"What? You, the youngest creative newcomer in the history of the Golden Disc Award, can't write it, can you Xu Yuan deliberately agitated the general.

"Yes Xiao Yao nodded heavily and said, "do you want to use the method of motivating generals? No way. "

"Really not?" Gong Chen stares at Xiao Yao road. Gong Chen didn't have this idea before, but Xiao Yao didn't say it, and she was too embarrassed to speak. Xiao Yao has written three songs for her in the last month. If she has the cheek to ask Xiao Yao for songs, she will be greedy. But now that Xu Yuan is asking Xiao Yao to write a song, Xiao Yao is still alive and has brought in their solo songs. She can attack Xiao Yao in the name of helping Xu Yuan. Anyway, if Xiao Yao agrees to Xu Yuan, her solo song will not run away.

"I'll go. You two have a tacit understanding. The front is united very quickly. There's no need to discuss it." Xiao Yao instantly saw their intentions. This is a red face, a white face, a fierce general and a cute girl. In an instant, they reached unity and began to work in two ways.

"Do you want me to bring fan fan to talk to you again?" Xu Yuan continued.

"I think about it," Xiao Yao said, unconsciously lowering his head to think about whether there were songs suitable for them to sing in their previous lives. Since it's also a masked singing program, Xiao Yao naturally remembers that Liu Meilin also participated in "masked singer" in his previous life. Although the song with Chen Bing's chorus is a cover, the performance on the scene is very amazing. Thinking of Chen Bing, Xiao Yao naturally thinks of the proud long legs Chen Bing showed in the program. Then, Xiao Yao's eyes moved to Xu Yuan's legs. A copy of the impulse from the heart up.

"What are you looking at?" Xu Yuan found Xiao Yaoding staring at his legs, can't help but curiously asked, the heart is not much angry. She knows that Xiao Yao has the identity of a photographer. She often says that she likes to see beautiful women, but there has been no scandal. The scandal with Gong Chen was not only proved to be false, but also made so much noise, which made AMG very embarrassed. It also shows that he was only appreciating beauty. What's more, she's wearing pants today. Although it's close to her body, at most, she can't see any flowers by looking at her legs.

"I wonder if you've never worn shorts or skirts?" Xiao Yao thought of the original "good voice" on PK Xu Yuan's punk leather modeling, the figure is still very expected.

"I like to sing rock and roll. I'm a man, and I don't like to wear skirts or shorts." Xu Yuandao.

"In fact, I think your legs are beautiful. It's a pity not to show them," Xiao Yao said with a smile. "Otherwise, I will design your image. If you listen to me in the performance, I will promise to write these three songs. How about that?"

"This..." Xu Yuan hesitated. Listen to this meaning, Xiao Yao obviously wants her to wear shorts or short skirt in the program to show her long legs.

"I have to do more when I write songs. How can I hear that Xiao Yao seems to be at a loss?" Gong Chen said to himself, turned to Xu Yuan and said, "Xu Yuan, what are you hesitating about? Promise quickly. Don't you believe in his level? "

"Good." Xu Yuan gritted his teeth.

"Well, that's settled." Xiao Yao shook his arm, moved his fingers again, sat down and picked up the pen on the table, and said, "let's put the song in advance for a while, I'll draw the concept picture of your clothes first, Xu Yuan, you'll report the body data to my assistant Fang still, your clothes are all made to order, just send them together."

"And make it to order?" Xu Yuan was slightly surprised.

"Of course, otherwise why do you draw?" Xiao Yaodao.

"By the way," Xiao Yao suddenly put down his pen and said, "the songs I wrote are very suitable for your original voice and style. If you sing my songs, you will probably be guessed in the first issue and will leave in public."

"You don't have to worry about that." Xu Yuan said with a smile, "at least the program team has told me that because I'm a newcomer, this program can only participate in this issue. Anyway, the guests will guess me in the end."

"Me too." Next to Gong Chen also nodded.

"Damn, it's internal." Xiao Yao shook his head in his heart. But this is also good, just can let them play.

On May 3, the program was recorded.

Although Gong Chen and Xu Yuan made their own songs and modeling, Xiao Yao still sat in Gong Chen's waiting room as a member of Gong Chen's team.

Xiao Yao has also participated in the recording of several reality TV shows, and he has long lost the excitement of being on TV. In addition, he does not have to sing on stage, even a little nervous. So after entering the rest room, wearing a self-made mask of the hero in the movie "V-shaped hate team", Xiao Yao was very relaxed and sat down on the sofa in the middle of the room.

Gong Chen, who also came in wearing a mask, was not as relaxed as Xiao Yao. The first thing he did was to go to the dressing room in the rest room and change into the performance clothes that were not easy to wear at all. About 20 minutes later, Gong Chen put on his clothes and came out of the dressing room to sit on the sofa beside Xiao Yao.Seeing Gong Chen sitting on the sofa next to each other's hands shaking slightly, Xiao Yao, aware of Gong Chen's nervousness, said, "it's not the first time to record a TV program. Are you still nervous?"

