The number of Zhou Jingyi's dance team is No. 9, which is slightly behind the middle of a total of more than ten teams. The eight teams in front of them have good or bad performances, but overall they are still not so good. Five teams were eliminated on the spot. In addition to the first team, only the fourth and sixth teams got the qualification to be determined. Among the three teams to be determined, the first team has the best performance.

What Xiao Yao and the judges don't know is that the first team called "gangster" is a well-known hip-hop dance team in Los Angeles. The local organization of Los Angeles ranked them first, in order to win a good start.

When the sixth team performed on the stage, the eight zombies quietly got up and went to the bathroom to change into a set of zombie clothes that Xiao Yao had made for them. After they changed their clothes and came out, the seventh team had already performed on the stage, so they did not return to the audience, but went directly to the back of the stage with their teammates to wait for their appearance.

When the seventh team finished performing and came down from the stage with a look of depression, Xiao Yao, who did not need to perform on stage, did not continue to sit in the audience, but quietly touched the control room on the second floor above the audience.

"Hello everyone, we are the" torrent "hip hop team from Calabasas. Our dance is called "igotyou." After the team came on stage, Zhou Jingyi stood at the front of the team and introduced to the vertical microphone.

"Wait a minute," said Pablo Hugo, who looked down at the information in front of him. He took off his glasses from his nose and looked up at the people on the stage. "The information says that your team is 15 people. Why are there only two... Four... Seven, seven people on the stage now? Is half of your team quitting temporarily? "

"No, we still have eight teammates waiting at the back of the stage. They are special and will come out in the middle of the dance." Zhou Jingyi explained with a smile.

"OK." Piper Hugo nodded in relief, raised his hand and said, "are you ready?"

As soon as this remark came out, another five people ran away on the stage, leaving only Zhou Jingyi and Paul retreating to the center of the stage and posing for preparation.

Paibo was stunned. He waved his hand and cried, "music, up!"

There was a happy melody in the loudspeaker. Zhou Jingyi and Paul also danced with the music.

The performance of a duet between the two is very good, both the uniformity of the same action and the tacit understanding of the action are commendable. In particular, two people each have a back fall without the slightest hesitation, partner is just right to catch each other. There are many novel and interesting movements in the whole dance, among which the most special one is a finger dance performed by Zhou Jingyi standing behind Paul and putting out her hands from his armpit, which makes the judges and the audience show amazing expressions.

Mary Jane and Santos Perez were both smiling, only Pablo Hugo frowned slightly and peeked at the watch she was wearing on her wrist.

Although the duet performance is great, it's a team competition after all, not a duet competition. It seems that the duet is a little long.

Just as Piper Hugo showed an expression of impatience, their long-lasting duet finally came to an end. As soon as the music style of the live loudspeaker changes, it suddenly becomes gloomy from cheerful music.

Just as the music changed, the main lights on the roof of the theater suddenly went out, leaving only a few dark blue lights of cold light color on the top of the stage.

For this sudden accident, Piper's first reaction was that there was a problem with the lighting system in the theater, or that there was a power failure. However, when he saw that the lights were still on above the stage, and the dancers on the stage didn't mean to stop, Piper patiently didn't stop.

Other judges and people in the audience also had a moment's panic, but they soon understood what was going on, because eight "zombies" in ragged and bloodstained clothes came out of the stage in a mechanical dance.

"Wow The light above the stage just shines on the faces of the dancers on the stage, so that the audience can see their "zombie" faces clearly. Coupled with the dim lighting environment and gloomy music, many people on the scene are shocked by the appearance of "zombies", and then deeply shocked.

Zhou Jingyi and Paul on the stage were shocked to see the zombie. Then they held hands and disappeared from the other side of the stage in a beautiful sliding kneeling posture.

Now there are only eight zombies left on the stage. With more than a minute of gloomy music, "zombies" also showed a very wonderful mechanical dance. There are not only group dances with the same neat movements, but also their unique skills after the positions are scattered, which makes the judges who turn their attention from the "zombie" modeling to their movements nod frequently.

