"AK and your mother didn't discuss in advance. It was me who discussed with your mother in advance." Fang still broke in with a smile, "since you attended the FBI's official press conference, I have received a lot of performance invitation from the United States. There are TV programs and commercial performances. I haven't had time to tell you. Just now, when I got to know the operation of the company with the boss, I just mentioned it to the boss Whether it's work or life, Fang and Xiao Yao have long been used to simple and direct communication.

"According to your temperament, you are not very interested in these jobs, are you?" Ye Jiaying also said with a smile, "I just want to stimulate you to take advantage of the current high topic time to take on a few jobs and enhance your popularity as an entertainment star in the United States. I didn't expect that Mr. Robinson could even prepare a small performance for you here." Ye Jiaying is also very clear about Xiao Yao's character and the speed of brain rotation, so she doesn't hide her purpose.

When Xiao Yao was an international exchange student and saw him appear on the stage of the Academy Awards ceremony, Ye Jiaying was still worried that Xiao Yao would stay in the United States for development and not return to China. But now Xiao Yao has been studying in China, and judging from his performance in recent years, he will definitely not put his career center abroad. Since there is no worry that Xiao Yao will stay away from himself and live abroad, Ye Jiaying also takes Xiao Yao's international development into consideration.

"Speaking of it, you have released three pure music albums, two song albums and three other albums. Plus the songs you wrote to others, your music works have exceeded three figures, which is long enough to hold concerts or concerts." Xiao Siqi also said, "if you put your first concert in Nashville, it's a very good choice."

"You all say that. It seems hard for me to say that." Xiao Yao smiles, shakes his head, turns to look at AK Robinson and asks, "AK, how long does it take to prepare for a small concert you said?"

"If you just contact the venue, it will take about two days, at most three days." "Of course, the premise is that your concerts are solo, and you don't need other musicians or rehearsals. If you need other musicians to cooperate, it depends on the progress of your rehearsal with other musicians. But I believe in your musical ability. A week should be about the same. "

"Two or three days is OK, but it's too dry if all the pieces are solo by hand," Xiao Yao frowned, "but a week is too long. Our original schedule in Nashville is only two days, and then we have to go to Los Angeles! "

"You can go to Los Angeles first, and then go back to Nashville for a concert." Suggested AK Robinson. He was also in New York two days ago, knowing that Xiao Yao had promised to visit his friends in Los Angeles and Calabasas.

"What about rehearsals with other musicians? It's impossible to take those musicians to Los Angeles for rehearsal, isn't it? " Xiao Yao shook his head and said, "after coming back from Los Angeles, why don't you spend another week rehearsing with musicians? It will be almost half a month later. It's too long. We can't stay in America so long! "

"So it is Hearing Xiao Yao say so, Xiao Siqi and Ye Jiaying can't help nodding.

Although Xiao Siqi and Ye Jiaying have pushed a lot of work because of Xiao Yao, they can not leave Huaxia studio to stay in the United States indefinitely. A week is about the longest time they can stay in the United States. Although Xiao Yao promised the FBI to stay in the United States for a longer period of time, and extended the vacation with the school, he could not expect to stay in the United States indefinitely. A week was almost Xiao Yao's limit.

"Forget about the concert." Xiao Yao said to AK Robinson, "I'll take one of the second generation's handsaucers with me. If I have the chance, I'll do some promotion work in the future."

Although Xiao Yao is the youngest of all, he is the one with the biggest idea. He said that, that is to say, he took the matter to the board, and we didn't go on talking about it.

In the next two days, Xiao Yao and others relaxed and just played in Nashville. Nashville is the holy land of American music, with many distinctive music performances. Xiao Siqi and Xiao Yao are two professional musicians in Xiao Yao's party. Ye Jiaying has published music albums. Fang still and Pei Minyi have been with Xiao Yao for quite a long time. No one knows nothing about music. During the two-day journey in Nashville, we all enjoyed ourselves very much.

Two days later, Xiao Yao and his party bid farewell to AK Robinson and boarded the plane to Los Angeles with a brand new second-generation handdisc.

Xiao Yao has a company in Nashville. It's no shame to ask his partners and employees to pick up the plane. However, when he went to Los Angeles, Xiao Yao didn't mean to ask Mrs. Smith to pick up the plane from Calabasas.

After coming out of the Los Angeles International Airport, Xiao Yao rented a seven seater commercial van from a car rental company near the airport. Taking his parents, Fang still and Pei Minyi, he drove to Calabasas by himself.

When they arrived in Calabasas and knocked on Smith's door, Mrs. Smith, who got the news one day in advance, immediately welcomed them warmly. It happened to be the weekend. Not only Samin and Dean came home from college, but little Irene stayed at home without going to school. Even Mike and George were waiting at Smith's. "Immortals" is already a very famous band. Sammy and Dean, the two members of the Smith family, are also well-off now. However, the living conditions of the Smith family have not changed much. They are still the two-and-a-half story single family house. After these ten people come in, they immediately make people feel crowded.After some introductions and greetings, Xiao Yao took his parents to see the room he once lived in, and the people in the room were divided into two groups. Xiao Siqi, Ye Jiaying and Mrs. Smith went to the downstairs living room to chat, while several young people crowded into the attic room where Xiao Yao once lived, and another chat became a wave.

According to age, Fang still, Pei Minyi and little Irene should be with Xiao Yao and others, but dean asked them to accompany Mrs. Smith and Xiao Yao's parents in the downstairs living room on the ground that the band members had something to discuss. Of course, the other side and Pei Minyi are still using please, to the strong opposition of little Irene is directly out!

