Eliza Pritz was successfully aroused by Duran Waco. With the introduction of Duran Waco, Eliza Pritz easily searched the Internet for videos of immortals performing on school day. The song performed by the band in the video is exactly the theme song in the movie teanage vigilantes. The video was uploaded more than half a month before the movie was released. Before the band starts to perform in the video, Dean's speech clearly confirms what Duran Waco said. The creator of this song is their student band.

For such an attractive news point, as a senior reporter, Eliza Pritz will not miss it.

After a few days of data collection, a report by Eliza Pritz about the theme song creator band of tee nage vigilantes was published in the entertainment section of the Los Angeles express. In line with this report, Eliza Pritz also reprinted the video of Immortals' performance on school day on her personal social media platform.

In line with Eliza Pritz's report, the official website of teanage vigilantes also has some content about the theme song creation band. It not only reprinted and confirmed Eliza Pritz's report in the Los Angeles express, but also posted a video of a band performing on school day. However, unlike the video shot and uploaded by live students on Eliza Pritz's personal social platform, the video on the film's official website is a version shot by Betty bellette.

"Los Angeles express" and the film's official website together exposed this rather eye-catching news. Naturally, other entertainment gossip media will not sit idly by and begin to follow up and reprint.

After the premiere, the films with good reviews have officially entered the stage of box office rush, and the theme song is actually the work of a middle school band. Once this report appears, it is hard to stimulate the box office again. Is the song of a middle school band chosen as the theme song by a commercial film? What kind of song is that? This is a great reason for curious people to buy tickets to enter the cinema.

Although there are videos of the band's performance on school day on the Internet, these videos are shot by the live audience with their mobile phones, and both the sound effects and the pictures are very rough. It's said that the evaluation of the film itself is also very good? So it's a good choice to go to the cinema to watch the film and listen to the official version of the song created by the student band.

"The movie is very interesting and the theme song is great. It's hard to imagine that it was created by a middle school band."

"The plot of the film is a bit old-fashioned, but there are a lot of brilliant things in the details. The weird equipment is so cool. In the film, the feelings between the players are well handled. The theme song matches the plot very well. The lyrics remind me of my friends. I will be your fanatical dream guard dog... Cool

"Sometimes the only reward for having faith is in the process of faith being tested again and again. The movie and the song made me feel it. "

"I try to imagine that I don't have you, but I can't. Ha, I want to use this lyrics to express to my girlfriend. Well, I decided to take her to see the film first, and then sing it to her

With the film release date increasing day by day, the comments of ordinary netizens on the Internet are also increasing. Influenced by media reports, people who are attracted to the cinema by the word "middle school band" or not pay more attention to the theme song in the film. In the audience's comments after watching the film, in addition to the evaluation of the film, there are also many comments on the theme song, and even some audiences have specially made comments on the theme song. Some of the words in the lyrics are also beginning to be popular among young people.

As a result, with the box office of the film going up, the theme song created by the student band, like the film, became popular at the end of the year in December.

Keith Craig, who was watching online reviews with his tablet at home, said with a smile to his wife, "let Yang's band be our warm-up guest for free. I really made a lot of money this time."

"Isn't this what you all expected before?" Betty also said with a smile, "Ron told me a few days ago that their band has not been interviewed by any media, and even the interview of Eliza Pritz in the Los Angeles express they introduced has been refused. Young said that their first public appearance will only be at your "daydream" concert

"What else? No wonder there are so many media applying for live coverage of the Los Angeles concert. I had guessed that it might be because Yang's band would take part, but it was their first public appearance. " Keith said unexpectedly, "let's let this news out. The remaining tickets for the Los Angeles concert should be sold out soon, right?"

"Of course, that's what young wants." Betty nodded.

It's mid December, less than a week before the "daydream" concert in Los Angeles. Immortals naturally stepped up their rehearsals to prepare for their debut in public.At the same time, Xiao Yao did not completely let go of the hip-hop team.

