"I fought for three thousand miles, and I used to be a million division with one sword."

After the strong, it is infinite loneliness.

On the Taihang Mountain, the vegetation is particularly green, but here is a vast expanse. Only the Brucea Javanica birds sing, it is a bit bleak. Chen ang stands on the hillside and looks down at the foot of the mountain. The vast world is a lonely shadow, especially bleak.

Looking around, the vast Taihang Mountain is towering and tall, just like an elder who has existed for a long time. It is kind and thick, silent but loyal. It looks at the joys and sorrows of the world at the foot of the towering Taihang Mountain for thousands of years.

Chen ang was a little distracted. He deeply felt the loneliness, as if the passage of time had precipitated all the calm and saw through the desolation of the world of mortals. He couldn't help thinking: "if thousands of years have passed, I will be as leisurely and indifferent as Taihang!"

In the firm will, in the strong emotion, even if sublimation, even if unforgettable, is it better than that ruthless time? Go through all this, see beauty and bones, vicissitudes of life, and whether you can keep this original heart? The most ruthless thing in the world is time. Time kills people without sound or blood. It often changes a person unconsciously.

Looking back, I am a little strange and don't know myself in the past.

Chen ang smiled with some self mockery. He didn't know whether chasing the ethereal goal forward would change himself. He didn't know whether there was his favorite scenery ahead, but to experience the world and sublimate the brilliance of life was more meaningful than what he had done before.

He knows what he is worried about. His feelings are getting weaker and weaker, and his heart is becoming more and more lonely. One day, there will be nothing to move him in the world. There are reasons for overclocking, but it is more because of time. He thought that indifference was because of ruthlessness. Later, he learned that it may also be because of seeing through.

The erosion of time and water will make Chen ang more and more close to an "immortal" state. People are on the mountain and away from the world of mortals. Only a little "Xia" blood in his bones can make him look like a person.

Chen ang shook his head. A little glittering blue light scattered in his pupils. He accidentally touched the soul of Taihang just now, which almost made him lost in this vast eternity. Human emotions can't stand the test of time. It's better not to do such dangerous things in the future.

Getting rid of the influence of Taoism, Chen ang saw Huang Chang coming to him. The scholar of Dragon Pavilion, Hanlin, had faded a bit of scholar's green and had more and more master's demeanor. These days, the Jianghu's competition has enabled this martial arts wizard to polish a corner of the beautiful jade.

"Governor, eighteen strongholds in Taihang, the thief capital with seats has been given the head. Only the martial arts scholar Wang Lun in white is outside to escape the liquidation. Do you want to be pursued by the forbidden martial arts hall? Do you want to send back the abducted women in the stronghold and their children?"

"It's not necessary. This is forcing them to die. Change those who have no blood debt in the stronghold and commit minor crimes to Xixia imprisonment. Ask those women if they are willing to go with them, send their whole family together if they are willing, and settle them in place if they are not willing to live with their dead family!" Chen ang stood in negative hands.

"Orphans whose parents have both died are brought back to the forbidden martial arts hall to practice their martial arts with the military system. The establishment is called the Yu Lin army, which is ready for the dragon and the tiger to occupy the two guards."

"Yes!" Huang Chang's face loosened imperceptibly. He was tired of killing for days. No one likes to kill. Everyone has compassion. It can not only strive for a good treatment for these orphans, but also make him feel at ease.

"Governor, fifteen strongholds and sects with great public resentment have been liquidated. Here are the Jianghu people with blood debts, local gangs, Haisha gang and Sanjiang gang. Do you want Longxiang guards to prepare in advance and clean up Wangjia stronghold, Xielong ridge and other Longxiang guards on site?"

Dragon guards and iron cavalry attack like the wind. In addition to tracking Fang La along the way, Chen ang personally led a team to pull out those hard nails. Other dragon guards broke up into parts and attacked those targets with the situation of the team. They often moved hundreds of miles in a day, and the news was like the wind. Only in a few days can they kill all the sects on the blacklist of the six doors.

It often takes a few days for local forces to get some news. Before the whole Jianghu reacts, the whole Jianghu will be completely cleared up.

"These are not things we should worry about. Let liumen go to arrest them. The local government has obtained 36 official documents of the martial law ban. Naturally, it will suppress them. If they dare to resist the government, it is time for us to do it." Chen ang said calmly.

He suddenly smiled, "the most important thing now is to investigate and find out that Lord Cai died in the shocking murder case of the Dragon subduing palm of the beggars' sect. Now the resentment in the court is boiling, and the beggars' sect should be severely punished."