"Yang, will you always be with your parents during your stay in America?" After discussing Xiao Yao's kidnapping case a few days ago, dean asked Xiao Yao, "I know you have a good relationship with your parents, but in the United States, people who stay with their parents all day after they grow up will be looked down upon."

"Dean!" Samin frowned at Dean and said, "what are you talking about? Yang is Chinese

"It doesn't matter who we are with. Don't care about that." Xiao Yao waved his hand with a smile, and then said to Dean, "I'm traveling with my parents these days to relax, not always with them. You have been to Huaxia. You should know that my parents live in Yanjing of Huaxia, and I am studying in Shencheng of Huaxia. The distance between the two cities is much farther than Los Angeles and Calabasas. I didn't live with my parents, and I didn't plan to live with them after graduation. I'm not mabao

"No, I don't mean to say that. I know all that." Dean shook his head. "I mean, are you going to be with your parents all the time in America?"

"What on earth do you want to do?" Xiao Yao heard some different taste, quite interested in the way, "is there any fun things inconvenient for parents to know?"

"You are still so smart, you can guess it at once!" Dean patted Xiao Yao on the shoulder with a smile and said, "our university fraternity will have an activity in two days. I want to invite you to join us."

"University fraternity activities? I'm not a member of your school, and I'm not a member of the brotherhood. Is it suitable for me to go Xiao Yao asked strangely.

Xiao Yao also heard about the brotherhood and sisterhood culture in American universities. Xiao Yao certainly won't consider such things as joining the club. Of course, he can't join the club, but it's very interesting to see him.

"It's a party organized by our fraternity. Besides fraternity members, you can also bring friends to it," Dean said. "American college students are having a crazy time. There may be something parents don't want to see at that time. These things are very exciting, you just experienced a thrilling kidnapping, just can let you indulge. But I don't know if your parents can accept you to go to this kind of party, so it's better not to tell your parents and follow me quietly. That's why I ask if you need to be with your parents all day. "

"What parents don't want to see, alcohol? Marijuana? Hot girl? " Xiao yaoxiao looked at Dean and said, "Dean, you have changed a lot in the past two years. Why didn't I see it when I went to China last time?"

"Dean, are you crazy? What do you want to do? " Sameon stares at Dean.

"Yang has experienced American high school culture. I just want to take him to experience American college culture." Dean shrugged and laughed, "alcohol? Huaxia has no legal age. When we went to Huaxia last time, Yang invited us to drink Huaxia wine. Marijuana? Once or twice, it's not addictive, and now more and more states are legalizing marijuana use. "

"And girls? As long as it's something you want, what's wrong? Yang is so handsome and talented. He is still a hero who has caught robbers. Those girls will jump on him when they see him. I also give Yang a chance to feel the passion of American girls. " Dean tilted his head at Samin and said, "let Yang know that American girls are not all cold like you!"

"Dean Smith!" Samin called Dean's full name angrily, "I think you owe me a beating! Yang has a girlfriend

"You know he has a girlfriend!" Dean sighed in his heart, "but if I don't, where will you have a chance to be such a silly sister like an iceberg?"

"Yang has a girlfriend," Dean said, looking at samian, "but his girlfriend is Tiana, not you! Tiana is not here now! Would you tell Tiana about it? "

"You ~" Sammy stood up abruptly and said to Dean fiercely, "you're an asshole!"

"Don't get excited!" Xiao Yao reaches out to pull Lhasa's mien, signals her to sit down, and then stares at Dean with great interest for a while.

"Yang?" Dean was puzzled by Xiao Yao and couldn't help saying.

"Dean, Sammy said you owe me a beating, not that she wants to beat you, but that I want to beat you!" Xiao Yao raised a fist with a smile and said, "don't think you are my friend, I won't beat you! I have a friend who grew up with me. I beat him all the way"What?" The surprise in Dean's eyes flashed away, and then he waved his hand and said, "come on, Yang! Who doesn't like hot girls? Don't tell me you're not mabao, but you're afraid of your girlfriend! Don't you dare touch other girls when Tiana isn't here? "

"Mike, George, why don't you talk?" Xiao Yao suddenly looks at Mike and George.

"Ah?" Mike and George, who have been silent since Dean mentioned the brotherhood, didn't expect that Xiao Yao would suddenly ask himself, which seems to be startled.

"You have such a good relationship and are in the same university. Since Dean joined the fraternity in the University, you two should join the same fraternity with him, right?" Xiao Yao continued to ask two questions.

"Ah, yes!" Two people's movements are not very consistent nod way.

"Is it?" Xiao Yao looked at the two people with a smile, "then I ask you, do you really join the fraternity of the university? What's the name of the fraternity? What's the name of your house? How many members are there altogether? What kind of torture did you suffer when you joined last year? "

"Our fraternity is..." Dean said anxiously.

"Shut up Xiao Yao stares at Dean and says, "I want to hear them both say."

"Well," Mike said hesitantly first, "our fraternity is called..."

When Mike opened his mouth, he was a little guilty. Under Xiao Yao's smiling eyes, he soon became nervous. The more he talked about the back, the longer the pause time, the more he seemed to kowtow.

In this case, people with a clear eye will know that he is lying.

"Enough!" Dean couldn't help interrupting Mike. "There's no fraternity at all. I'm going to find someone to organize a party and put Yang down with alcohol and marijuana."

"And then, what do you want?" Xiao Yao looked at Dean and continued to ask.