Just out of the gate of the shed, Chen ang first saw the semi-finished product of a flying shuttle. It only built a general skeleton with many exposed parts and pipelines, which looked quite ugly and dilapidated. It was surrounded by parts picked up by Anakin. Chen ang could see that Anakin was a very talented man.

The parts he picked up always looked old, but their performance was relatively stable.

Anakin was embarrassed to go up and help it, trying to make way, "I always wanted to build a flying shuttle myself, but watu would never agree with me, so I hid it here. Hi!"

He struggled to open the parts, but accidentally encountered something. He only heard a loud bang. The shuttle tilted and suddenly collapsed. The parts were scattered all over the ground. Anakin looked at the mess in front of him and grabbed his hair in frustration.

"Your idea is very good, but a little lack of structural optimization." Chen ang came to him with a smile, picked up a piece of incomplete parts on the ground and said, "let me help you put it up!"

There was a light curtain shining in front of Chen Ang's eyes. He mobilized all his energy to collect the knowledge about machinery in the communication wave in the sky. Obviously, Tatooine was not a developed planet, and even the network was not popularized. Chen ang spent a lot of time turning out a maintenance book "Fundamentals of machinery - Tatooine garbage collection" from the corner.

In fact, according to Chen Ang's habit, he should start from basic disciplines, but Tatooine is obviously not a peaceful place. The scientific and technological materials here are backward and full of pragmatism. (Tatooine people only need to know how to kill with weapons, not how to make weapons).

On this star age planet, there are too many weapons that can pose a threat to Chen ang. Fortunately, Tatooine people do not have the habit of carrying armor and exoskeletons. If they encounter storm soldiers, Chen ang can't even break their armor. He urgently needs an identity to survive in Tatooine.

"Skywalker is still a child, and the flying shuttle has not been completed. It seems that there is still a long plot time before the arrival of the Jedi. Here, science and technology coexist with the force, and spirit and science interweave. It is really a magical world, and there are many things worth learning."

Fortunately, Anakin's collection of parts is a common type of Tatooine. In fact, Anakin couldn't get the unusual type. All he could do was pick up some parts that watu didn't care about from watu's grocery store, or collect garbage in the desert. Both sources were included in Tatooine collecting garbage.

In Anakin's opinion, Chen ang only thought and hesitated for a long time in the early stage, which may be the reason why he was not familiar with Tatooine's mechanical style and model, but soon Chen ang took out the superb craftsmanship of a mechanic and led the maintenance. He is familiar with every point of the parts and can always play it right and assemble them.

Anakin looked around and almost fell in admiration of Chen ang. "You must be the most powerful mechanic in Tatooine. If I have this ability, I will be able to redeem my mother and myself."

At this time, the flying shuttle in front of them has begun to appear towering. Compared with the previous mess and dilapidation, it now has a unique sense of order of machinery. Chen ang maintained and cleaned the machinery in the process of rest. Now they look like some old second-hand goods, completely different from the previous ragged appearance.

"In fact, it should be better. It's still just a patchwork of some parts. The only creative structure is designed by you. I just assemble them reasonably. It's not a great thing." Chen ang wiped his hands with a rag and said with some dissatisfaction.

There are too many technologies in the world that surpass the earth. There are many things with unknown principles that limit his play. Finally, Chen ang only dared to effectively use these components, restore their state, and combine them according to parameters. Even the architecture designed by Anakin did not dare to change.

"But this is the coolest place! How perfect you use them! I dare say that the whole Tatooine can no longer find a second mechanic like you. Those poor guys can't even tell the difference between condenser and exciter, and their modified explosive gun will even explode!"

Anakin picked up a small crystal tube and motioned excitedly in front of Chen ang, "you see, this crystal prism is everywhere in the explosive gun, but a complete startup module is worth hundreds of yuan. The startup module is just a crystal and some parts, but no one dares to assemble it by himself."

He looked at Chen ang with a look of great expectation. "You must be a mechanic on other planets. You are the best I've ever seen."

"But you are much better than me!" Chen ang looked at the embarrassed Anakin narrowly. "When I was your age, I was just a child who didn't understand anything!"

Anakin bowed his head in embarrassment, pretended that he had suddenly awakened, and shouted, "let's go! The Quinns who sell food outside are going to leave. They are always lazy and greedy, but here is their best craft."

