Chapter 107

Name:Extreme summon Author:真武仙
In the hot deep-water city sewer, the whole underground space is filled with all kinds of toxic gases because of the explosion of lungominiad saint.

Such a poisonous fog is so thick that it easily blocks the visual line of sight of the naked eye in the underground waterway.

But this is the world of magic. People can still master many other abilities to contact the outside world through the efforts of the day after tomorrow.

Such a poisonous fog may block the line of sight, but exploration from other ways still cannot be stopped.

Sherdeba and Lena watched the waterfall silently for dozens of seconds until the voice of Chen Lai steel Dyson came to the witch's ear.

[other mages have their eyes on the ground and make a quick decision.]

"This is a cunning mouse. It's difficult for us to kill it."

"Lena, according to plan B, you help me. Failure doesn't exist in the beginning.

The mouse is dead, this is the result, this is destiny, and now it's up to us to carry out this long determined cause, ご ざ る. "

"Yes, partner, the flash bomb is ready, and the shock bomb is ready."

Miss soldier put on special ammunition and pulled the trigger.

A bright flash penetrated the fog.

For a moment, the area where the thief master rat sprint disappeared was clearly seen in the strong light.

A dark shadow is hidden on the cliff of the rock. Because of the impact of the shock bomb infrasound wave, the muscles and nerves are temporarily uncomfortable, and the uncontrollable slight convulsions of the body make it instantly discovered by Lena.

The next moment.

The sixth sense of the thief master rat sprint realized in advance that the fatal crisis was imminent.

This is a more terrible sense of crisis than before, like a crisis premonition in hell. The fear brought by this premonition makes it think it has died.

This is the deepest shivering it has experienced in its life except the old witch, even the red dragon wind spear who once faced the hill of wind spear.

It was shocked that the opposite side could really hurt me.

He once became a legend. How could it be that the two women who were born with the body didn't fully master the strength of the muscle, and the cells were even in the primitive state!

It's impossible. How can they really kill me who has mastered part of the cell power???

This woman's strength is so terrible that she must not stay!

Thinking like this, the rat man's head gave the order to avoid to the body.

Before shooting from the opposite side, it had sensed where it had been shot.

For master thieves like it, long-range weapons can be avoided at such a distance.

It's no problem to hide, even if it's terrible.

However, its consciousness ends at this moment.

The anti tank electromagnetic sniper gun spewed out a flame tens of meters long, forming several circles of sonic blast waves, and an orange flash ran through nearly kilometers of space.

The thief master rat sprint finally reluctantly removed his head. His left shoulder was smashed by huge kinetic energy. The bullet ran through his body and crashed into the cliff. The collision of high-speed materials erupted huge energy, which led to a local explosion. The cliff was a big head and an invisible depression was formed in an instant.

The chaotic current in the rat's body disrupted the transmission of nerve signals in its body.

Muscle relaxation caused the thief master rat sprint to fall from the waterfall cliff.

Next, the impact of millions of cubic meters of water falling high will completely bury the mouse thief.

But Lena will not miss this opportunity. She is still worried about such a powerful enemy.

Lena changed bullets at a high speed, aimed at the massive mice in mid air, and added several shots. Three bullets tore open the rat's forehead at supersonic speed, but the super alloy bullet was stuck in the rat's skull.

The thief master rat sprint finally fell into the bottomless dark abyss and disappeared in the sight of the two people.

The soldier lady put away her sniper gun again and said, "this is a strong opponent, but it is inexplicable that she should die for the gap of the times. This is the safest, shameless and obscene weapon I have ever seen, and the honor of the knight has been trampled on mercilessly."

The witch lady replied, "so you are a soldier, proficient in fighting and killing the enemy with various weapons. In this wild land, it is the most powerful enemy I have seen, but its strength is still difficult to make up for the gap of this artifact. ご ざ る."

"Yes, it's not too much to call your gun an artifact. No matter how fast and powerful it is, it's difficult to react and avoid. Under such an attack, any defense is vulnerable.

