On the port outside Los Angeles, a man squatted outside the old warehouse smoking. It was 9 p.m. at this time. Maybe the city center was still very busy, but the place like the port had reached the time of few people.

A broken RV drove up, and the lights shone on the man's face, arousing a series of scolding.

"Fark, what are you doing here?" he slapped the window.

"Sao Rui..." the window rolled down, revealing a clean face with picturesque eyebrows and a sharp look. The Asian face, which is very in line with American aesthetics, immediately made the man's anger disappear without a trace.

The beauty handed over a business card: "hooker introduced me!"

"He's so lucky..." the man with a secret smile motioned, "go in!"

"Er! Sorry... I want to be in the car. Is there a free line?" the Asian American made a helpless expression and opened the door behind him to reveal a small gap, which was crowded with several bulky and bulky servers and computers.

The man took a cable from the circuit box in the corner, waved his hand and said, "it's okay. It's convenient for people... It's convenient for yourself... But remember..."

"Don't mess with the FBI, the CIA, the s.h.i.e.l.e.l.d.. In short, don't give you any trouble... I know, you are a legally reported hacker gathering, providing safe network services, super fast network speed, non monitoring network and clean intranet... The firewall is great!"

The Asian beauty gave him an exaggerated expression of praise.

The man replied with a little excitement: "thank you! We are working hard for the freedom of this country... By the way, you know? We also have an internal line of members, which is even better. You can't imagine how high its authority is..."

"Oh! I can't wait..." the woman nodded exaggeratedly, which made the man standing in front of her crazy. She trotted all the way to open the internal line for her.

With a strong fake smile, the woman dealt with the attentive man and closed the window.

"It man... Skye, you always have a way..." Skye whispered a praise to herself. She quickly rolled in front of the computer, inserted a USB flash drive, and bypassed the intranet monitoring. She was familiar with it. A few days ago, she got the mobile phone permission of an agent of the divine shield Bureau and connected to the intranet of the Divine Shield Bureau. After being busy these days, she became the most secret side of the world, Finally, a gap was revealed to her.

"After the arrival of the era of smart phones, the online world will have no obstacles to the real strong... It's not easy to find a place with computers and no signals in the world such as WiFi, Bluetooth, LAN and satellite... Let me see what secrets you're hiding? Oh..." Skye said to himself as his fingers jumped quickly on the keyboard as he invaded.

"Avenger? Old information. Galactic escort? Unimportant content. Skynet defense plan? The cry of the weak!... let me see what's hidden in you? Washington DC..." the page jumped to a document about the 'Washington incident', which instantly excited Skye with a keen sense of smell.

"Encryption, encryption, encryption again! The associated information is actually hidden here. Is the search disabled? Powerless resistance! Code 666... The information has been destroyed... The copy of the 'Apocalypse'? The only survivor of the cloning plan, who may have been manipulated by code 666? Who is' he '? Adam? What ghost?... God created Adam according to his own image and took out another Asian root When my ribs created Eve, Adam and Eve were the sons of God, but they ate the fruit of wisdom under the temptation of the ancient snake? "

"What are these? The Eden Project?"

At the information security center of s.h.i.e.l.d., the atmosphere has been on the verge of explosion. Everyone has been mobilized to protect the huge and almost bloated database of s.h.l.d. "where did he go?"

"Damn it, he went to the deepest place? Don't worry about Kennedy's shit, the evidence of Washington's strong annihilation of black slaves? Fuck him! Protect the rotten thing of the pharmaceutical company first, and the experiment on mutant people must be blocked first... Don't worry about Hydra. Where is he? Warn you, tell me where he is in three seconds?"

"Eden plan?" there was a rare hesitation in the voice in the room: "what's that? Thank God... Fortunately, it's just Eden plan! It should be nothing!"

Agent hill stood at the door and silently watched the riots inside until a warning popped up on the central large screen: "warning! The highest permission is turned on, copy the level 19 permission file... Level 19 permission file..."

"Level 19!" the man inside gave a harsh scream, and the broken sound made Hill frown.

"Stop him! Did you find him? The tracking team cut off his power! The anti intrusion team put Trojans in his computer! The isolation team? The authority can't stop?... damn flood tide organization! We were informed that Eden is one of the top secrets, and we will all go to jail if there is an accident!" the person in charge of information security was almost hysterical.

