Two days later, the New York branch of the FBI, which sorted out all the details of the case, held a press conference as a representative of the police, announcing to the media the course of the case and the progress of the investigation. As the victim, Xiao Yao also attended the police news conference together with the police.

As reporters can interview several suspects, Xiao Yao can't hide his escape from the police. The police also introduced that Xiao Yao escaped from the warehouse by controlling Garcia, one of the suspects.

However, when calling to inform the police of the address of the warehouse where he was detained, the police and Xiao Yao concealed it, saying that the police determined several possible places of detention through analysis, and then found the abnormality of a person lying on the top of the warehouse through satellite photos. Then, combined with the comprehensive analysis of the escape routes of the ransom robbers, they judged the warehouse Ku was the stronghold of the robbers and the place where the hostages were held. He surrounded the place from several directions and caught all the robbers and kidnappers.

In addition, the real identities and experiences of several robbers and kidnappers were announced. The two private security personnel and the staff of the press conference have nothing to say. When the first arrest warrant was issued, the police had dug up their past experiences, mainly focusing on the female robber whose pseudonym is Mary and whose real name is Lexy Bernard, emphasizing her experience as an underground racer, which means that she was able to compete with the police last year Driving a special car with bulletproof body and tires to escape the police is not without reason.

Such a statement has indeed restored the image of many American police. For the media and the public, the police should do what they should to find the robbers and rescue the hostages. There is nothing particularly to boast about. It just makes people less skeptical about the fact that the police spent more than a year not catching the fugitive from last year's hijacking. For the media, the most eye-catching one in this case is Xiao Yao, who escaped from the control of the suspects, escaped from the warehouse and cleverly hid on the top of the warehouse.

After the robbery at the press conference, many media have learned from the people involved in that case that Xiao Yao subdued a robber when the robbery happened. He also informed the people on the street to call the police. It was only because Mary, one of the robbers, found a friend in the performance hall and threatened his life that he was captured by the robbers. At that time, many media reporters were surprised by his deeds, which was one of the reasons why the media reported crazily after he was kidnapped by the robbers.

Unexpectedly, after being captured by the kidnappers, he can also rely on his own ability to get away from the kidnappers. Although the place is very desolate, if the police didn't find it, it's hard to say whether he would be taken back by the kidnappers. But it's precisely because he escaped. The police know that he is hiding on the top of the warehouse through satellite photos. They don't have to worry about his safety, so they can let go and catch all the suspects. If he was still in the hands of the kidnappers at that time, the police would be worried about whether he could have such a perfect result now.

In particular, a police spokesman gave a detailed account of Xiao Yao's escape from the warehouse. After one of the suspects entered, he jumped down and controlled the suspect from behind. After he got out of the warehouse, he climbed up to the top of the warehouse nearly 30 feet high with his bare hands, slipped down secretly, punctured the tire of the suspect's vehicle, and then climbed back again. These descriptions all sound like the plot in the movie, but they are actually told by the police. Although Xiao Yao is a Chinese, many media also want to associate Xiao Yao with the superheroes in American comics.

It is not only the American media that are paying attention to the two cases, nor is it only the American media that participated in the police press conference. Among the media of other countries, the Chinese media is undoubtedly the most. The detailed scenes of this press conference were soon sent back to China.

After getting out of trouble, Xiao Yao has already used his newly bought mobile phone to report safety to his fans on his social network account. Fans and netizens who have learned that Xiao Yao is all right are less thankful when they see the relevant reports of the two cases, and more discussion about the incident.

Since his debut, Xiao Yao has been on the pages of social news for several times because of the events such as subduing the gangsters with knives on the subway, making the MV of "song not for anyone" into a public documentary, the number one scholar in the college entrance examination, and the earthquake in Wuyou county. In China, the media has long given Xiao Yao the title of "the most frequent entertainment star in social news".

In the two cases in the United States, Xiao Yao is more concerned because of his identity as an entertainment star, but the reports of these two cases are not only entertainment news, but social news. In addition, the hot news that last year forced the person in charge of American Airlines to apologize publicly in front of the media with a video of "American Airlines broke my guitar" also belongs to the category of social news, so some Chinese netizens commented that Xiao Yao is not only an entertainment star who can appear in Chinese social news, but also an entertainment star who can appear in American social news.

As for Xiao Yao's skill in these two cases, it caused more heated discussion among Chinese netizens. It's hard to subdue a gangster with a knife one-on-one on the subway, but if it happens, I believe that there are no other Chinese stars who can do it. However, in the face of a bandit holding assault rifles can subdue each other, in the face of three bandits with pistols, it is difficult to say whether other stars can do it.As a result, some Chinese and even American netizens began to compare Xiao Yao's skills with several famous Chinese and American action stars. There is a big discussion about what it would be like if 20-year-old Xiao Yao played against those action stars in their prime of life.

Before the official press conference of the police, Yin Xi returned to China with his team, Zhao Rui and Zhou Zhihao. Others also went back to work and go to school. After the police official news conference, Xiao Yao bid farewell to sun Tingting in New York and took his parents, Fang still and Pei Minyi to Nashville, the holy land of music in the United States.

Nashville, the capital of Tennessee, is located in the central and southern part of the United States, more than 1400 kilometers away from New York. Self driving is obviously not a good choice, so I flew to Nashville from New York by plane.

When Xiao Yao and others went to Nashville, naturally, AK Robinson was in charge of reception. When the party arrived at Nashville Airport, AK Robinson, who had already learned the news, had already taken two senior executives of the company to wait at the airport, which also saved Xiao Yao the trouble of finding transportation by themselves.

