The temporary program that invited Gong Chen is called "masked singer", which is similar to previous generations of "masked singer" and "masked singer guess". The rule is that singers wear masks to sing, and then the guests of the judging panel and the audience guess who the singer is.

Each program will have six singers appear on the stage, the first round is divided into three groups for pairwise chorus, each singer once more solo. After that, the guests of the on-site guessing group guessed two names for the audience to choose. If the majority of the audience choose correctly, the singers will take off their masks on the spot, and those who show their true faces will leave the show. If the guest does not guess the singer's name or most of the audience choose the wrong one, the singer can keep the mask and continue to participate in the next program. So if you want to stay in the program for a long time, the important thing is not to sing the best, but to hide your original voice as much as possible.

In fact, this program is more interesting than music, and Xiao Yao is not totally uninterested. In the past, he didn't have the time. Now, although he has the opportunity to participate in the first phase, Xiao Yao still doesn't plan to be the singer who makes up a place in the middle.

After more than ten years of practice, Xiao Yao feels that his voice is still very malleable. In that album, there are all kinds of styles and types of songs, such as rock, folk songs, rap, lyric, and even opera. In other words, there are many types that he can control. Xiao Yao is confident that if he takes part in that program, every song can sing a different feeling. He can completely make the guests of the guessing and commenting group unable to find the north. At least he can stay in three or four issues and sing six or seven songs before he is recognized.

The guests and audience couldn't guess if he really hid and sang. He didn't have time to continue to participate. If you take the initiative to expose yourself and go for the first phase, Xiao Yao feels unwilling. So in the face of the program again invited, Xiao Yao or refused.

However, although he refused to be a replacement singer, Xiao Yao still has some interest in the program. It happened that there was nothing wrong during the May Day holiday, so Xiao Yao decided to participate in the program in another capacity.

It's a show where singers sing with their faces covered to let the audience guess their identities. Before the singers take off their masks and leave, they wear masks all the time, whether they are singing on the stage or waiting in the backstage lounge. So the masks that singers wear have become a highlight of the show. In order to be brilliant in the program, singers also spend a lot of time on masks. Some singers even invite professional fashion designers to design and make masks for them.

As a newcomer, Gong Chen doesn't have any resources in the fashion circle. Naturally, she doesn't have such a good treatment. Fortunately, she meets Xiao Yao, who just wants to go to the show. Xiao Yao takes over Gong Chen's personal modeling and facial design work and acts as Gong Chen's personal stylist. In order to prevent the audience from guessing the identity of the singer by recognizing the team members accompanying the singer, the private team members brought by the singer also need to wear masks throughout the whole process. Xiao Yao can play the trick of stealing again.

Since both Xiao Siqi and Xiao Yao refused to be a replacement singer, the program team selected another new singer from the list of candidate singers to be a replacement singer with Gong Chen. Because this new female singer, like Gong Chen, has both high face value and excellent singing skills, and her singing style is very different, the program team also arranged them together in the first chorus session.

Since it's a chorus, the choice of singing repertoire, the arrangement and soundtrack of live performance, and the allocation of aria all need to be discussed and decided by the two singers and their teams. In view of Gong Chen's many trips and hard work, Xiao Siqi, the boss, is good-natured and humorous. The environment and atmosphere in the studio are very relaxed. So the singer who sang with Gong Chen in the first round of chorus came to Qijia studio to discuss the first round of chorus songs with Gong Chen after receiving the notice from the program team.

When the singer came to visit, Xiao Yao and Gong Chen were in a studio discussing mask and costume design. When the singer knocked on the door and entered the studio under the guidance of the staff, Xiao Yao was slightly surprised that the new female singer who sang with Gong Chen was still an old acquaintance of her own.

"Xu Yuan, it's you. Long time no see. " Looking up and seeing that the female singer who entered the door was Xu Yuan who had PK with her on the stage of "good voice" last year, she first said with a smile.

"Xiao Yao, long time no see." Xu Yuan replied with a smile to Xiao Yao, "you are becoming more and more demon. Congratulations on your winning the Golden Disc Award and the top one in the art examination. Although I sent you a congratulatory message, now that I have met you, I think it's better to say it myself. Cow With that, Xu Yuan gave Xiao Yao a thumbs up.

"Hello, Xu Yuan. I'm gong Chen. I've heard your songs. I have a strong sense of power. It's great!" Gong Chen knew that Xu Yuan was the singer who was singing with him. He also said hello with a smile.

"Hello, I've heard your song, too." With a smile, Xu Yuan shook hands with Gong Chen, who met for the first time, and said, "your voice is really beautiful. Of course, you sing very well. But what I admire most about you is the songs you sing, most of which are written by this guy. " Xu Yuan pointed to Xiao Yao road beside him."Not most, but all!" Gong Chen said quietly in his heart. Now, in addition to some early cover songs and the adapted songs of the first episode of the electronic sound program, Gong Chen's original songs are only five in total. The two songs in the program and the two capital songs in the single are Xiao Yao's works, and then Xiao Yao's final song of the TV drama signed by XY. Xu Yuan, who doesn't know XY's real identity, obviously only counts four songs. Gong Chen already knows that XY is Xiao Yao's.

