The frozen time and space resumed flowing, and the two people present who could realize what had happened - Sargeras and Professor, fell into silence. Only the Avengers who could not feel what had happened were still surprised by crow's sudden disappearance.

"Is that him?" Sargeras said to the professor's consciousness in the void.

"No... that's another terrible existence. He came to the world briefly and left us some gifts... But this proves my guess... The Apocalypse is only a part of him. What we see is the tip of the iceberg."

The professor's consciousness fluctuated strangely.

"The long river of fate is vast, and sometimes even titans are not as powerful as them!" Sargeras sighed: "maybe one day, I will return to the essence of destruction, just as I was born from entropy, I will become and be destroyed by him..."

"Why should you obey the control of instinct? Even if entropy is highly conceptualized, you should not only know destruction and destruction."

"The fate of decay and destruction of all things cannot be changed... I must end them!" the red light in Sargeras's eyes burned more and more vigorously, and the strong hatred and desire for destruction burned in his eyes: "mortals, don't guess us with your thinking. Can you peep into the thoughts of Titans?"

"I can..." the professor's words rang out in Sargeras's mind.

"At first, many people thought my ability was very dangerous, but in fact, the real danger was out of control, and my strength came from self-control. Therefore, I had a stronger power than my spiritual ability - trust. Indulgence is easier than restraint, but few people want to know what the consequences of indulgence are."

"Even if my ideal is readily available under the temptation of power, as long as I control human thought, it can undoubtedly make the whole world run in the way I want, but indulgence of this power will only run counter to what I want, because peace and love always come from the most human power, hope, not thought control."

"I cherish this hard won restraint, so I have this precious trust."

"Sargeras, son of hatred! The Apocalypse makes your heart burn with an unquenchable flame of anger and hatred, and makes you bear the pain of being unfaithful to him forever, even if he created it himself."

"The most powerful ability I have is not to control one's thoughts, but to bear the pain of others."

"I will understand your pain. I will feel it with you, Sargeras! Open your heart and let me in. I have no intention of peeping into your thoughts. I just want to bear your pain with you... Trust me!"

The professor completely opened his mind. First, he established a unilateral communication. The powerful force distorted the boundary between reality and fantasy, and folded tens of thousands of layers of small space in the giant ship into an endless expanse.

All those who can touch the professor's heart can really feel the pure love and sincerity in his heart. It is a feeling without impurities, so that people can bear their own inner pain with him. Bruce almost had no resistance to return to the form of Hulk. He staggered to the depths of the world.

Let go of your anger!

But Sargeras's resistance became more and more serious. He wantonly destroyed everything in front of him, as if to completely destroy the world. The endless army of destroyers was easily accommodated into the broad world, but they were allowed to vent madly, and the professor just assumed it silently.

When Tony came to this world, he looked at his hands in surprise.

Rogers nearby was worried: "what's the matter? Tony, I feel like you found something."

"I've been here!" Tony looked back. "Although I don't know why I have no memory, I know I've been here to treat and relieve my mental stress... I seem to have put something here."

"What?" Rogers suddenly felt a little uneasy.

"Pain, power... Or the pain caused by power. My nuclear cell vitality has been in a low state for a long time, and I can't even catch up with the reactor. It should be here that I sealed this terrible power, and I turned it into my fantasy. I turned the neutron star, nuclear cell power and my pain into my fantasy."

Over there, Sargeras is like struggling in a cage. He tries his best and is still tolerated by the professor's mind. That is how big the real heart is, how big the world is, and Sargeras's power is far from exceeding the limit of the professor's mind.

However, Sargeras's body is only the destroyer of aochuang, which is far from giving full play to his due strength. This weakness is the founder of despair in front of the avenger, but it is a big flaw in front of a strong person of the same level such as a professor.

But this is not the strongest side of Sargeras. He also has a strong soul and will like a professor. His mental pollution ability is his strongest posture now.

But this is exactly what the professor said it was necessary to force Sargeras's will to duel, let Sargeras pollute his soul and carry out the most essential and direct duel - competition between soul and will. If the professor cannot bear Sargeras' madness, hatred and desire for destruction, he will become the most terrible evil god created by Sargeras.

If he can, his heart will accommodate Sargeras' pain and bear with him the eternal torture given to Sargeras by the Apocalypse Chen ang.

Finally, Sargeras will be redeemed!

Sargeras had no choice. He was burning a bloody flame, where he went extremely distorted, extremely deformed spirit and emotion, polluting everything.

But these expanded filth is not worth mentioning for the endless spiritual country of professors.

Sargeras roared angrily: "if you want to tolerate my anger, then bear my pain!" it connected the professor's open mind, and the spiritual barrier between the two began to disappear. Sargeras could feel that the professor had gone through hardships and finally returned to pure emotion - all his feelings for love and hope, understanding and tolerance.

The professor can also deeply touch the darkest side of the universe. Tony Stark is on the verge of collapse and almost crazy dark side after only one look. He feels all the negative emotions of all things entering destruction, death and chaos. He has experienced the most distorted and deformed thoughts and emotions in the universe.

Anger at the extinction of stars, reluctance to die of intelligent creatures, hatred of dead planets, and the end of reality and fantasy, the most distorted and darkest desires and thoughts.

The darkness is so terrible that even the endless and all inclusive spiritual world of professors can't bear it. It almost collapses. Countless layers of quiet and peaceful worlds enter the dusk. Great collapse, great destruction and great disaster collapse space, chaos time and all things enter the end.

Everything is like doomsday destruction.

Sargeras was laughing wildly in the center of the world. The extremely distorted dark forces were raging around him. The professor was about to sink

Under this power, Tony trembled and finally recalled the fear dominated by Sargeras. The nightmare situation made him crazy and collapse.

"Neutron star has become my fantasy, nuclear cell and fusion body. These things are now in my brain... Wait! In this world, there is no absolute boundary between reality and fantasy... So I have a key... It can... Take back my power!" Tony suddenly raised his head with red blood in his eyes.

Rogers heard his voice and grabbed him: "Tony, trust the professor... He can bear all this!"

"No, Rogers, he can't. You haven't been exposed to that darkness... No one can bear this power, professor. He played off! If I knew he had this crazy idea, I would stop him!" Tony roared, "you don't know that pain and despair!"

"I want to stop all this... I may be able to stop Sargeras, as long as I can find my forgotten power!" Tony looked at his hands, and the hot radiation exploded from the palm of his hand, thousands of degrees, enough to melt gold and iron.

Tony suddenly looked at his body. The blood red lines of nuclear cells slowly covered his chest and back.