"Has taken over the power grid! Is cutting off the power... Success! He's in the port area of Los Angeles..."

"Los Angeles team out!"

Suddenly, the whole port area fell into darkness. The suddenly extinguished light startled the doorman. Then he saw the beautiful woman driving the RV start quickly and run out of the port area with the cable. All of a sudden caught him by surprise.

On the top floor of stark building in Los Angeles, a huge data waterfall composed of countless golden 01 flows rapidly. The projected light curtain obscures half of the hall. In the middle of the data ocean, the core data is as dazzling as a flame. Stark's nerve is connected to the data ocean. He half closes his eyes and looks very weak.

"You're so dangerous... Tony, you're out of control. I regret helping you with this!" Bruce looked at him anxiously. "Chaotic mechanism is unreliable... Things born from chaotic mechanism are even more unreliable!"

"We created it..." stark replied weakly.

"We can control it. If we can't fight Skynet, everything we do to counter the Apocalypse is just a joke... Someone must pay the price. The world is losing control, Bruce. We all admit that personal power is too small. We can't protect our country. We need new power... Even if we deal with demons."

"The data you found in that stone is very strange! It combines very well with something born in the chaotic mechanism and has amazing vitality! Tony... I think we are creating a monster. It may not be a weapon, but a life... A very dangerous and surprisingly aggressive life."

"Don't talk... Ah!"

"Someone seems to be whispering in my head. What is he talking about?" stark hugged his head painfully, and the instrument value for measuring his blood radiation concentration almost burst. "Get out! Get out of my brain!"

Tony roared with a pale face.

In the cosmic ocean composed of his nervous system, the will hidden in the deep space is whispering softly, and its whisper echoes in the darkness of the whole universe and has strong power. This evil wisdom born from Stark's consciousness, like a fish in water, envelops his will in the whole universe in the shadow of the death stars.

The uncontrolled nuclear energy wantonly destroyed Tony's body, making him curl up in pain on the test-bed, and strong electrical signals rushed to the new electronic consciousness linked with Tony's nerve one after another. Where Tony could not feel, the dark side of his consciousness completely entered the newly created golden core, making the flame of core data burn almost dazzling light.

Bruce, the only one who could find something wrong, was busy checking Tony's safety and didn't notice it at all.

"Nuclear energy is a very tyrannical energy, and the nuclear energy of neutron stars from dead stars is almost impossible to drive... Neutron stars are the bodies of stars. From the perspective of energy, there is naturally no difference between darkness and light, but if someone tries to contact him with spirit... He will taste the power of the soul of death stars. How strong the energy is, how strong the darkness will be!"

The Apocalypse Chen ang looked down at the earth in the palm of his hand and whispered, "human spirit is too fragile compared with cosmic celestial bodies. The star itself has no nature, but if someone touches it with his heart, it has strong spiritual power enough to destroy a person's spiritual power... It's not wind, not flags, but the heart of the viewer."

"The asgards called the form of stars infecting life consciousness Titan. They learned to use the power of Titan very early. Before Odin, there was even a Titan God system... But soon they found that the power and consciousness of Titan were too tyrannical. With human body, containing the energy of stars will naturally become tyrannical."

"But even when the asgards are crazy, no one dares to interfere with the neutron star with consciousness... The living star is tyrannical enough, and what about the dead star? It will be the most powerful and evil Titan... The dark Titan!"

Dark Titan, on the day you were born, the dark void of the whole universe whispered the same name - Sargeras! The soul of neutron star, I watch your life on the river of time. With the anger and hatred of the destruction of stars and the flame that can never be extinguished in your heart, you will bring destruction to the whole universe step by step!

Remember, we rule the universe with power!

The weak know nothing about our power. They just need fear

At the same time, I also know that the flame in your heart carries the anger that wants to bury me together, but remember, be in awe of power... Because I am unstoppable!

You will humbly remain submissive and always bear the torture of anger and hatred.

One day, you will not bear this torture and challenge me.

I still sit on the throne surrounded by knights,

And you will be completely destroyed

Chen Ang's whisper, with his strong will as deep as the abyss, is deeply engraved in the newly born consciousness and deep soul.