With the familiar sound of music, the first one to appear on the screen is Longbiao, which is very familiar to all Chinese fans. As in previous lives, any film that wants to be released in China's cinemas must go through the review of China's Radio and television, and get a public release license, which is the so-called "dragon logo".

After the picture of Longbiao, it's the title of the film production company. Although most of this film is invested by Ye Jiaying herself, she is not only the producer but also the director, but she is not the only investor or producer. In addition to the static pictures of Qijia studio, there are also animation titles of two other film and television companies.

After the beginning of the film, the subtitles appeared on the screen. After the subtitles of production company, production company, producer, producer and planner flash, the words "directed by Ye Jiaying" appear in the middle of the screen.

Seeing these words, Ye Jiaying quietly sneaks back to the screening hall to hide in the audience. She watches the movie together at the end of the line and investigates the reaction of the audience. She can't help but tremble with excitement. Xiao Yao, who sneaks back to the screening hall with Ye Jiaying, feels Ye Jiaying's excitement, reaches out and grabs Ye Jiaying's hand and holds it hard.

The subtitles are over and the feature begins.

"Wow ~"

the first scene brightened the eyes of the audience, and some of them could not help exclaiming.

There are no characters at the beginning of the film, just a picture of natural scenery. The reason why the audience can scream is that the aerial view of the scene looks very beautiful.

"Is this Jiuzhaigou?" After the surprise, the audience whispered.

The outdoor scenes of the film are basically all shot in Jiuzhaigou. The natural scenery at the beginning of the film is of course the scenery of Jiuzhaigou.

After the earthquake in Wuyou county last year, Jiuzhaigou was also affected to some extent. Some places collapsed and tourists were injured. The local tourism industry was also affected to some extent. It's said that Ye Jiaying is going to shoot stories related to the earthquake. Jiuzhaigou scenic area has taken the initiative to invite the crew to shoot location in Jiuzhaigou, which not only provides venues, but also provides them with a lot of help in many other aspects.

The film not only shows the scenery of Jiuzhaigou at the beginning, but also shows the subtitle of thanks to Jiuzhaigou scenic area at the end. It also helps Jiuzhaigou do publicity in this way, so as to repay the help provided by the scenic area. Of course, the appearance of this scene is not only for Ye Jiaying to repay the scenic spot, but also for the needs of the film itself.

Although Ye Jiaying is not a photographer, she has a son who became a professional photographer before she was ten years old. After more than ten years of experience, Ye Jiaying has her own ideas about light and color. The scenery of Jiuzhaigou is beautiful. The effect presented in Ye Jiaying's film makes people look and feel even more beautiful than the real scene. Even those who have been to Jiuzhaigou before will feel amazing after seeing it.

After an aerial shot of the natural scenery, people appear in the picture. A man dressed in outdoor clothes, with his back to the camera, climbed up the top of a section of rock more than 10 meters high. The whole climbing process lasted more than ten seconds, and the middle lens was pulled into the close range. Many viewers recognized Xiao Yao from the side face of the climber. Of course, we all know that in this movie, Xiao Yao plays Zhan Youcheng.

"Zhan Youcheng" stands at the top of the rock and shouts in front of the setting sun. As the camera moves forward and rotates, the whole back of "Zhan Youcheng" becomes a close-up of his head, and then turns from the back of his head to the front of his side. The audience can see the whole front of "Zhan Youcheng". The afterglow of the setting sun slanted on his face, as if gilding it.

"How handsome There are female audience whispers in the hall.

Beautiful scenery, rock climbing, the handsome guy in the setting sun, a period of amazing and pleasant feeling, after the opening, the film turns into the formal plot.

Screen switching. "Zhan Youcheng" appeared in an outdoor goods store, sorting out a large mountaineering bag.

"Li Zhi said there was a new comer who didn't have a climbing stick. Please bring him a pair." After sorting out the climbing bag, "Zhan Youcheng" said to himself, then he opened a door next to the bag and went down the stairs.

The next place is a basement. There are many shelves against the wall. On the shelves are some outdoor sports equipment. "Zhan Youcheng" puts his backpack on one side of the floor and moves a plastic box down from the shelf. When the box was opened, it was full of retractable climbing sticks. "Zhan Youcheng" squatted down next to the box, stretched out his hand and pulled it twice, as if he was picking.

At this time, the picture suddenly appeared a violent shake. In the shaking, you can see the dust falling from the wall, and then the shelves collapse, and then, with a few loud noises accompanied by the falling stones, the whole picture is black.

It took seven or eight seconds for the screen to go black, and then it lit up with the sound of a few electric sparks. Although the picture is lit up, but the whole scene is very dark, it just barely allows the audience to see it.

The scene of slanting shelves, scattered outdoor equipment and concrete stones, and a collapsed building appears in the picture. After a panoramic shot of the environment, we switched to the close-up shot of "Zhan Youcheng". The disheartened "Zhan Youcheng" lay on the ground, slowly opened his eyes, and then sat up with both hands. With this action, the dust on his head also scattered down.Sitting up, "Zhan Youcheng" turns to observe the surrounding environment, and the lens of the picture also carries out some close-up scenes of the basement after the collapse from the perspective of "Zhan Youcheng".

When the picture returns to "Zhan Youcheng", his face is shocked. But instead of yelling, he quickly fumbled for his head, face and trunk to see if he was injured.

His head, hands and trunk were all right. There was a light and happy smile on his face, followed by a painful expression. As he looks at his lower body, a close-up shows that his left leg is crushed by stones.

"Zhan Youcheng" is not calm. He immediately reaches out his hands and grabs his left leg to pull it out. Then he puts his right foot against the stone to push it out. As a result, the stone doesn't move and his left leg can't be pulled out.