Huang Chang was slightly stunned and silently lowered his head. He could clearly hear who asked the official, "who wants to kill the most?", Who killed Cai Jing with a powerful palm.

He sighed deeply: "Qiao Feng, the leader of the beggars' sect, was on the battlefield of Liao and Song dynasties that day. Countless soldiers can prove that hundreds of thousands of beggars' sect members have no practical evidence, lest they refuse!"

"Evidence? Does the imperial court need evidence?" Chen ang looked at him with a smile. "In the world, are there other gangs that can subdue the dragon's palm except the beggars' sect? It's not the beggars' sect. Who did it? As for the beggars' sect leader Qiao Feng, is there anyone else who can subdue the dragon's palm except him? I think it's possible for the beggars' sect elders!"

When he said this, there was no shame on his face, as if the beggars' sect had killed someone.

"But I'm afraid the beggars' sect......" Huang Shang was still hesitating.

"The beggars' sect, hundreds of thousands of beggars' sect children, that's the evidence!" Chen ang looked at him and said with a smile, "hundreds of thousands of people don't work, beg and extort property for a living, and can't provide taxes to the Song Dynasty. Such a large underworld Gang has long been a thorn in the hearts of the ministers in the court. As for the evidence, there is no need!"

"We are the government and our words are the evidence. If the beggars' sect doesn't explain to us, it's the way it takes death. The imperial court of the Song Dynasty will not give up."

Huang Chang took a deep breath and sighed, "but Qiao Feng has made great achievements in fighting against the Liao people and Xia people for the country and the people. There are many people in the beggars' sect who went to defend the country. Such a loyal sect is afraid to make people feel cold."

"The beggars' sect has two sects, clean clothes and dirty clothes. We should distinguish which is our friend and which is our enemy. Most of the people below the dirty clothes sect are in large numbers, but most of them are poor people who ask for a meal. Most of the hundreds of thousands of people in the beggars' sect are like this. They join the beggars' sect just to find a living support."

"Such people are friends of the imperial court, because the imperial court can also be their dependence. Qiao Feng and several elders of the beggars' sect are so loyal and patriotic. They are enough for Pan Ping of the Song Dynasty and are just suitable for immigrants."

"Unlike Jingyi sect, they have practiced martial arts for generations and are the main force of the middle and senior level of the beggars' sect. Generally, they are powerful local forces. They take the beggars' sect as the hub and protect themselves. Although they are called beggars' sect people, they are actually powerful landlords and have many lawlessness. If they master the poverty and hardship of the lower level of the beggars' sect, it is a great trouble for the imperial court. Therefore, the imperial court supports the dirty clothes sect and opposes them, causing two casualties The opposition of factions. "

Huang Chang suddenly realized, "so this time, it is to suppress the clean clothes sect, transfer the dirty clothes sect, let the dirty clothes sect have a foothold in Xixia, and expel the influence of the clean clothes sect."

Chen ang turned back and walked to the stronghold without looking back. More than a dozen horses were tied there and chewed the grass on the ground leisurely. Chen Ang's voice came from behind, "let's go to the beggars' sect meeting. It's a prosperous age of Wulin!"

Cattle, ghosts, snakes and gods, people from all walks of life poured in, including Jingyi sect, dirty clothes sect, a group of half hanging anti thieves, Xixia elite, the son of Dali, and a plot to provoke Liao and Song Dynasties and subvert the Song Dynasty decades ago, victims and persecutors, heroes and traitors, family and country righteousness and brotherhood.

Dozens of knights in red followed Chen ang.

Chen ang took the horse and took a look at huang shang. The Dragon Guard behind him was ready to go. He pulled out his horse without looking back, leaving only local officials to take care of his affairs.

Huang Chang watched the group turn into a cloud of smoke and dust, but after a few breaths, there was only a wisp of light dust left. Only the sound of Chen ang whispering came from a distance and surrounded him in place.

"The green shirt is upright and dangerous, and the jade wall is bright.

The horse is fast and fragrant, the cliff is high and the people are far away, and the hub pattern of micro steps is born.

Who's son, who's yard, no regrets and amorous.

The tiger roars and the Dragon sings. The Phoenix and Phoenix change their nests. The sword Qi is blue and the smoke is horizontal.

I've always been crazy, and I've been drunk since then. The waterside pavilion listens to incense and instructs the heroes to play.

Drinking a thousand cups of men

In the apricot forest, Shang Lue's life meaning... "

Huang Chang stood silent for a moment, turned over and mounted the horse, got up and chased up.

PS: I accidentally fell asleep yesterday, but I didn't have time to update it. I sent it in a hurry this morning. What a shame.