Chapter 108

Name:Extreme summon Author:真武仙
Two seconds passed after the dark witch Angelina maleficent snapped her fingers.

Chen Lai steel Dyson stared at the scene in the crystal screen. The scene flashed frame by frame. Suddenly, at a certain frame, the locked boson exploded a supernova flash and jumped to a new physical position in three-dimensional space.

[the target has a jump reaction]

[probe lock target trace]

[start tracking mode]

[photon anchoring]

[peer ratio wormhole traction]

[target jumps]

[probe jumps successfully]

The next second, the new picture of the crystal screen is scanned by the probe that has jumped past, which is the internal environment of a mage tower.

Angelina maleficent's smiling face became more and more terrible. The corners of her mouth opened, revealing a mage's morbid smile.

Angelina maleficent, this woman can show her pleasant smile that distorts her soul when she plays a prank.

"He has flashed." Maria three thousand make complaints about a small goblin style.

"It's so stupid to hand over the spell sequence in a panic when encountering a magic style with unknown situation. I'm so stupid that I laugh for him. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Angelina maleficent, the black witch, sang a four chapter spell with high-speed magic words.

I swear that I will never do good, and I will never do good in the future.

I swear that I am the creator of all evil deeds.

I declare that I am Angelina maleficent, the master of the sleeping realm, the master of the thirty-six legions of the troubled forest, the master of the red hat spirit, the magic tree man and the plague horse man, and the count of black feather.

One of the four pillars is the right to walk outside the world and peep at everything. The extremely evil black cat, the navigator of the source sea and the goblin berenka of probability.

One of the eight pillars of wisdom, the master of the soul forest in the dark earth, the soul protector of essence, the lamp keeper of life and death, and the spirit demon kaqiha.

I communicate with the saints through the eternal covenant of the goblin court, listen to my words, and come here for the greatest Prank!] "

For a few seconds, Angelina maleficent chanted a spell to the great existence at the top of the sequence of the two goblins in the name of driving pranks. One of the four pillars of magic power is the miracle goblin Frederica berenka.

And the Lord of the soul forest of the underworld, who commanded the 3666 legion, the Grand Duke of the dead and the dead, the spirit demon, ereshkigale kaqiha borrowed some of their strength.

The black witch stretched out her finger to the front. This finger turned into a dark shadow. Through space, she anchored the coordinates of the peeper. The wormhole opened by the other party has not been completely closed yet. She jumped over synchronously by imitating this frequency code.

This ghostly finger touched Howard's body, and the next moment on an old goblin running in the distance.

The magic works.

In a high latitude that only a few witches know, Howard and the soul of the old goblin cast twenty dice on the scale at the same time.

Howard won.

His dice count is eighteen.

Goblins lost.

Its dice are one.

However, the result of the throw was denied by Angelina malinfieson. She decided that the result was invalid and re diced.

Howard's soul rolls the dice again.

The spirit of the old goblin rolls the dice again.

It is natural that the old mage still won.

Because the soul proportion of the old mage is much higher than that of the old goblin, Howard's dice have 20 sides, and they are all displayed in odd numbers, while the old goblin has only two sides, and the values are only 1 and 2.

This is a game that old mage Howard can hardly lose unless miracles are on the side of goblins.

But miracles have long been on the side of the old goblins.

Angelina maleficent intervened in the throwing with the help of another flower fairy, the miraculous goblin Frederica berenka.

Although the power expression of the miracle incarnation Frederica berenka is very cumbersome, it is undoubtedly powerful.

When a thing, its natural probability is not 0, even how small, almost desperate impossible.

Even the probability of 0.00000000000001.

As long as it is not 0, Frederica berenka can pass countless times and try to achieve this miracle in countless world lines at the same time.

For his Highness the flower fairy, anything can be tricky, as long as it is not destiny.

In her dictionary, it is possible to play chess again.

Angelina maleficent, who borrowed part of her strength, could do the same in a short time.

This short time is the time until the purpose is achieved by using the power of miraculous goblins.

Master Howard and the soul of the old goblin cast nearly 50 dice in this latitude.

For the last time, a pure black cat appeared on the balance of the soul.

The black cat is full of indescribable nobility and loveliness. The sacred cat's eyes are like the two brightest Wanhua mirrors, from which you can see through 3000 images of the world.

The black cat walked gracefully, shook its tail tied with a blue bow, came to the old goblin and gave a strange little girl like cat cry: "MIPA!"

Finally, Howard didn't win the dice cast by the old goblin at this moment.

The value of the old goblin is 2 and Howard is 1.

When he died, the old mage named Howard closed his eyes, fell down and fell heavily on the marble floor.

His soul came back to life after an earth shaking chaos of time and space.

Living in the goblin's body.

The old mage named Howard opened his eyes again.

His eyes revealed doubts, confusion and panic. He looked down at his body and looked at the mage tower.

Finally, the old mage looked at his familiar goblins, panic and despair goblins.

The goblin screamed, "no, it's terrible, Potter, you damn ugly nose, come on! Contact my students!"

Old master Howard grinned to his ears, scratched his neck and crotch, and gave out an inhuman smile: "quack, quack, right, ugly nose Potter, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, go and contact my students."

The goblin jumped up and angrily pointed at Howard and said, "Damn it and the green bastard, do you think you can occupy my identity? You will soon be found by the priest, your soul will be pulled out and barbecued on the flame, and you will never return to the arms of your God. I will let you know what is fear."

The goblin's words made Howard quiet.

He scratched his crotch, squatted down and grabbed his head. After a while, he jumped up and said, "you ugly nose Potter, how dare you scold your master, how dare you curse your master, ugly nose Howard! Where's my whip? Wait for me!"

The old mage went to the cupboard with whip in his memory.

"You damn bitch, wait for me!" the goblin said and ran away. He still remembered that an evil mage cast a bad spell on himself in the dark.

I still have time to argue with this goblin. My brain is so terrible. Shit.

After turning around, the goblin completely angered the old mage "Howard". He pulled out the knife at his waist, used both hands and feet, and chased the goblin with a ferocious face.

The old mage shouted, "Waaagh! You pig basket grunt, you have provoked my ugly nose wave, Howard. No one can save you. Go to hell."

The old mage took two steps in three steps, threw down the goblin from behind with his hands and feet, and bit down at the goblin's neck: "ah ah ah"

The goblin struggled and wailed, "no, no, dear Potter, you can't do this. I'm your Lord... Ah, terror."

The old mage vomited a bad breath of flesh and blood, and his eyes showed a fierce light like a beast. He pulled out a dagger and stabbed the goblin body, one knife after another. First, his neck and trachea were cut.

Goblins tore their hearts and lungs, became powerless, and spit out piles of blood bubbles in their throat.

Then the old mage stabbed the goblin's kidney.

The struggling limbs of the old goblin twitched and became powerless to hang down.

Old mage, he knows every inch of the skin of the old goblin very well.

Because it once touched every inch of the goblin body.