Skye is going crazy... Since she stole the mysterious plan of the network center of the s.h.i.e.l.d., government agents have watched her like a mad dog. The s.h.l.d., FBI, CIA, military and various criminal organizations jumped out like a bucket, fought with each other and chased after her.

As for her original organization, rising tide, she was scared to show up. Her boyfriend... That cowardly man betrayed her like a woman.

"Damn it!" she slammed a white USB flash disk into the co pilot's position and covered her face with distress: "what did I steal? What was the Eden plan? Most of the files are still encrypted, so it's not easy to crack... I feel like I'm in a big basket!"

"It's really a big basket!" the voice behind him suddenly made Skye tremble and stiff.

From the rearview mirror, a young man sat behind her, looked at him with a smile and said: "Magical little girl, it's the first time I've seen the s.h.i.e.l.d. suffer such a big loss. Nick Frey is going crazy. You know what? What you have has caused the destruction of half of the s.h.l.d. in Washington, and sent the whole Avenger to the hospital... Until now, they are still tracking down the betrayers."

Skye put his hand on the steering wheel and tried to pose harmless. He carefully tried to say, "is it the violet organization? The organization targeted at the attack in the Eden plan?"

"Violet organization - relatives of the ancient snake, traitors of the Divine Shield Bureau..."

"Don't worry, I'm not from that organization... They are characterized by purple pupils, which may not be visible when lurking, but when using their extraordinary abilities, this can hardly be concealed."

The man put his hand on Skye's shoulder: "you're lucky. I don't mean to embarrass you, but you have to be smart enough..." Skye obediently put the USB flash disk in his palm: "good, but you still need to do one thing for me..."

"What's up?"

"To Washington..."

The trip to Washington was not long, but it took a day and a half for two people who couldn't fly at all.

Skye didn't know why. During this time, the agents looking for her like mad dogs never bothered her again, but she still enjoyed the cleanliness of this moment. Without that man, she couldn't hide for a few days in that case.

Seeing himself getting closer and closer to an address in the garden of Eden plan, Skye was a little worried.

"We're approaching the headquarters of the s.h.i.e.l.d.! Are you crazy? If they find us, I'll be finished! This is a red alert area, and a dog next to the street may be an agent of the s.h.l.d...."

"I know!" the man ignored her.

Skye was excited: "what are we going to do?"

"Save the world!" the man replied, "before the stark boy goes crazy, save the world... A terrible monster will be born. According to the maxim... Those who can resist evil, only stronger evil... I happen to know where the most terrible demon king in the world is hiding..."

"So we're going to release him? The ancient snake in the Eden plan?" Skye shouted, "are you crazy? How many people died in the Washington accident, and even the aliens who came to save the earth are dying... Odin was shot blind in one eye. I can't let you do this. Here are people from the Divine Shield. As long as I shout, they will rush madly..."

The man stopped the car, put his hand on the steering wheel, turned his head and looked at her calmly.

"I don't want to do that, but you can't force me..."

"Stupid man!" the man restarted the car, "You don't know what we are going to face in the end! What kind of boundless darkness the future is... The ancient snake is not a threat, but a hope. They opened the box, let go of the devil and desperately tried to recover the last mistake, but they don't know... The last thing left in Pandora's box is the hope to save mankind."


Chen ang can drive anywhere.

"Carrying the camp spirit and embracing one can be inseparable. How long does it take to go against the sky? Kneading Qi and making the baby soft? It can be known when he sleeps. Removing the mystery can be flawless: why do you remove it? With its dirt, the mystery leads its hair, passes through the Lingtai, and keeps its traces for yourself." in a small courtyard with a strong classical style, Chen ang recites with a book.

Almost no scientific and technological objects after the 16th century can be seen here. Because the s.h.i.e.l.d. suspected that giving Chen ang a radio might invade the internal network of the s.h.l.d., they took almost the most extreme measures.

For Science maniacs, it's a creature that can shine with a little sunshine.

Researchers once put some plants and insects in this closed area. As a result, after a long time, they found that Chen ang used plants to make stimulants.

After a thorough search, the grafted mutant plants have biological characteristics. The biochemical semi-finished products cultivated with biological materials and a neuron computer with embryonic form - biological brain are incredibly transformed by using the transformed ant colony as manufacturing tools and rattan plants as materials, and integrating insects and plant biochemical organs.

After this incident, all the plants in Chen Ang's residence were replaced with plastic models.

S.h.i.e.l.e.l.d. experts gave the judgment that items with complex systems and life were not allowed to contact Chen ang.

People like Chen ang carry a strong instinct even if they have just been cloned. The s.h.i.e.l.e.l.d. is almost certain that the replicator Adam has the ability to analyze the surrounding signals. At first, it was only confirmed that Adam can fully analyze the electromagnetic wave information - which means that any electronic information tool is completely unprotected for him.

Soon they found more.

Without memorizing information at all, Adam's analysis of the world and his understanding of human society improved rapidly at an unimaginable speed, and soon reached a level that researchers could not understand.

Although the change of genetic instinct will gradually restore Adam's memory belonging to Chen ang, this process should be controllable in anticipation, rather than beyond their imagination now.

There is no doubt that all researchers have been deprived of the right to face Chen ang.

It is certain that ordinary humans have no secrets in front of Chen ang. Their all existence is too simple and shallow for Chen ang, just like the NPC in front of the game designer.

Finally, everyone can only participate in the analysis and research of the Eden Project outside the closed world surrounded by the alloy cage.