Fang La struggled to stand still and sighed, "I just don't know one thing. I hope you can solve my doubts. The sacred fire cave is densely covered with mechanisms and the terrain is rugged and complex. My Mingjiao has been rooted here for many years and operates like an iron bucket. How did you get the Secrets here?"

Chen ang smiled and said calmly, "ten days ago, someone sent a secret letter, which not only contained many secrets of the Ming religion, but also attached a topographic mechanism map to describe your various secret ways and checkpoints of the Ming religion."

"Is it really so?" Fang La sighed deeply. He was calm all the time, and his hands trembled.

"Although the man avoided meeting me, I know that she is a woman and a beautiful woman. The more beautiful a woman is, the more she will lie."

"Ha ha!" Fang La shook her head and said, "brother Shi, I hurt you!"

The messengers of the Ming Dharma King beside him looked bleak. Fang Jie murmured, "saint, it's saint!" there was extreme shock and deep hatred in his eyes. A painful silence spread among the people. They can accept the killing of the enemy, but they can't tolerate the betrayal of their own people.

"All believers obey orders!" Fang La cheered up and said, "protect women and children and retreat with me to mingzun imperial platform."

Fang La and a group of the believers, protecting old and weak women and children, retreated to flame altar, but Chen ang stood in place with the no intention of the pursuing.

Huang Chang hesitated for a moment. Seeing that Chen ang had no reaction, he shouted: "all the soldiers listen to the order, beat the Mingjiao believers with sticks, bind their hands and don't resist, make them squat down and capture them. Don't do more evil."

He added: "the Dragon guards went to a group of people. When they saw an open fire, they went up to put it out. When they saw disturbing women and children and indiscriminately killing innocent people, they were executed!"

At this time, all the members of the Ming religion know that today's situation is gone. Ordinary believers, facing the wolf like officers and soldiers, dare not resist and obediently arrest them. Only a group of backbone members rose up to resist, but under the Dragon Guard, they were easily knocked over to the ground. Although they couldn't stop crying, they were not in danger of life.

Under the supervision of Song Jun, the military appearance was cleaned up. It was rare that there were no chaotic images of riots, killings and arson. Fang La combed the sacred fire cave in an orderly manner. Seeing this scene, Fang La relaxed his eyebrows a little and said to Huang Shang, "your kindness makes me know that living people have no plans. I am deeply impressed by it."

Huang Chang brushed his sleeve and waved, "no, you confuse people and the people. They are all tired of you. The people are the people of the Song Dynasty. They are innocent people, but you deserve to die. I just uphold the benevolence and should not be grateful to you as an anti thief."

Fang La, with a group of hard core believers, stood under the sacred flame altar of mingzun. Hearing Huang Chang's words, he suddenly laughed and said, "it's not me who confuse people, but people want to change. The believers here are poor people. They don't live as well as pigs and dogs every day. We can have human dignity only by gathering righteousness and rising up with the doctrine of equality and light and being close to each other as brothers."

"Be merciful, shine the world with the holy fire, and make the world full of light and prosperity!" he struggled to get rid of the support of the people, sat cross legged, spread his fingers and held them in front of his chest like a flame flying.

The present Mingjiao believers chanted in unison, "burn my broken body and bear the holy fire. What joy is life and what pain is death? For good and evil, but for light, joy and sorrow return to dust. Have mercy on me and the world, and there are many worries! Have mercy on me and the world, and there are many worries!"

All Dharma kings and believers have a solemn look. They are not afraid of death and the destruction of religion. A kind of awe inspiring bearing frightens the song army from moving forward for a moment. Chen ang slowly came to them, "good spirit and good mind. Unfortunately, the state is too far away. They have a heart of changing the world, but they have no ability to rebuild mountains and rivers."

"Even if you are bright and shining, you are just another imperial court in the guise of religion. You are even more vicious and fierce. You are much worse than the current great song dynasty."

Fang Jie scolded, "what do you know, dog officer?"

Chen ang was not angry and said calmly, "I haven't seen any light and equality in you. It's the same in all religions. Isn't this ridiculous? Ordinary believers also cultivate and support you. The Flag Master of the king of France is also covered with silk and satin. Even if I put on a layer of linen outside, I can hide the corruption inside?"

Deng Yuanjue put his hands together and said, "Ming Zun came into the world to universal all living beings. All living beings have a bright heart and struggle out of the darkness. Under the sacred fire, the world can be peaceful. We can enjoy light and happiness in self-education. It is the original intention of Ming religion to make everyone in the world like me."

"His mind is too narrow and his wisdom is too stupid. If you trust God and Buddha, you can't become a great weapon. You have a dark and unfair heart, but you only know how to burn and vent. You're stupid." Chen ang sighed, "it's very flattering to say you're a revolutionary!"

"What is revolution?" Fang La said in a deep voice.