"I'm not you," Gong Chen said bitterly. "It's normal to be nervous before the performance." Just across a gorgeous mask, Xiao Yao can't see her expression.

However, Xiao Yao still heard a trace of helplessness from Gong Chen's voice. He didn't mention it any more and began to look around in the rest room, trying to find something to divert her attention.

Aiming back and forth, Xiao Yao doesn't find anything in the rest room that can be used to divert Gong Chen's attention. When his eyes return to Gong Chen, it's a flash in front of his eyes.

"Well, it's said that there will be a talent show after singing. What are you going to do?" Xiao Yao asked knowingly.

"I'm going to sing an opera." Gong chendao said, "at the beginning, Yang Hui from the group called five who participated in the radio program was also in the guessing and commenting group. As soon as the opera was sung, he would definitely be able to determine who I was. Anyway, I left after singing one issue, just for him to guess and let me leave face to face. I thought I told you that, didn't I? "

"I think it's too deliberate to sing opera. It's no different from self disclosure. Besides, your talent as a singer is still singing, which has no characteristics." Xiao Yao pointed to a necklace around Gong Chen's neck and said, "why don't you take this off and give it to me? I'll teach you to do magic now. If you learn it, you'll be a talent show later. It's a little more interesting than opera."

"You can do magic, with this?" Gong Chen touched the necklace on his neck, looked at Xiao Yao in surprise, then took down the chain and handed it to Xiao Yao, saying, "although I don't think I can learn it in such a short time, now the program hasn't started recording. It's good to enjoy your magic first, and I won't be so nervous all the time." Gong Chen soon understood Xiao Yao's purpose.

"Good." Xiao Yao took the necklace handed over by Gong Chen. First, he took down a metal ring about 3cm in diameter for decoration, put it in his hand, weighed the weight, and then put the clasp on the necklace to connect the chain again.

"Look carefully." Xiao Yao's left thumb and index finger stretched out into a figure of eight and put the chain on two fingers. Then his right thumb and index finger pinched the ring and passed the tail of the chain through the hollow part of the ring. When the ring is horizontally raised to the height of the lower edge of the left palm, Xiao Yao's right fingers are loosened, and the ring will rub the two ends of the chain connected to the tail and fall.

"Ah Gong Chen called, subconsciously put his palm under the chain, trying to catch the ring.

But to Gong Chen's surprise, the ring did not fall on the palm of his hand, but somehow was caught by the chain.

"What's the matter?" Gong Chen immediately said with great interest, "does the chain go into the ring? How did you do that? "

"Of course it's not put on. It's buckled on it." Xiao Yao said with a smile, pointing to the necklace clasp on the top of the two fingers in his left hand with his right hand.

"In fact, it's not a close-up magic. You can understand it by looking at the place of the circle." Xiao Yao handed Gong chendao the ring with the chain.

"Why, is it directly entangled? I still don't know how to do it. " Gong Chen frowned.

"Come on, break down the principle of action explanation." Xiao Yao took the ring and the necklace, untied the ring from the necklace, then put half of the necklace through the ring, then slowly turned the ring twice, then released his hand, and the ring of the necklace was entangled by the necklace again.

"So that's it. I see." Gong Chen was a little elated, and then he said excitedly, "but how can I do it?" At this time, she had already put the tension out of the air.

"It's very simple," Xiao Yao demonstrated again. "When the two fingers of the right hand hold the ring, they should keep the ring horizontal. The two chains should be at the farthest position in the ring. Then, before releasing the hand, the middle finger joint of the right hand should be slightly extended to make the ring knock on the joint when it falls down. In this way, the ring will rotate in the process of falling, as long as If he turns at least two times, the chain will be entangled in the ring. The guessing and commenting group is far away. As long as you don't let the host look closely at the joint of the chain and the ring, they should not see the secret. "

"OK, I'll try." Gong Chen was eager to try.

This little magic called "tomorrow ring" came from Xiao Yaoxue in his previous life to chase girls. It once appeared in a love movie. It is not very rare in his previous life. But Xiao Yao hasn't seen this little magic trick on TV in this life, so it should be more eye-catching.

Xiao Yao's fingers were not so flexible in his previous life, and he didn't succeed every time he played this game. But Xiao Yao, who has been practicing martial arts and piano all his life, is much more accurate in his movements and flexible in his fingers than before. When he saw Gong Chen's thin necklace with a ring, Xiao Yao thought of this little magic trick. Whether the length of the chain or the size and weight of the ring are suitable, and Xiao Yao is very handy in playing.Gong Chen's savvy is also fairly good. After several attempts, he soon mastered the action essentials of this simple little magic trick.

"It's a success!" Finally, after a success, Gong Chen happily hugged Xiao Yaodao. Immediately thought of this action is too intimate, immediately released Xiao Yao drew back. Xiao Yao didn't see her blushing face because she was wearing a mask.

Xiao Yao didn't care much. He just said to Gong Chen with a smile: "you should practice more time to ensure the success rate. You can be surprised when you perform on stage later."

"Well," Gong Chen nodded, then picked up the chain and ring in his hand and began to practice. He made up his mind to successfully perform the magic on the stage for a while.