Although Xiao Yao did not participate in the distribution and publicity of the song "women's coffee", since it is Xiao Yao's work, it is natural to rub Xiao Yao's enthusiasm. Not long after the end of Xiao Yao's tour, the song soon met with the majority of fans.

Generally speaking, the singers in front of the screen are more famous than the creators and producers behind the scenes. The focus of song publicity is usually on the singer, with little emphasis on the creator and producer. However, Xiao Yao himself is a very popular star singer, so it is quite common for him to emphasize his name in the promotion of his songs.

This time, the publicity departments of the two families want to take advantage of the aftereffect of Xiao Yao's tour. When promoting the song, they put Xiao Yao, the behind the scenes creator, together with the two female singers. There are three people in the recommended position of the new song on several music websites. At first glance, it will make people think that this is a three person chorus song. Only when you really click in the song playing page to see the details of the song, the fans will find that Xiao Yao is only a songwriter and only sings two female singers.

Fan linxuan and a Zi are both guest singers who appeared on Xiao Yao's tour. Not long after the end of Xiao Yao's tour, a new song co authored by Xiao Yao came out, which naturally aroused the interest of fans. As soon as the song was launched, it immediately attracted the attention of fans.

This is a song about women's emotions and emotions from the perspective of women, but the fans who like this song are not limited to women. Because there is a sentence in the lyrics that "men always don't understand the true meaning of women's tears, women can't guess the background of men's sudden silence". It not only says that men don't understand women, but also women don't understand men. At the same time, it also tells the voices of many men and women, so there are quite a few male fans who like this song.

Of course, this is a "very woman" song after all. Generally speaking, there are more female fans who like this song.

This song "women's coffee" is about the feelings between girls. The lyrics such as "sometimes love is not as interesting as drinking coffee with you", "we always take turns to comfort each other and cheer each other up" easily remind people of "friends are more determined than lovers", "I can't do without darling, and I can't do without you" and "there's a time" in "one like summer and one like autumn" The lyrics like "sister is a phone call, you have to come together, you can't replace or separate if you have a man" in "sister is a kind of warmth", unconsciously connect these three songs.

These three songs were all written by Xiao Yao, and many netizens talked about the creator Xiao Yao.

On the one hand, some female fans lament that Xiao Yao, a boy, knows so much about the feelings between girls that he can write three songs that express their feelings and make them feel the same way. On the other hand, because the three songs all have the meaning of "for women, lovers are not as good as girlfriends", and some male fans ridicule "denounce" Xiao Yao. Do you want to make girls into lilies? Now there are so many "single dogs" among men. When he has a girlfriend, he ignores other male compatriots, which is too bad.

In addition to all written by Xiao Yao, the three songs have one thing in common, which is that fan linxuan sang or participated in singing.

Fan linxuan was jokingly called "the spokesperson of girl friends" by many fans and fans a few years ago because of the two songs describing the feelings between girls, one is like summer and the other is like autumn and there is a kind of warmth called sisters. This time Xiao Yao's "women's coffee" was sung by fan linxuan. Many netizens mentioned the title of fan linxuan again, and fan linxuan's image has become more popular among fans and fans.

With the further popularity of fan linxuan, the "spokesperson of female friends", fan linxuan has once again surrounded a large number of female fans.

Generally speaking, stars are usually heterosexual fans, and fan linxuan, who has a good appearance, also has a large number of fans. However, because of the relationship between the two songs a few years ago, fan linxuan had a large number of female fans. With the launch of this song, the number of fan linxuan's female fans has further increased, and the number of male and female fans is closer. Fan linxuan can almost be regarded as "killing both men and women".

Although there is no such image bonus as fan linxuan, another singer who sings this song, a Zi, also attracts a lot of fans because of this song.

Not long after signing a contract with a regular record company, Azzi, who has begun to transform from an online singer to a professional singer, is still a new comer in the traditional entertainment circle. Although her single has achieved good results and gained momentum after its release, it's hard to say whether Xiao Yao, the creator, has played a greater role or her own performance has played a greater role. In the vast group of fans, there are still many people who are skeptical of her new strength.

There is no comparison between Xiao Yao and a Zi. In the chorus song "want to sing me to you", the performance of male and female singers is different, and it is difficult to make an intuitive comparison between Xiao Yao and a Zi. But in the song women's coffee, the two girls are much more comparable.

After the release of this song, although Xiao Yao and fan linxuan came to listen to this song more fans, as another singer, Azi's performance was also heard by fans. After listening to the whole song, many fans are surprised to find that both a Zi and fan linxuan play equally and complement each other in terms of rhythm, intonation and other singing skills, as well as the emotional grasp and overall performance of the whole song.Through this song, the majority of fans feel that she has not fallen behind in her cooperation with fan linxuan, the best newcomer singer of the "Golden Disc Award" three years ago and the best female singer of the new generation in the music industry. While she continues to attract a large number of fans, Aziz has undoubtedly made a big step forward on the road of transformation.

This song "women's coffee" has caused a lot of discussion on the Internet. Although there are some male fans who ridicule Xiao Yao, the overall evaluation is still very good. However, although the song from the lyrics to the singer's interpretation are very satisfied with the fans, but also let the fans unhappy. This uncomfortable place is the MV of this song.

Xiao Yao's own songs are basically his own MV, and he is lazy, no good idea would rather not shoot, so his songs shoot MV is not much. At the Golden Disc Awards at the beginning of the year, the shortlisted clips of several songs were shown live pictures of him on "singer", so that when he went on stage, he would shout to the Xiangnan satellite TV and the "singer" program group for advertising expenses.

