The Performance Hall of Los Angeles Imperial Hotel, which is the venue for the final of this "American hip hop contest", is already noisy and crowded.

As the previous performances were amazing enough, the "torrent" dance team was arranged by the producer to be the last one in the final. Now the first three teams have finished performing. The scene was wonderful, the action was gorgeous, the audience was in high spirits, and the seven judges on the scene also gave very good comments. Next, let's see how torrent behaves.

After the third team finished the performance, Xiao Yao, who was waiting with the team members in the backstage temporarily, waved his fist to cheer everyone on and said: "come on! Although the front three teams are good, as long as we can play our rehearsal level, then the champion must be our "torrent". I will work hard for you in the audience

"No, you shouldn't say you, you should say us." Paul grabbed it and wanted to turn away to Xiao Yaodao in the audience.

"What do you mean?" Xiao Yao didn't understand.

"That means, this last game, you'll play with us." TJ interface.

"We brought your clothes, too." Zhou Jingyi took out a set of neatly folded clothes from her bag. Although Xiao Yao didn't plan to go on stage, he also prepared a set of such fun things for himself. Usually, during rehearsal, he would also wear this led suit to play with the team members. However, considering that he could not play in today's final, he was the only one among all the team members. He did not wear this led suit to the scene, but the team members brought him directly.

"Are you kidding?" Xiao Yao was surprised and said, "I'm not an American. I can't compete. If it's found out... No... no if, I already showed up in front of the three judges in the primary, and I also explained my identity. If I go on stage, the judges will never be invisible. According to the rules, you will be canceled. "

"So what?" Paul turned his lips and said, "if it wasn't for you, we wouldn't be here at all, so this last dance, and the most important one, you must be with us. Even if it's cancelled, we'll recognize it."

"Are you crazy?" Xiao Yao said anxiously, "as soon as I go up, our best result is the fourth place, but we have a great chance to win the championship, which is the champion of the" National Hip Hop Dance Competition "! Don't we have to work so hard to win the championship? Are we just trying to get a fourth place? "

"We really don't care about the title of the champion now!" Zhou Jingyi looked at Xiao Yao and said, "at first, when we set up this team to participate in the competition, we never thought that we could win the championship. It was after you joined us, starting with your Zombie dance, that we had this ambition. Do you remember what I told you about our original intention of forming a team to participate in this competition? It's for the sake of being popular in the competition and getting job opportunities and personal career prospects related to dance. Now we've been chosen by Mary to make MV and dance for concerts, and by Santos to make movies. Our goals have been achieved. In that case, why do we cling to the title of champion? We just want you to be on the stage with us now. "

"You've all agreed in advance?" Xiao Yao looked at the other players and said.

All the players met Xiao Yao's eyes and nodded together.

"Without telling me?" Xiao Yao asked again.

"Yes," Paul said with a smile, "we're afraid that if you don't agree with what we said in advance, we'll sneak away in order to let us win the championship."

"You see, the current situation is that if you don't go on stage, we won't go on stage. Let's just abstain in the last game. You can do it. " TJ laughs.

"That's... OK." Xiao Yao nodded his head. Xiao Yao can't refuse all the words.

"Now let's welcome the fourth and last team of the evening, the torrent Hip Hop Company from Calabasas." The voice of the host suddenly came from the stage.

"No, it's time to play. There's no time." Paul called, and then he said, "girls, turn back. The boys come and make a circle. Yang, you're here to change. Come on

Xiao Yao did not wriggle. He immediately changed his clothes in the circle of the players. Fortunately, he took off his coat and put on the top of the dance suit. The lower body was a little embarrassed. I had to take off the trousers I was wearing and put on the trousers of the dance suit. However, more than a dozen boys were surrounded tightly. Xiao Yao changed his clothes in the backstage channel.

"Wait a minute," when Xiao Yao quickly changed his clothes and tried to put his gloves on his hands, Paul stopped and handed over his gloves with a light controller. "This time, the light is also controlled by you." With that, the other hand took the gloves from Xiao Yao's hand and put them on his hand.

"Good!" Xiao Yao did not wriggle. He took Paul's gloves and put them on his hands. They are similar in stature and palm size, and the temporary exchange of gloves has no effect.In response to the enthusiastic cheers and screams of the audience, the "torrent" Dance Troupe ran onto the stage. Different from the preparation posture of several previous teams, more than a dozen people of the "torrent" Dance Troupe who ran onto the stage directly formed a column.

