This is an endless desolation!

Chen ang trekked on the high hills and looked at the withered and yellow sky from a distance. There were no plants, animals, aliens, and even things other than gravel. Which one was here in the Star Wars Galaxy and tens of millions of planets suitable for survival? Where are you?

Chen ang doesn't know the answer. He has been walking in the direction of the rising sun for a week. The food and water he carries can only last for three days. If he can't find a place to replenish, he must cross back to replenish.

In fact, traces of life are completely impossible. Chen ang has measured the general situation of the planet and investigated most of the natural environment. He found that water molecules in the air, even with his senses, do not perceive large-scale aggregation of macromolecules, which means that there is no water source exposed to the surface within hundreds of miles around.

The underground gravel is also dry and brittle. It goes hundreds of miles deep into the bottom layer. There is only magma underground and there is no aquifer. From the surrounding rock layer, the last water erosion occurred millions of years ago. Chen ang also determined that there was life on this planet.

After all, millions of years is a terrible number for human beings, but for the planet, it is just a short cycle. There is life when there is water, especially for this planet with strange air composition suitable for ordinary human beings.

On the horizon, Chen ang saw something other than sand dunes for the first time. A fuzzy light and shadow quickly approached here. According to Chen Ang's judgment, the speed reached hundreds of kilometers per hour. It didn't take more than two minutes to come to him. Chen ang silently bent down and stuck his body to the ground, but he didn't think much of his preparation.

Is this useful for sandstorms with speeds of hundreds of kilometers per hour?

The results are self-evident.

What should a really strong wind look like? Is it an unstoppable mountain crossing the sea? Or the rolling of mountains and seas? Chen ang knew when the sandstorm came to him that the real wind was a force to destroy everything. He made any destruction created by human beings feel inferior to himself.

The tiny gravel hits the object with amazing kinetic energy. At this time, anyone will understand why there is only gravel here and nothing else.

Because as long as you are exposed to this crazy dust, any object larger than gravel, even an alloy on the ship deck, will be polished bit by bit. This terror of destroying everything and eliminating everything is better than any great force Chen ang sees.

Looking at a titanium alloy dart, it was polished into a handful of iron powder within a few seconds. Chen ang had an impulse to turn around and run away. He stood up in the air with his toes according to his power. What is the only way to avoid being hurt by kinetic energy?

Move with it!

If any Tatooine people are here and see Chen ang open his hands to meet the storm, I'm afraid they will worship him. This is the frightening black storm on Tatooine planet. This is their blood and tears. There is only one condition for the birth of Tatooine civilization. There is no storm. There is only one condition for Tatooine people to live, away from the black storm.

This has created the most powerful planetary civilization in the Galactic Republic, and also endowed the Tatooine people with the character of ignoring death, loving violence and fearless. Everyone knows that there is no law and no law. The only thing they fear is this terrible storm.

He who can conquer the black storm will conquer the Tatooine. He who can conquer the Tatooine will reign in the Milky way.

This is the ancient proverb of Tatooine people and the epitome of their character. Countless Tatooine people who tried to challenge this sentence proved the dignity of the black storm with their lives.

Chen ang, like the same leaf, was easily rolled up by the strong wind without a trace of resistance. The crazy speed immediately wrapped Chen ang. Chen ang swept a distance of several miles. Countless friction and tearing turbulence tore everything involved in the storm into pieces. In Chen Ang's eyes, the glittering blue light almost overflowed.

Shaking violently and rotating desperately, countless terrible gravel belts stagnated and rubbed against Chen Ang's body. Chen ang fully mobilized every inch of muscle and every wisp of strength on his body, squeezed the internal force of Dantian, and tried to resist this test. He is like the only lamp in the boundless darkness, guarding the light in his heart.

At this time, he was very sober. Every vector and every inch of change were under his control. He barely felt the trajectory of hundreds of millions of gravel movement and every change of wind. Even so, Chen Ang's physical limit was approaching step by step.

At this time, the consumption is not only mental and physical strength, but also the will is being destroyed and tested. The severe pain in the head makes him strong in spirit. He can't relax. Relaxation is death. Sometimes Chen ang really feels that living is not as happy as dying. In fact, as long as he is relaxed, everything will end.

Or loosen the string that controls the power and let the force take him out of the world.

It's all over.