"To change the world, eliminate injustice and create a new millennium is revolution." Chen ang said faintly, "forget it! You haven't even opened your eyes. How can you explore? Chase?"

"A ghost, it is bound to roam over the world again. It cries out: there has never been a savior, nor does it depend on immortals and emperors. It all depends on ourselves to create human happiness. Your so-called ambition is ridiculous compared with that ghost."

"Governor!" Huang Chang frowned.

"Just joking and thinking of a real 'anti thief'. Compared with that, Mingjiao is just a scabies. If Cheng pan, Chen Ke and * * * hold high the banner of righteousness, it will be a great trouble for the imperial court." Chen ang waved his hand.

Huang Chang couldn't understand this. She stood aside in silence and didn't touch the Mingjiao people. Instead, a thoughtful light flashed in Deng Yuanjue's eyes.

Suddenly, there was a big opening under mingzun's stage. Fang wax burst up, waved the iron staff in mingzun's hand, stopped in front of the people, and shouted, "go in and escape!" not only did no one in the song army react, but even the Mingjiao itself was shocked.

But Chen ang looked indifferent and said leisurely, "you tried to test my informant just to know if I know this secret way. It seems that you are not very sure. The saint doesn't know here."

"This is the most confidential place of my Ming religion. Only the leaders of all ages know it. Unfortunately, I'm too careless to be sure whether I leaked words in front of Rouzhi... BISANG on on weekdays, so I spoke to test you." Fang La explained and bought time for the women and children transferred behind me.

He didn't know that Chen ang didn't mean to keep them here at all, so he was wordy here. He oppressed a group of Wulin sects, but didn't kill them and prevent Fang La from escaping. How could he be angry and strong and push the martial arts of Ming religion to a higher level?

At this time, Deng Yuanjue suddenly pointed behind Fang La and sealed his big cave. Before the Mingjiao people were shocked, Deng Yuanjue stopped a leader. They helped Fang La and retreated to the cave. They looked at the big monk, leaning on an iron rod and blocking them.

"You take the leader first, and I'll stop the pursuers for you." Deng Yuanjue said in a deep voice. Looking at a crowd of mournful believers, he said with a loud smile: "go quickly, don't be a little daughter's gesture."

Then he put his hand on mingzun, and the tunnel began to vibrate. They hurriedly retreated to the depths and saw hundreds of thousands of kilograms of earth and rock collapse. They sealed the entrance tightly and isolated them from Deng Yuanjue. Deng Yuanjue is actually the one who knows the secret way. He seems rough and crazy, but he is fine. He has long been aware of the secret.

Deng Yuanjue's face was calm, his hands folded and said, "I don't know what you want to do with these believers. I'd like to join them." he had the last chance to escape. It was not difficult for him to sneak into the tunnel before it collapsed. The people of the Ming religion thought he wanted to hold Chen ang down.

But in fact, he wants to live and die with tens of thousands of believers here.

"The Xixia army has been defeated the day before yesterday. The king of Xixia has been captured. The land of Hetao is in the hands of the great song dynasty. The Qing Tang Dynasty and the western regions just need Han people to guard the border. You and other members of the Ming religion are skillful in martial arts and outstanding in bow and horse, which can frighten those stupid Dangxiang people. Here are hundreds of thousands of believers, believers and immigrants to Shibian!"

Chen ang said with a smile, "you can attack and kill the western regions and preach in the border areas, but the people there are fierce, so you should be careful. I haven't been to the western regions, but I heard that Guangming top is a good place on Kunlun mountain!"

Deng Yuanjue looked up slightly and stood among the believers. They heard that they were going to leave their homes. Although there was some commotion, it was a good thing they didn't dare to think of. They only dared to rejoice. "

Chen ang smiled and said to Huang Shang, "if there were no immigrants in the newly expanded land, the Song Dynasty would be rich. Even if there was no land and no land, they could make a living. Who would be willing to leave their hometown? I even proposed to the officials that all young and strong tourists and beggars should be confiscated and sent to Xixia tunbian."

Huang Chang said cautiously, "I'm afraid Xixia will take revenge and disturb the border. It's difficult to produce at ease."

"Isn't it the duty of the martial arts prohibition hall to protect the people and prevent the Western Xia from counterattack? The imperial court has passed 36 martial arts prohibition orders. At the same time, a Ming religion is far from enough. Six gates sent dozens of Wulin sects with blood debts and Lvlin village. Be sure to know the majesty of the imperial court."

Chen ang said coldly, "chase Fang La all the way and eradicate these scum one by one."

Most Wulin sects are landlords and powerful families, with a large number of disciples entrusted with industries. They are a major local force. Most of them collude with the government, and Chen ang is not convenient to move them. However, some of them bully and accumulate a bad reputation in the local area, which is just used to kill chickens and monkeys.