The second part of the dance is basically the process of "zombies" appearing from one side of the stage and then slowly moving to the other side and disappearing. After they disappeared from the other side of the stage, Zhou Jingyi and Paul appeared on the stage with the normal people played by the other five players. After they came to the center of the stage, "zombies" appeared again from the disappearing side of the stage.The background music suddenly became intense and high, and the normal people on the stage did not run away any more, but chose to face the "zombies". A large section of hip-hop dance action mixed with various fighting elements is displayed on the stage. This section no longer has the same action, but a lively display of various difficult skills.

The combat effectiveness of normal people and "zombies" is naturally not in direct proportion. Seeing that normal people are about to be annihilated, TJ in the corner suddenly shows a surprise expression, and then the sound effect of loading guns is sounded in the background music. With TJ's rhythmic empty handed shooting and the sound of guns firing in the background music, the "zombies" still standing began to tremble and fall. After all the "zombies" fell, TJ also fell on the stage.

All the lights in the theater are on. Just when the audience thinks that the dance is over, Zhou Jingyi, who is lying on the ground, straightens up her upper body with the action of getting up in a modern dance. Then she supports the ground with both hands and stands up with one hand. When she saw Paul falling to the ground, Zhou Jingyi was worried. But soon Paul also woke up and stood up with the action of mechanical dance. After a lot of love, they hugged happily.

Suddenly, Paul's face changed greatly. He pushed away Zhou Jingyi and looked at his left shoulder in surprise. The audience followed Paul's eyes and saw a large bloodstain and an obvious hole on Paul's left shoulder.

"My God, he's bitten!" Mary Jane, who has entered the plot, exclaimed.

Zhou Jingyi, who was pushed away, also saw the wound on Paul's left shoulder. She shook her head with tears in her eyes, and then ran to Paul without hesitation. After three steps, she jumped up and rushed to Paul. Paul's eyes flashed a sense of determination. He put out his right arm to hold Zhou Jingyi in the air. Then he forced his right arm forward and threw Zhou Jingyi back.

People in the air of Zhou Jingyi hands or extended to Paul, legs are still in the air alternate pedal for some time, finally or in three or four meters away from Paul landing. Then Paul waved his fist from his side with one hand, and his right hand grabbed the fist, and his left hand pounded his chest.

"No!" Zhou Jingyi shouts and slides to the fallen Paul. At the same time, three of the fallen "zombies" stood up with the music.

Hearing the news, Zhou Jingyi holds Paul's upper body in front of her. Instead of getting up, she turns her head and looks at the three zombies. In her eyes, there is a frightening determination.

With the zombies moving towards Zhou Jingyi, the background music gradually goes down until it stops, and the lights above the stage slowly go out.

"Great When the stage lights up again and all the dancers stand on the stage, they are welcomed by applause and cheers. All three judges even stood up, standing and clapping.

"Thank you When the staff put the vertical microphone back on the stage, Zhou Jingyi stood in front of the microphone and bowed excitedly. Then, all the players bowed their thanks to the judges and the audience.

"Great," said the three judges. Without waiting for Pablo Hugo to ask, Mary Jane wiped her eyes and said, "it's the first time I've seen hip-hop dance. I'm thrilled and then I cry. I can only say, great! Your dance is great. Your team is great. I think I've become a fan of you. "

"All right, Mary, calm down!" Santos Perez patted Mary Jane, who was more and more excited, comforted her, then looked at the team on stage and said, "it's really very good. The movement standard of the whole dance is in place, and the difficulty is enough, which fully shows your technical skills. The important thing is that the action and the plot are also very matched. It's creative and difficult to express a complete story with hip-hop action. In this dance, I don't know how to do better. "

As for the division of labor among the three judges, Mary Jane, as a singer, is responsible for the stage performance. Professional choreographer Santos Perez investigates the standard and difficulty of professional technical action completion, while producer and chief judge Pablo Hugo is responsible for his details and overview.

"First of all, it's great." After the two judges finished the evaluation, Piper Hugo also laughed and praised, but instead of rushing to evaluate the players on the stage, he turned to the other hip-hop teams waiting in the audience behind him and said, "children, do you see this dance? What did they do? What can we see from the design of plot and action, clothing, makeup, modeling, music and sound effects? Attitude! This is what I hope to see from you. This is what we often say, "attitude decides everything!"