But Chen ang didn't give up. He clenched his teeth and squeezed his potential to adapt to this state. Silently, the limit was approaching. One minute, two minutes, the limit time calculated by Chen ang himself had passed, but he still maintained the last line of clarity and controlled his body.

In his confusion, Chen ang smelled that death was pressing on him, killing his will bit by bit. As long as he fainted, he would be fine. The power would take you away and there would be a safe place for you to rest. Such an idea eroded Chen Ang's will, and a little light appeared in the misty yellow sand.

Can't I really carry it? With my brain development, even hallucinations come out.

Chen ang felt his body light and threw it to the ground from hundreds of meters high in the air. He vaguely heard bursts of noisy voices from the outside world, a pile of languages he didn't understand shouting.

Chen ang instinctively analyzed the language. He found that he had amazing changes. He could not only remember the pronunciation, tone, tone and volume of the language, but also vaguely sense the feelings and thoughts in the heart of the speaker. It seemed that the perceptual side of wisdom was open to him.

In this case, it took Chen ang only a few seconds to learn the most used languages. He even understood the meaning of their words and instinctively absorbed the information in the noisy conversation.

"Black sandstorm, mineral gold, broken gold sand" is the most popular word. People talk about the latter two greedily and eagerly, and feel deeply afraid of the first one.

"Is there a man here, a tramp?" a young voice whispered. "Wake up, wake up, sir!"

"Ouch!" Chen ang felt a thin body carrying himself hard, but he didn't even have the power to open his eyes. Unless someone wanted to kill him, he could escape or fight back under the instinctive reflection of his body, but there was nothing he could do for this harmless child.

Gradually, this wisp of consciousness blurred down, and the subconscious took over his body.

After a dark sleep, Chen ang finally opened his eyes. There was a ceiling above his head. No, it should be a rotten shed. Chen ang controlled his fingers and moved flexibly, followed by his arms, thighs and body. Finally, the whole person got up freely and couldn't see the dead dog before.

After Chen ang woke up, he felt something wrong, as if there were countless thin lights hanging from the sky. He pulled one of them and felt a strange message. It seemed to be a morning news. Once again, it was a short message. These thousands of silk threads seemed to be something invisible to ordinary people.

There are electromagnetic waves, disturbed quantum information, invisible light, and even radiation.

Chen ang felt the information he had never seen before, and saw a wave of life approaching him from a distance.

"You're awake!" an eight or nine year old boy looked at him happily, leaned down, put down a worn-out part, stretched out his hand and took a cup for him. Chen ang smiled and took it in his hand and thanked the boy.

"You don't have to thank me. Helping each other is what should be done in the stars!" the boy said proudly with joy in his eyes.

Chen ang felt his purity and joy and said with a smile, "but you're great to do what you should do!" it seems that no one has ever praised him like this. The boy conveyed an extremely excited mood. He said to Chen ang, "you're hungry! I'll take you to eat. Unfortunately, I'm too poor to have anything good..."

The boy jumped and found some money from the box. The precious money under the box was wrapped in a handkerchief. Chen ang had to stop him.

He picked up the part that the boy had just put down, his eyes were slightly stagnant, and he saw a piece of light and shadow that matched. In time, the part was made of a raw material alloy, smelted, forged, formed, and then worn in the operation of the spacecraft. Finally, the accuracy was wrong and lost its function. Chen ang quickly compared and absorbed these information.

The right hand lightly knocked on the parts for a few times, and the old parts suddenly made a buzzing sound. The boy stared at the process and looked at Chen ang in surprise.

"Look! We have money for a big meal!" Chen ang said to him with a smile, holding up the parts.

"Really!" the boy looked at the parts in surprise, turned back and said to Chen ang, "are you a mechanic?"

Mechanic, Chen ang looked up this term in the nearby information. It turned out that he was a technician proficient in maintenance and machinery. Thinking about his doctor's degree in engineering, Chen ang nodded.

In fact, who knows what earth engineers can be here? Do they know how to repair spaceships?

But the boy was not suspicious at all, or the parts in his hand explained everything. He took Chen ang out of the door and muttered, "sell it to my master watu, and we will have money for a big meal!"

"Master!" it seems that this is not a good place. Chen ang looked at the jumping child and decided to let the word no longer appear in his mouth, "what's your name?"


"What's your last name?"

"Skywalker! My name is Anakin Skywalker!"