Chapter 141 - S City, The Land Of Forgotten Memories

"I wish to quit being a suitor for the Queen,"

Zhang Zhi Jun's deep voice resonated in the four walls, plunging the dense atmosphere in the room, into deep silence. 

Bai Qi looked at his eldest grandson with eyes laced with affection.

From the very first time Bai Zhu brought Zhang Zhi Jun home, he always lived up to his title as the first young master of Yu palace, the beloved big brother of the children of the Bai family. 

He was loved and respected not only by the members of the Yu clan but also all across the mainland. Whether it was his studies or work, he always maintained the top position, a man who was born to win, however, in front of the woman he loved, Zhang Zhi Jun failed terribly.

It is no wonder that Zhang Zhi Jun made a decision like this. 

Everyone expected that the firstborn of the Yu clan will marry the queen. But with the arrival of Tang Wei Sheng and young master Guan, turned the fate of the royal couple.

No one could blame Zhang Zhi Jun for coming to a conclusion that he has no place in Li Juan's heart and to decide to step down as a suitor.

"You are the firstborn of your generation and it is better if the alliance is made between you and the queen," Bai Qi notified him,

"After spending time with her, I have understood that there are no romantic feelings involved between us." Zhang Zhi Jun voice remained unwavering, "Even before her accident, she never saw me as a suitor, it is better if I remain as an elder brother rather than suitor,"

"Ah Jun, don't draw your own conclusions," Bai Chen who was frustrated by his nephew's decision said in infuriated tone.

"It is the truth. No matter how hard I try, it is impossible for her to treat me as a suitor,"

"What are you trying to say?" Bai Zhu, who recognized the hidden pain in his son's voice inquired, his son never went against the words of his family and clan. What would've made him refuse the age-old traditions of Yu clan?

"I value and respect our laws and traditions. But why should we force two individuals who don't have any feelings for each other to join their hands in matrimony? Queen is having a hard time remembering her past and why are we troubling her with marriage? Give her some time to recover," 

The corners of Bai Zhu's lips turned upwards into a sneer, "The queen," he muttered under his breath.

"We understand that you don't want to marry her but-" Bai Qi tried to explain but abruptly interrupted by his grandson,

"Queen wants to take a break,"

Bai Qi let out a sigh and turned towards Bai Chen, "Call her, let's hear it from herself,"

Within a few minutes, Li Juan got summoned to Bai Qi's study room. 

"CEO Tang and young master Guan have shown their willingness to become your suitors and your boyfriend even asked your hand in marriage. And now Ah Jun says that you are not ready to get married and settle. Can you explain why?" Bai Qi cut the chase and directly asked Li Juan.

He was aware of Li Juan's relationship with Tang Wei Sheng which almost reached a point where it was considered as an illicit affair. He called off the engagement for the sake of Li Juan and planning to settle with her. But now she comes and shares her unwillingness to the marriage. 

"I don't want to make a decision on a whim which might cause trouble later," She said with a resolute face. 

"What are you planning to do then?" Bai Qi's eyebrows creased in worry. 

"I have a few things in my mind and I am sorry to inform that marriage is not one among them," Li Juan declared and swept a glance across the room,

"So what are implying? You don't want to get married?" Bai Zhu asked her, 

"Not this year," She said with downcasted eyes.

"Why everyone is obsessed with getting married," She yelled in her mind and continued with a poker face,

"Firstly I need to check whether there is any way to regain my memories. Secondly, I would like to finish my studies," As soon as Li Juan finished, there was a look of dubiety plastered on the faces of her uncles. 

Both of her requests were inter-related with each other. 

"I wanted to go to S city." Li Juan demanded, "That's where my memories are stuck. I think if I go there, maybe I can regain my lost memories," 

"Do you really want to go there? Why don't just let go the painful past and start fresh?" Bai Mo said in a gentle voice, "If you are looking for a change of atmosphere, you can come and work at Bai Corporations,"

Li Juan stared at them with a perplexed face.

"But I do not know Business, to be honest, I know nothing," She said while trying to hide her bewilderment. She knows nothing about business and management her uncles are offering a job in the same field.

