In the next three days, Chen ang ordered Gollum to be like a running dog. He had to beg Chen ang to keep a phantom spell for him, so that he could maintain Bojin's appearance and discuss business with those familiar black wizards. Jin Jialong in Bojin's Treasury flowed out in exchange for a precious living magical animal or magic medicine material.

Eight eyed giant spider in the dense jungle of Kalimantan island; Chimera in the mountains of Greece; Black dragons flying over the khhidiri islands; Fireball dragons inhabiting the ancient land of China; The pouch poison leopard in the Great Rift Valley of East Africa... The cubs and eggs of these precious or dangerous magical animals are transported batch by batch to Chen Ang's laboratory.

Chen ang applied a traceless stretching spell to a suitcase and expanded a huge space of about 500 acres to let Gulu settle those magical animals. When he saw the huge space, Gulu was deeply shocked. Another domestic elf, Pino, who originally belonged to Bojin, is now responsible for taking care of these magical animals.

Pino, who completely regarded Chen ang as his own master, didn't recognize Gulu at all and even wanted to bully him. At this time, Gulu found that there was no restriction of the magic contract. He couldn't control the domestic elf at all. Even in the application of the magic spell, Pino was much better than him. Gulu, who was already servile, actually competed with his own domestic elf, Trying to please Chen ang.

Chen Ang's recent experiment is trying to create a snake monster. It is said that the snake monster comes from the magic egg laid by a seven-year-old rooster when Sirius is in the air and is hatched by a toad. Chen ang judges that it undoubtedly needs a kind of superb dark magic to let the rooster lay eggs when Sirius is in the air. He tried to transform the rooster into a hen and curse the rooster with the power of Sirius, But they all failed in the end. The eggs laid by the rooster have no vitality and soul at all.

The main reason should be that Sirius is in the sky. Sirius generally appears in winter or early spring. It is easier to use its power with the reference of the winter triangle.

Now it is summer in the northern hemisphere. Although Chen ang uses magic to move the experimental site to the southern hemisphere, there is still interference in the experiment.

After reading a large number of magic books about creating snake monsters, Chen ang found that although this magical creature looks easy to make, it has not been witnessed for 400 years - it may be because all the "witnesses" have died.

But this at least shows the difficulty.

Finally, Chen ang found that it was the curse. The essence of the Basilisk was to create a magical creature by using the power of Sirius. The rooster and toad were just a magical medium to create its body. In Isaiah, there were records about the Basilisk: "They break the viper's eggs and weave the spider's web. After breaking the wind's eggs, the egg swallowers will find a poisonous lizard in it."

The poisonous lizard here is the snake monster.

Later, this magical creature often appeared in Biblical works. The most detailed one appeared in a book written by the famous wizard Alexander naikam in the 1980s, but it was not included in the "poisonous lizard" but in the section of "rooster"——

"Its egg must be born in the days of Sirius and fertilized with a 7-year-old rooster. This egg is easy to recognize: it is not an ordinary egg, but a ball, without a shell, but covered with a thick layer of skin. Moreover, this egg must be hatched by a toad, which will hatch this highly toxic monster - a snake with the characteristics of a toad and a rooster."

Chen ang believes that he has found the origin of this monster. He was born in Israel, Greece's ABRAXAS or abraxis, abraxax and ABRAXAS.

This is the supreme existence in the cosmological view system of Gnostics, an important heretical sect of early Christianity, but later, because Gnostics failed in the struggle with Christian orthodoxy, ABRAXAS was demoted as a messenger in the Christian orthodoxy classics. He has the head of a rooster and the lower body of a snake, and has great attainments in alchemy.

In the Gnostic description, ABRAXAS is actually synonymous with "the invisible supreme", that is, to create spirituality, a higher existence than God.

Chen ang believes that the Basilisk's black magic ceremony should originate from a mysterious sect that integrates Greek philosophy, Zoroastrianism in Persia, mysterious religion in Egypt, astrology in Babylon, etc. it is a degraded version of this sect's attempt to trace its invisible supreme ceremony. After obtaining some Gnostic magic rituals, the despicable halbo, the creator of the basilisk, In order to gain the power of this sect, he stole a trace of ABRAXAS' power with black magic.

The despicable halbo was a snake speaking Greek black Wizard - and Greece was where Gnosticism was once active.

This clumsy imitation is the snake monster.

At this time, Chen ang had fully understood how to create a snake monster. It was easy for him to steal a trace of the power of ABRAXAS. From this, he found some secrets of ancient wizards - although the Wizards claimed that there was no God in the world, the so-called Jesus was just a powerful wizard.

However, it is a self-evident fact that the ancient wizard civilization originated from the mystical knowledge inherited by ancient sects.

The magic of witches is actually the knowledge inherited from "gods" in those ancient sects, and the ancient gods are an indescribable and chaotic impersonal image, which coincides with the magic found by Chen ang in the blood of modern witches.

After knowing how to create a basilisk, Chen ang was not interested in creating a basilisk. He felt that the content of this magical biotechnology was too low. It was better to create a non degraded version of the predecessor of the basilisk, the "invisible supreme" of the Gnostic sect - ABRAXAS.

Chen ang plans to create this existence in several stages. First, he creates a snake monster to practice his hand, and then creates the Jewish angel obaser with the head of a chicken comb and the body of a snake. Chen ang speculates that this angel should have the special power of dying at sight. Its name abracadabra means "I bless the dead".

The ancient magic Aramaic "avadakedavra" means "everything will be destroyed"

This will be a dead angel. According to the description of his magic in the magic text, what the Basilisk sees will be petrified, and everything obaser sees will be destroyed and die. Because this ancient magic ceremony was too incomplete, Chen ang tried his best to collect data and complete it, and revised it according to what he had learned.

Taking the instant death magic of the arcane department as the core, he focused on the divinity of obaser, and finally created a divine creature. Although obaser should be an angel according to his personality, what Chen ang created by magic is only a symbolic creature, which can only touch the boundaries of divine creatures.

The "invisible supreme" of ABRAXAS that Chen ang finally wants to create is to create spirituality, a higher existence than God. The Basilisk is only his worst imitation. Without his power of one hundred million, it is too difficult to trace him with the ceremony of creating basilisk. Even the original Gnostic ritual is elusive, one in ten thousand of his existence.

"Originally, I just wanted to create a snake monster to play, but I didn't expect it to turn into such a big project. I can only say - fortune makes people!" Chen ang sighed at the third edition of the design drawing modified by himself. This is indeed a big project. Chen ang has not been able to complete it for 50 years, but once it is created, it is enough to be the carrier of morgos.

Gulu looked at the design drawing full of complex magic words. His face was full of shock and confusion. He couldn't understand what the design drawing contained. Even the ritual of creating basilisks, after Chen Ang's improvement, will not hatch ordinary basilisks.

In this regard, Gulu had no other thoughts except awe.