In fact, it's a common thing to shoot MV for the singer's songs. Although not every song in every album will be shot, generally speaking, the more popular and influential songs will be shot. I'm afraid there's no other singer in the whole Chinese music world who is as willful and free as Xiao Yao. Since Xiao Yao did not participate in the distribution and publicity of the song "women's coffee" by fan linxuan and a Zi, they were all left to the Publicity Department of their company. Naturally, the Publicity Department of these two companies wanted to shoot MV for the song to strengthen the publicity.

The publicity departments of the two companies attach great importance to Xiao Yao's creation of this song. They also spent a lot of money and energy to shoot the MV of this song. They not only invited a well-known MV director from Baodao to direct the shooting of MV, but also invited two well-known young film and television actors to cooperate with fan linxuan and Aziz to play the MV of this song.

Directed by a well-known MV director, and joined by a popular Xiaosheng with good looks and fame, this MV is actually not bad. Both the plot and the color of the video are of a high standard, at least the level of the first-line singer MV. However, after the MV of this song was broadcast, netizens and fans didn't pay much attention to it. They all commented that this MV was not good enough for this song.

The biggest reason why fans don't buy it is that the MV of Xiao Yao's song can't find Xiao Yao's name from the front to the back.

It's true that the MV of this song is not bad, but compared with Xiao Yao's MV, it's a little less interesting. Although Xiao Yao did not shoot many MVS, as long as he shot the MV, not only the quality is very high, but also very characteristic.

The first two of the three MVs in Xiao Yao's first album are relatively common, but that's because it's a long time ago, and it's Xiao Yao who just came into contact with MV shooting, so his participation is not very high. Even the MV of that time, the brightest star in the night sky, written by Xiao Yao, was intercepted and advertised by automobile manufacturers. Later, a TV series was expanded from this MV.

When Xiao Yao directed the shooting of MV, his talent in MV began to bloom.

First of all, there are several different versions of "faded", all of which are self directed and self performed. Then, without any actors, we produced the MV of "songs for no one" with the online real video, which was taken by the TV station to make a public service advertisement.

I went to the United States and gave daydream the idea of raiding the wedding scene. The MV of the documentary "sugar" won the most popular MV award at the MTV Awards ceremony in the United States. An unofficial music video "American Airlines broke my guitar" caused the stock price of an American airline to fall, and the person in charge apologized in public.

Although the style of the following two songs, singme to sleep and alone, is the same as faded, they also have their own characteristics. The scenes that the former three protagonists are looking for in the busy market are very intriguing, and the latter has caused a wave of performance art all over the world. Needless to say, the MV of "thking out loud" is not only called "sweet enough", but also rated by foreign netizens as having the most professional dance. As for the latest MV, the 12 EVA supermodels have killed everything.

Compared with Xiao Yao's MVS, it's really hard for the well-known MV director of Baodao to get into the eye of Xiao Yao's critical fans. Some fans even comment directly under the MV that Xiao Yao should shoot another one.

For the evaluation of netizens, Haiyin entertainment and Qijia studio are also very helpless. When planning to shoot the MV of this song, it's not that they didn't want to invite the creator Xiao Yao to direct or play in this MV. However, on the one hand, the boss's son and even Hong Wei joked that the person who did not dare to offend was not the one they wanted to invite, but also depended on his mood and willingness. On the other hand, even if Xiao Yao is willing to sell face, he doesn't have the time.

They filmed the MV in mid October after Xiao Yao gave them the song. At this time, Xiao Yao has a more important task, and naturally has no time or interest to shoot MV for them.This more important task is naturally the film 127 Hours, directed by Ye Jiaying and starred by Xiao Yao.

In nearly two months, the post production of the film has been completed, and the film has been submitted for approval. At this time, the review is over, and naturally there is no problem. After the approval, Ye Jiaying and the producer of the film quickly determined the schedule of the film with several domestic theaters.

This film is a biographical film. Although it is also a commercial film, on the one hand, this film is not a family movie. On the other hand, the cost of this film is not too high. It is not a so-called blockbuster, and the budget for publicity can not be compared with those so-called blockbusters. So instead of fighting for a golden holiday such as Christmas, new year or even Spring Festival, Ye Jiaying used this film to compete with other films at the box office. Instead, she chose a low-key release date in mid November.

Normally, if a film performs well, it should be released in about a month. The middle of November to the middle of December is a relatively quiet period before the box office battle at the end of the year. The competition is relatively less fierce, and it is easier to get a higher film arrangement. Ye Jiaying, who is confident in the quality of the film but knows that she does not have a large budget for publicity, has chosen such a schedule in a different way. If the performance is good, the result of winning the box office as much as possible is not necessarily worse than the result of fighting with other blockbusters in the golden period.

Now that the film schedule has been set, the publicity will naturally be put on the agenda. If a film wants to be successful, publicity efforts must be indispensable. Although Ye Jiaying's film only held a start-up press conference, it did not start publicity from the preparatory period as other films did, and there was no constant news during the shooting period, but the normal publicity work still needs to be done. The publicity work of a film starts before the film is released. It's not too early to start the publicity work a month before the film is released.

For example, after discussing with the producer, Ye Jiaying didn't plan to hold various meetings and roadshows before the release. For the official roadshow, Ye Jiaying only plans to hold a post show meeting in the cinema after the film is released. In the period of time before the release, the main means of publicity is advertising and the main creators on the media.

It's a very routine step to edit the trailer and put it on TV stations and video websites for advertising, but this step doesn't need Xiao Yao's participation. But as the main actor of the film, Xiao Yao's propaganda task is also very heavy, there are many activities to participate in.