The dusk of Leningrad came quietly, and the sound of gunfire seemed to have gone away, but the streets were still sparsely populated. The cold current of early winter made the ground covered with a layer of white frost. The surrounding small buildings were dark and there were no lights, but in the activity center of the collective unit, there were laughter, singing and dancing.

The enthusiastic Slavic dance music filled the young people on the dance floor with youthful agitation. The elderly and middle-aged people chatted nearby. The scene was very lively, but some people sat in various hidden corners of the banquet and enjoyed their own silence - Natasha sat at the table in a trance.

Someone got up and sat down opposite her: "why? Don't you adapt to such a scene?"

Natasha shook her head and smiled and said, "no, in fact, I am more familiar than most people. For young people, the Soviet Union has become a memory. Not many of them grew up in that gilded age. When they have memories, the sky of Russia has been covered with lead gray."

"For those resurrected comrades, such memories are too long and strange... Most of them have died in the war and have not seen that era."

"And I am the generation who really grew up in that era." Natasha raised her glass to him, skillfully put caviar on the bread and took a shallow bite.

"What about you? This kind of collective life unique to the evil empire must be very... Strange to you?"

"In fact, not!" the man smiled and shook his head. "I live in an era when the United States really needs to be more family. We pay more attention to small families. For Americans, the collective belongs to the church and church. But I am also a working family. This factory life filled the first half of my life."

"Why don't you go back to the United States? Rogers is still waiting for you. After agent Carter died, you are his only 'family' in the world." Natasha asked the man opposite him - the winter soldier who has recovered his memory.

"If I go back!" Bucky said in a low voice, "that's the beginning of the division of the avenger... I've done a lot of wrong things."

"With all due respect..." Natasha wiped her mouth with a napkin and said, "it's none of your business. We did it. When we joined hands with Hydra, it caused a lot of trouble to the U.S. government. You don't have to blame yourself at all. With my understanding of Rogers, he can solve this problem."

"He can't solve it. It's a rift in a country. The rift between freedom and democracy is deeper and deeper. The more social unrest, the easier class contradictions will intensify." baki turned to look at her and whispered.

"When the U.S. government faces the crisis, bureaucratic instinct is also necessary to centralize power; major capital groups greedily demand power out of conflict of interest and self-protection factors, as well as the rights and voices of the people... Under the pressure of the crisis, the internal cracks in the seemingly monolithic United States are becoming more and more serious."

"When the United States is divided, the Avengers will never be spared. I just don't want me to be the fuse for all this."

Baki shook his head gently and sighed, "and you... I know the plan prepared by China, which is almost a fatal blow... You are destroying the foundation of our country."

"We always hope that Americans will stand up and liberate the United States, so we have determined to make a commitment. Once the United States changes its social form, the European community will invite the United States to join the people's Revolutionary League, which is a joint commitment made by China, the Soviet Union and the European community. The European community system is an example of the United States. It is not as incompatible with you as we and China."

"In the face of the rapidly developing productivity, the superstructure built by human beings based on economic relations is worthless. The collapse plan of the United States is almost unstoppable. Tony and they will go crazy at that time... Rogers will face this problem sooner or later. Will he be on the side of the traditional system or the changing people?"

"On either side? He won't stand with Tony." Natasha said decisively: "I know Tony, playboy, millionaire, leader of stark industry and superhero. He is a fanatic supporter of American freedom..."

"Wait, what is American freedom?" Bucky interrupted her.

"The more money you have, the more freedom you have," Natasha sneered. "This is American freedom."

"When Tony finds that these auras and meanings around him are worthless, he will go crazy to stop it. At that time, Rogers will have no choice."

"At that time, American superheroes and super criminals will never ignore their own positions, whether they are good or evil, heroes or villains. If there is a middle line, they will find that they have to make a choice in the end... The world will be divided into two camps."

Natasha raised her glass: "power will eventually belong to the people!"

"We will see Osborne, stark, hammer, Nathaniel, Murdoch and kirian standing together. At that time, you have no choice."


Beijing, the first base of liberators

In the culture tank of metal glazed ceramics, rows and rows of descendents fall asleep. These descendents have different shapes, most of them are human, and a small part are heteromorphic. However, even human descendents have different materials, and some even have completely changed their appearance and essence.

At the front of the culture tank is a descendant composed of metal muscle fibers and body tissue. Next to him is a descendant that is very similar to human beings on the surface. Then next to him, the descendant becomes more strange, including pure energy descendant shrouded in high-energy magnetic constraint environment, and descendant that is completely virtual and like a ghost.

They have different numbers and types. Except for the researchers here, it is even difficult to guess their adaptive environment and function.

This is the largest coming body research center of dimension soldiers. It was established after the Republic successfully stripped human body and spirit and found the complex quantum phenomenon and connection between them. Now it has become the largest armed manufacturing center of dimension soldiers.

Every dimension warrior is the most convenient and basic ability. It is always their body - the coming body.

Like the rifle manufacturing and military factory in the past, it is the manufacturing center of basic weapons for dimensional soldiers.

"In fact, there are many models of descendents. In addition to the 'Dragon' series commonly used by our military, that is, the Yinglong, Qiulong and Jiaolong series, we also have the 'witch' series, the 'demon' series, the 'beast' series and the 'God' series. There are more specific subdivisions. For example, the 'beast' series includes' mountain and sea ',' Divine beast ',' fierce beast 'and' monster '..."

"The coming body here covers a variety of functions including civil, exploration, military and war. Only the exploration type has interstellar exploration models such as earth like planets, star surfaces and cosmic vacuum, as well as space exploration, parallel world exploration and even the most cutting-edge dimension exploration models."

"Of course, the corresponding functions of each model are confidential, and I can't tell you." Luo Ji shook his head and joked: "this time, the liberation organization has opened the descent warehouse for us. We will load the most suitable descent to fight!"

"We won't be the only players this time!" Yang Qi wondered.

Luo Ji shook his head: "they have come. You are the latest one, so introduce yourself."

"Report to captain, I just came back from the alien front line and rushed to you nonstop." Yang Qi replied positively.

"Know your situation..." Luo Ji smiled: "Mieba's resistance is very tenacious! There is information that mieba may have locked the coordinates of the earth again, so you may see this old opponent on the earth. Don't worry, there will be no fewer enemies on the earth. After the Titan, Adam, Adam and mieba, everything is finished, and the Apocalypse is waiting for us!"

"Come on, let me introduce you to your coming body and teammates in the future..."

Luo Ji took him to a metal culture tank. The human body in it was only an embryonic form, but the human body structure could be preliminarily seen. Yang Qi felt more cordial for his symmetrical muscles and carbon based body.

"Fortunately, it's a carbon based human body. If it's an energy structure or a silicon-based structure, I'll be uncomfortable with it."