"You can learn," Bai Qi retorted, 

"As you know, our Bai corporation is run by several hands.If you are planning to start working at the Corporation, we will help you learn the basics," Bai Mo sounded excited as he shared his opinions.

Li Juan glanced at Zhang Zhi Jun with a puzzled face. She was trying to avoid one catastrophic situation and her uncles were trying to push her into another one, "Please help me, first brother," Her black eyes pleaded,

"Uncle, I don't think we should tire queen with corporate matters. She is young and let her do what she wants to do," Zhang Zhi Jun suggested.

"If Xiao Yu can start working, then Queen can do the same," Bai Chen said with a straight face,

"Grandpa, since she doesn't want to get married, we should let her do what wants to do," Zhang Zhi Jun requested again, "You allowed me to work in the show business and why don't you allow Queen to pursue what she wants to do," he tried his best to help Li Juan. 

"Grandpa, my memories are still vague and I should start studying from the basics. And with this condition, I need to give myself some time to recover my memories. I am not sure if I can regain my memories, but I want to try at least. If I fail, then I promise that I will start working at Bai Corporations," Li Juan took out the final 

"Yes, grandpa," Zhang Zhi Jun supported her opinion,

"All her life she wanted to become an archaeologist and still, she agreed to join the Bai corporation," 

Bai Qi stared at his grandchildren with a stoic face.

The way Zhang Zhi Jun supporting Li Juan was enough to tell them that he still got feelings for her. It was wide visible to everyone's eyes and how come Li Juan fails to notice it? 

"Hmm, okay. I agree." Bai Qi said halfheartedly. "The job offer will be open forever. Whenever you feel like you are ready to accept it, you can come and join Bai corporations as a starting level employee. Or else you can take time to study the business and apply for a CEO position or as one of the directors," Bai Qi declared and turned towards Zhang Zhi Jun, 

"Same goes with you and little brothers," 

" Yes, grandpa," Zhang Zhi Jun agreed with his grandfather's decision. 

"When are you planning to go?" Bai Zhu asked Li Juan and turned towards his son, "Are you planning to accompany her this time?" 

"I wish to go alone," Li Juan said with a pair of pleading eyes, "First brother has already helped me a lot and I don't want to burden him anymore," 

Zhang Zhi Jun turned towards her with a bewildered face, 

"Ah Chuan and Xuan are there and I don't think it will be a big problem," Bai Chen pointed out, " Your friend is also there, so even if you go alone, you can manage," 

"Okay then, Let's get your tickets as soon as possible,"


Next day itself, Li Juan went to S city with Bai Mu Chuan and Bai Mu Xuan, the twins who were studying in S city. Since Li Juan came for a temporary stay, Bai Zhu has arranged a suite room in the four seasons hotel, one of the luxurious hotels in the S city while the twins went back to their dorm rooms.

Since Li Juan wanted to meet the doctors who treated her when she had amnesia, the twins came early in the morning to pick up their sister from the hotel. 

To be honest, Li Juan didn't want to bring her cousins along with her, especially when they have lectures to attend. However, due to her grandfather's order, she didn't have any other options other than taking them with her.

The trio reached the First people's medical college hospital around eleven in the morning. Since it was peak hours it took them a while to get in touch with the enquiry section of the neurology department. 

"Yes ma'am, how can I help you?" A young woman greeted Li Juan,

"Good morning, my name is Li Juan. 8 years ago I used to get treatment here. I want to meet the doctor who treated me," She shared her purpose of the visit. 

"May I know who was your consulting doctor?"

"Professor Luo Ben Cheng, I was an amnesiac patient and I barely remember the doctor's name,"

The receptionist looked at Li Juan with concerned eyes.

"I got a relapse and I wanted to continue consulting under that doctor," Li Juan handed over her medical records from eight years ago,

"Okay, ma'am let me cross check your records," the young nurse cross-checked Li Juan's records with the data entered on the data system of the hospital. 

"You said it was 8 years ago, Li Juan 18 years, C/O Li Qin," The nurse read out to confirm. You were right. Professor Luo Ben Cheng was the one who treated you," 

"Can I get an appointment?"