If every soldier had this weapon, the three evil abyss variants might have been crusaded at the beginning of the rebellion. "

Miss Lena put away her weapons. The blonde soldier remembered her hometown, the land where all kinds of mutants, demons and gods ate people.

The witch lady lifted her offensive posture. She stared at the abyss under her feet and said, "this weapon can't be popularized for the time being. ござる, but it should be no problem later. Maybe soon, you will have enough ability to save your hometown. ござる."

Miss warrior also stared at the bottomless abyss under her feet and seemed to be exploring the trace of rat man. She said, "yes, I may soon touch the distant dream and give salvation to my sisters. Have you found the news of the dark monk? What's his name? Anti monk Rao?"

When the soldier said the name, the temperature in the whole sewer seemed to get cold all at once.

The witch lady's rare eyes were murderous. She stroked the magic knife [beiluoba snake] pulled from the Royal sacred tree of the door god society and said word by word: "It's evil arhat oboron Shizhen. I haven't found the clue of the man yet, but the search scope is always decreasing. One day, I will personally get the man's head, retrieve the stolen dragon vein, and worship the 100000 dead souls who were sacrificed in blood because of his conspiracy in an Tu City. ござる."

Oberon Shizhen, a sorcerer monk who lured the heroes to fall with blasphemous words and initiated the pure land reform with his own strength, is actually a disaster to the country and chaos in the Premier League.

All the people of Sakura were forced to get involved and wave their swords for their own ideas.

The newly married wife named xuedeba was the victim of this turmoil. Her husband abandoned her on her wedding night and joined the change.

Only 15-year-old xuedeba was affected by the war several months later and faced the danger of death several times. After a few months of turbulence and exile, she arrived at Yuntai. Because her biological mother was a witch sacrifice, she was saved by the name of the great witch, the first of the contemporary general's Witch mechanism. Since then, xuedeba has studied swords with her own ideas and vowed to prevent the disaster of swords 。

The witch lady put down her anti tank electromagnetic sniper gun and said to the dead, "retreat, some mages have noticed here, ご ざ る."

Miss soldier nodded, and they turned and walked towards the sewer exit. Miss witch was about to put away her electromagnetic sniper gun. Suddenly her eyes changed, the secret road was bad, and her feet stepped on the ground.

This is a secret skill of swordsmen. It's called Earth shrinking technique.

The witch lady left an illusion in place and instantly appeared ten meters away.

This three-dimensional space is like cooperating with the witch lady. Suddenly, a blue strange door is opened, and a figure in a gray robe is about to step out of the door.

A white light flashed in Lena's field of vision, which was the deadly fire generated by the friction between air, iron and oxygen molecules.

All this happened in a short period of time. After that, the soldier's ears heard the sound of witches' stilts stepping on the ground and the sound of swords coming out of their scabbards.

The witch lady's arm shook slightly, shook the blood on the sword, and slowly put away the samurai sword in her hand.

The blue strange door closed instantly after leaving a lot of blood.

The next moment, 60 meters in front of the sewer, four blue light doors were reopened.

At the same time, Miss Lena frowned, held the submachine gun at her waist in her left hand, did not look, but shot back.

Dada dada dada

Six blue light doors opened 50 meters behind Miss Lena. Just after opening a gap, there was a series of bullet attacks.

These light doors flickered several times, spilled a series of blood, and the next moment, they spurted a sea of flames of more than ten meters. The magic supply was unstable, and the channel was closed.

Before these portals were closed, there were curses and painful wails like the loss of spell strength of defense arrows, which were completely drowned by the explosion of explosives.

Time goes back to the previous scale.

Before the soldier shot, the four light doors in front had just opened, and a five-way ghost, hidden in the shadow of sherdeba, flew into the portal with explosives under the command of the witch.

The next moment, ten blue portals opened in different places all spewed out more than ten meters of high-temperature fire waves. A blast wave swept out through the portal, and the portal closed after shaking.