"Be careful, the Academy of Sciences has detected that there is a small fluctuation in the spatial stability of Chirita today, and the energy fluctuation on us may cause abnormal warpage in space." Yang Qi is wrapped in silver light fog, and the luminous fluid from the light blue electromagnetic jet port pushes him to fly to outer space.

This is the flight system of aidman alloy nano robot. These tiny robots may not be anything alone, but once they replicate enough, it is a terrible thing.

The light fog around Yang Qi is actually produced by the distortion of light by the space force field. The powerful micro force field between Nano robots extracts energy from space and forms a seemingly small but actually very broad "field" around him. This space bubble can not only play a very powerful protective role and deflect the attack of laser weapons in vacuum, It can also control the internal material movement.

The Republic of China has input the life support program into the nano robot system, which can even provide the environment needed by the human body in very extreme environments. If it were not for the limited production of aidman alloy, the Republic would not even need to build spacecraft.

In fact, this "space bubble" has become the focus of the Republic's next-generation aviation technology research.

Compared with the clumsy and huge spacecraft, this interstellar weapon is more cost-effective.

Of course, spacecraft are still very important because of the lack of material carried by space bubbles. Matter is an extremely important resource in the universe. When sailing, you may not find a material planet for more than ten light-years, or even hundreds or tens of thousands of light-years.

For the civilization at the level of the Republic, material is energy, material is material, and material is everything needed for survival.

Now only those spaceships as big as cities can provide enough material, and larger spacecarriers are still under construction. The Academy of Sciences has planned to select moon sized asteroids in the meteorite belt of the zerita system as materials to make motherships.

In the expectation of the Republic, the future development direction of the Republic's army is to form a star ship battle group with a single space bubble as the main combat unit, supplemented by other large attack weapons, flying wing fighters and floating guns, and star ships as large as a planet as the mother ship.

So this single bubble system will only be used in galaxies.

Yang Qi's team is responsible for cleaning the outer space of Chirita, strangling and killing the enemy, and searching for scientific and technological products and materials. Their navigation methods are different. Yang Qi is the most comprehensive and advanced space bubble system. Only the Republic can provide such things. The research of other allies in space technology is far from enough!

Balzac's armor, like iron man, pushes and flies through the MHD jets hidden in his hands and feet.

The European Community soldiers from the former France and Italy, Brooke and John had to follow them by aircraft. Who made the European Community technology the most standard among the allies?

Their science and technology system is as stubborn and rigid as it is predicted in earth science fiction without the influence of the apocalyptic disaster, including spaceships, guns and combat laser weapons.

"I seem to have found something." Balzac asked his teammates to check.

If the cloaked man who died outside the zetari transmission door could see it, he must recognize the thing lying in the wreckage of the serpentine ship. It was the beacon rocky contacted him.

"This is the space garbage captured by the wreckage of the spacecraft. Look... This is the impact pit." Yang Qi opened his hand and the metal object like a key flew to his palm. "It doesn't look like a fragment or a weapon. It has collection value."

"That's good!" balsak complained. "The zerittas are a group of war lunatics. They can't even be called civilization."

"Science and technology can only be developed in places related to war, and there is basically no other scientific research system. The headquarters thinks that they may be a part of a huge civilization and poor people deprived of their own civilization." Brooke pondered for a moment before he thought of the adjective.

"Like the slave legion of ancient Persia, it was an army composed of different races, but the scale of the universe expanded to a terrible extent. Their whole race was conquered, destroyed civilization, and then served as an army for a civilization like a behemoth." the Allies guessed most of the situation.

The only thing I didn't expect was that it was not a huge civilization, but a 'person'... An individual - mieba!

On earth, rocky walked through the scene of the reception with small steps.

"Sir, you can't get near here." two tough security guards stopped him from approaching. This is a stairway leading to the closed area. "Can you show me your invitation card?"

Rocky waved the civilization stick in his hand and said with a smile, "I don't have that thing."

"Please follow me," the security guard said to rocky, gesturing to his companion to take his place.

Rocky looked at him mockingly, just like a hopping bug, and sneered, "stupid earthman..." he raised the magic civilization stick in his hand, carried the weight, and hit the poor security guard in the abdomen.

The sound of broken bones came from under the scepter. The strong security guard leaned down like a shrimp. His internal organs were broken, and blood mixed with dark red internal organs came out of his mouth. Rocky looked morbidly excited. He said to the body on the ground, "you need to learn how to talk to your new master."

The backhand killed another security guard who tried to draw a gun, and rocky drove the screaming crowd out.

"It will take a few minutes for those fools of the s.h.i.e.l.d. to come here. I don't know when they will find out that I'm not in the s.h.l.d.'s cell." as he was saying this, rocky looked suddenly in a trance, but he soon recovered: "Oh? Do you already know?"

"The next riddle is Hydra! I can't let you disturb Eric..."

While trying to contact the zerita people, rocky casually tortured and killed humans. The scepter in his hand emitted blue light one by one, hitting the human body, and even the body was difficult to preserve.

Zerita had no response, which made Loki a little confused. The night scene of the German streets quickly faded away from him, and the surroundings became very dark, just like in space. Yang Qi's team was surprised to find that the metal key in their hands began to shine, and the surrounding space slowly closed, making Yang Qi feel that the space bubble was unstable.

"Rocky!" a blue figure fell from the sky and blocked Rocky's attack with the round shield of his right hand. He waved the shield in his hand and hit rocky heavily on the chest.

Unable to defend, rocky lost control of the scepter and fell to the ground.

The scepter came out of Rocky's hand, and the gem light on it began to flicker unsteadily. It was like a lot of energy was taken away out of thin air. It dimmed, and the energy was shot from the gem, and a strong explosion occurred between the two.

Rocky reached out to block the beam of light coming to him, and Captain America hid behind the shield.

After the dazzling light dispersed, a tall figure first appeared in their sight. He was wrapped in metal armor, and the ferocious armor exuded a naked smell of violence. Next to him was a yellow looking young man. He was wrapped in a glimmer of light and looked at the surrounding environment in surprise.

A strange two seater aircraft crashed into a shop next to the street.