Chen ang said such cruel words so easily, which made Qiao Si extremely afraid. His mind was blank. When the silver fire on his head reflected Chen Ang's shadow in front of him, he suddenly came back to his mind. There was only one thought in his heart: "this is the real devil!" just wanted to run away, and the thought was dispelled by him as soon as he got up.

"If you become a seller of wealth and hide your name, you may not be found by the great enemy. What's the meaning of living like this? Such a real devil must have real skills. If you miss this opportunity, my family's prosperity and wealth and even the life of the whole family will be lost one day! Don't you hear that there is no poison and no husband!"

Joe's heart turned for a moment, and he didn't know how many thoughts. After all, he was cruel and cruel.

Immediately do not do two things, bite your teeth and knock the first way: "Immortal master, Qiao is willing to offer more than half of his family's wealth. In the future, he will offer it every year. The Qiao family is also a big family in Shanxi, with countless floating wealth. The elderly ginseng in Changbai Mountain, the pearls with big eyes in the South China Sea, the beautiful jade in the northwest, rare birds and animals, What immortal master wants, Qiao must find it for immortal master... Even if it is a boy and girl, the population is not a virgin."

Chen ang just sneered: "my conditions have been said!"

Qiao Si kowtowed again and said, "immortal master, Qiao can't be such an unfilial person! I'm willing to pay a price of ten thousand gold. Why should immortal master insist?"

Chen ang said, "naturally, it's to make you ask for trouble and seek your own death!" but he couldn't say so. He just smiled and asked, "the worldly property you said is the most worthless thing for me." after that, he shook off his overseas products from his sleeve, and poured down gold, jade, pearls and gems, burying Qiao Si's body and pushing him down.

Qiao Si looked at the cat's eye jewels and countless gold beads around him. The sound of the urn in his head suddenly lost his voice. When he looked at Chen ang again, there were deep, frightened and awed eyes. He only heard Chen ang sneer: "If you don't have some perseverance, you know how to seize fate. Even if you are rich, don't want to see me. Your so-called family wealth and I are just dirt, and you want more?"

In these words, Qiao Si was unbelieving. In Qiao Si's eyes, even immortals can buy money. It's not his arrogance, but the merchant's insight and temperament. However, he asked someone to eradicate his enemies. How can he pay such a terrible price?

But among so many gold and jade, Qiao Si was really indistinguishable. He really knew how luxurious the monk's wealth was. He didn't dare to have a trace of superiority in his heart. He only humbled himself into the mud and begged with a low eyebrow: "Immortal, you also need flesh and blood to practice Dharma and treasure. Although the Qiao family has little power, some people can still find it for you. Qiao is willing to be an ox and horse for the immortal. Just ask for help this time. Don't embarrass Qiao!"

Chen ang was even colder when he heard this. He looked at him like a dead man and asked, "I want you to be a cow and a horse with my magic power. Even if you kill your whole family, it's also a matter between the palms. Why do you want to trade with you?"

Joe four stunned: "this..."

Chen ang sneered: "if you can force others to rob people, can't I force you to rob your family? Why do I have to deal with you?" he looked at Joe's face and said with interest: "What's the difference between you and the beggars in the street and the slaves you can kill? Why can you exchange them for the peace of your family?"

"Maybe you think your life is more valuable than theirs, but remember, in my eyes, you are all the same. If I let you willingly give your own, you can never replace it with others. That's why I deal with you. Our generation of monks always deal fairly. They say that it is impossible to trade your soul, even if you trade 10000 souls of others, I know Do you think so? "

Qiao Si heard Chen ang say this. No matter how angry he was, he knew there was no other way. When he thought about what to say to Chen ang, he saw him sitting on the altar with his eyes closed. Obviously, he didn't want to speak again. He had to pick up the white bone statue and wrap it in his arms. He carefully asked, "I should accept the conditions of the immortal master, but if there are any taboos about the demon statue, please tell the immortal master."

Chen ang half opened his eyes and replied casually: "In addition to being able to manipulate zombies to defeat enemies, this magic power is quite effective. If you use your family's blood essence to support you, you can protect your wealth and peace. In addition, zombies refined with this magic image must be your blood relatives. The closer they are, the better, because zombies will become crazy when they suck blood. After harming your enemies, other people will suck up blood essence when they see them, which is very dangerous."

Qiao Si asked, "if the zombie is too weak to defeat me, what should the enemy do“

"Although the zombie is quick, it is also a fierce thing. Hundreds of big men are not enough for it to kill. If it is a third rate leftist, it will not be able to defeat it. But if it is a more powerful person, you have to die obediently. The power of zombies is about five levels. If the corpse in the grave decays into white bones, it is the lowest skeleton. If Feng Shui is good and it is a well preserved wet corpse, it is better It can be tempered into a walking corpse. It has infinite power and is invulnerable. It's the second class. "

"If a fresh corpse is killed, it will produce white hair. It is white and stiff. It is more powerful than a walking corpse. It ranks the third class. Some spell people can't escape its killing. But remember, don't let the zombie suck the blood of his blood relatives, otherwise it will be fierce. It will lose its white hair and grow red hair, which is ten times more dangerous."

Chen ang explained to him one by one, but he didn't mention whether the red haired zombie could be driven by the white bone statue. Qiao Si wanted to ask. Seeing Chen Ang's smile, he understood that the devil seemed to remind him, but in fact he was encouraging him to start. What he was trying to do was to let him refine his corpse with his own population.

Joe Si said in his heart, "the devil has a vicious mind. He doesn't look at the floating wealth and gold and silver. He just wants to threaten me with my family's crisis and let me help him refine a powerful zombie." he thought he had grasped Chen Ang's idea, so he stopped asking. He secretly decided to be cruel, thanked again and again, and left.

After he left for several miles, Chen angcai sighed: "ah! I seem to have forgotten to tell him that this white bone statue can only prohibit impeachment of white haired zombies. If he takes blood from his relatives, his madness will be uncontrollable, and he must suck up his whole family... Alas! He refused to ask me, but no wonder me."

As for the white bone statue that Qiao Si took away, it was a powerful King Kong White Bone Demon invited in the magic map. As long as Chen ang had one idea, 100 Wang Ming could kill all, but Chen ang just wanted to kill Qiao Si, so naturally he wouldn't tell him so much.

Over there, Qiao Si gently pondered the white bone statue, which was whiter and more delicate than the best ivory. He thought in his heart: "my grandfather hasn't made a fortune when he was young. Where did he come from the geomantic treasure land, and there was no trace of the ancestral grave in front of him. I can't say that he had to wrong his father!" the nearby guard suddenly interrupted his thought and asked: "Master, it's evil to meet this Taoist today. Would you like to tell the master?"

Joe waved his hand and said, "don't tell the old man. My common brother seems to have a son. How old is he this year?"