Keith agreed to sign the band, in addition to Xiao Yao's lobbying, it is not without their own consideration. In addition to Xiao Yao, immortals also has some things he values. First of all, the beauty drummer Samin is a big attraction. In a rock band, a cold and beautiful drummer is quite eye-catching. At the beginning of their warm-up performance at the Los Angeles concert, when the close-up of the big screen was shown to Samin, the audience's reaction was the most crazy.

Secondly, George, a black man, is also a bright spot. In American music, most of the people who play rock and roll are white. Black people, on the other hand, either play jazz or RB or hip-pop. Few people play rock and roll, and people like George are also scarce resources.

Although Keith is also very interested in the immortals band, the terms of the contract were repeatedly discussed and confirmed with the whole band one by one. It took more than a week to confirm the terms of the contract.

During the period of time when the band's future confirmation was tied with Keith's studio, "Riptide" hip-hop team also experienced the second elimination match, successfully promoted to the final eight and entered the final.

In the final eight, Xiao Yao did not provide any special effects for the hip-hop dance team, but gave them some inspiration in the dance action. This time, what Xiao Yao showed them was not parkour, but the martial arts he had practiced for more than ten years.

Zhou Jingyi once said that Xiao Yao could fight three TJ's like this, which was remembered by TJ. Although he didn't want to fight with Xiao Yao, he once pestered Xiao Yao several times to see his Chinese Kung Fu. Xiao Yao was impatient with TJ, so he showed him some routine of Bajiquan. And TJ said, "that's cool!" It also enlightens Xiao Yao.

Since it comes to action, Xiao Yao naturally thought of hip-hop dance. Although the first game of "torrent" retained some new actions created from parkour, but these actions are not enough to support a whole game. In his previous life, Xiao Yao also saw that Taijiquan and other martial arts moves were integrated into hip-hop dance in his film and television works, so why can't "torrent" do it? In this world, as in previous lives, the most impressive Chinese films and TV works to Americans are Chinese kung fu films. In the United States of the world, Chinese Kung Fu also has a very high reputation and many admirers.

So Xiao Yao called up all the members of the hip-hop dance team and showed them three sets of boxing skills he knew, namely Taijiquan, Shaolin Changquan and Bajiquan. Then he worked together to think about how to adapt these Kung Fu moves into cool actions in hip-hop dance.

After several days of hard work, we have made some achievements. Then in the second knockout match, the new actions inspired by Parkour and Chinese Kung Fu also easily conquered the audience and the three judges.

Now in front of the "torrent" hip-hop team, there is only one final left. Before the final, two good news came one after another, so that everyone's tension in the face of the final suddenly dissipated a lot.

The first good news is that Mary Jane has found the "torrent" hip-hop dance team and decided to invite them to take part in the shooting of her latest single MV. At the same time, she will act as her own dance accompaniment team at the concert to be held this summer.

The second came from another judge, Santos Perez. He has a hip-hop movie project on hand, and has decided to invite him as an action director and recommend some suitable candidates for the role of dancer in the movie. After watching the three performances of "torrent", he has successfully convinced the producers to invite the whole team of "torrent" to play in the film. Paul and TJ will be minor supporting roles with certain weight. Zhou Jingyi, because of her outstanding appearance and proficient in modern dance and hip-hop dance, has got a major supporting role similar to female No.3.

As a result, the future of the whole hip-hop team is also clear. Before the final, they had already achieved the goal of participating in the "National Hip Hop contest". So before they take part in the final, they will naturally be less nervous and more relaxed.

Although the "Riptide" hip-hop team, who achieved the goal ahead of time, was relaxed in the mentality of participating in the final, they were not relaxed in the preparation for the final at all. On the contrary, they were still holding big moves for the stage performance of the final.

This big move naturally has something to do with Xiao Yao. Strictly speaking, it's Xiao Yao's idea. It's just that Xiao Yao can't complete this big move by himself in advance preparation.

After settling the contract matters of the band, Xiao Yao put into the final preparation of "torrent". And his big move to prepare for the final of "torrent" is the kind of clothes with color changeable LED lights that shine blind people's eyes in the last dance of "dancing out of my life 3". In this world, fluorescent clothing has long appeared, but that kind of fluorescent clothing is only one color, and only in a very dark environment can the effect come out. But this kind of clothes with LED lights, which are not affected by the environment, have never appeared before, so if they want to be eye-catching, they have to design and make it by themselves.

