The metal structure with complex angles and curves forms a huge twelve sided cube with strange structure. The new alloy with hardness equivalent to 190 times of diamond tightly adheres to the disgusting body. The calculated curve distorts the disgusting joint into a very twisted posture.

Even though his heart is full of anger and desire to kill, he feels that the huge destructive power in his body can not be brought into full play. The solid cage does not leave it any space. Those damn cold metals closely fit his muscles to completely limit the power and movement mode of the body and lock it firmly.

Anti joint, anti muscle movement, every curve and every arc have been precisely calculated by computer and studied by human scientists.

Iron man is still adjusting it slightly through Jarvis to adapt to the hateful body shape and body structure just calculated and analyzed.

Behind him, there is a backup team of stark industries, which makes various analysis and auxiliary decisions.

A high concentration of tranquilizer gas was injected into the cage, and then several probes with high-voltage wires pierced the disgusting skin, injected anesthetic enough to fascinate 180 elephants into its blood vessels, and locked its muscles and bones from the inside.

The high-intensity air pump pumped the oxygen out of the cage, and then a whole ton of compressed liquid nitrogen filled the gap of the high-tech metal cage.

The roar of hatred and anger is getting smaller and smaller. Under the unprecedented cruel design and targeting of human history, no matter how crazy the beast can only moan, it can struggle a few times at first, but then it is targeted more inhumanely. The whole Veronica's 13 standard procedures only take less than five, and it completely loses its resistance ability.

"This is the power of science!" Tony smiled and spread his hand. "This is the power of Veronica worth 500 million dollars. Of course, it only takes up part of it, and there are more wonderful things in the back... Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be used."

"No, I think the best time is when you take this system to Fu Haoke." Chen ang shook his head and answered.

Iron man thought Chen ang was satirizing them and said with a sneer, "no, no, you don't understand. I designed this system with Dr. Bruce. The reason why he did this is because he has a great heart. He doesn't care whether he is targeted or not, but about his responsibility. This is the heart of a hero."

"Of course you won't understand... Because you have no responsibility."

"It seems that you misunderstood my meaning..." Chen ang calmly replied: "I know this system also has an important play - anti hawk armor, right? Extraordinary structure, amazing material science, creative power dispersion system and buffer recoil system. It can imitate a scientific and technological product that can compete with hawk with a mechanical armor. It is simply a work of art."

"Tony, your most outstanding works, the whole mark series are outstanding works of art, reflecting the highest achievements in mechanical design and robotics in the United States."

Chen ang said with admiration: "maybe my prototype despises it, but for another part of him - I really appreciate it. In Science - perfect."

Tony shook his head fiercely and said, "although I want to be proud, the praise from you makes me feel uneasy... You and apocalypse, you are two characters on the surface, but you are actually one person. I have experienced the bad character of your prototype!"

"Ha ha!" Chen ang smiled wildly. He tilted his head and looked at Tony with an unprecedented brilliance in his eyes.

"Art is art. It's just like the show clothes on the T stage. No one will really use it."

"The practical value of horse armor as a weapon becomes rubbish when you put yourself in it!"

"You know what? If you really use this anti hawk armor against the Hulk, it will beat you up and call you dad! Why? Add such rubbish behind Veronica, which was originally good? Ha ha! Anti hawk armor, do you still have anti apocalyptic armor?"

Chen ang stretched out two fingers. His face was the expression Tony had never seen on the Apocalypse face. The Apocalypse's eyes always seemed to be like the deepest sea, giving people a cold and piercing indifference. At this moment, the ancient snake Chen Ang's eyes were warm and arrogant. When he laughed wildly, Tony almost thought he saw another person.

Contemptuously hooked his finger

"I want to say many times. Don't take me as him. I'm not the Apocalypse... He and I are just a part of the existence named Chen ang. We are equal, you know?"

"If you don't agree, hit me!"

"Sandwich cookies..."

In response to him, the iron man suddenly smashed huge concrete stones. Hundreds of kilograms of irregular stones roared like Chen Ang's head with a fierce wind. At the moment when he was about to touch him, Chen ang Teng rose in the air, pulled out a streamer with his right hand, and divided the concrete into two in front of his eyes.

"I'm wrong. You're really not alone. You're more annoying than him!" the iron man looked at Chen Ang's right hand like a streamer of lightning, "plasma? Or high-frequency laser?"

