Chen ang temporarily lives in bogin's real estate in Hogsmeade village, which is the only village in Britain that is full of wizard residents. Hogwarts school is located next to the great lake that originated from this village. The architectural style here is strange. The cottage is covered with thatch, just like a medieval village. Even though wizards can build as magnificent and tall as the Ministry of magic, Architecture with modern style.

But the neuroticism and strangeness engraved in the blood of wizards make them make all kinds of strange choices for normal people.

On the one hand, the living habits of wizards who master the magic power are different from Muggles. Most Muggles think that dangerous and troublesome things are just things for them to wave a magic wand. Therefore, they have thick hands and feet and are hairy and impetuous. It seems that there are no words of care and neatness in the dictionary, because for Muggles, Disorderly placement habits will make them unable to find things, but for wizards, it is just a matter of flying spells.

They are not afraid to break or damage things, because as long as you are not a magic item, you can restore the inadvertently damaged things by "repairing as before", and when you make a mess, you can make them tidy as before by "cleaning up".

Therefore, wizards have a different understanding of damage, injury and chaos from Muggles. They simply can't care about these troubles that can be easily solved by magic. Therefore, in Muggles' view, they are like bear children, indulge themselves infinitely.

On the other hand, the blood that gives them magic makes them look neurotic, crazy and eccentric. According to the results of Chen Ang's research on Bojin's blood, the magic surging in the blood will erode their rationality. This result surprised Chen ang, because wizards finally developed like kesulu, or they tend to magic.

Magic is completely different from the rational perspective of human observation of the world. Magic is another way to observe the world. From the scientific and human perspective, it looks chaotic and difficult to interpret. Its logic and internal laws are difficult to describe and chaotic in human eyes.

The magic of wizards is indescribable in the end.

The more powerful wizards are, the more crazy they are. Of course, this is also the proof that they are closer to the truth of magic, because this magic itself is chaotic and irrational. If Chen Ang's arcane learning is the rationality and wisdom of magic, then the magic of wizards in the world is the expression of the chaotic and disordered side of magic.

Those little wizards who have just awakened their magic are closest to normal people, and when they grow up day by day, the magic in their blood will gradually erode their rationality, making it more and more difficult for them to understand human beings - what they call Muggles, because human beings (Muggles) are dominated by rationality.

The old wizards are becoming more and more eccentric.

They will eat the liver of toads, the internal organs of bats and the eyes of eels. They will allow their appearance to be alienated, usually become more ugly and distorted, their knuckles prominent, thin as dead bones, and their spirit is close to madness.

Of course, these are the symptoms of the most serious wizards. Generally, only the poor wizards at the bottom will become like this in their later years. Learning powerful black magic will also accelerate this symptom. They are almost mutated by magic erosion.

However, those pure blood families with deep heritage rarely have such changes before old age because of the inherited magic and superior blood lineage. Magic erodes their rationality, but magic helps them slow down this process. Pure blood families are the products of natural laws and human selection of the survival of the fittest. Their blood vessels are relatively stable and resistant to the erosion of magic, So when they die of old age, they just look strange. They will carefully choose their intermarriage object to prevent adverse degradation of their blood.

Even so, the magic of their natural lineage is constantly degenerating, and they become weaker and weaker.

But for those poor, poor families of witches, pure blood is entitled to despise them, or even see them as residues. Chen an investigation in the pub where the witches often meet, finds that most of the non pure blood families will become crazy people in the eyes of normal people as they grow older.

Of course, the Ministry of magic turned a blind eye to this.

The magic resistance of pure blood family is not unconditional. Once they refine black magic, they will also have this crazy trend.

The title of "mud species" is not the distorted pride of pure blood wizards, but the contempt they give to these non pure blood wizards when they see that the blood of non pure blood wizards who have not been screened for a long time become ugly, distorted and crazy in old age. They begin to eat smelly things such as toads and bats, start to be bloodthirsty and extremely unstable in spirit.

They realized that if impure blood was allowed to confuse their blood, their 'noble' blood would degenerate.

Coupled with the impact on the interests of wizards with Muggle blood, there are two trends of thought in the magic world for this magic erosion - Voldemort, the representative of the pure blood family, puts forward that the greatness of wizards comes from blood. Wizards with pure blood have powerful magic, elegant and calm, while wizards mixed with Muggle will only become distorted and ugly in the end.

The white wizards led by Dumbledore believe that the root cause of evil, darkness and madness is black magic, and the Wizards of Muggle descent are only less resistant to black magic.

Of course, in Chen Ang's opinion, both sides are fools. No one dares to really put forward that the factor that makes wizards crazy is magic - because it simply denies the pride of the whole magic world. Wizards are proud of their own magic. All they think is extraordinary lies in those magical magic and powerful magic. If they deny magic, doesn't that mean denying all of them?

There is no doubt that Bojin also shows those distorted and eccentric aspects. He imposed the red courage loyalty mantra in Hogsmeade village, but it is dirty and messy, and the house is dilapidated. It shows the wizard's aesthetics which is completely consistent with the broken cauldron bar, No. 12 grimmer square, burrow, etc., and is surprisingly unified with the style of Hogsmeade village and Diagon lane.

For wizards, it only takes one or two spells to keep clean and tidy. It is not difficult to create a grand and spectacular residence with comfortable and luxurious interior. Magic is enough to do all this, but they have to be dirty and narrow. What can explain all this except mental problems?

Chen ang pushed away the creepy door full of nail scratches. The porch was an empty big room. The wall was pasted with peeling wallpaper, worn carpets covered with dry blood, some rusty lanterns, and some chandeliers and candlesticks covered with broken cobwebs. There is a staircase leading upstairs. Some portraits blackened with age hung on the wall. Hearing the sound of pushing the door, these portraits began to wake up. They turned and looked at Chen ang. Suddenly they opened their mouths and muttered. The harsh voices crossed each other, and the portraits of some old women began to scream.

Chen ang looked at them coldly. They were noisy. He raised his hand slightly and said in a soft voice, "Avada, ask for your life!"

In an instant, the whole house was quiet. Chen ang walked among the stagnant portraits and slowly walked up the stairs. The domestic elf behind him murmured with a frightened expression. He excitedly shook the already quiet portraits and screamed, "grandfather Herbert, grandma belvina, aunt bernamo?"

"God! Master... You killed them!"

"Shut up! Those are just some false memories. Their reactions and actions are driven by the magic spell behind them... Making the portrait live is definitely one of the stupidest acts in history. I don't know what these wizards think? Let the dead people die. They have to make a bunch of false memories and deceive themselves with the magic spell."

He glanced at the dirty room and said to Gulu, "clean it up and keep it clean. All those messy things are stacked in the basement. I don't want to see anything useless except the necessary furniture."

After that, Chen ang sent it a document of "laboratory standardization construction", and ordered: "according to this standard, use the deformation spell for things that don't have. It shouldn't be difficult to build this thing with your magic level."