In his previous life, as a science and engineering otaku, Xiao Yao studied the principle of this kind of clothes after seeing the film, but his major is pure theory. He understands the principle, but he can't make one by himself. Fortunately, there is no lack of talents in the hip-hop team. He put forward the idea, and the team members who are proficient in electronic equipment excitedly began to turn Xiao Yao's idea into reality. And this player is no one else. It's Rick, who has played zombie and resents that Xiao Yao always has trouble with their clothes.Rick is a fanatic of electronic equipment. He proposes to make it by hand, but Xiao Yao doesn't plan to be a shopkeeper himself. As a result, in addition to the rehearsal of the hip-hop dance team, Xiao Yao and Rick spent their spare time on the production of this kind of variable LED lights that can be installed on clothes. Xiao Yao's hands-on ability is average. At best, it is to give a hand to Rick. However, he has theory and ideas. Coupled with Rick's superb technology and rich hands-on experience, after dozens of continuous attempts, Xiao Yao and Rick finally get this kind of LED light that meets the requirements, and also make wireless control equipment that can control the light color conversion.

In addition to LED lights, clothing is also an aspect that can not be ignored. This kind of LED light can not be installed in any clothes. So Xiao Yao specially made a batch of clothes of special materials for the team members to try to install the LED lights according to their bodies.

Although the power supply voltage required by LED is not large, Xiao Yao's custom-made clothing is made of relatively safe double-layer fabric. The inner layer is made of nylon coated fabric, which is used to make insulating clothes. The interlayer is used to install the LED lights made by themselves. Because there is no lack of floor movement in the dance, the outer layer is made of transparent PVC material, which can protect the light bulb on the clothes and facilitate the display of LED lights.

This aspect is not difficult for Xiao Yao. As a photographer ys, Xiao Yao is quite familiar with several customized clothing brands in the United States, and has a considerable understanding of clothing fabrics and styles. Therefore, based on the astronaut uniform in the science fiction film, he designed a very scientific and technological style of clothing. With those cool LED lights, he can absolutely blind his eyes.

It's just that the design of LED lights needs to be kept secret for the time being, so Xiao Yao only requires that some openings be reserved in the middle of the double-layer materials of the main parts of the clothing, and they have to install the LED lights in the interlayer by themselves.

It took more than ten days to turn the props in the previous life movies into the present reality. Xiao Yao's heart was full of a sense of achievement. But this is not the whole thing, LED lights clothing produced, also need supporting dance, music and dance precise control of the light.

Dance and music are relatively easy to solve. It's not difficult for Xiao Yao to adapt the dance and music of his previous life according to the dance movements that the members of the dance team are good at. The difficulties mainly focus on the control of LED lighting and the overall coordination of dance and music.

Xiao Yao and Rick racked their brains to design two methods: the first method is to use computer programming to set the order and time of all the lights' color changes in advance, so that the team members only need to focus on the dance, not the LED lights on them. But it also involves a problem, that is, hip-hop still has some degrees of freedom, although there is music, but it is difficult to achieve the accuracy of every second. Once there is a little time deviation in everyone's dance movements, most of the audience may not see it except for the judges on the stage. However, with the light on the body, this kind of mistake will be magnified to a very obvious level.

The second method is to send another person to be responsible for the color conversion of the light. This method seems to be more reliable. Xiao Yao, who can't take the stage, is also a ready-made excellent candidate.

But this competition is not in a theater as it was in the primary election, but in the Performance Hall of a luxury hotel in Los Angeles. There will be a TV station broadcasting the whole process, and the control of the scene is much stricter than that of the original theater. Xiao Yao can not find a condescending and relatively quiet environment to operate. If he can't go on stage, he can't even stay in the backstage where the sight is not very good, so he can only stay in the audience. However, in order to fully mobilize the emotions of the audience watching the final, the producer does not set seats for the audience on the spot. They all stand together to watch. Considering the scene environment, as long as any audience accidentally bumps into Xiao Yao's arm or even his body, it may cause mistakes in light conversion and dance action coordination.

In the end, Xiao Yao and Rick had to design a third method, which is to install the controller on one of the team members' gloves, so that one of the team members can control the light conversion while performing on the stage. The advantage is that the team members can avoid the uncontrollable factors such as audience collision. At the same time, they are the performers on the stage. They can adjust the speed and rhythm of light conversion at any time according to the performance process on the stage, so as to avoid the problem of asynchronous cooperation. The disadvantage is not only to perform the dance, but also to control the lighting, which requires the team members to master the controller.

Looking at the whole team, Xiao Yao still decided to let Paul, who looked the most reliable, be the light controller on the stage. The team members had no opinions on Xiao Yao's choice, so they decided. This thing was designed by Xiao Yao, so Xiao Yao took Paul's place and demonstrated it to him in advance.

The music of the whole dance was made by Xiao Yao, and Xiao Yao also participated in the design of the dance movements. The LED lighting suit was also conceived by Xiao Yao, and then worked with Rick to make it. Therefore, Xiao Yao knows every aspect of the whole dance very well. In addition, his already good dance skills and memory are far beyond ordinary people's heads. Therefore, when Xiao Yao demonstrated to Paul, he was very accurate in terms of individual dance movements, dance coordination with the whole team, and controlling the conversion of LED lights on the whole team, which gave Paul confidence as well as great pressure.