Chen ang holds a sword in one hand, and his right hand has been integrated with the light blade at some time. Perhaps it is a spirit butterfly, Sebastian Shaw, or a Phoenix. These genetic synthesis used to cultivate the ancient snake Chen ang x weapon - mutant man plays a role, allowing his right hand to release purple particles that jump like lightning and integrate with the light blade.

But in the microscopic state, the charged particles present wave states.

The whole underground base.

Only in the microscopic state can we show this strange phenomenon, that is, at this end and at the other end, there is no form, quality, appearance and speed, taking out all the meaning of matter, only the size of a particle, but filled with the whole space.


Before Tony could react from his dizziness, a sword light appeared from the void in front of him, easily cut the metal mask on his face and lifted it to the ground.

The sword light changes from the ubiquitous wave state to the particle state that can apply the force field. The speed is only in a blink of an eye. As long as Chen ang is willing, he can even collapse the quantum wave covering the whole base in an instant, so that hundreds of millions of sword light can burst out in every inch of space, splitting all the matter in this space, even the space itself.

"Well said!"

"If the Apocalypse is here, he will not recognize the meaning you recognize, but I am different. I like people with principles and prefer people who can adhere to principles. The way of thinking of the Apocalypse is more like a researcher and scientist. In his eyes, the world operates according to objective laws, objective and practical. He believes that everything can be falsified and compared."

"But I am different. I believe in miracles and human consciousness itself. If my consciousness does not exist, the world will lose all its meaning. The world is determined by ourselves."

"He likes to include everything in his grasp, to exhaust everything, and to pursue the law of development and progressive truth behind things, but I like to face challenges, surprises and accidents, and grasp the touch of life between endless miracles and highlights."

"We are different!" Chen ang smiled.

"You are really different..." the iron man struggled to get up from the ground and said while adjusting his deformed armor: "but that's why you beat me like this and then stand in front of me and say so many reasons? In my opinion, you are equally annoying and have such damn arrogance towards the world?"


"I really want to punch out your big teeth."

The armor on his body has been distorted and deformed, but Tony Stark's body under the armor has undergone more amazing changes. Twelve metal thorns pierced from the hollow part of Tony's spine, melted into a thin layer of metal, and spread on his skin. In the human body gap of flesh, organs and bones, a set of metal structures completely different from the human body support his body.

The semi silicified nerves appear from under the skin and are connected with the data lines of the outer armor. The charged artificial nervous system covers his whole body and inputs electrical signals into the outer layer of his brain at quantum speed. There, a protein assisted computer is fused with his brain at the position of the skull and cerebellar cavity, There is also a quantum accessory brain that controls the nervous system of the whole body and the outer embedded armor.

Known as Zhenjin and metal, the composite armor formed with the Edelman metal alloy donated by the professor covered Stark's whole body.

Through the subcutaneous artificial nerve, stark perfectly integrated his body and armor. At this moment, every action of stark can be perfectly reflected on mark armor. Jarvis automatically withdrew his command authority and Tony's brain took over.

This is not the craziest part.

Until the ark reactor on iron man's chest flickered violently, Chen ang, who looked calm, finally changed color: "nuclear cells!"

"You're the first guy I've seen who dares to transform all the biological characteristics of his cells. You actually changed the energy reaction of human cells from molecular bond chemical energy to nuclear energy! I really don't know whether you're a genius or a madman. You really have a side similar to the apocalypse. Are your science education so crazy?"

"Everyone is no longer a man!"

"The uncomfortable blood flowing in your body is radiation! No wonder you have been transformed so thoroughly that body organs that look a little like people can't survive in your body. Especially, from today on, your old family will be cut off! Can you find a part like people in your body?" Chen ang said a little unbearable.

He shook his head and said in a deeply disgusted language: "you scientists are really a group of madmen. If one day human beings die, you probably did it."

"Stark industry discovered nuclear bacteria in the earth's core in the last century. Under thousands of degrees of high-temperature lava, there is no organic matter, no oxygen, no water and no sunshine. The cradle of all life that human beings think does not exist there. But there is such a kind of nuclear bacteria that rely on nuclear reaction to generate energy and survive tenaciously in that hell."

"Inspired by this bacterium, my father transformed the ark reactor and completed the same miraculous miniaturization and cold fusion nuclear reaction device. Ivan is a great scientist, but Stark is not a vegetarian!"

"Now let me answer you, why!" the iron man clenched his fists. Endless terrible energy surged in his body. The violent nuclear reaction made his body temperature as high as Baidu. Under his red skin, the light like lava was surging. The nerve reaction speed, healing power and physical strength were improved geometrically. The iron man had no weakness.

"Because I am iron man, not this armor, not stark industry, but myself. I am iron man!"

"A superhero!"

"I will guard the world!"

Anti Apocalypse armor - Tony Stark I.

Iron man opened his hand, and the particle engine in the palm of his hand instantly exceeded the frequency hundreds of times. The huge vibration made half of the room collapse. Tons of concrete blocks gathered together and were bound into a huge "shell" by a strong gravity. With the gentle meal of iron man, countless stones flooded Chen Ang's position at Mach 6.

Under the acceleration of such kinetic energy, the small stones easily turned half of the base into ruins, and the powerful storm instantly destroyed all obstacles at that position.

It seems that everything has been destroyed.

But in the eyes of iron man, the moment was extremely long, the super nervous system slowed down the time hundreds of times, and the flying stones seemed to have no destructive power like a slow badminton.

The artificial nervous system, which draws lessons from the fast silver neural structure, has played a terrorist role.

But there was still a flash of light, leaving a faint purple shadow on Stark's modified retina.

That's a sword light!

The whole world is divided in two in front of it. Tons of stones are cut like a feather, divided in two in front of someone and wiped in front of him.

The autumn moon on Pinghu Lake is like a flowing moonlight.

Light purple