Pure blood... The reason why pure blood is called pure blood is not because they have good blood and strong natural magic, but because they think they are more 'pure blood' than others. I have to be glad that none of you have a 'wavering person', a pure blood family that is sometimes praised and sometimes disapproved, and put together twenty-eight and a half calls..."

Rodolfs Lestrange struggled to stand up. He looked at Chen ang and asked in a low voice, "who is your excellency?"

"You don't deserve to know my name..." morgos glanced at Bellatrix who collapsed on the ground, nodded and smiled: "unless you imagine her... With your shallow power, you will inevitably go crazy at the moment you look directly at me and hear our names. Therefore, you can call me mysterious man according to the tradition here."

"No... you don't deserve that name!" Bellatrix on the ground seemed to hear something, and her body instinctively struggled violently. She looked at morgos's face. Although her spirit had received irreparable damage, half of it was madness, usually due to some obsession, she shouted: "That title belongs to a great king whose power is beyond your imagination..."

"He's the mysterious man... And you're just a clown. A poor imitator!"

As soon as Bellatrix said this, the air in the whole cell was quiet, and the death eaters were silent and almost suffocated. There were many reasons for them to become Voldemort's followers, including the weak to seek asylum, not to be bullied, those who advocated power, only to touch the prestige of the black devil king, and cruel tyrants, who were loved by a cruel leader who could teach them higher forms attract.

They are all people who feel weaker and weaker in the changing times of the magic world. They have one thing in common, that is, they feel spiritual discomfort and loss of interests when half blood wizards gradually dominate the development of the magic world.

These people with damaged interests hope to go back to the past and the era when they can do whatever they want with only one surname.

Back to the pure blood dominated magic world, let them feel the era of security, power and superiority. At this time, Voldemort became the leader they recommended. They believe Voldemort can give them the results they want.

But now that Voldemort has failed once, many people have awakened from a moment of fanaticism and realized that Voldemort may not give them what they want. The reason why the Death Eaters still keep a complete organization is that they have no way to go. Unless Voldemort comes back, they will be locked up in Azkaban until they die!

At this time, Voldemort became a symbol - a symbol of hope.

Moreover, the leader was so cold-blooded and cruel that some Death Eaters felt cruel. They were afraid of his punishment and did not dare to disobey him. The later betrayal of old Malfoy not only represented him, but a large number of Death Eaters held the idea of old Malfoy.

So, except for madmen like Bellatrix, they would rather not talk.

"He?" morgos whispered with a smile. "You mean Tom Riddle?"

A black book slipped silently from his sleeve and was held by him on his right hand. Morgos looked at Bellatrix's crazy and angry eyes and said calmly, "or, as you say - Voldemort?"