"Speaking of this," Xu Yuan turned to Xiao Yao and said, "Xiao Yao, write me a song anytime. You don't just write songs for singers who sign up for your studio, do you? The four songs you wrote to Gong Chen were all written to her before she signed up for your studio. "

"Well, let's talk about it." Xiao Yao scratched his head and said, "you didn't come here for the chorus today. It's important to get down to business first."

"Well, let's put this matter on the table for a while," Xu Yuan said, looking at Xiao Yao. "After the chorus songs are discussed, I'll invite you to dinner in the evening and call fan fan. I haven't seen her for a long time. Let's talk about it at dinner

Fan linxuan and Xu Yuan were both students of Chen Huan's team in the good voice at the beginning. They were teammates. The two people who were close in age were very close after they met each other. After the good voice, they have always been in touch. Part of the reason why Xu Yuan came to Qijia studio was that he wanted to meet Xiao Yao and fan linxuan, two old acquaintances. Seeing Xiao Yao is to invite songs for reminiscence, and seeing fan linxuan is just to chat with her sisters.

"Yes." Xiao Yao nodded and said with a smile, "fan linxuan has a business activity today. She's not here now, but she should be free in the evening. I'll call her later."

"Oh, I know fan fan's itinerary very well." Xu Yuan said with a smile.

"Of course, I'm a little boss, and the whereabouts of my generals should be kept under control at any time." Xiao Yao's boastful way.

"Yes, you are. Let's talk about the chorus, "Xu Yuan said to Xiao Yao, turning to Gong Chen and beginning to get to the point," Gong Chen, do you have any idea about the song? Eh... What's this? What's the score of your candidate Xu Yuan found Gong Chen sitting back at the table with several pieces of white paper scattered on the table.

"No, this is Xiao Yao's design concept picture of my costume and mask when I perform." Gong Chen replied with a smile.

"Xiao Yao? Do you design clothes and masks? " Xu Yuan looks at Xiao Yao road in surprise.

"I can't talk about fashion design, but I'm also a photographer. I have some experience in fashion modeling and matching." Xiao Yao said with a smile, "when Chen Yuhan and I were singing in the program, I helped her make her clothes, including accessories. Don't you remember? I belong to the image designer of Gong Chen's private team who participated in the show, and I am responsible for her mask and costume modeling. "

Xiao Yao is not a real fashion designer. But as a photographer, Xiao Yao has cooperated with many designers, and has seen what the concept map of fashion design looks like. Xiao Yao has good painting skills. Naturally, it's not difficult for him to draw a picture. There are a lot of classic fashion costumes and styles that Xiao Yao has seen in his past and present life. With his own understanding and ideas, so far, many young students have designed the costumes and styles for the performance. On the whole, they are quite good. In this program, the audience can't see the singer's face. Apart from looking at the mask, it's just looking at the clothes. Since Xiao Yao has undertaken the task of designing the mask, he does all the costumes for Gong Chen's performance.

"The little boss of the company designs masks and costumes for you personally. The treatment is just amazing." Xu Yuan said to Gong Chen, "I envy you more now."

"If you want to come to our studio, you can also enjoy the treatment." Xiao Yao joked with a smile, "fan linxuan also enjoyed it."

"Forget it, Mr. Chen Huan is now the art director of our company. He takes good care of me. I'm not a traitor!" When Xu Yuan said this, he seemed to be afraid that Gong Chen might misunderstand something, so he quickly added, "our company has not fabricated and hyped my affair without my consent. If the company doesn't apologize to me first, I won't be able to do the same thing. "

"I'm kidding you. Do you really believe it?" Xiao Yao shrugged his shoulders with a smile. He knew that Xu Yuan was signed into his own record company by Chen Huan, the tutor of the program, after participating in "good voice". Within half a year after the end of the program last year, except for fan linxuan and herself, the two runners up, who released new albums, Xu Yuan was the only one among all the other students who released new singles. You know, after Xu Yuan was eliminated by herself at that time, she didn't even enter the last four. This treatment is enough to show that the company attaches great importance to her. She is unlikely to change her job.

"I say you are too absent-minded," said Xu Yuan, a little embarrassed. "A good singer songwriter, in Gong Chen's team, does not help her write songs, but goes to do some modeling design?" At this point, Xu Yuan suddenly said with a flash of inspiration, "anyway, Gong Chen and I haven't finished our choral songs yet. Would you like to write a new song for us to sing in the program? Don't you love it? "

"Do you want to help you two write the solo songs?" Xiao Yao rolled his eyes."Good. That's what you said Xu Yuan said immediately.

"I agree." Gong Chen nodded with a smile.

"I..." Xiao Yao glared.