The LED light on their body is their unique skill, but this unique skill is not put on the stage. If you run on the stage with all the lights, not only the stage effect is much worse, but also the audience's sense of surprise is much weaker. So in front of this dance, there was a period of time when LED lights were not on. In order to be equally brilliant during this period of time, the action Xiao Yao arranged for the opening part of the dance is to learn from the hip-hop version of "thousand handed Guanyin" of the previous "thousand handed Guanyin" dance. In short, their hands are not soft human arms, but mechanical arms in mechanical dance.

With live music. The team members standing in a row stretched out their "mechanical arms" in different directions at the same time, just like a body with dozens of arms in an instant. The judges and some of the audience who were facing them were shocked by this strange and unique shape. With the drumming in the music, more than a dozen arms changed several different positions, just like the "thousand handed Avalokitesvara" changed several different shapes. After gaining enough audience screams and cheers, more than a dozen bodies jumped to both sides in varying degrees. It was like a person had more than a dozen parts in an instant. This action immediately made the audience cry more happily.

The next minute or so is relatively more conventional hip-hop action time. For the audience, many of these actions are still novel and interesting, but compared with the amazing opening shape and action, the cheering of the audience inevitably dropped a little.

There are seven judges in this final, among them, Pablo Hugo, Mary Jane and Santos Perez have all seen the three performances of "torrent". Although their opening was very amazing, and their action behind was also very wonderful, which is no worse than the previous three teams. But in their three feelings, it seems that this team does not make any "Little Moth" or "little surprise" It's like missing something.

But soon they didn't have this feeling, because with Xiao Yao's stroke on his head, a lot of small white lights were lit up on the chest, back, waist and the outside of the arms of more than a dozen people on the stage at the same time.

"Wow The seven judges and the audience all opened their mouths to see the cool scene they had never seen before.

But that's not all. The movements of the team members become neat and consistent. With the node at the end of a certain movement, the small lights on the whole team also change different colors. White, yellow, orange, green, blue and other colors with neat dance movements, but also neat switching.

"It can change color!" Many of the audience exclaimed.

Because everyone in the team is good at it, although the Qi dance part is neat, beautiful and powerful, the difficulty of the action is not high. "Torrent" naturally will not go on dancing in groups all the time, but will show some more technical and difficult movements, and the performance of difficult movements will certainly be limited to the relatively small number of single show, double show and a little bit of three person dance.

The uniform group dance lasted about 30 seconds, and it was time for individual performance. The dancers fanned out to the rear and side of the stage, squatting or standing as the background, and three of them tumbled to the middle of the stage. When they came to the last somersault landing in the middle of the stage, the lights on them changed from white to purple at the moment of landing, while the lights on the players who didn't move behind them were still white.

"How did you do that?" A question flashed through the minds of all the audience and judges.

However, the performance on the stage is still going on, and the audience and judges can only put aside their doubts and continue to watch.

After a difficult floor movement of the three was displayed, at the end of their last movement, the lights on all of them, including the three of them, turned red with their action of clapping the ground and getting up. And this time, not only those parts of the upper body, even the position of the legs facing the face bone, there are red lights on.

"There's more on the leg!" Cried another audience.

Then two mechanical dancers came up from behind with mechanical steps. When they came to the middle of the stage and took the last step, their lights turned blue.

This performance is going to make the audience crazy, and what really makes them crazy is the last ending action of the whole dance.

Finally, Zhou Jingyi came out. When she came out, the surrounding background players had changed their positions and postures, lying in a circle on the ground in the direction of feet inside and head outside, surrounded Zhou Jingyi in the middle.

Zhou Jingyi didn't show any hip-hop dance moves, but started a modern dance movement of one foot rotation in situ. With his rotation, the players lying on the ground also took turns to lift up their upper body and then fall down, forming a human wave with his rotation. The most wonderful thing is that the lights on the players lying on the ground are all white, but the lights on Zhou Jingyi's body are constantly changing colors when she is spinning. When each team member straightens up her upper body, the color of the lights on her upper body is the same as that on Zhou Jingyi's body at that time, and the lights on her lower legs are the same as other players lying on the ground. When they come back to life, they are still white When you lie down, your whole body turns into white light again.At last, Zhou Jingyi's rotation ended in a kneeling posture. At the moment when her knees fell, all the lights on everyone went out, and the whole dance ended in the audience's crazy screams.

All the members of "torrent" got up again on the stage amid the screams of the audience and the standing applause of all the seven judges. After they hugged each other and bowed to the front of the stage, it took half a minute for the audience's screams to slow down, and several judges slowly sat back in their chairs.