Chen ang listened to Qiao Si's general information about his enemy, but he just hid how to form an enemy, how to find a backer, the enemy's skills and many other details. He only complained and begged, and vowed to sacrifice his wealth. He disdained to sneer. His magic map sensed the mysteries of the hearts of thousands of people in the world. He was afraid that he knew the details better than Qiao Si himself.

Isn't that the great enemy of the Qiao family, Wang Ming, great Xia Wang, a Northwest Wulin tycoon who was once designed by Chen ang to "awaken to the past" and taught by his grandfather, suddenly realized that the first half of his life was not good for the country and the people. After repentance, he changed his past, gave up his life for the country, was righteous, and vowed to fight his life to turn the tide and calm the Tatars?

He was originally a dandy in the secular world. Later, after Chen Ang's "influence" in Qixia Temple, he understood many principles of life.

This is Chen Ang's merit in persuading people to be good under the identity of a righteous expert. It is an example for him to do good deeds. Although Wang Ming sleeps at night, runs away from home, entangles with internal demons and annoys external demons, it is like living in the hot suffering of water all the time. He can only get a moment of peace when punishing traitors, eliminating evil and curing diseases and saving people.

But because of this, he also got many true magic skills of the mysterious door demon Road, became a glorious test rat, and had the hope of long life. It was Chen Ang's enlightenment and virtue of persuading good people, which often made Wang Ming cry with gratitude and grind his teeth at night.

Great Xia Wang is dedicated to serving the people. He hates traitors and running dogs most in his life. His biggest task is to calm down the Tartars and get revenge with him. Naturally, it's needless to say what Qiao Si in Zhangjiakou is. In later generations, there are eight imperial merchants among the Jin merchants, which are the contributions made by Qiao Si's grandparents to the future generations. They regarded wealth as their life. Long before Tartars entered the customs, they often went back and forth inside and outside the customs to provide material food and grass for their masters.

They made great contributions to the massacre of their compatriots by the Manchu and Qing Dynasties and the conquest of the Han Dynasty in the Central Plains!

It's really a good coat for Tartars who didn't carry the flag. Loyal dog slaves. Up to now, their descendants still play drums for them, saying that they do more benevolence and righteousness, pay attention to integrity, maintain national unity, and make great contributions to our Qing Dynasty. He invented the "spirit of Shanxi Merchants" to praise.

If Chen ang remembers correctly, Qiao Si stood out from countless peers and became the leader of the rich country in the Qing Dynasty. The only reason is their shamelessness and betrayal.

Therefore, in the future, the tartar chief also gave a Jin Merchant in Zhangjiakou the world situation "to produce Zhangjiakou as the world industry". For the sixth generation of wealth, he really dyed his top red with the blood of his compatriots, which made Chen ang feel that monks have karma, but the fruit in the secular world is fed to the dog!

Such a person, according to Chen Ang's previous temperament, should have killed him in front of him with a sword, and then put the flying sword to Zhangjiakou to send his family to be buried. But now master Styx has cultivated his self-cultivation, followed the customs in Rome, practiced for many years and accepted the moral code of the monk. He is no longer good at killing the common people. It's not good to do such a thing again.

It's too much to say to kill mortals with flying swords.

The Styx river had to sigh and said indifferently, "I know what you said. I don't care who you provoked because of what. It has nothing to do with me how many mortals like mole ants die. Therefore, I won't care about your affairs at ease." his superior indifference really plays a ruthless and indifferent demon man vividly.

After another shot, a black smoke rose, and a ferocious and terrible statue made of white bone floated in the smoke.

Such a sight made Qiao Si tremble with fear. He looked at Chen ang with great fear. Speaking of it, Qiao Si is also a determined, vicious and vicious thing. He can kill people without winking, but he is a layman. Things like hell ghosts still threaten him. How can he not be afraid of such scenes in fairy stories?

With a cold smile, Chen ang lowered the white bone statue in front of him and shouted, "how do I know what your enemy has? Do you want my grandfather to sacrifice and work for you with just a little money? I'll teach you a way. If it works, you'll give me half of your wealth. If it doesn't work, you'll just be killed by your enemy. It has nothing to do with me."

He said frankly, but if he were an ordinary person, he would have been confused by his style of taking advantage and never suffering losses.

But Joe Si is not a layman after all. He does business from low to high. After he calms down, he feels that trading with this Taoist priest is more reassuring than those who open their mouth to press the lives of the whole family.

He clenched his teeth and made a cruel promise: "I know that immortal master is a capable expert. I don't care about this wealth. How dare I bother a lot? Please tell me that way." after saying that, he kowtowed on the bluestone board and made a sound.

Chen angduan looked at him for a while and saw that he was bleeding on his face, showing a ferocious color. He saw that there was a ruthless force in him. If there was no such ruthless force, how could he dare to go out of the customs and do business with Tartars? This man is vicious and vicious, but he is a decisive and resolute man. The so-called traitors and evil people are like this.

"This statue of God is the sustenance of the secret demons outside the sky. It is quite effective. You were born in a big family. It must have been buried in the geomantic treasure land, which can nourish vitality. You dig up the ancestral grave, bury the statue after sacrificing it with your own blood, and sprinkle the blood of three birds on the ground every day. After seven days, you can destroy the geomantic omen of your ancestral grave and turn it into a place for raising corpses."

"After seven days, you can control the zombies raised in the grave by opening up the statue and still offering livestock blood sacrifice. If your enemy comes to harm you, you can control the zombies to harm him by just looking at him and reciting a spell. If he is defeated, he will be sucked by the zombies."

After hearing this, Qiao Si looked like he had opened a dye shop, green and purple, ferocious and terrible. After thinking for a long time, he asked in a trembling voice, "Joe Si is really upset that he humiliated his ancestors. Excuse me, immortal master, is there any other way?"

"Yes!" Chen ang said coldly, "this is just a inferior spell. I have no other advantages except to make one quick. I have countless more powerful spells than this. But you can't afford to pay the price. How can you exchange more money for a little money? Of course, if you are willing to pay more, I won't hesitate to give you more powerful spells."

"What do you give?" Joe asked, swallowing.

Chen ang smiled coldly: "for example, offering a blood related boy every three years, holding a magic spell, voluntarily tortured to death, sacrificing your unborn child's blood, or helping me kill people, driven by my slaves, will only be more cruel, and there will be no good thing of ease."