"But I don't want to eat Quinn food. If you would like to introduce your family to me, I would be very happy!" Chen ang smiled and touched his head. "Would you like to learn this from me? Discuss with each other. To be honest, I'm also learning."

"Really?" Anakin raised his head in surprise and looked at Chen ang with sparkling eyes. "Are you really willing to teach me these?" his mechanical knowledge was self-taught in watu's store. In Tatooine, only the master would teach slaves some skills to increase the value of his property.

"Don't call me by honorific. You can call me by my name directly, Chen ang!" Chen ang smiled, took his hand and taught him to pronounce the syllables of his name word by word.

"No, I can't be so rude. I'd better teach your teacher!" Anakin looked at Chen ang and said firmly in his eyes. He warmly took Chen Ang's hand and said excitedly: "my mother would be very happy if she knew you were coming!"

Chen ang looked at the stubborn child and suddenly lost his smile. Since you call me a teacher, I'll take the responsibility! Outstanding Jedi apprentices, future dark warriors, light and darkness, will be your choice.

The town of Tatooine is full of evil villains. Fortunately, led by Anakin, Chen ang avoided any conflict. Although Anakin is very young, he has a very good popularity here, which may be related to his excellent mechanical talent and helpful character.

In the interstellar age, even Jedi warriors can't underestimate scientific and technological weapons. Chen ang is too strange here. If he is not careful, he will catch the way of others. Earth people in this universe are like aborigines who don't understand anything. There are too many incredible scientific and technological products and racial powers, which are far beyond Chen Ang's imagination.

This is a very dangerous world full of opportunities. Chen ang believes that he can become strong quickly, but the premise is to give him time for development. Peace is very precious during this time. He is learning and understanding the world quickly every minute and every second.

Although there is plot guidance, there are too many things difficult to express in a real universe. The history and culture of a planet are far larger than people's imagination. This is a real and complex society. Chen ang reminds himself that he is not a stand-alone adventure game with you as the protagonist, or even a film around several protagonists.

It is a universe, a huge country spanning thousands of planets. It is complex and changeable, and the fate is not fixed. Human behavior affects each other, and the relationship is a complex world.

Only when we really face it, Chen ang will be shocked by the star world. There are too many different races, different cultures and deep precipitation history. Looking up at the star sky, we will find that this is still an unprecedented vast world, which is beyond all Chen Ang's imagination when he was on the earth.

Anakin's home is not as embarrassed as Chen ang imagined, but full of warmth. Some small decorations and inconspicuous details reveal a feeling of home, giving Chen ang a sense of comfort, even better than the cold laboratory.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, a gentle female voice came out of the house. "Anakin, come here! Try my new sauce." Chen ang saw a gentle mother coming out of the kitchen.

When she saw Chen ang, she was obviously not surprised. Instead, she warmly invited him to sit down. "There have been no guests at home for a long time. Since Anakin drove away the rude guy last time, he has never brought anyone back. He must trust you very much."

Schmidt Skywalker, with smiling eyes, slightly raised his eyebrows at Chen ang, opened his chair for him and held his hot tea. "Our kitchen has nothing to entertain guests. Anakin, go and buy some meat frogs, but you can't entertain guests with bansha meat. I'll prepare some mushrooms."

Anakin answered and left happily. Shi Mi sat in front of Chen ang and added hot water to him with a smile. "Anakin can respect you very much. I can't control him when he was seven years old. I'm surprised to have someone to control him."

"Hello, madam!" Chen ang said with a smile, "my ship just fell from the storm, but he saved me. Fortunately, I still have the ability to repair things and can teach him some mechanical things." Chen ang knew what she wanted to ask, but he didn't feel offended. It's only natural for a mother to care about her children.

Chen ang is not one of those people who always feel insulted and despised.

"He finally has a real teacher!" Smith was very happy. "You know, I've been worried about how to cultivate him. He likes these things, but I can't help him at all. Come, sir, I'll prepare a room for you! It's next to Anakin. I hope you won't think he's noisy."

"That's great. I'm poor now. I'm afraid I'll have to sleep out without you, madam!" Chen ang said with a smile. "I'll open a maintenance shop in the city. I hope I can have a good business."

"That's for sure. Anakin won't admire anyone!"