I am afraid you cannot ma'am, Professor Luo no longer works here," The nurse said with a saddened face,

"Oh that's so bad, may I know where he shifted or Can I get his address?" Li Juan politely asked, 

"Let me ask the chief doctor and can you please wait?" The nurse took the intercom and called someone.

"Hello doctor, this from the reception desk. There is a patient who was admitted to our department eight years ago. She says that she was under treatment of Professor Luo and recently she had a relapse so she wanted to consult him,

Oh okay, hmm, okay, thank you, sir," she ended the conversation and turned to face Li Juan,

"Ma'am, three years ago Professor Luo resigned his post and went volunteering in WHO. Currently, he is somewhere in the Middle East." 

"Oh, I see," Li Juan pursed her lips in disappointment, 

"Since professor Luo is not here do you mind getting consulted by another doctor?" The nurse suggested,

Li Juan contemplated for a moment, suddenly she remembered Zhang Zhi Jun's words about young master Guan and the lead surgeon who conducted her craniotomy who came from S city.

What if they are from this hospital? Li Juan decided to try her luck.

"Is there anyone who worked with him? His juniors or residents doctors under him? One Doctor Guan Tae Yang, can you get him as my consulting doctor?"

"Doctor Guan Tae Yang," The nurse thought for a moment, "there is no such person in this hospital,"

"Can you check it?" Li Juan sounded almost desperate, 

"Ma'am, it is a medical college and every year we are getting new interns and resident doctors. Not everyone decides to remain here." 

"Can you please check and inform me? It is an urgent issue," Li Juan narrowed her eyes as she requested. It took her quite an effort to get permission from her family to come to S city and even from the first day itself she met with trouble. 

"I will try to ask around and get back to you. Can you come back next week? Looking at the pitiful patient, the nurse found a way to pacify Li Juan. 

"Hmm, thank you," Li Juan took a note pad and quickly scribbled her contact number, "This is my contact number," She handed over it to the nurse. "If you get any information, please contact me."


"Thank you so much,"

Li Juan said with a smile and walked out from the neurology department with her drooping shoulders.

As soon as she left the corridor, a doctor in blue uniform and white lab coat walked towards the reception area, 

"Who is that, nurse Fang? Is she your friend? " He asked with a buttery smile, 

"Ah doctor Chi good morning," The nurse acknowledged him with a sweet smile,

"That girl, she was a patient here. 8 years ago she was admitted here for a head injury and had amnesia. Recently she got a relapse and wanted to meet the doctor who treated her," the nurse shared the details,

"Is she going to sue him?" He asked with widened eyes,

"No, she was under treatment of Professor Luo,"

"Professor Luo?"

"Do you know him Dr Chi? were you an intern under Professor Luo?" The nurse asked enthusiastically,

He nodded in agreement,

"Did you had a colleague named Dr Guan Tae Yang? she was asking for him," 

"Dr Guan Tae Yang?" There was a change of tone in his raspy voice.

"Yes. Do you know him, doctor?"

"What was her name?"

"It was something Li," The nurse tried to remember,

"Li Juan?" He completed her words,

"Yes, Li Juan," The nurse showed him the piece of paper where Li Juan wrote her number,

"Oh dammit!" The doctor almost cursed in happiness, "Did she ask for Tae Yang?" 

"Yes, is he your friend?" 

"Yes, we used to study together," 

"Good, can you convey this matter to him?"

"Of course," he immediately fished out his phone from his coat and dialled a number. 

"Dr Guan Tae Yang, are you still in S city? Can you shift your flight for tomorrow? I have something to tell you.

Ah please do it na? I can assure you that you won't regret it. yes, totally. Let's meet at rock shore tonight," the doctor ended the conversation with a brightened smile, 

"Why do you look so happy, Dr Chi?" The nurse inquired when she witnessed his elated mood.

Chi Yan, one of the junior surgeons in the neurology department is known for his "happy-virus" personality.

But after hearing the name Guan Tae Yang, his happiness has visibly increased, giving everyone an impression that, finally spring season is here. 

"Do you believe in fated relationships, nurse Fang?" He asked the nurse with eyes moist with happy tears,

"Tae Yang and Li Juan, they share such a relationship, fated forever,"