When he opened his eyes, Zhan Youcheng found that the dark basement was still in front of him, and his feet were still under the concrete. He could not help but droop his head and sigh. But a few seconds later, "Zhan Youcheng" realized that there was rain coming, quickly wiped his face again and raised his head again.

"Zhan Youcheng" looked around and found that there was a stream of water flowing in from the gap. He quickly picked up the things around him. After putting all the tools on the stones in front of him, he grabbed several tents, quickly removed the waterproof cloth and surrounded himself. At the same time, he raised his upper body as much as possible to minimize the contact with the water.

After that, "Zhan Youcheng" felt as if someone was moving again on the ground. "Zhan Youcheng" was overjoyed, and immediately rushed to the direction of the basement door and called for help again. However, the voice of calling for help, but it seems very hoarse.

"Zhan Youcheng" hesitated for a moment, took down the cloth wrapped around his body to keep his body temperature, took out the lighter and lit it, hoping that the light of the fire could spread to the ground in the dim environment and attract the attention of the search and rescue personnel above.

However, this method has not had any effect except choking "Zhan Youcheng" into coughing. There is still no response. A few hours later, the rain stopped and the noise on the ground disappeared.

The fire went out and the basement fell into darkness again. "Zhan Youcheng" looked up and found that the emergency light on the wall had gone out at some time. Holding the lighter in his hand again, he touched the flashlight to turn on the lighting. Zhan Youcheng picked up the electronic watch and looked at the time with a sigh of despair.

"Zhan Youcheng" regardless of the wet ground lying down, turned off the flashlight, the whole basement into a dark.

After the picture was dark, it soon came on again. This time, the scene in the light reappeared is an ordinary house. In the house, a young couple in their thirties and a little boy of seven or eight years old sat on the sofa, joking and making a mess. The scene of the family of three in the amusement park, and then, the scene of sitting around for dinner. Although they are some ordinary scenes of life, they are full of family warmth.


The flashlight is on again. "Zhan Youcheng" sat up, licked his cracked lips, took the bottom of the water bottle and held it in his arms.


The flashlight went out and the basement was dark again. In the darkness, there was a faint sob.

After a few minutes, the sobs stopped. The dark picture and quiet environment make the audience feel very uncomfortable and suffering.


The time in the lower left corner of the screen jumps for several hours, and then the flashlight lights up. "Zhan Youcheng" raises the water bottle over his head and shakes it upside down toward his wide open mouth. After licking the last drop of water from the bottle mouth, "Zhan Youcheng" put the water bottle between his legs and reached for his waist.

"Wow ~" the audience in the screening hall made some startling calls.

Of course, the picture of taking off pants will not be shown to the audience. Just a hand in front of his back busy account of the "Zhan Youcheng" action. Then, with the sound of the water, a close-up of a water bottle appears in the picture. In the white flashlight light, a pale yellow water flow into the transparent water bottle.

In the next shot, "Zhan Youcheng" takes the water bottle to his eyes, looks at it, frowns, and then carefully covers it.

Next, the time in the lower left corner of the screen keeps beating. Every few hours, the screen lights up. Every time the screen lights up, it is basically a close-up of "Zhan Youcheng" in the light of the flashlight.

These close ups all show "Zhan Youcheng" drinking the light yellow liquid in the water bottle. From the beginning of frowning tightly, holding a flashlight hand holding his nose to drink a small mouthful of uncomfortable appearance, to the back just frowning to drink a mouthful, until finally numb to not hesitate to pick up and drink. The different expressions in these close-up shots are wonderful.

As time goes on, there is less and less light yellow liquid in the water bottle. Later, there was another shot of Zhan Youcheng putting a water bottle between his legs. But this time, after this shot, it's not a close-up of Aquarius, but a close-up of "Zhan Youcheng".

After a long silence, Zhan Youcheng's expression became a little worried. In a hurry, Zhan Youcheng whistled.

"Ha ha ~"

even in such a repressive atmosphere, the action of whistling to urge oneself to urinate still caused some laughter from the audience. However, the audience is very small and the duration of laughter is very short. Even the audience who gave out laughter, after laughing, felt a strong sadness.

When the time in the lower left corner of the screen jumps to 126, the sound of rocks turning again comes out in the sound.


With the flashlight on, Zhan Youcheng sat up and looked at the door of the basement."Zhan Youcheng" opens his mouth to shout, but finds that although his mouth is open, his voice seems hard to hear. In desperation, "Zhan Youcheng" also holds a flashlight to the cracks of the ruins, hoping that the light can be seen by people outside.

In recent days, "Zhan Youcheng", who is in the dark, has not seen the sunlight coming in from outside. That is to say, the light inside should not be able to pass out, but "Zhan Youcheng" still holds the hope of just in case. What if the search and rescue personnel kicked away a block of stone blocking the light and let the light out? So "Zhan Youcheng" is still waving the light of the flashlight to the cracks of the ruins.

In the light of the flashlight shaking, "Zhan Youcheng" found a gecko disturbed by the light passing through the cracks of the ruins.

"Zhan Youcheng" eyes a bright, the screen switched out a gecko tail to escape the picture, showing the "Zhan Youcheng" in mind. When the picture is cut back, "Zhan Youcheng" holds a flashlight to his leg, which is crushed by stones.

"It's coming!" A lot of audiences are nervous about it.

Although there were no spoilers in the pre screening communication, the film was adapted from the real life story of Zhan Youcheng, whose story was reported by people magazine. People who have seen that story all know that Zhan Youcheng finally cut off his leg to get out of trouble, so it's not hard for the audience to guess what will happen next.

