"It's a subtle hidden spell!" Chen ang sighed.

The sun shines on Chen Ang's fingertips touching the gate of the ancient castle, and a long shadow is projected on the gate of the ancient castle. Chen Ang's palm is gradually parallel to the gate of the ancient castle. The shadow of his hand extends out of the door, his hand extends into the door, and the shadow of his hand extends out of the door and intersects with his fingers.

As soon as Chen ang turned his hand over, the whole person exchanged positions with his own shadow.

In front of him, the whole world turned impressively. The shadow of Azkaban's island became three-dimensional, and the just sunny island suddenly turned into a shadow. The heavy rain poured down from Chen Ang's head, and the strong wind raged wantonly. Chen ang was on an island that could only be called a reef. He turned back and didn't see any trace of the ghost ship he was riding.

What appears in front of him now is the real Azkaban. It is an island hidden in a lonely place on the North Sea by an ancient hidden magic spell. Someone uses the magic spell to divide the space here into two worlds. What seems to be protected by the magic spell in the fog is only the Azkaban that shows the world. Only through the shadow can we enter the real Azkaban.

A small shadow appeared at Chen Ang's feet, and Gulu came out of the shadow.

The island is surprisingly small. The whole castle occupies 90% of its land. Azkaban is a triangular tower in shape. A corner of the front of the tower collapsed. Dementors are flying over it. Huge waves hit the base of the tower. It seems that it is always in a storm. The waves beat the rocks at Chen Ang's feet, The splashing waves sprinkled on Chen Ang's back.

The Dementors dancing wildly in the wind found the trace of Chen ang. They roared. This is the sound of the wind, and the Dementors themselves will not make any sound. Chen ang can only smell the smell of decay and death brought by the sea. Seeing these black robed monsters hunting and flying in the wind, their empty bodies are wrapped in black cloth and dive down towards Chen ang.

Gulu has pulled out his wand nervously behind Chen ang, and a little glittering white light at the head of his wand has begun to flicker slightly.

"I didn't expect that Bojin, the black wizard, could learn to call God for protection!" Chen ang thought calmly. Then he inspired the real name given to him by morgos. At this time, the existence named "Chen ang" gradually retracted into his soul, and the external belonging to Darth morgos replaced Chen ang and became his body and external.

At this time, a figure about three times as tall as an ordinary person appeared where Chen ang disappeared. His face was hidden in the dark. Only a pair of eyes were as bright as fire in the dark.

The Dementors who swooped down towards Chen ang, when they saw those eyes, they all made a hissing sound as if their decaying vocal cords vibrated.

In the storm, the black robed Dementors who looked directly at these eyes gave out the last and first roar in their lives, and turned into a handful of black ashes in the wind and rain. The ashes were swept away by the storm in the blink of an eye.

In the place where morgos's power shrouded, it seemed that the surrounding light was slowly losing. The Dementors lost their power and had to fall down. Their black robes became weak and wet and towered on the ground. Morgos easily absorbed their power and soul as if it were dark. Gulu became smaller and smaller in front of Chen ang who turned into morgos, and he crawled to the ground in fear, Because he felt that the figure in front of him was the source of all evil and darkness.

Dementors are proud of their evil power, which is as young as a baby and as humble as a slave.

So that morgos could easily enslave their souls without any strength. He wrapped his power around them, and the severe pain of eroding their souls made the Dementors struggle, but they could not refuse such dark power.

More Dementors rushed out of Azkaban's triangular tower. They gathered together like the black tide pouring out of Azkaban. These guards rolled and dived in the sky, then fell one by one and paved a pool on the sea. Their wet black robes entangled in the sea, Bojin watched the most terrible evil creatures in the wizard's story howl at Chen Ang's feet.

They had no voice, but the invisible body under the black robe twisted and trembled, appropriately showing their fear, fear and pain.

The figure of morgos looked back at them, and stretched out his hands, which were like dark condensation, but not like human hands, and pushed open the door of Azkaban... The inside of the prison was dark and humid, and the space for people to walk inside was very narrow. The figure of morgos gradually faded, the black fog slowly dispersed, and the figure inside also returned to normal.

He walked into Azkaban, and as he walked forward, the dark moment inside expanded the space.

The ground is wet and rotten. Some Loba insects and meat eating slugs wriggle on the stone slab of the tunnel, and some spotted awns breed. When they don't move, they are like a slightly green fungus with eyes. Several hairy crabs settle in the dark corner and stone cracks. These magical creatures usually have very strong vitality, Wizards sometimes have to use special potions to remove them.

But as morgos approached, a deep dark force gradually shrouded the space.

The bodies of these tenacious little creatures gradually withered and died, and their vitality disappeared in the darkness. The darkness that once protected them took their lives back at this moment.

Rabastan Lestrange is playing with a toad. Since his imprisonment, the only game he can vent his madness and despair is this. The Dementor riot just now attracted the attention of most prisoners, but Rabastan just shouted: "most of the mud seeds of the Ministry of magic are making trouble again!"

"I wish the Dementors could suck up their dirty souls."

Rabastan in the prison was dirty, with his face pale and thin under his messy black hair. After shouting for two words, Rabastan wisely shut his mouth, because his most frightened sister-in-law Bellatrix Lestrange was screaming wildly: "It's him! It's Lord Voldemort. He's coming to save us! I knew that the Lord might lose briefly, but he would never fail in that group of mud hands!"

Rabastan, who lowered his head again, was surprised to see that the toad in his hand had lost its life.

As if something in the dark was absorbing its vitality, the body of this fragile little creature withered and became a shameless skin. Rabastan felt that the darkness around him seemed to be much richer, and an inexplicable cold shrouded his body. In his exhausted body, a trace of energy was obviously passing away.

Labastan felt as if he could not breathe. His brain was blank, and the heating between his mouth and nose was being sucked away by the darkness. A numbness different from the Dementor's kiss gradually controlled him. From the appearance, his skin was pale, and the cyan blood vessels below could be seen.

In the blurred line of sight when suffocating, La Bastan attached to the fence saw an indescribable figure coming from the side.

An unspeakable terror made him delirious and his body twitch