If at the beginning, the Avengers still had the confidence to solve the accident caused by Tony independently, now they don't dare to hold this hope.

Neither external gods nor arcane creation have an ontology that can be destroyed. Their lives have spread to an unimaginable level. It can be said that the whole earth can be regarded as their shell. The Republic and professors may have a way to solve this problem, but the Avengers can never destroy them.

In contrast, Sargeras, the most powerful, has a fatal weakness.

Sargeras, born from Tony's brain, has no body.

This may be the key to destroying him!

The avenger came here to snipe Sargeras with the hope of just in case, because if he really got the indestructible vibration gold to build a drive shell carrying Sargeras's immortal star soul, his only weakness would disappear.

However, when Sargeras really stood in front of the Avengers, they found that this so-called weakness did not exist for them. The weakness of the strong is relative to the strong at the same level. For the weak, the strong has no weakness. For Sargeras, the Avenger - too weak!

"Zhenjin has been taken away by Adam!" Tony spread his hands and said, "sorry, you came too late. Look at your body now, unqualified materials can only bear unqualified design, and unqualified design can only have unqualified performance... A poor imitator of the destroyer. You can't give full play to one percent of the performance of my design."

Rogers, standing next to Tony, whispered, "what's the destroyer? What's the mess you're hiding from us?"

"I'll tell you later..." stark hissed.

"Why hide?" Sargeras sighed. "The destroyer is a weapon. The design I completed with you is a wonderful killing tool. I'm amazed at the enthusiasm and proficiency of human beings in killing their own kind. Tony Stark, you are the best."

"You told me it was just a kind of gold armor, a weapon against the enemies that the earth may face in the future!" Rogers asked angrily.

But Sargeras answered him, "isn't your biggest imaginary enemy your own kind?"

He looked back at Tony and said with a smile, "but you have made a huge mistake. The real destroyer is not the toy on your drawing, but the way I look now, simple, smooth, classic and efficient design, killing people like hemp..."

"No, no, no..." Tony sneered, "I designed much better than this..."

"Really?" Sargeras interrupted him, made an inviting gesture to his side and said, "how many destroyers can Zhenjin make? One? Two? And here I am... Endless!" a metal demon exactly like Sargeras stepped on the corroded deck and drilled out of the ground, followed by the second and third

From behind, under the feet and overhead, the metal demon "destroyer" climbed all over the whole ship, and there were huge armies out of sight waiting in the lava crack at the bottom of the earth.

These killing machines are made of composite alloy. Even if they face the impact of the nuclear bomb within one kilometer, they are undamaged. They have excellent activity ability and strong performance. The combat effectiveness shown in the process of encircling the Avengers is frightening. Except for the non-human ones among the Avengers, no one else is an opponent.

"How many people can be killed with elaborate killing weapons? Cheap industrial products are the real killing machine!" Sargeras laughed. "Industrialization, I like the word!" he waved his right arm and poked out the ferocious sheep's head and skull: "Enough! Mortals, do you think this is a game? No, this is a war, a massacre, a complete, Carnival destruction!"

"Now, I have to get the key first!"

As soon as Sargeras stepped on the void, the high-frequency vibration at his feet erupted into a powerful driving force, which made him jump gently into the middle of the Avenger's formation, stretched out a finger against Captain America's shield, scattered countless micro mechanical claws at his fingertips, and grabbed the center of the round shield. Then, Sargeras's fingertip spun rapidly.

The speed of thousands of revolutions per second turned the round shield into a circular saw. Rogers's hands failed to leave the handle in time. In an instant, they were stirred into hemps. White stubble pierced his right arm and splashed out.

The rapidly rotating round shield, close to Sargeras's finger, flew over the Falcon's shoulder and cut him in two.

The hot rays from his eyes pierced Stark's back heart. Gamma particles instantly destroyed Tony's energy shield, penetrated his chest and evaporated his whole inner cavity.

The super light particle lines emitted from the fingertips of the five fingers of the left hand formed a bundle and cut the throat of Bruce who had no time to change.

The whole process was no more than one eighth of a second. After Sargeras broke in violently, all the Avengers were destroyed.