After some tangle, "Zhan Youcheng" pulled a few pieces of clean cloth at least on one side, then picked up the rope around him and began to bind his left leg which was pressed by the stones.

After firmly tying the part below the knee of the left leg which is not far from the edge, "Zhan Youcheng" raised the hatchet at hand.


Raised the hand axe fiercely waved to go down, issued to chop in the body sound.

"Ah ~"

the screen cuts to an overhead view. "Zhan Youcheng" in the picture raises his head, widens his eyes and hisses. Because of his hoarse voice, "Zhan Youcheng" doesn't make much noise, but the image of sweating is combined with the expression of extreme pain and trembling at the corners of his mouth. In addition, the single flashlight light and the soundtrack of the film in the dark environment give people a very scary feeling.

"Ah!" some of the audience could not help but cover their eyes and screamed with trembling.

After a little slow, "Zhan Youcheng" pulled out the hatchet, adjusted it in his hand, and knocked it down with the thick side.

"Ah ~"

there was another hoarse scream, and some of the audience trembled again unconsciously.


A few times later, the sound of a broken bone appeared in the stereo. "Zhan Youcheng" was slightly relieved, and again adjusted the axe in his hand to the blade downward.

This time, "Zhan Youcheng" did not cut any more, but became the next cut!

In doing this series of movements, Zhan Youcheng's body has been shaking and his expression has been very painful, but his movements are still relatively continuous. But a few times later, the expression of "Zhan Youcheng" changed again.

The screen switches to the picture of Zhan Youcheng's left leg. In the picture, "Zhan Youcheng" already has a very obvious cut in his left leg. "Zhan Youcheng" sticks the axe in, picks out something like a thin thread from it, and then hooks the thin thread with the edge of the axe and pulls it hard.

At this time, the film with a sour sound, and let the audience can't help shaking.


"Zhan Youcheng" face pain expression rose a level, at the same time left hand clenched, right leg also unconscious pedal on the ground, it seems that only in this way can alleviate the pain he experienced.

After several repetitions, "Zhan Youcheng" pulled out and finally separated his left leg from the broken part. After taking a big breath, "Zhan Youcheng" quickly picked up the next few pieces of cloth, put the clean side inward, wrapped the fracture of his left leg, and then tied it tightly with a rope.

In the current state of "Zhan Youcheng", it is definitely impossible to stand up and hop on one foot. After doing this, "Zhan Youcheng" immediately turned around, moved his body with his hands and right foot, and climbed toward the basement door.

After climbing hard to the door, "Zhan Youcheng" pushed the door of the basement. The camera cuts to the basement, and a stone slab leans against the door. Just when the audience worried that "Zhan Youcheng" was still in vain, the stone slab suddenly turned outward. The door of the basement was pushed open by Zhan Youcheng, whose upper body appeared outside.

At the same time, the camera pulls to the distance, and several search and rescue personnel wearing safety helmets appear in the picture. The sound of falling stones attracted their attention and made them all look towards the door of the basement.

"Come on, come on! There's another survivor here! " Several people are shouting, waving and running to "Zhan Youcheng".

The lens changes to the perspective of "Zhan Youcheng". In the picture, a search and rescue personnel yells and runs to the nearest place, but before the person approaches, the sound and the picture become blurred at the same time. The picture gradually turns into darkness, and the sound gradually disappears. At this time, the time in the lower left corner is fixed at 127.When the screen lights up again, the real Zhan Youcheng appears in the screen, smiles and waves to the camera. Then, the full screen is reduced to a small window and moved to the upper left corner. The scene of Zhan Youcheng carrying out outdoor activities with a prosthetic limb appears in the window, while a caption moving from bottom to top appears next to the small window, which introduces the follow-up situation of Zhan Youcheng after being rescued in the form of text.

After the introduction of Zhan Youcheng in reality, the screen went black again. The scene lights up, the screen did not go out, but from the bottom up of the film's cast staff table.

When the lights were on, some of the audience stood up and applauded, but not all of them. Many movie stars sitting in front of them are sitting in their seats without any action, but seriously looking at the final staff list.

"Wow ~"

it was only after all the cast sheets were played that the applause in the whole screening hall was really enthusiastic.

"Congratulations, mom!" Xiao Yao looked at the excited Ye Jiaying and said, "another talented female director of Huaxia has been born!"

"You have a sweet mouth! How can it be so exaggerated? " Ye Jiaying looked at Xiao Yao with a smile and said, "this is the premiere. We are all here. It's polite for the audience to clap after watching it. What really is going on is the market and word of mouth, which has the final say in the public release period of the month.

However, from her expression, she is very satisfied with the audience's reaction and has great confidence in her film.

"Is it polite for our colleagues and friends to clap?" Xiao Yao pointed to the front and said, "there are a lot of ordinary audiences clapping here! Who said that the average audience would applaud the movie after the premiere? "

"Well, I won't argue with you." Ye Jiaying got up with a smile and said, "let's go now! There will be a post movie meeting soon. I'm going to the front. Now that the lights are on, let's not be seen by the audience and block us here. "

"Well, you're right. You have to go quickly!" Xiao Yao also quickly gets up and sneaks out from the back door with Ye Jiaying.

At this time, the other creators were informed by the cinema staff that the movie had finished, and they had gathered at the front door to wait for the post show meeting. Ye Jiaying and Xiao Yao didn't go back to the rest room either. Instead, they made a detour and came to the front door to meet with other creators.