At sunrise, Leningrad, once called St. Petersburg, was shrouded in afterglow.

The bright red sun sprinkled golden red all over the city.

Young Red Army soldiers curled up in mobile armor and slept. With the cold of early winter, a thin ice shell was frozen on the armor shell. One huge steel armor after another spread infinitely on the horizon, and the sun dyed everything bright red.

"Comrade Ivan danilovich, comrades have fallen asleep! The enemy is besieged by us between the 231 highland and the red guard military region. Our strong particle guns hit them hard. This infection has been controlled."

A political commissar in a coat stood in the cold current in the morning and observed the situation opposite the position.

There is almost a piece of ruins. The material ash caused by electromagnetic guns and strong particle flow covers the ground, and a gray land is dead. If you carefully observe it, you can vaguely find the traces left by small nuclear weapons, plasma and ray weapons, and the remains and weapon fragments of some star soldiers' artificial organs are also scattered here.

Although the soldiers were sleeping after a night of fierce fighting around, Ivan danilovic knew that as long as an enemy dared to show his head, he would face the ruthless killing of Red Army snipers in the dark.

"Although the giant phagocytic worms attack underground and are blocked by the phase defense layer, the threat posed to us by the direct descendants of dark SAB Nicholas is far from being lifted. The situation of the Guard Corps in outer space has been entangled with them for three days, and the situation is far from optimistic. Their vitality is so strong that they can devour almost any material and use the energy of any situation."

"Comrade Ivan, the enemy here can be cleaned up in only one morning. Please transfer us to outer space! The third Armored Division will never humiliate the Red Army. We will bury the enemy on the battlefield."

Political commissar Ivan danilovic shook his head and said:

"Since last week, a total of 13 small-scale infection incidents, five large-scale infection accidents and one super large infection disaster in Stalingrad have occurred. The Red Army has eliminated more than 3 million enemies, accounting for 90% of the total number, in the previous battles of this campaign. However, nine dark children have appeared, and we have only eliminated three of them."

"We have made a lot of sacrifices for this..."

The Red Army soldier standing opposite Ivan raised his hand to stop him. He looked at the rising sun and said with emotion:

"Our bodies may die, but the will like steel will never die. Comrade, my memory tells me - I fell in Stalingrad as early as 1942. The sacrifice of the leader awakened me and made the Red Army soldiers stand up to defend this country again. I believe it is not the fear of death that makes us stand up..."

"But everything we cherish. Even if my beloved girl is old, even if my dear grandmother goes to heaven, even if everything I know fades in this world, as long as the motherland is still there, the Red Army will always be willing to sacrifice for it!"

"Death is not a funeral song for us, but a warm hometown tune."

He saluted Ivan in an old age and said loudly, "Comrade Ivan danilovic, please allow the third armored division to join the battle!" his voice woke the sleeping soldiers. From time to time, some soldiers got up from the mobile armor and watched them.

The morning sun shone on their faces. The faces of soldiers were blurred in the sun, but they faced Ivan danilovic. The sober armored division exuded a high momentum and looked at Ivan danilovic proudly.

"For the sake of the great leader!" political commissar Ivan danilovic also saluted: "general Bavier semonovic zhtnev, please lead the whole division to outer space theater 5 this afternoon."

"Ula!" the whole third Armored Division was boiling. The Red Army soldiers proudly waved the Legion's flag and restarted the mobile armor.

A young soldier playfully opened the external communication panel of the cockpit and inserted his precious cassette. Soon, a melodious song began to echo on the position.

"This is an exciting song"

"Remember when the invaders crossed the border"

"The soldiers said goodbye to their homes and boarded the train."

"This song goes with them"

"Sing it to defend Moscow in fourteen years"

"Singing it into Berlin in four or five years"


After the wave of infection was completely detonated, the powerful invaders set off a terrible war on the earth. Weak countries have almost no resistance, and ordinary human beings are a massacre in the face of them.

On the North American continent, Adam and the Avengers cooperated temporarily to suppress the infected people in several barren areas, which was regarded as a success in limiting the expansion of the infected people. In the Eurasian continent, the people's Revolutionary Committee was like a solid arm to resist the first wave of crazy counterattack of infected people.

In the subsequent large-scale counterattacks, the three giants of the people's Revolutionary League joined hands to fill the infected people in the spherical closed world - outer space created by the Republic, and set off three large-scale annihilation campaigns, almost lifting the infected people up to fight. There is still more left to support other allied countries and regions.

The armored forces of the Soviet Red Army and the Star Destroyer fleet swept across the Middle East and crushed the infected people and pagans who worshipped the infected people with an iron fist. The star Marines and near earth planet combat forces of the European community effectively controlled the situation in North Africa, while the dimensional soldiers of the Republic were responsible for the South Asian subcontinent, where the infected people were the most powerful.

The phase space shield armor protects the local city, while the distortion space blockade successfully separates the infected troops. Space distortion weapons, antimatter weapons, dark energy weapons and proton weapons burned the mainland. Dimensional soldiers were like invincible hammers, one by one smashing the resistance of infected people. For a time, dimensional legions made great progress and invincible.

**In South America and South Africa, although the losses were heavy, they still did not let the situation get out of control.

Only the Central African desert and Antarctica have almost become the base camp controlled by the infected people - the Arctic Ocean has been swept away by the Red Army because it is close to the Soviet Union.

The wave of destruction set off by Sargeras and the outer gods was controlled at the first time. Under the suppression of the people's Revolutionary League, * * and the US Canada alliance, the infected did not wreak havoc on the whole world as expected. Even to the surprise of some alien forces concerned about the earth - several countries of human civilization have shown amazing combat effectiveness in this process.

The war here did not even cause the contraction of the people's Revolutionary League troops who fought in the outer star region. In fact, some observers were crazy because they were infected by their existence when they looked directly at the outer God. They set off an infection disaster in their star region and accidentally exterminated many outer civilizations.

The human Revolutionary Alliance in the extraterrestrial domain is not as polite as the earth. Generally, when a planet is infected, it will be directly put into the Soviet Union's stellar fission furnace to burn the destructive heat of the star and clean it thoroughly.

It's hard to say whether infection killed them or the Soviet Union destroyed them.


Yuri, general secretary of the Kremlin, is dealing with some other alien civilizations' strong protests against the Soviet Union's destructive cleansing policy. He earnestly replied: "We sincerely feel sad about these unfortunate disasters, but this is not the reason for us to indulge the spread of disasters. I believe we must and must deal with such events... A difficult and resolute purge."

"All corrupt factors and potential threats must be cleaned up, which is our responsibility and obligation."

After answering the letter, Yuri looked at the map and said:

"Our allies believe that we should take more responsibility for the current complex situation on earth. The action of infected people is likely to be just the beginning. How to face the global threat created by apocalypse is also a problem for the Soviet Union. Therefore, Professor Charles proposed to establish an organization with multiple members to flexibly deal with the threat of Sargeras."

"A small-scale organization with sufficient combat effectiveness, targeted against Sargeras... It is first of all a global organization, representing the countries in the world that have the ability to participate, negotiate, cooperate and fight... But because of the serious division of the international situation, this unified organization can hardly be born."

"So according to the three camps on earth, there will be three small organizations to establish cooperative relations against infection disasters..."

"We are the liberators of the people's Revolutionary League!"

"The last bastion of capitalism, the avenger of the North American Defense Alliance!"

"And the adjudicator of * *"

"Others who join in their personal capacity will operate within the framework of this organization."