"Vulnerable..." the red flame in Sargeras's eyes was much dimmed. He shook his head and said: "boring battle, weak resistance... My desire to destroy is far from being satisfied. Why can't you make me kill happier? Fragile..." he ran his left hand through Rogers's chest: "it's too weak!"

Sargeras roared angrily.

Time stopped like a freeze frame, everything around, the wound on the dead Avenger suddenly turned into a virtual shadow, just like a dream that suddenly woke up. The recovered Avengers gasped and felt the missing wound on themselves.

"Charles!" Sargeras vented angrily, but the violent particle flow and rays around him passed through Tony and others like a virtual shadow. The dark flame of destruction on Sargeras could not hurt them: "you cowardly mortal, curled up in the dark like a mouse, avoiding the apocalypse in fear..."

Looking at the pale Tony Stark and Bruce, Sargeras laughed wildly: "mortal who fears me! Why don't you dare to look directly at me, stark, why can't you exert any power? Your soul is full of seeds of submission to me... And you, fat green? You have extraordinary potential..."

"Charles? Why did you stop his inner desire for destruction?"

"Let it burn! Destroy, kill, not curl up in this weak shell... Where's your power?" Sargeras roared at Bruce.

Sargeras straightened up, up to 2.5 meters tall, looked down at the crowd and said contemptuously, "vulnerable!"

A red aperture appeared in the right hand. With a wave, it exploded in the center of the avenger. The diffused aperture adhered to the Avenger's body and adsorbed them. Then, with the rapid reduction of the aperture, it sucked them into a ball.

Sargeras's palm was close to their body, and the powerful energy wave bred in the palm made them unable to move. Everyone knows that the light and heat storm that may erupt here at any time can evaporate everything.

"I said... Get out of here!"

A powerful vibration force suddenly burst in Sargeras' back heart. Hundreds of millions of vibration frequencies disrupted the mental fluctuations in Sargeras' destroyer's body in the shortest time. Under this destruction, the metal properties of rapid fatigue began to decline,

Sargeras slowly turned around and saw that crow was like a gold man made of bronze. The powerful vibration was conducted by his body and bombarded Sargeras from the depths of the earth. In a trance, Sargeras seemed to see a chubby black-and-white giant bear standing behind crow, covered with the virtual shadow of a golden giant clock.

With the sound of the bell, Sargeras' body surface began to break, and the tired 'devil' alloy was torn into small pieces and stripped from Sargeras.

The high-frequency energy impact madly destroys the physical structure of the destroyer and shakes its foundation from the basic material level.

Sargeras looked a little serious: "Zhenjin's body? Insect, you robbed my things..." he calmly shook his head: "interesting attack..." Sargeras punched crow heavily, but the rebound was a reaction shock with tens of thousands of times more destructive power, which broke most of Sargeras's body at once.

"Hahaha..." Sargeras laughed, and his whole body burst into pieces. With a fist sized core as the center, a strong magnetic force broke out. The rotating metal fragment storm wrapped crow, and Sargeras's wild laughter sounded in the storm.

The magnetic metal tightly attached to crow wriggled like a living creature. He was wrapped by Sargeras. The terrible dark will of the Titan tightly wrapped crow's body. The whisper in his ear almost made crow's fragile spirit collapse and crazy, "I am one and ten thousand, I am everything and the only... Accommodate me and let me live in your heart!"

"Get out... Get out!" cried Crowe in fear.

The destroyer who surrounded the Avengers and crow stepped out a deep figure again. He looked at the metal solution that surrounded crow and almost integrated with him and said, "did you try your best to finally defeat one of my tools? Stupid mortals... These shells are only the extension of my will, your resistance... Meaningless and can't hurt me."

"He sent me a good body... Well done!" Sargeras sneered.

Crowe's struggle became weaker and weaker. Just when the power to reverse illusion and reality in the void was ready to move again, a brilliant river suddenly flowed into the ship, just like the Star River in the sky falling against the background. An indescribable vast force instantly crushed everything, whether it was the power of the professor or Sargeras's will, All stagnate in the void.

The Star River gently rolled up crow's body. With a slight shock, it destroyed Sargeras's will to penetrate crow's spirit, and then quickly faded down. Nothing was taken away except crow.