"Help! Help! Is anyone here? Help "Zhan Youcheng" turned to the direction of the basement door and yelled.

In the close-up, Zhan Youcheng's neck is blue and his voice is trembling with a faint cry, which worries the audience.


After more than ten seconds of shouting, a sound of electric spark suddenly appeared on the wall. In the shouting of "Zhan Youcheng", this voice does not seem obvious, but it makes the shouting "Zhan Youcheng" stop. "Zhan Youcheng" turned his head and looked at the direction of the electric spark, that is, the half of the emergency light falling from the wall.

Looking at the flickering light, "Zhan Youcheng" showed a surprised expression, and then immediately turned up the pocket of his clothes, and then turned around, like looking for something in the basement.

In the lens, a mobile phone is pressed under a stone, but the main body is smashed and obviously can't be used any more. Cut back to "Zhan Youcheng", the audience can see a flash of despair in "Zhan Youcheng's eyes, then shake his head and continue to look for it.

The backpack that "Zhan Youcheng" brought into the basement appears in the picture. The bulging backpack was not crushed by the stones, and it didn't seem far away.

"Zhan Youcheng" tried his best to pull the backpack to his side, slightly relieved, and then took out all the things inside and put them on the ground beside him.

When "Zhan Youcheng" took off the luminous electronic watch on his wrist and put it together with other things, the name of "127 Hours" appeared in the middle of the film. When the name of the movie disappeared, "Zhan Youcheng" picked up the electronic watch and pressed the timer. In the lower left corner of the screen, a timer showing the time also appeared.

Next, it's the process of Zhan Youcheng's self-help. The first is to look at the environment again. After taking a few deep breaths and finding that the air seemed to be OK, "Zhan Youcheng" took a drink and picked out the hand axe to cut the stones that were pressing his legs.

This section is composed of several different angles and different movements of the lens fast switching composition, with the lower left of the screen display time digital beat, told the audience "Zhan Youcheng" this behavior lasted for several hours. When this fast switching shot stops, a close-up of "Zhan Youcheng" looking at the hand axe appears in the picture. The edge of the hand axe was blunted and several notches appeared.

When the audience's heart is as desperate as "Zhan Youcheng" in the picture, some abnormal sounds come out of the sound, and then someone's voice comes out faintly.

"Zhan Youcheng" listened, and then immediately surprised and nervous toward the direction of the basement door shouting.

There are also several fast switching shots. Through the time in the lower left corner, it shows that "Zhan Youcheng" yelled intermittently for half an hour, but did not get the slightest response. When the ground was quiet again, "Zhan Youcheng" lay down on the ground.

Half an hour later, "Zhan Youcheng" sat up again. Looking at the time on his watch, he ate half of his only bag of food and drank some water. Then he tied the hatchet and rope together and hooked it through a sleeping bag scattered in the basement. After wrapping his sleeping bag around him, "Zhan Youcheng" fell asleep.

Next, the picture suddenly becomes blurred, and gradually becomes clear. When the picture became clear, the audience found that the scene was no longer the dim basement, but the bright outdoor mountain area similar to the beginning of the film.

Looking down, the camera slowly draws closer, and a group of climbers appear in the picture. "Zhan Youcheng" is obviously among them, and is extremely active, always at the forefront of the team. When he climbed to a ridge with his team, "Zhan Youcheng" had a feeling of looking at all the mountains.

After a quick rotation, the picture cuts back to the dim basement. Zhan Youcheng, wrapped in a sleeping bag, opens his eyes and sits up.

After waking up, "Zhan Youcheng" has a new brilliance in his eyes. Looking at his watch, he found that more than 20 hours had passed, and it was the second day after that, "Zhan Youcheng" first ate something, drank some water, recovered a little physical strength, and then picked up the bundle of climbing rope at hand.

The following paragraph is an eye opener for the audience. "Zhan Youcheng" tied the stones that pressed his legs with ropes, but instead of simply winding them around a few times, he also bypassed other stones and collapsed shelves and tied them up in a more complicated way. Although I can't understand the complicated winding and binding methods, people who understand a little can think that there are some physical aspects of the lever principle, otherwise "Zhan Youcheng" would not be so complicated.Other stones and shelves are beyond the reach of Zhan Youcheng. In the case of sitting and unable to move, "Zhan Youcheng" can only do this work by constantly throwing ropes. It took six or seven hours for Zhan Youcheng to bind the stones. However, after binding the stone, let "Zhan Youcheng" shout and use his strength to pull the rope, the stone is still motionless.

After another failure, "Zhan Youcheng" ate all the food left and fell to the ground again.

The picture suddenly changed from blurred to clear again. Once again, the scene changed from a dim basement to a sunny outdoor. It's still a mountain climbing scene, but it's different from the previous one that focuses on "Zhan Youcheng". The main characters in this mountain climbing activity have become two people.

In the process of climbing the mountain, the process of "Zhan Youcheng" pulling a girl up the mountain is shown in close-up. Any audience can see that they have a good feeling for each other. Then, after climbing to the top of the mountain, one of his teammates' jokes soon confirmed the audience's conjecture about the relationship between "Zhan Youcheng" and the girl named "Zhang Wen".

Next, there are some life fragments between them. After we met in the process of climbing the mountain, we had the sweet experience of running an outdoor goods store together in the process of falling in love, and we also had quarrels over trifles until we finally broke up fiercely.

"Wen, I'm glad you left!" The picture cuts back to the murmuring way of "Zhan Youcheng" in a trance. There is less despair but more happiness in the tone.

"Zhan Youcheng!" "Zhang Wen" shouts suddenly, and "Zhan Youcheng" in the picture sits up and shouts: "Zhang Wen!"