The sudden change of time and space made Yang Qi feel a little dizzy. He opened his eyes and found himself standing in a familiar and strange place.

Next to the high-rise buildings and the asphalt road at his feet, the startling voice and noise of mankind rushed into his mind one after another. From the space of different worlds, Yang qiru came to the streets of the prosperous city of Berlin. Yang qiru fell into a dream and couldn't tell whether it was true or unreal.

Since the Apocalypse came, all this seems to be buried in the dust of history.

Although it was only a few years, seeing the scenes in these memories again still made Yang Qi feel like a separated world.

Balsak was right next to him. The big man looked good and looked at everything nearby. Yang Qi also noticed the German words on the shop signs next to him. He benefited from the loading of the personal system of the Republic. He knew all the languages on the earth, including several alien characters collected in the database.

These knowledge and skills are loaded in his quantum phenomenon - the outline of the soul, which is deeper than memory. Like innate wisdom and instinct, there are no side effects.

"This is the earth?"

Yang Qi was as like as two peas in the soul. He was puzzled, and certain, he knew all about it. The database of the soul's surface could find out the information that was consistent with the information here. There were identical Street Photos, satellite photos, and the old world sand table with virtual modeling.

"This is Berlin!"

A man in a star spangled banner blue tights came to him and asked politely and irresistibly, "who are you?"

Yang Qi looks like a shadow shrouded in light and shadow, and balsak next to him is wearing the mobile armor. The ferocious mechanical creation with water chestnut fully reflects the aesthetics of the fighting nation and the violence, terror and ferocity of the war machine. In addition to his strength and height breaking through the limits of human beings, no one should believe that they are human beings.

Even the European Community soldiers who are most like humans are not convincing when they drill out of the science fiction aircraft.

The captain as like as two peas, he is alert to the man in front of him who is like an oriental. He knows that there are many close to the alien in the form of human beings.

"We can't contact the headquarters, but the spatial spectrum here is very familiar, like the world opposite the three-phase portal. We may be sucked in by the space-time channel of the portal. I don't know who set up a space-time beacon here, and the space-time portal will anchor us here." Bruce informed everyone in his headset.

"Follow the standard exploration procedure and act according to the circumstances," Yang Qi ordered.

The team stood between the American captain and rocky, which made both sides dare not act rashly. The American captain was worried that they were Rocky's accomplices, and rocky was very afraid of the people behind them.

Such a stalemate did not last long, and soon rocky became impatient. He did not pay attention to these sudden people, or he did not treat people other than Asgard and a few people as trouble. Just now, it was just out of the instinctive vigilance of the conspirators against the emergencies that disrupted their plans.

Loki looked at Yang Qi and others gloomily. He said to them with an elegant and cruel smile: "if you are inadvertently involved in this dispute, we are not enemies. This is the conquest of mieba to mankind, its will has been completely implemented, and I... Am the master of the planet under your feet."

"Under the command of the great conqueror of the universe and the king of war, I will be the king of the world."

Speaking of this, rocky paused deliberately. He leaned forward slightly and said to Yang Qi in an inviolable tone, "now tell me, are you a friend, an enemy, or someone who has nothing to do with it?"

"You're talking about the earth at the foot of this planet?" Yang Qi did not respond too much to the word "mieba" as Rocky imagined, but asked a self-evident question with an inexplicable doubt. "You say you are the king of the world because an existence called mieba grants it to you?"

Rocky's words reminded Yang Qi and others of an important message.

Rocky was impatient. He barely maintained his aristocratic style, his exaggerated and artificial sense of stage.

"Do you doubt the authority of 'mieba'? Or are you angry about the future fate of the indigenous people on this planet because of a little compassion? This makes you try to question its authority and my status and appointment? It seems that you don't know the meaning of the word 'mieba'."

"What do we need to know? Do we know what it says is the law in the universe?" Yang Qi couldn't see any expression on his face.

"It's not just the law. It's the universal principle of the whole universe, a kind of... Destiny, indisputable destiny. The destiny of the earth is ruled by me, and the destiny of mankind is conquered by me, because I am God!"

"Forget it... Like humans, you always like to question me."

"I could have let you know how big a mistake you've made," Rocky said, raising his scepter. "But I'm tired of it."

The scepter has returned to its original shape. The sharp blade at the top is made of Asgard's metal. It can easily cut through the alloy armor and block the attack of energy radiation. Rocky's speed is very fast, the physical quality of the ice giant is stronger than that of the American captain, and the Asgard's combat skills are far better than the earth.

But the scepter was blocked a full meter from Yang Qi.

The endless invisible force field firmly locked Rocky's scepter. Space is like sticky glue. The harder rocky stabbed, the greater the resistance. He struggled to advance two meters and couldn't enter inch by inch.

The captain of the United States also reacted quickly. Without hesitation, he took off the shield of his right arm and threw it at the back of Rocky's head, but rocky grabbed it with one hand, showing no more power than the Frost Giant. A hoarse voice like thunder sounded, "do you think this thin obstacle can stop me? I want you to know what a big mistake you have made!"

Rocky's voice made the air tremble, and sounded in several people's minds like straight into the soul.

"Go to hell..." before Loki's roar fell, he was hit in the back of his head by a ball of head size alloy. Rao was excellent in physique and felt black in front of him. Then there was a series of combos. Two iron fists in the real sense accurately hit every place defined as the key of human beings.

Balzac used the throwing technique he learned in the army to constantly hit Rocky's key, destroy his body balance and keep his body in a state of adjustment forever.

The captain of the United States can always remedy the blow at the most appropriate time, so that rocky has no chance to react.

Fortunately, Asgard people still have magic, otherwise rocky will become the first alien in the divine domain to die of human martial arts.

Using the power of spiritual gems, rocky made a little mistake in their consciousness. There was a slight deviation in their hands, and there were some problems with their cooperation. Only then did they pick up the plane and get out of this state of weakness.

"Do you know the apocalypse?" Rocky heard the voice behind him. A dangerous feeling that made his tailbone tremble firmly enveloped him. Through the super sense, rocky saw Yang Qi's palm aimed at the back of his brain, the gathered energy and the sense of expansion tearing space, so that he knew that it was by no means fun.

"Yes." Rocky answered honestly. He raised his hands and signaled that he didn't want to resist. "Please don't get excited. I surrender. You can catch me."

"Look at what you've done!" the American captain gnashed his teeth.

Loki looked around at the wounded and corpses of the * * around him and said dryly, "I'm sorry about this. But you can't kill me. I'm Asgard and a diplomat. You have to judge my crime together with my father Odin."

"I don't care who you are," Yang Qi said behind his back.

"I just want to ask, what is your relationship with the apocalypse?"

"I just heard that he, the apocalypse and his four knights will bring unprecedented disasters to the universe. He has hurt many people and destroyed many civilizations, but that has nothing to do with me. I am also his enemy. The asgards and he will never die. If you have a grudge against him, we should be friends." Rocky wanted to turn around, but the warning sign of infinite rise in his heart reminded him, Better not.

"Lie, you betrayed Asgard." the US captain exposed rocky's lie.

"Since you have nothing to do with the Apocalypse..." Yang Qi controlled the nano robot to cover Rocky's head. The creepy touch made rocky very uncomfortable. He always felt that there was a sun that would explode at any time, and the surrounding space began to be unstable. The power that can tear him apart is like a flash in the back.

"It's not the apocalypse. How dare you say you're the king of the world?" balsak grabbed Rocky's chin and aimed his head at Yang Qi's micro space extinction generator.