After arriving in Nashville, the first stop, of course, is to visit the company founded by Xiao Yao and AK Robinson. The name of the company is very common, which is named after their surnames. It's called "Sean and Robinson musical instrument production company". There are many such small musical instrument companies in Nashville, and many of them are newly established and closed down every year. But because the handdisc is still a very novel musical instrument, Xiao Yao brought good advertising benefits through the new year's Party of Donghai satellite TV last year and the performance of singer this year, so the company's business situation is still good.

After a brief visit to the company, Xiao Siqi and Xiao Yao, who are very interested in musical instruments, went directly into the production workshop to check the production process of musical instruments and test the timbre of the finished products. Fang still and Ye Jiaying were taken to understand the company's operation and capital accounts by people arranged by AK Robinson.

Because the operation is good, the capital account is clear, there is no problem, so AK Robinson, who is also a musical instrument producer, does not accompany Ye Jiaying and Fang to the office, but accompanies Xiao Siqi and Xiao Yao in the production workshop.

"Yang, this is the second generation of handmade discs after our improvement." "As you said, we have plated a layer of copper on the surface of nitrided steel. The base tone of Helmholtz resonator is D2, the center" Ding "is D3, and the lower five steps are the lowest A3 in the ring, including D4 and A4 in the eight degree scale," Gu "is D5, and the tuner has four scales to play freely."

"The second generation made it?" Xiao Yaoxi said, "I just said some ideas, but I didn't expect you to do it. AK, you are a real cow The birth of handplate in this world was originally conceived by Xiao Yao and made by AK Robinson. Later, Xiao Yao remembered some differences between the second-generation and the first-generation handmade dishes in his previous life, and told AK Robinson about some of the second-generation handmade dishes, asking him to try and see if he could make them.

"You use your brain, I do it. That's how we cooperated from the beginning, isn't it?" With a smile, AK Robinson handed Xiao Yao the second-generation hand dish in his hand and said, "do you want to have a try?"

"Well, try it." Xiao Yao took it with a smile, found a chair to sit down, put the dish on his legs and knocked it up.

Since it's a rookie disc, Xiao Yao plays a new song that hasn't appeared in the world yet.

As an instrument maker, AK Robinson can play handdisc, but he is not a composer. For this new musical instrument, which has been on the public show for less than a year, there are not many composers in the world, except Xiao Yao, who have created special handpieces for this new musical instrument. AK Robinson usually knocks on the handdisc occasionally in the company. He either plays the handdisc music made by Xiao Yao, or plays some classic music in the world with handdisc. The producers in the workshop have been used to it for a long time, and they have lost their freshness.

When Xiao Siqi and Xiao Yao came to visit, AK Robinson introduced Xiao Yao to the producers. Xiao Yao was another founder of the company and the inventor of handdisc. The producers were very curious about this very young Chinese boss. At this time, they heard Xiao Yao play a piece that he had never heard before, but it was obviously very suitable for hand disc playing. Many producers put down their work and listened attentively.

At the end of the song, many of the craftsmen in the workshop clapped their hands heartily. They believed that they were the people who invented this new musical instrument and really enjoyed it.

"Another new tune?" One side of Xiao Siqi asked, "special hand disc music?"

"Well," Xiao Yao nodded, "the newly written one is called stars in the night!" This is a song played by Zhang Dawen in his previous life, which Xiao Yao just recalled recently.

"You're so keen on hand music, but you don't seem to care much about the sales of hand music." A voice rang out behind Xiao Yao.

Xiao Yao looked back and found that Ye Jiaying and Fang, who were going to understand the business situation, still came back to the production workshop. It was Ye Jiaying who spoke."He doesn't care about anything. He doesn't care about anything. Everything about the hand disc company is thrown to me. I've been in touch with Mr. Robinson all the time Fang still make complaints about it.

"I gave you shares. Aren't these what you should do?" Xiao Yao said, "what's more, I don't care about anything. Don't I help promote it? Last year, Donghai satellite TV performed a special program with handdisc, and recorded several videos of playing handdisc and uploaded them to the Internet. "

"I just looked at the company's business situation. Generally speaking, it is quite good, but more than half of the orders are from Huaxia. We are Huaxia people. You are mainly engaged in activities in Huaxia, which is nothing. But this company is in the United States after all. You are more famous in the United States than in Europe. You come to the United States more often than you go to European countries. The sales of handpieces in the United States are not as good as those in several European countries

Ye Jiaying said, turning her head to look at AK Robinson and saying, "Mr. Robinson, I'm not accusing you of bad work. I know that you two work together. You are in charge of production and he is in charge of promotion. I mean his promotion work is not good. "

"It's true. I don't mind you saying that." AK Robinson understood Ye Jiaying's intention and shook his head with a smile.

"I seem to smell conspiracy." Xiao Yao sniffed and said, "you don't want to exploit me for anything, do you?"

"I will exploit you? Who can exploit you? " Ye Jiaying said, "I just want to wake you up. Since there is such a company that can make money, I'm more or less concerned. Do you really want to find netizen crowdfunding for your movie? "

"The movie?" AK Robinson looked at Xiao Yao in surprise and said, "are you going to make a movie?"

"It's still in preparation." Xiao Yao first nodded to AK Robinson, then looked at Ye Jiaying and said, "Mom, even if I have enough money on hand, I will still raise money for that movie."

"But you have a point," Xiao Yao continued. "I really haven't promoted handmade discs in the United States, but the problem is that I don't have the chance to be on American TV programs or perform in the United States."

"Yang, if you like, I can help you prepare a small music concert." AK Robinson said immediately, "this is Nashville. There are so many places like this. It's very easy to find. And because this is Nashville, as long as you do a good concert, the hand disc instrument will soon attract the attention of the American music circle. "

"Oh, you are here waiting for me." Xiao Yao suddenly said with a smile, "you can't discuss it in advance, can you?"