Chen ang shook slightly, and the light blade in his hand turned into a beating spark. The sound of Zizi's current made Tony's hair stand up reflexively. The pleasant light blade was like a swimming dragon in Chen Ang's hand, emitting an amazing smell of danger.

"Although it's a poor imitation, it's also a lightsaber!"

"If I hadn't found heterogeneous crystals in the collection of s.h.i.e.l.d., I wouldn't be able to make such a thing in a short time."

The engine at the foot vibrated slightly, and the speed of iron man instantly accelerated to Mach 2. According to common sense, such a speed has broken away from the limit that human eyes can capture. The sound shock breaking through the sound barrier is very similar to the shock wave created by explosives, which will make people near the sound blast lose their resistance. Some disable bombs are made based on this principle.

But he knew that this would not cause any trouble to Chen ang, and the narrow environment of the underground base also caused him a lot of difficulties.

Jarvis's computing power load is the largest. Stark has overcome all the difficulties of high-speed combat in a complex environment. The force field engine of both hands carries the terrible power to the limit for the human body and strikes Chen Ang's chest. The power of the mechanical structure under the condition of direct work of energy is tens of millions of times higher than the biological efficiency.

If such an impact is in a densely populated city, it can almost run through a skyscraper.

This is the power of machinery and industry.

The strike force of a world champion is about 350 pounds, and the snatch ability of a world champion is about 147kg. It is said that the overlord of Western Chu can carry the tripod, but through the pulley block design, an ordinary person can also lift 147kg. Through lever movement, a child can also shake the tripod, This is only the simplest machine - the slightly more complex Krupp krupp293 excavator in Germany can dig about 135 tons of material per shovel.

The gantry crane can lift 2000 tons of steel construction.

The hydraulic press presses tens of thousands of tons of steel, just like kneading dough.

The world's strongest fighters dare not fight against excavators. Many people know nothing about this power. They can never imagine that doubling the power of organisms is a miracle like God, but the public work of engines is almost doubled every 20 years.


"Unfortunately, why did you put yourself in it?" Chen ang asked puzzled.

A silver gray dish shaped magnetic robot, which is only the size of a palm, ran up from the ground quickly when the steel armor approached. Under the action of strong magnetic force, it attached to the iron man's right foot with an acceleration far higher than that of the horse armor, and then burst out a strong electromagnetic interference, The superfrequency electromagnetic disturbance source almost instantly defeated the electromagnetic shielding ability of mark armor.

Make the whole armor system out of control in an instant.

The out of balance armor deviated from the predetermined track and hit it hard. It knocked the floor out of a cracked pit and rolled several times before it collapsed powerlessly on the ground.

Tony looked at the sky with his eyes open and a little dizzy. Even with an excellent buffer system, he fell hard.

"The capacity of a system is limited. Everyone engaged in design knows how valuable it is to have a little extra design space, but I don't understand that a weapon needs another person in the necessary systems such as weapon system, anti-interference system, communication system, combat system and energy system?"

"If protecting the human body is the core of this system, it should be a defense device."

"But you're different, Tony. You designed a set of weapons."

"Because there is no space, your armor's anti-interference ability is surprisingly low... Also, you have too many things to install, such as life support system, protection system, buffer system and oxygen supply system. In order to protect your fragile body, you waste too much space... But why do you put your fragile body like a piece of paper into this big iron Inside the shell? "

"Are you an important part of the combat effectiveness of this combat system? Don't be kidding, Tony. We know that your combat ability is the result of Jarvis loading the combat program. Your intelligent system combat effectiveness is 100 times stronger than your weak chicken."

"You are the most backward part of this weapon."

"Unmanned weapons are the focus of every arms dealer. Tony Stark, you can't know this, but why? Why did you create such ridiculous weapons?"

"Because without me, this armor will only be another killing machine, no different from missiles, bombs, rockets and UAVs. It will only be a weapon manipulated in the hands of various forces to destroy and kill. Only by loading yourself can you really control it and fight for freedom and justice."

"Drone armor is just a weapon for killing, and iron man is a superhero."

"Only when you put yourself on the battlefield can you understand the purpose of what you create, and ensure that it is fighting for your wishes and dreams. This is our difference. What I create is not a weapon, but a hero."

"Even a gun is 10000 times better in the hands of soldiers than in the hands of politicians."