After more than half a month of practice, the hip-hop dance team has practiced that dance very well. During this half month's rehearsal, with the deepening of Xiao Yao's understanding of the dancers and their skills, many movements in the dance have been modified. Some of them were put forward by Xiao Yao and some by the team members themselves. After the modification, the effect of the dance has been further improved.

dance is not as like as two peas, but naturally some of the music has been modified. In addition to making some changes to the melody and rhythm to match the revised dance movements, Xiao Yao also added many special sound effects to the soundtrack, such as the third group dance of fighting with the zombies, Xiao Yao added several sound effects of loading guns and firing, combined with the gesture of the team members raising their guns to aim and the movement of the zombies shaking and falling down, making the whole dance more expressive Now I'm ready.

The National Hip Hop contest is scheduled for early next year. But the primary starts in mid December at the end of the year. Therefore, before being a warm-up guest for "daydream", Xiao Yao has to accompany the members of the hip-hop team to Los Angeles to participate in the primary selection of "national hip-hop competition".

The primary was held in a theater called Argus in Los Angeles. When you arrive at the theater, you first register in front of the workbench. After you get your number, you can enter the auditorium and wait for the primary election to begin.

There were eight zombies in the dance, but they didn't have the personality to show off as zombies. So after entering the theater, they hid in the corner of the audience, and Xiao Yao and Zhou Jingyi began to make up for the eight zombies.

As several band members such as Samin did not come together, this time only Xiao Yao and Zhou Jingyi were the makeup artists, so the makeup time was longer. Although they hide in the corner, but for a long time, they are inevitably found.

"Look, there are still people who make up at the scene. What are they doing? Is it a clown? Do you dance clowns? " Several other dancers who were also waiting in the audience saw Xiao Yao's situation and talked in a low voice with a smile.

"What's good about a team of women who have to make up before going on stage? Didn't you see that they all consciously hid in the corner? " There are also people who disdain the Tao.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, there are more than a dozen waiting teams in the theater. They will compete for two places in the competition.

The "National Hip Hop contest" has set up primaries in eight cities across the United States. Each primary will select two teams with the best performance, and a total of 16 teams will enter the competition.

As the three judges step into the theater and sit on the judging stage directly opposite the stage, the primary election begins.

"Welcome to the Los Angeles primary of the National Hip Hop contest. Good luck." Piper Hugo, a senior program producer with silver hair and one of the main judges of the competition, picked up the microphone on the stage, turned to face the contestants in the audience and announced loudly. Then he turned and sat down again and cried, "please take the first team on stage."

The first dance team on stage is a team composed of all black young men. The whole team is full of masculinity, with baseball caps on the back, wide clothes and trousers, and typical street dancers.

Simply listening to the captain introduce the name of the team and where it came from, Pablo Hugo waved: "are you ready? Music, up

With the loud music from the speakers in the theater, the team on the stage began their dance. It is mainly the combination of break dance, lock dance and shuffle dance. Some of the difficult floor rotation movements caused the cheers and whistles of other watching teams in the theater.

"OK, stop!" Pablo Hugo didn't let the team on stage finish the whole dance. Because he felt he had seen everything the team wanted to show them.

"What do you think?" Piper Hugo asked the other two judges beside him.

Pablo Hugo is the producer of this TV competition. He has been a judge for four years. Xiao Yao has known him from previous years' competition videos. However, the two judges next to him are this year's new judges. Xiao Yao, who is not familiar with American entertainment circle, doesn't know him. Only after TJ's Kop, can he know that the black woman is Mary Jane, a famous American hip-hop singer, while Xiao Yao is not The brown man with curly hair is a well-known choreographer in the industry, Santos Perez of Latin descent.

"Good." They both nodded with a smile.

"Very manly, very powerful, masculine." Mary Jane commented with a smile.

"The movement is in place and the technical difficulty is enough." Santos Perez also said.

"OK, you are on our waiting list. Please go back to the audience and wait." Piper Hugo to the team on stage.

"Thank you." The team on the stage showed a happy face. After thanking them, they walked down excitedly.

According to the usual rules of the competition primary, the team that the judges are not satisfied with will directly tell you that you have been eliminated, while the team that performs well is mostly to be determined. After all the participating teams have finished performing, the judges will choose the best two from the teams to be determined, and only a few teams will be directly announced to be promoted to the competition. Now they are on the waiting list, which means they have the hope of finally entering the race.